Remove useless zero digits from decimals in PHP - php

I'm trying to find a fast way to remove zero decimals from number values like this:
echo cleanNumber('125.00');
// 125
echo cleanNumber('966.70');
// 966.7
echo cleanNumber(844.011);
// 844.011
Does exists some optimized way to do that?

$num + 0 does the trick.
echo 125.00 + 0; // 125
echo '125.00' + 0; // 125
echo 966.70 + 0; // 966.7
Internally, this is equivalent to casting to float with (float)$num or floatval($num) but I find it simpler.

you could just use the floatval function
echo floatval('125.00');
// 125
echo floatval('966.70');
// 966.7
echo floatval('844.011');
// 844.011

This is what I use:
function TrimTrailingZeroes($nbr) {
return strpos($nbr,'.')!==false ? rtrim(rtrim($nbr,'0'),'.') : $nbr;
N.B. This assumes . is the decimal separator. It has the advantage that it will work on arbitrarily large (or small) numbers since there is no float cast. It also won't turn numbers into scientific notation (e.g. 1.0E-17).

If you want to remove the zero digits just before to display on the page or template.
You can use the sprintf() function
// 125
// 966.7
// 844.011

Simply adding + to your string variable will cause typecast to (float) and removes zeros:
var_dump(+'125.00'); // double(125)
var_dump(+'966.70'); // double(966.7)
var_dump(+'844.011'); // double(844.011)
var_dump(+'844.011asdf');// double(844.011)

For everyone coming to this site having the same problem with commata instead, change:
$num = number_format($value, 1, ',', '');
$num = str_replace(',0', '', number_format($value, 1, ',', '')); // e.g. 100,0 becomes 100
If there are two zeros to be removed, then change to:
$num = str_replace(',00', '', number_format($value, 2, ',', '')); // e.g. 100,00 becomes 100
More here: PHP number: decimal point visible only if needed

You should cast your numbers as floats, which will do this for you.
$string = "42.422005000000000000000000000000";
echo (float)$string;
Output of this will be what you are looking for.

$x = '100.10';
$x = preg_replace("/\.?0*$/",'',$x);
echo $x;
There is nothing that can't be fixed with a simple regex ;)

Typecast to a float.
$int = 4.324000;
$int = (float) $int;

Be careful with adding +0.
echo number_format(1500.00, 2,".",",")+0;
Result of this is 1.
echo floatval('1,000.00');
// 1
echo floatval('1000.00');

Sometimes, especially in case of monetary amounts, you want to remove the zeros only if they are 2, you don't want to print € 2.1 instead of € 2.10.
An implementation could be:
function formatAmount(string|float|int $value, int $decimals = 2): string
if (floatval(intval($value)) === floatval($value)) {
// The number is an integer. Remove all the decimals
return (string)intval($value);
return number_format($value, $decimals);
Examples of expected outputs:
0.1000 => 0.10
20.000 => 20
1.25 => 1.25

