Django features in a PHP Framework? [closed] - php

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There are two main features that I love in Django:
a) It creates the SQL table automatically from the Model
b) It auto generates a powerful admin from the Model
Is there a PHP framework with these two features? I've looked at Symfony and cakePHP, but I couldn't find any info about a)

I heard good things about Laravel, but in principle:
It works in reverse to Django, where its ORM dynamically match your Model's member variables to database tables.
It also has several scaffolding library (example) to generate simple CRUD admin page.

Symfony uses ORM Doctrine that generates database tables based on entity mapping
There is no auto-generated admin dashboard in Symfony2, but there are bundles for that (e.g. SonataAdminBundle)


Is this possible to merge laravel and wordpress together? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am wondering that laravel is best for query builder for MySQL and various field in web development. It is managed by controller which has a effective control for backend logic. But Wordpress is best for fronted and blog (Custom functionality is possible but not as laravel). It has many drag and drop tools to build frontend design. Can I use laravel api as WordPress backend?
Laravel and WordPress really have pretty different opinions about database structure and interface. What you might consider is building an API in Laravel and accessing it via a plugin in WordPress. You'd have two independent websites but they could work together.

Modules in MVC project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I understand how MVC works with models, repositories and services in PHP.
Could anyone explain to me what is the role of Modules and are they related to MVC in any way?
I would even appreciate any links relating to this topic. Cannot find anything interesting myself
Module definition:
each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be
used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item of
furniture or a building.
A module is typically a portion of code that provides a specific functionality in a project or framework.
You could think of a plugin in Wordpress as a module.
MVC itself stands for
M - Model
V - View
C - Controller
As far as I am concerned modules don't really have anything to do with the MVC structure/design pattern... although they are a good way of creating self-contained bits of functionality that can be used across projects, just like plugins and Wordpress.

ACL for Web API in Laravel 5.1 that works like a Tree data structure [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a beginner who is working on a web API, Web API must have:
User management
Acl (access control list)
Etc ...
and I do use laravel 5.1 so the question is how do I implement the ACL into the web API using the library or whether I have to make it yourself?
Thank :)
I want ACL library that could work like a tree, for example if there is a role `` rootwho have children admin then what can be done by admin can also be done byroot without the need to assign permissions to root enough to adminonly.
Based on my own experience the best lib i ever used for Laravel ACL is kodeine/laravel-acl.
Simple installation, flexible and easy to implement in laravel projects an it's well documented find Documentation HERE.
Hope this helps.

Symfony 2 architecture - best practices [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Now, im facing three issues about my symfony 2 application architecture using Doctrine 2. This is a one bundle application.
I will use some controllers of course, but I need some special controller "BeforeController" to be called before the others. In the "BeforeController" I want to place some initialize methods. Is it best practice to extends controllers by "BeforeController"?
I want to create some services in ServiceContainer. For every entity which I have, I want to create own service (e.g. There is Products entity, so I will create Product service, which provides methods manipulating with products and so on), if is it good way. Or is it in Controller compentence?
Can somebody explain me, what is in controller or in service competence?
I should like to create some logical and intuitive architecture. Maybe any class diagram should help me.
Can somebody describe me some best practices about it?
From documentation:
kernel.controller Event, and example: Before filters with the kernel.controller Event,
Service: Service base info and more: What is a Service? Controller base info, and additionally Action. It's nothing wrong with creating separate services for each entity if you really need it.
As above.
I recommended this video from SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013 How Kris Writes Symfony Apps.
Hope this help.

Using bundle in another one in Symony 2 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have S2 application with 2 bundles (frontend, backend). Now, I want to create my own component, which I`ll can use in another application (sometimes). Somewhere I read, that in Symfony are components called services.
So I have to create new bundle for my new component/service, right?
And my question is, What i have to do, for use my new component/service, in another bundle(frontend or bakcend)?
Are somewhere any instructions for do this?
There are no components in symfony , you only have bundles. You can use different bundles in different application.
Suppose you have the UserBundle you can use that in any other symfony application as well
You can make the UserService inside that Bundle and then can use UserService for stuff like
