Mysql insert using array - php

I have an array stored in a variable $contactid. I need to run this query to insert a row for each contact_id in the array. What is the best way to do this? Here is the query I need to run...
$query="INSERT INTO attendance (event_id,contact_id,group_id) VALUES ('$eventid','$contactid','$groupid')";

Use a foreach loop.
$query = "INSERT INTO attendance (event_id,contact_id,group_id) VALUES ";
foreach($contactid as $value)
$query .= "('{$eventid}','{$value}','{$groupid}'),";
mysql_query(substr($query, 0, -1));
The idea here is to concatenate your query string and only make 1 query to the database, each value-set is separated by a comma

Since no one hasn't stated that yet, you actually cannot do this:
$query = '
INSERT INTO [Table] ([Column List])
VALUES ([Value List 1]);
INSERT INTO [Table] ([Column List])
VALUES ([Value List 2]);
as this has been prevented to prevent sql injections in the mysql_query code. You cannot have semicolon within the given query param with mysql_query. With the following exception, taken from the manual comments:
The documentation claims that "multiple queries are not supported".
However, multiple queries seem to be supported. You just have to pass
flag 65536 as mysql_connect's 5 parameter (client_flags). This value
is defined in /usr/include/mysql/mysql_com.h:
#define CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS (1UL << 16) /* Enable/disable multi-stmt support */
Executed with multiple queries at once, the mysql_query function will
return a result only for the first query. The other queries will be
executed as well, but you won't have a result for them.
That is undocumented and unsupported behaviour, however, and easily opens your code to SQL injections. What you can do with mysql_query, instead, is
$query = '
INSERT INTO [Table] ([Column List])
VALUES ([Value List 1])
, ([Value List 2])
, ([Value List N])
so you can actually insert multiple rows with a one query, and with one insert statement. In this answer there's a code example for it which doesn't concatenate to a string in a loop, which is better than what's suggested in this thread.
However, disregarding all the above, you're probably better of still to use a prepared statement, like
$stmt->prepare("INSERT INTO mytbl (fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)");
foreach($myarray as $row)
$stmt->bind_param('idsb', $row['fld1'], $row['fld2'], $row['fld3'], $row['fld4']);

Use something like the following. Please note that you shouldn't be using mysql_* functions anymore, and that your code is suseptible to injection.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($contactid); $i++) {
$query="INSERT INTO attendance (event_id,contact_id,group_id) VALUES ('$eventid','$contactid[$i]','$groupid')";

I'm not sure running multiple queries is the best thing to do, so won't recommend making a for loop for example, that runs for each element of the array. I would rather say, make a recursive loop, that adds the new elements to a string, that then gets passed to the query. In case you can give us a short example of your DB structure and how you'd like it to look like (i.e. how the array should go into the table), I could give you an example loop syntax.

What about:
$contactIds = $_POST['contact_id'];
$eventIds = $_POST['event_id'];
$groupIds = $_POST['group_id'];
foreach($contactIds as $key => $value)
$currentContactId = $value;
$currentEventId = $eventIds[$key];
$currentGroupId = $groupIds[$key];
$query="INSERT INTO attendance (event_id,contact_id,group_id) VALUES ('$currentEventId','$currentContactId','$currentGroupId')";
Well, you could refactor that to insert everything in a single query, but you got the idea.