Example 1
$value =81,500.00;
Example 2

Due to this question is old. First, I'm sorry about this.
The question is about number xxx.xx but in case that it is x,xxx.xxxxx or difference decimal separator such as xxxx,xxxx this can be harder to find and remove zero digits from decimal value.
* Remove zero digits (include zero trails - 123.450, 123.000) from decimal value.
* #param string|int|float $number The number can be any format, any where use in the world such as 123, 1,234.56, 1234.56789, 12.345,67, -98,765.43
* #param string The decimal separator. You have to set this parameter to exactly what it is. For example: in Europe it is mostly use "," instead of ".".
* #return string Return removed zero digits from decimal value. Only return as string!
function removeZeroDigitsFromDecimal($number, $decimal_sep = '.')
$explode_num = explode($decimal_sep, $number);
if (is_countable($explode_num) && count($explode_num) > 1) {
// if exploded number is more than 1 (Example: explode with . for nnnn.nnn is 2)
// replace `is_countable()` with `is_array()` if you are using PHP older than 7.3.
$explode_num[count($explode_num)-1] = preg_replace('/(0+)$/', '', $explode_num[count($explode_num)-1]);
if ($explode_num[count($explode_num)-1] === '') {
// if the decimal value is now empty.
// unset it to prevent nnn. without any number.
$number = implode($decimal_sep, $explode_num);
return (string) $number;
And here is the code for test.
$tests = [
1234 => 1234,
-1234 => -1234,
'12,345.67890' => '12,345.6789',
'-12,345,678.901234' => '-12,345,678.901234',
'12345.000000' => '12345',
'-12345.000000' => '-12345',
'12,345.000000' => '12,345',
'-12,345.000000000' => '-12,345',
foreach ($tests as $number => $assert) {
$result = removeZeroDigitsFromDecimal($number);
assert($result === (string) $assert, new \Exception($result . ' (' . gettype($result) . ') is not matched ' . $assert . ' (' . gettype($assert) . ')'));
echo $number . ' => ' . (string) $assert . '<br>';
echo '<hr>' . PHP_EOL;
$tests = [
1234 => 1234,
-1234 => -1234,
'12.345,67890' => '12.345,6789',
'-12.345.678,901234' => '-12.345.678,901234',
'12345,000000' => '12345',
'-12345,000000' => '-12345',
'-12.345,000000000' => '-12.345',
'-12.345,000000,000' => '-12.345,000000',// this is correct assertion. Weird ,000000,000 but only last 000 will be removed.
foreach ($tests as $number => $assert) {
$result = removeZeroDigitsFromDecimal($number, ',');
assert($result === (string) $assert, new \Exception($result . ' (' . gettype($result) . ') is not matched ' . $assert . ' (' . gettype($assert) . ')'));
echo $number . ' => ' . (string) $assert . '<br>';
All tests should be pass and no errors.
Why '-12.345,000000,000' will be '-12.345,000000' not '-12.345'?
Because this function is for remove zero digits (include zero trails) from decimal value. It is not validation for the correct number format. That should be another function.
Why always return as string?
Because it is better to use in calculation with bcxxx functions, or use with big number.

$str = 15.00;
$str2 = 14.70;
echo rtrim(rtrim(strval($str), "0"), "."); //15
echo rtrim(rtrim(strval($str2), "0"), "."); //14.7

I found this solution is the best:
public function priceFormat(float $price): string
$price = $price + 0;
$split = explode('.', $price);
return number_format($price, isset($split[1]) ? strlen($split[1]) : 2, ',', '.');

The following is much simpler
if(floor($num) == $num) {
echo number_format($num);
} else {
echo $num;

You can try the following:

Complicated way but works:
$num = '125.0100';
$index = $num[strlen($num)-1];
$i = strlen($num)-1;
while($index == '0') {
if ($num[$i] == '0') {
$num[$i] = '';
$index = $num[$i];
//remove dot if no numbers exist after dot
$explode = explode('.', $num);
if (isset($explode[1]) && intval($explode[1]) <= 0) {
$num = intval($explode[0]);
echo $num; //125.01
the solutions above are the optimal way but in case you want to have your own you could use this. What this algorithm does it starts at the end of string and checks if its 0, if it is it sets to empty string and then goes to the next character from back untill the last character is > 0

$value = preg_replace('~\.0+$~','',$value);

You can use:
print (floatval)(number_format( $Value), 2 ) );

Thats my small solution...
Can included to a class and set vars
private $dsepparator = '.'; // decimals
private $tsepparator= ','; // thousand
That can be set by constructor and change to users lang.
class foo
private $dsepparator;
private $tsepparator;
function __construct(){
$langDatas = ['en' => ['dsepparator' => '.', 'tsepparator' => ','], 'de' => ['dsepparator' => ',', 'tsepparator' => '.']];
$usersLang = 'de'; // set iso code of lang from user
$this->dsepparator = $langDatas[$usersLang]['dsepparator'];
$this->tsepparator = $langDatas[$usersLang]['tsepparator'];
public function numberOmat($amount, $decimals = 2, $hideByZero = false)
return ( $hideByZero === true AND ($amount-floor($amount)) <= 0 ) ? number_format($amount, 0, $this->dsepparator, $this->tsepparator) : number_format($amount, $decimals, $this->dsepparator, $this->tsepparator);
* $bar = new foo();
* $bar->numberOmat('5.1234', 2, true); // returns: 5,12
* $bar->numberOmat('5', 2); // returns: 5,00
* $bar->numberOmat('5.00', 2, true); // returns: 5

