How to make Https Requests in PHP - php

I`m still not really comfortable with PHP and furthermore completly new to Json. What i want to do is check out if a specific Livestream is online or not, also i want to get the viewers. has its own API ( ) with which, this should be possible. Here is my first approach:
// Twitch Streams
else if($typ == 't') {
$api = file_get_contents("".$stream_id);
$json = json_decode($api);
if($json->stream != null) {
return true;
else {
return false;
The problem is that file_get_contents seem to not understand https, it claimes that the wrapper is not installed. The thing is that normal http requests are not supported by the API, so i guess i have to use another function. Can somebody suggest me a different (not so hard to use) function. I have read about curl and fsocket but they seem a bit difficult to use for me.

https:// might not be enabled. This post might help you find out why: How to get file_get_contents() to work with HTTPS?. There should be no reason why you have to use cURL, but cURL is usually more flexible so i would advice you to use that instead if you are able to comprehend how it is working.

PHP Curl should be able to help with this.
The link below illustrates how to get the http code:


PHP getting remote url image file size doesn't wait for content-length header to be set

I know this question has been asked millions of times, but please actually take the time to understand my problem before marking as duplicate or closing.
So I am using the following code. For some reason it gets all of the correct header information the first time I run the code EXCEPT for content-length. The second time I run the code it actually gets it correctly. I am retrieving the images from Facebook API if that changes anything.
function remote_filesize($url) {
$data = get_headers($url, 1);
if(isset($data['Content-Length'])) {
return (int) $data['Content-Length'];
else {
return -1;
Gotta love when you get downvoted with no explanation. Personally I think it should be required to provide a reason.
Anyway, this is still an issue, but in case anyone googling this needs a solution for getting the remote filesize, I would suggest using this awesome snippet from the PHP docs
Sounds like a server caching issue.
So you may have to issue a full GET request instead of just a HEAD request.
Also, maybe check different casing -- 'content-length:' -- lowercase.

Facebook GraphAPI via another webpage php?

First: please forgive me - Im a bit of a novice as some of this...
I have a working test site which is running the php facebook SDK to perform some simple graphAPI requests successfully. Namely read a group's feed, which the user is a member of, and process this and display it back on a webpage.
This all works fine, the problem I have encountered is when trying to perform the same request via a php curl POST to another webpage (on the same domain). It seems that the SDK does not carry the expected session to another page when a post request is formed (see "AUTH ERROR2" in code)...this works fine when the following file is included via a "require_once" but not when a curl is made.
I would much rather do a "curl" as Im finding when a "require_once" is done from a page in a different directory level, Im getting php errors of the page not being found - which is expected.
I may just be tackling this problem all wrong...there may be a simpler way to make sure when files are includes, their correct directly level remains intact, or there may be a way to send over the currently authorised facebook sdk session via a curl post. All of which I have tried to no avail, and I would really appreciate any help or advise on this.
Thank you for your time.
function readGroupPosts($postVars)
//$access_token = $postVars[0];
// ^-- I'm presuming I need this? I have been experimenting appending it to
// the graphAPI request to no success...
$groupID = $postVars[1];
$limit = $postVars[2];
require_once(""); //link to the facebookSDK & other stuff
if ($user) {
try {
$groupFeed = $facebook->api("/$groupID/feed?limit=$limit"); //limit=0 returns all;
$groupFeed = $groupFeed['data']; //removes first tier of array for simpler access
for($i=0; $i<count($groupFeed); $i++)
$postArray[$i] = array($groupFeed[$i]['from']['name'], $groupFeed[$i]['message'], $groupFeed[$i]['updated_time'], count($groupFeed[$i]['likes']['data']));
return $postArray;
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;
return "AUTH ERROR1"; //for testing..
return "AUTH ERROR2"; //no user is authenticated i.e. $user == null..
I would much rather do a "curl" as Im finding when a "require_once" is done from a page in a different directory level, Im getting php errors of the page not being found - which is expected.
I may just be tackling this problem all wrong...
Using cURL as a “workaround” just because you’re not able to find your way around your server’s file system is an outrageous idea. Don’t do it. Stop even thinking about it. Now.
there may be a simpler way to make sure when files are includes, their correct directly level remains intact
Yes – for example, to use absolute paths instead of relative ones. Prefixing the path with the value of $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] for example – that way, once you’ve given the path correctly in respect to this “base path”, it does not matter where you’re requiring the file from, because an absolute path is the same no matter from where you look at it.
(And since this is not a Facebook-related problem at all, but just concerns basics of PHP and server-side programming, I’ll edit the tags.)