Table only populating with one value from array

I have an array from which I would like to populate table records from, unfortunately it will only populate the 1st record of the array. I anticipate I have my increments declared incorrectly, but cannot find a combination that will work. In addition I would like '$mtcelogID = $siteNAME.'.'.$Maindate.'.'.$i;' to have the last part of the ID to increment
$mtcelogARRAY = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(2)->rangeToArray('A8:A18');
$num_mtcelog = count($mtcelogARRAY); // Here get total count of row in that Excel sheet
for( $i=0; $i<=$num_mtcelog; $i++ ){
$sql_mtcelog = "INSERT INTO `maintenance_log`(`mtcelogID`,`mtcelogTYPE`,`MaintenanceID`) VALUES (?,?,?)";
$query_mtcelogARRAY = mysqli_prepare($link, $sql_mtcelog);
$mtcelogID = $siteNAME.'.'.$Maindate.'.'.$i;
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($query_mtcelogARRAY,"sss", $mtcelogID, $mtcelogARRAY[$i][0], $MaintenanceID);
The above code returns this in my PHP table:
And my array looks like this:
Thanks in advance
I know you're using mysqli, but I'm going to leave this PDO answer here. If this code is a small maintenance script, there shouldn't be any trouble dumping mysqli. Notice no binding is necessary, you just pass the values as an array to PDOStatement::execute(). No worrying about how many s and i you have. Also, foreach is a much more flexible and less verbose construct than for.
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydatabase", $username, $password);
$mtcelogARRAY = $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(2)->rangeToArray('A8:A18');
$sql_mtcelog = "INSERT INTO `maintenance_log`(`mtcelogID`,`mtcelogTYPE`,`MaintenanceID`) VALUES (?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql_mtcelog);
foreach ($mtcelogARRAY as $i=>$arr) {
$params = ["$siteNAME.$Maindate.$i", $arr[0], $MaintenanceID];
The important thing is to prepare your statement outside the loop. One of the main goals of prepared statements is to reduce overhead; by preparing the statement repeatedly you are increasing overhead.

Is this dynamic SQL query generation safe from injections?

Is there something that may escape the sanitation in my script or is it safe from most SQL injections? The way I understand it, if you pass query as prepared argument, it does not matter how the query was build, right?
Edit2: I edited the code to reflect the suggestions of binding the $_POST values
$q = $pdo->prepare('SHOW COLUMNS FROM my_table');
$data = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$key = array();
foreach ($data as $word){
$sqlSub= "INSERT INTO other_table(";
$n = 0;
foreach ($key as $index){
$sqlSub = $sqlSub.$index.", ";
$n = $n + 1;
$sqlSub = $sqlSub.") VALUES (";
for ($i=1; $i<$n;$i++){
$sqlSub = $sqlSub."?, ";
$sqlSub = $sqlSub.."?)";
$keyValues = array();
EDIT: This is how the final query looks like after suggested edits
INSERT INTO other_table($key[0],...,$key[n]) VALUES (?,...,nth-?);
No. The example code shown is not safe from most SQL Injections.
You understanding is entirely wrong.
What matters is the SQL text. If that's being dynamically generated using potentially unsafe values, then the SQL text is vulnerable.
The code is vulnerable in multiple places. Even the names of the columns are potentially unsafe.
( `Robert'; DROP TABLE Students; --` VARCHAR(2)
, `O``Reilly` VARCHAR(2)
-------------------------------- ---------- ----
Robert'; DROP TABLE Students; -- varchar(2) YES
O`Reilly varchar(2) YES
You would need to enclose the column identifiers in backticks, after escaping any backtick within the column identifier with another backtick.
As others have noted, make sure your column names are safe.
SQL injection can occur from any external input, not just http request input. You can be at risk if you use content read from a file, or from a web service, or from a function argument from other code, or the return value of other code, or even from your own database... trust nothing! :-)
You could make sure the column names themselves are escaped. Unfortunately, there is no built-in function to do that in most APIs or frameworks. So you'll have to do it yourself with regular expressions.
I also recommend you learn about PHP's builtin array functions ( A lot of your code could be quicker to develop the code, and it will probably better runtime performance too.
Here's an example:
function quoteId($id) {
return '`' . str_replace($id, '`', '``') . '`';
$q = $pdo->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM my_table");
while ($field = $q->fetchColumn()) {
$fields[] = $field;
$params = array_intersect_key($_POST, array_flip($fields));
$fieldList = implode(",", array_map("quoteId", array_keys($params)));
$placeholderList = implode(",", array_fill(1, count($params), "?"));
$sqlSub = "INSERT INTO other_table ($fieldList) VALUES ($placeholderList)";
$q = $pdo->prepare($sqlSub);
In this example, I intersect the columns from the table with the post request parameters. This way I use only those post parameters that are also in the set of columns. It may end up producing an INSERT statement in SQL with fewer than all the columns, but if the missing columns have defaults or allow NULL, that's okay.
There is exactly one way to prevent SQL injection: to make sure that the text of your query-string never includes user-supplied content, no matter how you may attempt to 'sanitize' it.
When you use "placeholders," as suggested, the text of the SQL string contains (probably ...) question marks ... VALUES (?, ?, ?) to indicate each place where a parameter is to be inserted. A corresponding list of parameter values is supplied separately, each time the query is executed.
Therefore, even if value supplied for last_name is "tables; DROP TABLE STUDENTS;", SQL will never see this as being "part of the SQL string." It will simply insert that "most-unusual last_name" into the database.
If you are doing bulk operations, the fact that you need prepare the statement only once can save a considerable amount of time. You can then execute the statement as many times as you want to, passing a different (or, the same) set of parameter-values to it each time.

