I'm trying to get the data of my users venues (the details about the venues from the users checkins information).
I'm using the user access token to get the data. This is the code I'm using:
$authkey = file_get_contents("https://foursquare.com/oauth2/access_token? client_id=".$client_id."&client_secret=".$secret."&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=".$redirect."&code=".$_GET['code']);
$decoded_auth = json_decode($authkey,true);
$venueinfo = file_get_contents("https://api.foursquare.com/v2/users/self/checkins?oauth_token=$access_token&v=$version");
$decoded_venueinfo = json_decode($venueinfo, true);
foreach ($decoded_venueinfo->response->checkins->items->venue as $result){
echo $result->name;
echo $result->id;
echo $result->location->address;
echo $result->location->city;
echo $result->location->country;
I get a blank page. I've tried to add "else" to the end of the first "if" with echo "error", and I got it displayed, so I guess my "if" statement condition is false.
I'm fairly new to PHP and I learn as I go. Any help will be deeply appreciated.
The _GET['code'] refers to the "&code=" GET parameter in the URL of the request. This parameter will be present in requests that foursquare makes to your app to authenticate users. It sounds like you are manually making requests in order to test your app, in which case you will need to supply the code parameter in the URL.
As I couldn't find anything in the documentation I might have a general understanding issue. But what I want to achieve is getting the ID of the current Contact browsing the Site. To get user details I always have to know the ID, like documented here: https://developer.mautic.org/#contacts
$api = new MauticApi();
$contactApi = $api->newApi("contacts", $auth, $settings['baseUrl']);
$contact = $contactApi->get(3);
Is there a way to the ID of the current Contact? I want to play highly customized content on the website and an entry point to get user details.
It's a REST API, so you should get a response in any case. What's the content of the response (eg. what contains $contact)? What's the HTTP code of the response? Error messages?
However... I'm not familiar with this particular API, but the principles are always the same
Without any query parameters it should give the full list of contacts. Each of the contact records should come with an ID for the details:
As said, I'm not familiar with the API, so it could be that you get a contact list only from a higher entity, like a Company or so.
I can recommend Postman (https://www.postman.com/), a neat tool to make REST API requests while having full control over all the details.
Assuming that you're trying to get the details of the current logged in user.
You can use themautic.helper.user helper to do that as shown below:
$user = $this->get('mautic.helper.user')->getUser();
$firstName = $user->getFirstname();
$lastName = $user->getLastname();
$email = $user->getEmail();
$profile = $user->getProfile();
$role = $user->getRole()->getName();
if ($role->isAdmin()) {
// do something
Ref: https://developer.mautic.org/#services44
In order to do what you want here I do not think you actually need the API to get the user id. Mautic has dynamic content and as long as the user has a cookie dropped on his browser you can use Dynamic Content to say "Hi {contactfield=firstname}, welcome back.
You can actually call any custom field into the dynamic content slot.
Check out dynamic content which is found under the Components section in the left menu
I am developing a simple system of sample products with Object Oriented PHP, very simple thing. So far, no problem, but I have to create a button that adds a product code recorded in the database to a form in the sidebar. I do not know to develop a shopping cart with OO PHP, and codes that I find always give error because of the call of the database, or when the data list. I've been thinking of doing for JS, any help?
sorry my bad english
I got it, first I did when I click a link step by GET and the ID Code I need after seto it in a cookie, each cookie with an ID. Then I check if cookie has registered with the IDs. Not the best and most correct, but it works (more or less). Now another problem, I need to click two times to get the result as it passes by id and need to be caught refresh = /
I think it was a bit confusing but it is the maximum that dyslexia allows me to do hehehe
Here I set up the structure with the data I have in my product page:
$cod_get = $_GET['cod'];
setcookie("SITENAME_cod_".$id_get."", $cod_get, time()+3600, "/","", 0);
And here I have a loop checking if cookie with ids, I think it will give problems, but for now I think it works ...
Thank you all.
$produto = new produtos();
$i = 0;
while($res = $produto->retornaDados()):
$get_cookie = $_COOKIE['SITENAME_cod_'.$res->id.''];
if (isset($get_cookie)) {
echo $get_cookie.', ';
echo "";
I am building a website where I need to retrieve Facebook shares and likes of numerous links and URLs from different sites.
The problem is, for some URLs it is impossible to get what I wanted. For example, when I look for data about links that look like http://www.example.com/?a=1&b=2&c=3 all I get is wrong data about http://www.example.com/?a=1 and the rest of the URL (&b=2&c=3) is simply ignored by Facebook.
Here at StackOverflow, a lot of people are looking for an answer and many questions are simply unanswered. So, once I did it right, I'm back to tell how I did it.
P.S. : This works only for non-Facebook URLs. If you're looking for shares and likes counts of an internal Facebook link (image, video ...), this won't work for you. I'll be using PHP to answer the question.
To get likes and shares counts, I use FQL instead of the Graph API (even though I am actually using the Graph API to send the query).
But this is not enough : to be able to do so, I had call the rawurlencode() function on the URL I want to get data about. Otherwise, I'll keep getting errors.