This is my solution.
I want to keep ability to add thousands separator
$precision = 5;
$number = round($number, $precision);
$decimals = strlen(substr(strrchr($number, '.'), 1));
return number_format($number, $precision, '.', ',');

This is a simple one line function using rtrim, save separator and decimal point :
function myFormat($num,$dec)
return rtrim(rtrim(number_format($num,$dec),'0'),'.');

Simple and accurate!
function cleanNumber($num){
$explode = explode('.', $num);
$count = strlen(rtrim($explode[1],'0'));
return bcmul("$num",'1', $count);

I use this simple code:
define('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR', ','); //To prove that it works with different separators than "."
$input = "50,00";
$number = rtrim($input, '0'); // 50,00 --> 50,
$number = rtrim($number, DECIMAL_SEPARATOR); // 50, --> 50
echo $number;
Seems a bit too easy to be the really correct solution, but it works just fine for me. You should do some tests with the inputs you'll be getting before using this.

Assuming the amount is a string with 2 decimal places, then you can use:
protected function removeZerosDecimals(string $money): string
$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
$uselessDecimals = sprintf(
if (!str_ends_with($money, $uselessDecimals)) {
return $money;
$len = mb_strlen($money);
return mb_substr($money, 0, $len - mb_strlen($uselessDecimals));
That will work as expected for ?any? currency, like $500.00 and R$ 500,00.

function removeZerosAfterDecimals($number) {
$number = trim($number);
if($number <= 0 || empty($number)) {
return $number;
$ary = explode('.', $number);
if(count($ary) <= 1) {
return $number;
$reverseAry = array_reverse($ary);
$endSearch = false;
$newNumber = [];
for($i=0; $i<count($reverseAry); $i++) {
if($reverseAry[$i] != 0 && $endSearch === false) {
$newNumber[] = $reverseAry[$i];
$endSearch = true;
} else if ($endSearch === true) {
$newNumber[] = $reverseAry[$i];
return implode('.',array_reverse($newNumber));
//output: => 10.0.1
//output: 10.0.1 => 10.0.1
//output: 10.1.2 => 10.1.2
//output: 10.0.0 => 10
This function will only remove the trailing zero decimals

This Code will remove zero after point and will return only two decimal digits.
str_replace('.00', '',number_format($number, 2, '.', ''));
Output will be: 1200

Ultimate Solution: The only safe way is to use regex:
echo preg_replace("/\.?0+$/", "", 3.0); // 3
echo preg_replace("/\d+\.?\d*(\.?0+)/", "", 3.0); // 3
it will work for any case


PHP Remove Unnecessary Zero In Decimals Works, But Not With This Number [duplicate]

