I created script which uses Amazon Marketplace Web Services and I want to put it inside a controller indexAction() function. However when I do this it says that
Class 'MarketplaceWebServiceOrders_Client' not found in path_to_my_bundle
How can I load this class in correct way? Should I place
folders under vendor folder and register it somehow?
You have problem with your include path, Set include_path in php.ini. or If you show your code then we can help you to find out the problem.
Please atleast check this out https://github.com/vipertecpro/simplesamllaravel.git
it might help others to implement saml integration in laravel.
I've been trying to implement azure saml login integration in laravel so i came across this https://simplesamlphp.org/ , now I've downloaded the whole repo. and put it into my public folder and it's working great, but it's vulnerable so i decided to put it into laravel root directory so that i can get access to environment variable or other laravel helper methods, i've been searching alot how can i get hold onto laravel helper methods inside public folder, but unfortunately it doesn't work , so i decided to put saml repo. into my laravel root directory to get access of laravel helper methods.
so here i am stuck with this problem.
am i clear now ?
Here is the screen shot of my project directory
Problem : I've have many config files which needs to be set as per ENV file, i just couldn't figure it out how can i get use of environment variables into samllogin directory.
Here is what i've tried in my _include.php file which is the root of samllogin directory
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
// require_once '../vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php';
echo env('APP_URL');
I'm very close to resolve this. Any help or reference appreciated.
I am in the process of installing SimpleSAML and in the php library, there is a folder called www that has index.php. According to the docs, there is an admin console within it. However, at the moment I am unable to access it via the url www.website.com/third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php.
I am supposed to use the admin console to generate some metadata so I'm just wondering if it is possible to route to a view from there?
I'm thinking that I create a controller and just hard link $this->load->view('url to www') but I'm not sure if that works.
In controller’s constructor add
include APPPATH . 'third_party/simplesaml/www/index.php';
to include the file in your project.
you can set base path in route file and instead of $this->load->view() you can use renderView() function to access view in codeigniter.
I've been looking at all the related questions of this topic and none of the solutions provided (usually App::import() ) have worked for me, maybe because I have a different configuration, which is the following:
I have a regular cake installation which loads components from an external folder (so outside this installation). That works perfectly, even for the component I'm trying to use now (it works fine until I try to load the Vendor class). This Vendor class I want to have it outside the Cake installation as well (same as with the components). This is how this installation looks:
................... [cakephp typical folder structure]
In my site's bootstrap.php file I have App::build(array('Controller/Component' => array(dirname(ROOT) . '/shared_resources/CakePHP/Component/'))); in order to be able to load that component in any controller, which works fine, any component I put in that folder loads and works without issues.
Now, I'm trying to load the MyVendor class in the MyCustom component, but I can't get it to work, no matter what I try I keep getting class not found errors when trying to instantiate it.
I've tried using php's and Cake's require(), import(), App::import() and App::uses() with all possible combinations of paths (absolute and relative) without any success, puttin them before the declaration of the component class and inside the method that actually uses the vendor class. The last one I've tried is App::import('Vendor', '/absolute/path/to/shared_resources/Vendor/MyVendor/MyVendor.php'); for example.
I've also tried using App::build(array( 'Vendor' => array(dirname(ROOT) . '/shared_resources/CakePHP/Vendor/'))); in the bootstrap file, like with the components.
I don't know what else to try, any help would be much appreciated!!!
Oh, I've check with PHP that the file Vendor class file exists in that path too.
According to your folder structure,
To access your MyVendor.php, you should write like this
App::import('Vendor', 'MyVendor', array('file' => 'MyVendor/MyVendor.php'));
For more information, read http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-utility-libraries/app.html
I have developed the CRM based web application what i need to do is to integrate the wordpres with my CI first i have the problem when i include the main WP file
in my one of the CI view file the error i was getting that function site_url() conflicts this function is the base function of both WP and CI ,although i found a solution to include the WP file in the main index.php file of CI but there is uncertainity too that after this the session library of CI stops working is.
How to show the posts of WP in the footer of my CRM?
When using include or require in my CodeIgniter views I make sure the files I am linking to are outside of the CodeIgniter application folder as I had trouble using files there because of some permission problems. My solution was to just keep a folder in my web directory. You also cannot use base_url or site_url CodeIgniter functions here since you want to get the server path not the web address of the file. So you can use the php variable $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] which will return the root of your web directory.
It might look something like this:
Which would work if wp-blog-header.php was in your web root directory.
In a Zend Framework 1.10 application, I have a controller UsersController in a module api and in the index view of that controller I would like to reference a static asset (like a javascript file). How can I do that without putting the file in the main public?
so, we have a directory setup like this:
I want to be able to include the apimodule.js in a view (in this case the users/index view). Ideally, this would able to be done without adding anything into zfproj/public
The intention behind this is to create a module that can be deployed into a ZF 1.10 application that is completely self-contained and does not require adding assets (like Javascript files) into the applications existing public/javascript files.
Typically all your publicly accessible assets go in public. It's meant to be the web root of your application and typically you set the DOCUMENT_ROOT of your apache virtual host to this folder. I'm not sure why you'd want to store client files (javascript, css, etc) outside the webroot. Can you elaborate more on your directory/application structure (maybe hinting at the location of the file you want to include)?
What you're asking should be possible. To make a standalone module, I think you'd just move "api" inside the primary public folder and the module would have its own bootstrap or you'd have to do something in your primary bootstrap based on the module name ("api" in this case). You'd have to modify your include paths accordingly. You'd need to add an .htaccess file to protect your code directories in this case.
You might also create a symlink in your public folder that points to the public folder of api. So,
../public/api > ../application/modules/api/public
This would allow access to public but protect your code files. One thing I often do is check out subversion external into the public folder that just points to the public folder of the module. My CMS looks like this:
application/modules/cms/ui (public facing cms UI)
public/ui (svn:external pointing to application/modules/cms/ui)
HTH give you some ideas.