So, this likes(), the function I am using to have the counts :
function likes($url) {
$url = rawurlencode($url);
$json_string = file_get_contents("http://graph.facebook.com/fql?format=json&q=SELECT%20share_count,%20like_count%20FROM%20link_stat%20WHERE%20url='$url'");
$json = json_decode($json_string, true);
if (key_exists("data", $json)) {
if (is_array($json["data"])) {
if (array_key_exists("0", $json["data"])) {
return intval($json["data"]["0"]["share_count"]) + intval($json["data"]["0"]["like_count"]);
} else {
echo "Error : '0' is no key<br/>";
return 0;
} else {
echo "Error : data is no table <br/>";
return 0;
} else {
echo "Error : No data key <br/>";
return 0;
I hope this will help someone someday :)
I've already got a database set up with a table that is successfully populated with the final (permanent?) OAuth User Token and OAuth User Secret. The thing I don't understand is how I'm supposed to know what the current user's ID is, especially when it's been 2 weeks since their last login. My app is authorized by all of its users, so theoretically Twitter can look at the list of authorized apps for the current user and share the Twitter User ID, right? Isn't there some good way of requesting (on behalf of the current user) what his ID is? I feel like the temporary tokens should be able to facilitate this somehow... If it helps, every user in my app is just a Twitter account with some extra info. I'm just looking for the best way to utilize the tokens and secrets that are in my database...
I'm using PHP (libraries: Codebird-PHP & tmhOAuth) so if you could show an example in PHP that'd be nice, but really I just want to know how I'm supposed to use this information that I'm storing.
I'm assuming you store the data together with some username or user id that identifies the users of your website and links them to their proper twitter id. In order to get the basic info of your user, after authorization, you have to use the endpoint https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json with a GET.
The documentation for the 1.1 API can be found here.
This returns an array. You find the username uder "screen_name" and the user id under "id" or "id_string".
The question is a possible duplicate of Get current user's info from Twitter API, but I've added an answer because that discussion points to the deprecated API. The code you find there, nevertheless, is still useful (it appears to use Abraham William's library, but the steps are basically the same). Replace the classes and functions with those you have in Matt Harris' library. I don't know codebird, sorry!
EDIT: I am also providing a code sample (tested and working, although I have issues with tmhOAuth, so I use it occasionally only for myself. I have noticed that, when I try to post, it sometimes returns some weird error codes and I can't figure out why):
// Authentication page, with button. You have already connected to your database
$mywebsiteuser = $_SESSION['website_user_id'];
$query= "SELECT * FROM `table_where_you_store_twitter` WHERE website_user_id ='$mywebsiteuser'";
$sql= $mysqli->query($query) or die($mysqli->error.__LINE__); // or whatever else to check is the query fails.
if ($sql->num_rows != 0){
//etc. retrieve data and set the sessions.
// already got some credentials stored?
if ( isset($_SESSION['access_token']) ) {
$tmhOAuth->config['user_token'] = $_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token'];
$tmhOAuth->config['user_secret'] = $_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token_secret'];
$code = $tmhOAuth->request('GET', $tmhOAuth->url('1/account/verify_credentials'));
if ($code == 200) {
$resp = json_decode($tmhOAuth->response['response']);
echo $resp->screen_name;
echo $resp->id;
//Etc. Instead of printing them you it's a good idea to store them in the db.
} else {
// we're being called back by Twitter
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'])) {
$tmhOAuth->config['user_token'] = $_SESSION['oauth']['oauth_token'];
$tmhOAuth->config['user_secret'] = $_SESSION['oauth']['oauth_token_secret'];
$code = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', $tmhOAuth->url('oauth/access_token', ''), array(
'oauth_verifier' => $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']
if ($code == 200) {
Anyhow, all in all, in order to get the info of a user you need them to authorize your app first. I check if I have something from my user with the user's session variables on my website, not through twitter. If I have nothing stored, I ask them to authorize the app. I hope this helps.
Access Token : 1274865264-QiVY50RGnmJz6AU9IPRxxiXfv4DYqo0nj6wg8hS
Access Token Secret : fZQnHSuSpwARicIdLqkqQLy1JeG9LxrbNIRKypWcGR
First part of Access Token is user id
I'm trying to issue a Facebook Graphp API search call for groups with a specific search term. The important fact is to search for groups not only beginning with the term but also to search for the term within the group name. So something like that.
FQL => SELECT * FROM groups WHERE groupname LIKE '%term%'
As far as i know this isn't possible in FQL. Therefore I have to use the Graph API search.
But I have to issue th call even if the user isn't logged in. Is this possible
or is there a possibility to log in a default user with some curl calls without user interaction (without displaying a form)?
If there is a simplier solution (for instance with FQL) please tell me.
I work with the graph API and not with the FQL so I'm not 100% sure on the differences etc etc... however a way I'd try is using the cURL script at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/#authenticating-users-in-a-web-application to get an auth token, then you must add the received auth token to the graph parameters as you can see on the site (a good way to test in the graph api is to click on the example likes or queries given while logged into facebook then copying the api code and breaking up the process like that [testing that you can get results you want from the query, testing that you can get your auth token then combining] so that you know what parts are 'problem' parts).
If that fails, scroll down to the "single sign-on with java-script" and have a look at the code they use to get the auth token from the facebook cookie, I notced you may be able to access that cookie from FQL.
I hope this was of some help! Please tell me if those ideas didn't work.
Using PHP-SDK 3.1.1, no auth or access_token needed. This sample assumes you have PHP-SDK installed on the page.
Use a form post the question to the page, arguments for get and post
are included. This will return the array from search https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=facebook&type=group
$q = urlencode($_GET['qs']);
$q = urlencode($_POST['qs']);
$q = "facebook";
$MEsearch = $facebook->api('/search?q='.$q.'&type=group');
foreach ($MEsearch as $key=>$value) {
foreach ($value as $fkey=>$fvalue) {
$groupname = $fvalue[name];
$groupid = $fvalue[id];
$groupversion = $fvalue[version];
echo $groupname. '<br />';
echo $groupid. '<br />';
echo $groupversion. '<br /><hr />';
Sample Usage http://shawnsspace.com/plugins/photofeed.php Click Get Plugin at the bottom and use the search box to see this sample in action.