I'm trying to find a fast way to remove zero decimals from number values like this:
echo cleanNumber('125.00');
// 125
echo cleanNumber('966.70');
// 966.7
echo cleanNumber(844.011);
// 844.011
Does exists some optimized way to do that?
$num + 0 does the trick.
echo 125.00 + 0; // 125
echo '125.00' + 0; // 125
echo 966.70 + 0; // 966.7
Internally, this is equivalent to casting to float with (float)$num or floatval($num) but I find it simpler.
you could just use the floatval function
echo floatval('125.00');
// 125
echo floatval('966.70');
// 966.7
echo floatval('844.011');
// 844.011
This is what I use:
function TrimTrailingZeroes($nbr) {
return strpos($nbr,'.')!==false ? rtrim(rtrim($nbr,'0'),'.') : $nbr;
N.B. This assumes . is the decimal separator. It has the advantage that it will work on arbitrarily large (or small) numbers since there is no float cast. It also won't turn numbers into scientific notation (e.g. 1.0E-17).
If you want to remove the zero digits just before to display on the page or template.
You can use the sprintf() function
// 125
// 966.7
// 844.011
Simply adding + to your string variable will cause typecast to (float) and removes zeros:
var_dump(+'125.00'); // double(125)
var_dump(+'966.70'); // double(966.7)
var_dump(+'844.011'); // double(844.011)
var_dump(+'844.011asdf');// double(844.011)
For everyone coming to this site having the same problem with commata instead, change:
$num = number_format($value, 1, ',', '');
$num = str_replace(',0', '', number_format($value, 1, ',', '')); // e.g. 100,0 becomes 100
If there are two zeros to be removed, then change to:
$num = str_replace(',00', '', number_format($value, 2, ',', '')); // e.g. 100,00 becomes 100
More here: PHP number: decimal point visible only if needed
You should cast your numbers as floats, which will do this for you.
$string = "42.422005000000000000000000000000";
echo (float)$string;
Output of this will be what you are looking for.
$x = '100.10';
$x = preg_replace("/\.?0*$/",'',$x);
echo $x;
There is nothing that can't be fixed with a simple regex ;)
Typecast to a float.
$int = 4.324000;
$int = (float) $int;
Be careful with adding +0.
echo number_format(1500.00, 2,".",",")+0;
Result of this is 1.
echo floatval('1,000.00');
// 1
echo floatval('1000.00');
Sometimes, especially in case of monetary amounts, you want to remove the zeros only if they are 2, you don't want to print € 2.1 instead of € 2.10.
An implementation could be:
function formatAmount(string|float|int $value, int $decimals = 2): string
if (floatval(intval($value)) === floatval($value)) {
// The number is an integer. Remove all the decimals
return (string)intval($value);
return number_format($value, $decimals);
Examples of expected outputs:
0.1000 => 0.10
20.000 => 20
1.25 => 1.25
Example 1
$value =81,500.00;
Example 2
Due to this question is old. First, I'm sorry about this.
The question is about number xxx.xx but in case that it is x,xxx.xxxxx or difference decimal separator such as xxxx,xxxx this can be harder to find and remove zero digits from decimal value.
* Remove zero digits (include zero trails - 123.450, 123.000) from decimal value.
* #param string|int|float $number The number can be any format, any where use in the world such as 123, 1,234.56, 1234.56789, 12.345,67, -98,765.43
* #param string The decimal separator. You have to set this parameter to exactly what it is. For example: in Europe it is mostly use "," instead of ".".
* #return string Return removed zero digits from decimal value. Only return as string!
function removeZeroDigitsFromDecimal($number, $decimal_sep = '.')
$explode_num = explode($decimal_sep, $number);
if (is_countable($explode_num) && count($explode_num) > 1) {
// if exploded number is more than 1 (Example: explode with . for nnnn.nnn is 2)
// replace `is_countable()` with `is_array()` if you are using PHP older than 7.3.
$explode_num[count($explode_num)-1] = preg_replace('/(0+)$/', '', $explode_num[count($explode_num)-1]);
if ($explode_num[count($explode_num)-1] === '') {
// if the decimal value is now empty.
// unset it to prevent nnn. without any number.
$number = implode($decimal_sep, $explode_num);
return (string) $number;
And here is the code for test.
$tests = [
1234 => 1234,
-1234 => -1234,
'12,345.67890' => '12,345.6789',
'-12,345,678.901234' => '-12,345,678.901234',
'12345.000000' => '12345',
'-12345.000000' => '-12345',
'12,345.000000' => '12,345',
'-12,345.000000000' => '-12,345',
foreach ($tests as $number => $assert) {
$result = removeZeroDigitsFromDecimal($number);
assert($result === (string) $assert, new \Exception($result . ' (' . gettype($result) . ') is not matched ' . $assert . ' (' . gettype($assert) . ')'));
echo $number . ' => ' . (string) $assert . '<br>';
echo '<hr>' . PHP_EOL;
$tests = [
1234 => 1234,
-1234 => -1234,
'12.345,67890' => '12.345,6789',
'-12.345.678,901234' => '-12.345.678,901234',
'12345,000000' => '12345',
'-12345,000000' => '-12345',
'-12.345,000000000' => '-12.345',
'-12.345,000000,000' => '-12.345,000000',// this is correct assertion. Weird ,000000,000 but only last 000 will be removed.
foreach ($tests as $number => $assert) {
$result = removeZeroDigitsFromDecimal($number, ',');
