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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have S2 application with 2 bundles (frontend, backend). Now, I want to create my own component, which I`ll can use in another application (sometimes). Somewhere I read, that in Symfony are components called services.
So I have to create new bundle for my new component/service, right?
And my question is, What i have to do, for use my new component/service, in another bundle(frontend or bakcend)?
Are somewhere any instructions for do this?
There are no components in symfony , you only have bundles. You can use different bundles in different application.
Suppose you have the UserBundle you can use that in any other symfony application as well
You can make the UserService inside that Bundle and then can use UserService for stuff like
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Helou, I'm frontend developer and my PHP knowledge is on begginers level. I have Laravel Site build with Sximo by other developer. I need to add a new .css and .js files for backend platform, but I don't know where. I added to public folder these files, but don't know how to call them. Can anyone help me?
P. S. No, I can't add it manuel, it's not for frontend page. :)
You need to add all .js and .css files into a public directory inside of your Laravel project directory:
Please read here how to add them to a view (recipe valid for Laravel 4 apps and Laravel 5 apps with Laravel Collective installed):
Also, I think you'd want to learn about how Blade Template system works.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've started recently working with yii2.Using the basic app is easy but what I need to do now is to create an advanced template which has more that frontend and backend.I need it to also have midend and one more compoenent(same as frontend/backend folders).I have been trying to search on the internet but I did not find anything usefull.
I would be grateful if any of you guys can help me out here.
Best regards,
Copy the backend folder to a new folder, search for "backend" in the project and replace / add a link to the new folder you have created.
There are not so many places, there is one in common/config/bootstrap.php and the rest I believe are in the new "backend" folder. Remember to change the namespaces of controllers / models etc.
I have made this recently, it is easier then you think.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I tried to override the layouts of fos user bundle and everything is ok but if I want to have two different login views I cannot find a good solution for that.
I never tried it, but I think you need to override the controller from FOSUserBundle and put the logic to decide what view to render.
More info:
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Closed 9 years ago.
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There are two main features that I love in Django:
a) It creates the SQL table automatically from the Model
b) It auto generates a powerful admin from the Model
Is there a PHP framework with these two features? I've looked at Symfony and cakePHP, but I couldn't find any info about a)
I heard good things about Laravel, but in principle:
It works in reverse to Django, where its ORM dynamically match your Model's member variables to database tables.
It also has several scaffolding library (example) to generate simple CRUD admin page.
Symfony uses ORM Doctrine that generates database tables based on entity mapping
There is no auto-generated admin dashboard in Symfony2, but there are bundles for that (e.g. SonataAdminBundle)
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Closed 9 years ago.
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We're contemplating implementing a service layer (as described by Martin Fowler) within our current development as a way to process common processes within our system.
What are peoples thoughts on a service layer? What examples of process' have people implemented service layers for? What are the benfits/drawbacks etc?
We currently use the Zend Framework.
Essentially, a service layer is just an API that tries to separate code that has nothing to do with data persistence from the rest of your model. Hierarchical controllers can help here.