How do I use external JSON...?

spent a few hours trying to figure this out, but cannot for the life of me figure out what's going wrong.
All I'm trying to do is load this:*g.Fb3J7ysduDs.AC9sU-&atslocale=en_GB&rawdata=json
which I believe is json, into either javascript/jquery or php and use the data.
I've looked into jsonp, followed some tutorials, used some demos as templates and just can't get the above data to work.
If anyone can shed some light it would be much appreciated. It really shouldn't be this complicated, but I don't know what's going wrong.
Yep, that's JSON. The site may not support JSONP, so you're gonna have to use PHP to do this.
This is untested, but should work.
$url = '*g.Fb3J7ysduDs.AC9sU-&atslocale=en_GB&rawdata=json';
$JSON = file_get_contents($url);
// echo the JSON (you can echo this to JavaScript to use it there)
echo $JSON;
// You can decode it to process it in PHP
$data = json_decode($JSON);
JSONP relies on the server to return a JSONP formatted response. Basically, to use JSONP the server needs to return a JSON string wrapped in a function invocation ({"foo":1} becomes func({"foo":1})).
As the server your using doesn't return a JSONP response, you cannot use JSONP, you can only use JSON.
This is a shame, as JSON cannot be used x-domain due to the same origin policy (SOP). Therefore, the only option you have is to use a proxy server, which retrieves the JSON from the server, and either gives it to you in JSONP (see Yahoo Pipes), or which is on the same domain as the requested page (write a simple PHP script to get the file using file_get_contents() and then echo the output), in which case it can return the JSON.
I breifly looked at the requirements and it looks like you need an API key as well as an account. I saw that the site provides services for XML and JSON only. It looks to be fairly well documented.

Ajax from within PHP

I know AJAX will not be what it is called, but I am looking for something similar that can be done from within PHP itself (not using javascript).
Basically, as the PHP is creating the page, I want to query an API to gather some information that will be used on the current page. Is this possible, and if so what would be the best method?
You can use fopen or curl:
Here is an example to open a connection to twitters API, read the public timeline and output parts of it.
$fp = fopen("","r");
while($data = fgets($fp))
$json .= $data;
$arr = json_decode($json);
You are probably wanting curl.
If you're talking about a remote HTTP API, you would utilize cURL at runtime. It's basically PHP's way of accessing information across domains.
The above can be a little overwhelming - check out the simple example page to get you started. If available, I suggest working with cURL from the command line, as there's quite a few options on there. It's a good way to get familiar with the command and different options available.

How to retrieve http page from another host server with php and detect redirect

Let's say I have a server at From there by using php I want to retrieve the html document that the php file produces. I also want to use php to do this. anotherhost is not on the same server as myhost.
I know that functions such as fopen, f_get_contents and file can do this by simply executing e.g.
$fp = fopen ("")
and from there fp can be used as any other file pointer to read the contents.
BUT, for some reason I also want to know if somefile.php at anotherhost ordered a client-side redirect when I tried to retrieve somefile.php´s resulting html document. somefile.php can do this by
header ("Location:")
Now fopen will retrieve the html document that extrafile.php produces, without detecting that a client-side redirect has been performed.
Is there some functionality in PHP that enables you to retrieve html documents from other servers AND notifies you if a redirect has taken place? It is acceptable if I must follow the redirect by myself (not done automatically), as long as I'm told what the new URL is.
Executing arbitrary commands with the function system is not preferred.
PS. If you are going to suggest fsockopen, then please explain why i get the error "Unable to find the socket transport "http" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?" when I try to execute
fsockopen ("http://localhost")
and I also get "Failed to parse address "localhost" when I do
fsockopen ("localhost")
Thanks for reading. Help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use the Zend_Http_Client from Zend Framework. It has methods for retrieving the number of redirects as well as setting a limit to the number of redirects to follow etc. If you just want to know how it's done, then you can look into the source code and try to figure it out. Shouldn't be too hard I think.
I would use cURL for this. If the redirect is specified in the header, instead of apache mod_rewrite for example, then you should be able to detect if a redirect is present by grabbing all of the headers sent by the response.
Optionally, there is a setting to automatically follow the redirect (
As of php 5.2 you can use the stream api and a stream_notification_callback
function notification($code, $severity, $message, $mcode, $transferred, $max) {
echo 'redirected to ', $message, "\n";
$ctx = stream_context_create(null, array('notification' => 'notification'));
$c = file_get_contents("", false, $ctx);
echo 'len=', strlen($c);
redirected to
You probably want a full HTTP client, not stream wrappers and fopen()/file_get_contents(). I think its possible to do what you want with stream wrappers using stream_get_meta_data() but you would be better off with a fuller implementation.
If you don't want to go down the Zend or stream route, you could always use the cURL functions. These will let you return the headers, hence you could analyse these to ascertain whether any re-directs are being issued.
(You can also use the 'CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS' option to specify that it shouldn't follow re-directs.)