assert($result === (string) $assert, new \Exception($result . ' (' . gettype($result) . ') is not matched ' . $assert . ' (' . gettype($assert) . ')'));
echo $number . ' => ' . (string) $assert . '<br>';
All tests should be pass and no errors.
Why '-12.345,000000,000' will be '-12.345,000000' not '-12.345'?
Because this function is for remove zero digits (include zero trails) from decimal value. It is not validation for the correct number format. That should be another function.
Why always return as string?
Because it is better to use in calculation with bcxxx functions, or use with big number.
$str = 15.00;
$str2 = 14.70;
echo rtrim(rtrim(strval($str), "0"), "."); //15
echo rtrim(rtrim(strval($str2), "0"), "."); //14.7
I found this solution is the best:
public function priceFormat(float $price): string
$price = $price + 0;
$split = explode('.', $price);
return number_format($price, isset($split[1]) ? strlen($split[1]) : 2, ',', '.');
The following is much simpler
if(floor($num) == $num) {
echo number_format($num);
} else {
echo $num;
You can try the following:
Complicated way but works:
$num = '125.0100';
$index = $num[strlen($num)-1];
$i = strlen($num)-1;
while($index == '0') {
if ($num[$i] == '0') {
$num[$i] = '';
$index = $num[$i];
//remove dot if no numbers exist after dot
$explode = explode('.', $num);
if (isset($explode[1]) && intval($explode[1]) <= 0) {
$num = intval($explode[0]);
echo $num; //125.01
the solutions above are the optimal way but in case you want to have your own you could use this. What this algorithm does it starts at the end of string and checks if its 0, if it is it sets to empty string and then goes to the next character from back untill the last character is > 0
$value = preg_replace('~\.0+$~','',$value);
You can use:
print (floatval)(number_format( $Value), 2 ) );
Thats my small solution...
Can included to a class and set vars
private $dsepparator = '.'; // decimals
private $tsepparator= ','; // thousand
That can be set by constructor and change to users lang.
class foo
private $dsepparator;
private $tsepparator;
function __construct(){
$langDatas = ['en' => ['dsepparator' => '.', 'tsepparator' => ','], 'de' => ['dsepparator' => ',', 'tsepparator' => '.']];
$usersLang = 'de'; // set iso code of lang from user
$this->dsepparator = $langDatas[$usersLang]['dsepparator'];
$this->tsepparator = $langDatas[$usersLang]['tsepparator'];
public function numberOmat($amount, $decimals = 2, $hideByZero = false)
return ( $hideByZero === true AND ($amount-floor($amount)) <= 0 ) ? number_format($amount, 0, $this->dsepparator, $this->tsepparator) : number_format($amount, $decimals, $this->dsepparator, $this->tsepparator);
* $bar = new foo();
* $bar->numberOmat('5.1234', 2, true); // returns: 5,12
* $bar->numberOmat('5', 2); // returns: 5,00
* $bar->numberOmat('5.00', 2, true); // returns: 5
This is my solution.
I want to keep ability to add thousands separator
$precision = 5;
$number = round($number, $precision);
$decimals = strlen(substr(strrchr($number, '.'), 1));
return number_format($number, $precision, '.', ',');
This is a simple one line function using rtrim, save separator and decimal point :
function myFormat($num,$dec)
return rtrim(rtrim(number_format($num,$dec),'0'),'.');
Simple and accurate!
function cleanNumber($num){
$explode = explode('.', $num);
$count = strlen(rtrim($explode[1],'0'));
return bcmul("$num",'1', $count);
I use this simple code:
define('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR', ','); //To prove that it works with different separators than "."
$input = "50,00";
$number = rtrim($input, '0'); // 50,00 --> 50,
$number = rtrim($number, DECIMAL_SEPARATOR); // 50, --> 50
echo $number;
Seems a bit too easy to be the really correct solution, but it works just fine for me. You should do some tests with the inputs you'll be getting before using this.
Assuming the amount is a string with 2 decimal places, then you can use:
protected function removeZerosDecimals(string $money): string
$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
$uselessDecimals = sprintf(
if (!str_ends_with($money, $uselessDecimals)) {
return $money;
$len = mb_strlen($money);
return mb_substr($money, 0, $len - mb_strlen($uselessDecimals));
That will work as expected for ?any? currency, like $500.00 and R$ 500,00.
function removeZerosAfterDecimals($number) {
$number = trim($number);
if($number <= 0 || empty($number)) {
return $number;
$ary = explode('.', $number);
if(count($ary) <= 1) {
return $number;
$reverseAry = array_reverse($ary);
$endSearch = false;
$newNumber = [];
for($i=0; $i<count($reverseAry); $i++) {
if($reverseAry[$i] != 0 && $endSearch === false) {
$newNumber[] = $reverseAry[$i];
$endSearch = true;
} else if ($endSearch === true) {
$newNumber[] = $reverseAry[$i];
return implode('.',array_reverse($newNumber));
//output: => 10.0.1
//output: 10.0.1 => 10.0.1
//output: 10.1.2 => 10.1.2
//output: 10.0.0 => 10
This function will only remove the trailing zero decimals
This Code will remove zero after point and will return only two decimal digits.
str_replace('.00', '',number_format($number, 2, '.', ''));
Output will be: 1200
Ultimate Solution: The only safe way is to use regex:
echo preg_replace("/\.?0+$/", "", 3.0); // 3
echo preg_replace("/\d+\.?\d*(\.?0+)/", "", 3.0); // 3
it will work for any case