PHP PDO proper way to bind values from array

I'm trying to get better at using PDO, I have this code:
$answers_count = count($answers);
$save_answers = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO answers (answer, is_correct, question_id) VALUES (:answer, :is_correct, :question_id)");
for($i = 0; $i < $answers_count; $i++) {
$save_answers->bindParam(':answer', $answers[$i]);
$save_answers->bindParam(':is_correct', $answers_state[$i]);
$save_answers->bindParam(':question_id', $last_insert_id);
This code works for me well, but I have read that I should call execute() method just once, if I understood it correctly, I have to prepare sql statement once and execute it after I bind params? If I use execute() method for inserting one new record at a time it works, but if place $save_answers->execute(); statement outside of for loop only one INSERT query will be executed.
am I doing something wrong here, is there other easier way to bind values from the array where each time the number of array elements can be different.
Thank you in advance for the information you can provide me.
but if place $save_answers->execute(); statement outside of for loop only one INSERT query will be executed.
This is because if you place the execute statement outside of your loop it will only execute the query once for the values bound from the last iteration of the for loop. Therefore your current code is correct and rebinding and re-executing the query should be the way to go.
The query needs to bind the values from each iteration (each answer has different values and thus, each insertion has different insertion values). Obviously you need to re-bind the values from each answer, so doing it once will not cut it for you.
If you don't want to execute it via a for loop, you can try batch insertion:
PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query
This will allow you to do the insertion of multiple rows in one request to the database, which might be what you are looking for.
prepare query first and then execute
$answers_count = count($answers);
$writeArguments = array();
$writeQuery="insert into $tableName (answer, is_correct, question_id) values ";
for($i = 0; $i < $answers_count; $i++) {
if (i > 0) {
$writeQuery .= ',';
$writeQuery .= '(?,?,?)';
array_push($writeArguments, $answers[$i], $answers_state[$i], $last_insert_id);
$save_answers = $conn->prepare($writeQuery);

SQL statement inside loop with PHP, good idea?

I ran into the following question while writing a PHP script. I need to store the first two integers from an array of variable lenght into a database table, remove them and repeat this until the array is empty. I could do it with a while loop, but I read that you should avoid writing SQL statements inside a loop because of the performance hit.
A simpliefied example:
while(count($array) > 0){
if ($sql = $db_connect->prepare("INSERT INTO table (number1, number2) VALUES (?,?)")){
Is this the best way, and if not, what's a better approach?
You can do something like this, which is way faster aswell:
Psuedo code:
$stack = array();
while(count($array) > 0){
array_push($stack, "(" . $array[0] . ", " . $array[1] . ")");
if ($sql = $db_connect->prepare("INSERT INTO table (number1, number2)
VALUES " . implode(',', $stack))){
The only issue here is that it's not a "MySQL Safe" insert, you will need to fix that!
This will generate and Array that holds the values. Within 1 query it will insert all values at once, where you need less MySQL time.
Whether you run them one by one or in an array, an INSERT statement is not going to make a noticeable performance hit, from my experience.
The database connection is only opened once, so it is not a huge issue. I guess if you are doing some insane amount of queries, it could be.
I think as long as your loop condition is safe ( will break in time ) and you got something from it .. it's ok
You would be better off writing a bulk insert statement, less hits on mysql
$sql = "INSERT INTO table(number1, number2) VALUES";
$params = array();
foreach( $array as $item ) {
$sql .= "(?,?),\n";
$params[] = $item;
$sql = rtrim( $sql, ",\n" ) . ';';
$sql = $db_connect->prepare( $sql );
foreach( $params as $param ) {
$sql->bind_param( 'ii', $param[ 0 ], $param[ 1 ] );
In ColdFusion you can put your loop inside the query instead of the other way around. I'm not a php programmer but my general belief is that most things that can be done in language a can also be done in language b. This code shows the concept. You should be able to figure out a php version.
insert into mytable
(field1, field2)
select null, null
from SomeSmallTable
where 1=2
<cfloop from="1' to="#arrayLen(myArray)#" index="i">
select <cfqueryparam value="myArray[i][1]
, <cfqueryparam value="myArray[i][]
from SomeSmallTable
When I've looked at this approach myself, I've found it to be faster than query inside loop with oracle and sql server. I found it to be slower with redbrick.
There is a limitation with this approach. Sql server has a maximum number of parameters it will accept and a maximum query length. Other db engines might as well, I've just not discovered them yet.

Insert unknown number of rows into MySQL using PHP

I am trying to insert an unknown number of rows into MySQL using PHP. This is how it should work:
Javascript parses HTML DOM to create a multi-dimensional array based on a css class. The array will have a certain number of rows(or sub-arrays) corresponding to the number of elements that have that class. (This could be any integer 0 or greater... obviously).
Then, on a JavaScript event, the array is sent to a PHP script.
The PHP script will INSERT data from the array into MySQL.
My problem is that I don't know how to tell my PHP script how many values are in the array. And I don't know how to write the mysql_query() without knowing the number of values (or rows) that should be inserted.
You can insert more than one row at a time to MySQL:
INSERT INTO table1 (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value_col1, value_col2), (value2_col1, value2_col2), ...;
In PHP, you can build your query by looping through rows and adding them to the SQL string:
$sql = "INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2) VALUES ";
foreach($rows as $i=>$row) {
if ($i>0) {
$sql .= sprintf(",(%s,%s)", $row["col1_value"], $row["col2_value"]);
} else {
$sql .= sprintf("(%s,%s)", $row["col1_value"], $row["col2_value"]);
You have to be sure to properly escape your values depending upon what you're actually inserting.
Why don't you prepare a two dimensional array while searching with the css class identifier like this?
//This is jquery code - you can write javascript to do the same
This will save you from the headache of traversing a multidimensional array in the backend and you can simply do a count() in you PHP code and the following query preparation.
Query preparation
Assuming you have a two dimensional array you can use a bulk insert query like this:-
INSERT INTO tablename (a,b)
('1', 'one'),
('2', 'two'),
('3', 'three')
And prepare the query dynamically using PHP like this -
$counter = 0;
$valuesPart = NULL;
foreach($_POST as $each)
if($counter > 0)
$appendComma = ",";
$appendComma ="";
$valuesPart .= $appendComma."(".$each['key1'].",".$each['key2'].")";
$mysql_query = "INSERT INTO tablename (a,b) VALUES ".$valuesPart;
So, you don't need to know how many results are to be actually inserted.
If you stay with the multidimensional array, you will probably need to code or search for a code to traverse the multidimensional array which will probably involve recursion and a lot of complex code. There will be many chances of errors and it will be a slower (may be little but a finite amount which is not necessary).
So I assume the array is getting to PHP successfully, through $_POST or whatever? If you aren't sure then do a var_dump or echo_r so we can see.
EDIT - wow I put explode where I meant implode several times. fixed.
Assuming that it is, and that each 'sub' array is an associative array in form
'id' => 1
'name' => 'Billy'
'DOB' => .....
And the code to build a single query inserting all rows, like this INSERT INTO table ('f1','f2',f3') VALUES ('v11', 'v22', 'v33'), ('v21', 'v22', 'v23'), ......
$escapeAndQuote = function($x) {return "'".mysql_real_escape_string($x)."'";};
$rowwise = function($x) {return '('. implode(', ', array_map($escapeAndQuote, $x)) .')';
$fieldString = $rowwise(array_keys($arr[0]));
$valString = implode(', ', array_map($rowwise, $arr));
$sql = "INSERT INTO table $fieldString VALUES $valString";
mysql_query($sql, $conn);
Use a foreach loop to cycle through the array.
// Example:
foreach($submitted_array as $insert_array)
//php and mysql insert query here
Perhaps prepared statements would assist you in your endeavors. Essentially you will declare a generic insert statement and then "bind" values to each input. Read more on PHP PDO Prepared Statements.