PHP How to extract decimal from string like '99 5/32'

Data arrives as a string '99 10/32' or '99 5/32' or '100 5/32' or '100 25/32', etc
I need it in decimal form so I have done this, but results are not always correct:
$priceRaw = '99 5/32'; // ******also could be $priceRaw = 100 15/32, etc
$priceFrac = (str_replace("/32","",substr($priceRaw, -5))/100);
$priceFirst = (substr($priceRaw, 0, 3)*1);
$value = $priceFirst+$priceFrac;
// original code that failed with one digit, e.g. 5/32
// $value=str_replace("/32.","",str_replace(" ",".0",$e->plaintext));
Split the string by space to get parts
list($priceFirst, $priceFrac) = explode(' ', $priceRaw);
$priceFrac = (str_replace("/32","",$priceFrac)/100);
echo $value = $priceFirst+$priceFrac;
I'll get hammered for eval, but works for all fractions.
Split on space and use the numbers in a calculation:
$priceRaw = '99 5/32';
list($num, $frac) = explode(' ', $priceRaw);
eval("\$result = $num + $frac;");
echo $result; // 99.15625
Or replace the space with + and calculate:
$calc = str_replace(' ', '+', $priceRaw);
eval("\$result = $calc;");
echo $result; // 99.15625
Then just round or number_format or whatever you need. I may be missing something important as your math is funny.
Or we can go the regular expression route:
function convFrac($in) {
if( preg_match('#^(\d+)\s+(\d+)/(\d+)$#', $in, $match) ) {
$tmp = array_map('intval', array_slice($match, 1));
return $tmp[0] + $tmp[1] / $tmp[2];
throw new \Exception("Badly formatted fraction.");
var_dump( convFrac('99 5/32') ); // float(99.15625)

PHP: decimal format and mysql

I have a form where the users write different numbers and can be decimal, but the format is different from the PHP and MySQL default format. This is the format I work with:
1,1 (one dot one) - 1.000,90 (one thousand and 90) - 1.000.000,90 (one million and 90), etc
Right now I have this function:
function formato_num($num){
$num = str_replace('.', '', $num);
$num = str_replace(',', '.', $num);
return $num;
It works fine in those cases but, if the user for some reason writes the decimal with a dot (.), it doesn't work.
I have this other function, but it doesn't work completely fine:
if(strpos($_POST['num'],'.') !== false){
$decimal = $_POST['num'];
$split = explode('.', $decimal);
$l = strlen($split[1]);
if($l < 3){
echo str_replace('.', ',', $_POST['num']);
$num = str_replace('.', '', $_POST['num']);
$num = str_replace(',', '.', $_POST['num']);
echo $num;
Any help? Thanks.
If the user writes:
1.000 (one thousand) I save it on the DDBB as 1000.
1,2 (decimal) I save it as 1.1.
The problem is if the user use a dot for the thousand separator and decimal.
You can "easily" transform strings containing both: a comma and a dot, but especially if you want to support misplaced thousand-separators or allow the user to enter three decimal places ambiguities arise.
This is a best-effort approach which you could use. I while not be responsible for any misinterpreted numbers!
function stringToNumber($str) {
$last_comma = strrpos($str, ',');
$last_dot = strrpos($str, '.');
if($last_comma === false && $last_dot === false) {
return $str;
} elseif($last_comma !== false && $last_dot !== false) {
if($last_comma < $last_dot) {
// dot is further to the right
return str_replace(',', '', $str);
} else {
// comma is further to the right
return str_replace(',', '.', str_replace('.', '', $str));
} elseif ($last_dot !== false) {
// No commas. For thousand-separator the following must hold
if(preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}(\\.[0-9]{3})+$/', $str)) {
// every dot is followed by three digits... lets assume the user wanted them as thousand-separators
// For a single dot this assumption may be invalid, but we expect the user to use . as thousand-separator...
return str_replace('.', '', $str);
} else {
// We could check here how many dots are used.
return $str;
} else {
// No dots. For thousand-separator the following must hold
if(preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}(,[0-9]{3})+,[0-9]{3}$/', $str)) {
// every comma is followed by three digits and there are at least two of them
return str_replace(',', '', $str);
} else {
// So this is it. Single comma. We could check if the comma is followed by three digits, but it still could be legitimate and while we want to support unexpected input we do not want to interfere with valid input like "1,234" meant as 1.234
return str_replace(',', '.', $str);
function formated_test($str) {
$num = stringToNumber($str);
printf("% 14s => % 14s\n", $str, $num);
And output:
42 => 42
42.1 => 42.1
42,1 => 42.1
42.123 => 42123
42,123 => 42.123
42.123,42 => 42123.42
42,123.42 => 42123.42
42.123.456 => 42123456
42,123,456 => 42123456
42.123.456,12 => 42123456.12
42,123,456.12 => 42123456.12

Price string to float

I like to convert string with a price to a float value. The price comes from different languages and countries and can look like this:
1,00 €
€ 1.00
1'000,00 EUR
1 000.00$
1.000,00 EURO
or whatever you can think of...
Not sure I got the full range of possibilities with my examples. I am also not sure if it is possible to make in international convert blindly, maybe I have to use a language code? So for the start Euro and Dollar would be enough.
floatval() is kind of stupid so I need something more here. I think I should first remove all chars beside numbers, , and .. Then fix the , / . and use floatval finally.
Has someone done this before and can help me a little?
I would prefer a solution without regexp ;)
Ok, I tried it myself. What do you think of this?
function priceToFloat($s){
// is negative number
$neg = strpos((string)$s, '-') !== false;
// convert "," to "."
$s = str_replace(',', '.', $s);
// remove everything except numbers and dot "."
$s = preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/", "", $s);
// remove all seperators from first part and keep the end
$s = str_replace('.', '',substr($s, 0, -3)) . substr($s, -3);
// Set negative number
if( $neg ) {
$s = '-' . $s;
// return float
return (float) $s;
Here some tests:
Sorry. I couldn't include the other functions because codepad did not like them. But I compared them and there was trouble with strings like "22 000,76" or "22.000"
Update: As Limitless isa pointed out you might have a look at the build in function money-format.
Removing all the non-numeric characters should give you the price in cents. You can then divide that by 100 to get the 'human readable' price. You could do this with something like the filter_var FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT. For example:
$cents = filter_var($input, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$price = floatval($cents / 100);
Above is untested, but something like that is probably what you're looking for.
This function will fix your problem:
function priceToSQL($price)
$price = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.,]*/i', '', $price);
$price = str_replace(',', '.', $price);
if(substr($price, -3, 1) == '.')
$price = explode('.', $price);
$last = array_pop($price);
$price = join($price, '').'.'.$last;
$price = str_replace('.', '', $price);
return $price;
price to number
number to price examples
echo $result. "<br/>";
// 1050.50
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'tr_TR');
echo money_format('%!.2n', $result) ;
// 1.050,50
To remove all but numbers, commas and full stops:
$prices = array( "1,00 €",
"€ 1.00",
"1'000,00 EUR",
"1 000.99$",
"1.000,10 EURO");
$new_prices = array();
foreach ($prices as $price) {
$new_prices[] = preg_replace("/[^0-9,\.]/", "", $price);
Array ( [0] => 1,00 [1] => 1.00 [2] => 1000,00 [3] => 1000.99 [4] => 1,000.01 [5] => 1.000,10 )
Now lets utilize the parseFloat function from Michiel - (I won't paste it here since it's a pretty big function):
$prices = array( "1,00 €",
"€ 1.00",
"1'000,00 EUR",
"1 000.99$",
"1.000,10 EURO");
$new_prices = array();
foreach ($prices as $price) {
$new_prices[] = parseFloat(preg_replace("/[^0-9,\.]/", "", $price));
Output will be:
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1000 [3] => 1000.99 [4] => 1000.01 [5] => 1000.1 )
not perfect, but it work
function priceToFloat($s){
// clear witespaces
$s = trim($s);
$s = str_replace(' ', '', $s);
// is it minus value
$is_minus = false;
if(strpos($s, '(') !== false)
$is_minus = true;
if(strpos($s, '-') !== false)
$is_minus = true;
// check case where string has "," and "."
$dot = strpos($s, '.');
$semi = strpos($s, ',');
if($dot !== false && $semi !== false){
// change fraction sign to #, we change it again later
$s = str_replace('#', '', $s);
if($dot < $semi) $s = str_replace(',','#', $s);
else $s = str_replace('.','#', $s);
// remove another ",", "." and change "#" to "."
$s = str_replace([',','.', '#'], ['','', '.'], $s);
$s = str_replace(',', '.', $s);
// clear usless elements
$s = preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/", "", $s);
// if it minus value put the "-" sign
if($is_minus) $s = -$s;
return (float) $s;
working cases
$prices = [
'123 456,789',
'123 456.789',
foreach($prices as $price)
echo priceToFloat($price).'<br />';

Nice PHP algorithm to convert 120000000 into '120 mil'?

I've been struggling to find a nice algorithm to change a number (could be a float or integer) into a nicely formated human readable number showing the units as a string. For example:
100500000 -> '100.5 Mil'
200400 -> '200.4 K'
143000000 -> '143 Mil'
52000000000 -> '52 Bil'
etc, you get the idea.
Any pointers?
I'd adapt the code below (which i found on the net):
Code credit goes to this link i found:
function humanReadableOctets($octets)
$units = array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); // ...etc
for ($i = 0, $size =$octets; $size>1024; $size=$size/1024)
return number_format($size, 2) . ' ' . $units[min($i, count($units) -1 )];
Don't forget to change 1024 to 1000 though ...
function prettyNumber($number) // $number is int / float
$orders = Array("", " K", " Mil", " Bil");
while (($number/1000.0) >= 1.5) { // while the next step up would generate a number greater than 1.5
if ($order)
return preg_replace("/\.?0+$/", "",
substr(number_format($number, 2),0,5)).$orders[$order];
return $number;
$tests = array(100500000,200400,143000000,52000000000);
foreach ($tests as $test)
echo $test." -> '".prettyNumber($test)."'\n";
Here is a log() version if you are still interested:
function wordify($val, $decimalPlaces = 1) {
if ($val < 1000 && $val > -1000)
return $val;
$a = array( 0 => "", 1 => "K", 2 => "Mil", 3 => "Bil", 4 => "Tril", 5 => "Quad" );
$log1000 = log(abs($val), 1000);
$suffix = $a[$log1000];
return number_format($val / pow(1000, floor($log1000)), $decimalPlaces, '.', '') . " $suffix";
$tests = array(-1001, -970, 0, 1, 929, 1637, 17000, 123456, 1000000, 1000000000, 1234567890123);
foreach ($tests as $num) {
echo wordify($num)."<br>";
found this
this one might be better for you
might be a good start
there is similar code here:
