Most efficient way to check if array element exists in string - php

I've been looking for a way to check if any of an array of values exists in a string, but it seems that PHP has no native way of doing this, so I've come up with the below.
My question - is there a better way of doing this, as this seems pretty inefficient? Thanks.
$match_found = false;
$referer = wp_get_referer();
$valid_referers = array(
/** Loop through all referers looking for a match */
foreach($valid_referers as $string) :
$referer_valid = strstr($referer, $string);
if($referer_valid !== false) :
$match_found = true;
/** If there were no matches, exit the function */
if(!$match_found) :
return false;

Try with following function:
function contains($input, array $referers)
foreach($referers as $referer) {
if (stripos($input,$referer) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
if ( contains($referer, $valid_referers) ) {
// contains

What about this:
$exists = true;
array_walk($my_array, function($item, $key) {
$exists &= (strpos($my_string, $item) !== FALSE);
This will check if any of the array values exists in the string. If only one is missing, You are given a false response. Should You need to find out which one are not present in the string, try this:
$exists = true;
$not_present = array();
array_walk($my_array, function($item, $key) {
if(strpos($my_string, $item) === FALSE) {
$not_present[] = $item;
$exists &= false;
} else {
$exists &= true;

First of, alternate syntax is nice to use, but historically it's used in template files. Since it's structure is easily readable while coupling/decouping the PHP interpreter to interpolate HTML data.
Second, it's generally wise if all your code does is to check something, to immediately return if that condition is met:
$match_found = false;
$referer = wp_get_referer();
$valid_referers = array(
/** Loop through all referers looking for a match */
foreach($valid_referers as $string) :
$referer_valid = strstr($referer, $string);
if($referer_valid !== false) :
$match_found = true;
break; // break here. You already know other values will not change the outcome
/** If there were no matches, exit the function */
if(!$match_found) :
return false;
// if you don't do anything after this return, it's identical to doing return $match_found
Now as specified by some of the other posts in this thread. PHP has a number of functions that can help. Here's a couple more:
in_array($referer, $valid_referers);// returns true/false on match
$valid_referers = array(
'dd-options' => true,
'dd-options-footer' => true,
'dd-options-offices' => true
);// remapped to a dictionary instead of a standard array
isset($valid_referers[$referer]);// returns true/false on match
Ask if you have any questions.


Group the same array element in PHP

I have this function to check for word sequences:
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
$sequence_need = array_values(array_intersect($arr_scheme, $arr_input));
if(!empty($arr_input) && ($sequence_need == $arr_input)):
return true;
return false;
There were my sample and scheme variables:
$sample = "branch of science";
$scheme = "The branch of science concerned of nature and property of matter and energy";
I have converted to array:
$arr_sample = explode(" ",trim(rtrim(rtrim($sample,".")," ")));
echo 'Sample:';
$arr_scheme = explode(" ",trim(rtrim(rtrim($scheme,".")," ")));
echo '<br/>Scheme:';
Now, I check the sequences:
$result = sequence($arr_scheme, $arr_sample);
The result:
echo '<br/>Result:';
When I set the variable $sample to
"branch science" the result will return true. This was fine.
However when I set the variable sample to
"branch of science" the result will return false .
Reason - the word of was more than 1, how I can solve this problem?
Find first input word in the scheme (can be multiple).
Then run recursive for rests of arrays.
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
if (!$arr_input) return true;
$first = array_shift($arr_input);
$occurences = array_keys($arr_scheme, $first);
if (!$occurences) return false;
foreach ($occurences as $o) { // loop first word occurences
$found = sequence(array_slice($arr_scheme, $o), $arr_input);
if ($found) return true;
return false;
First word later occurences should not matter anything for match.
So, this tail-recursion function will work even better:
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
if (!$arr_input) return true;
$first = array_shift($arr_input);
$index = array_search($arr_scheme, $first);
if ($index === false) return false; // not found
return sequence(array_slice($arr_scheme, $index), $arr_input);
You can research more at here. Note: "Returns an array containing all of the values in array1 whose values exist in all of the parameters.". Then, look at in your result, when you call var_dump($arr_scheme);, you see "of" appears 3 times. and size of array result after compare is 5. however, size of array $sample is 3. So, you can understand why it returns false.
Solution for this case. why dont you try to use regular expression? or strpos function?
$sequence_need = array_unique($sequence_need);
array_unique removes any duplicate values in your array.. the duplicate 'of' will be removes.. Hope it helps..
I think you should go with array_diff(). It computes the difference of arrays and returns the values in $arr_sample that are not present in $arr_scheme.
array_diff($arr_sample, $arr_scheme)
will return an empty array if all the values in $arr_sample are present in $arr_scheme
The next step would be to count the length of the array returned by array_diff(). If it equals 0, then we should return true
return count(array_diff($arr_sample, $arr_scheme)) === 0;
The above return statement could be presented as:
$diff = array_diff($arr_sample, $arr_scheme);
if (count($diff) === 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
From your comments it became clear that your function should return true
if all the elements of $arr_input are present in $arr_scheme in the same order
that they appear in $arr_scheme. Othewise it should return false
sequence(['branch', 'of', 'science', 'and', 'energy'], ['branch', 'of', 'energy'])
should return true
sequence(['branch', 'of', 'science', 'and', 'energy'], ['science', 'of', 'branch'])
should return false
In this case the function sequence() could be defined as follows:
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
//test if all elements of $arr_input are present in $arr_scheme
$diff = array_diff($arr_input, $arr_scheme);
if ($diff) {
return false;
foreach ($arr_input as $value) {
$pos = array_search($value, $arr_scheme);
if (false !== $pos ) {
$arr_scheme = array_slice($arr_scheme, $pos + 1);
return false;
return true;

Check if website is in the blocked list

Am creating a class that handles redirection to exterior locations. I created a method called isBlocked which returns a boolean result. This function works as follows:
It loops through the $_blocked variable and compares is the input string is found, it it is it returns true otherwise false. Bellow is the actual incase my explanation is not enough.
public static function isBlocked($location)
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof(self::$_blocked); $i++)
if(self::$_blocked[$i] === $location)
return true;
return false;
This works perfectly, the problem comes when for example, lets say "" is on the list and the input is "", it will return false. This is obvious since am using the identical operator ===.
Question is the following: Is there any function in PHP that work with URLS apart from url_encode & url_decode? I obviously can create a regular expression but let me know if there is any other approach to this.
Thanks in advance.
It occurs to me that the match is backwards, since it's a many to one, with the one matching a (sub)part of any in the stack. So, in that case we can use a strpos() (in lieu of a regular expression):
function find_reverse_match($needle, $haystack) {
$i = 0;
$c = count($haystack);
while ($i < $c) {
if (strpos($needle, $haystack[$i++]) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
There is no php function to replace only first occurrence in a string, so preg_replace() and in_array() will do the job:
$blocked = array(
var_dump( in_array( preg_replace( '/^www\./', '', '' ), preg_replace( '/^www\./', '', $blocked ) ) ); // true
var_dump( in_array( preg_replace( '/^www\./', '', '' ), preg_replace( '/^www\./', '', $blocked ) ) ); // true
var_dump( in_array( preg_replace( '/^www\./', '', '' ), preg_replace( '/^www\./', '', $blocked ) ) ); // false
i just take example:
Php Search_Array using Wildcard
that wrote #JaredFarrish and adopt for this particular case:
function isBlocked($location)
$blocked = [
$matches = preg_grep("/^(www)?$location$/", $blocked);
if (empty($matches)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
print isBlocked(''); // 1
print isBlocked(''); // 1
print isBlocked(''); // 1
print isBlocked(''); // 0
And the answer: you should write regular expression)
Is it possible for you to string replace the www.?
public static function isBlocked($location)
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof(self::$_blocked); $i++)
if(self::$_blocked[$i] === str_replace("www.","",$location))
return true;
return false;
Psuedo code.
NVM. Seem you said you can do expression
Maybe use

Check whether the given two words are existing in a PHP string

I want to check if a string contains two specific words.
For example:
I need to check if the string contains "MAN" & "WAN" in a sentence like "MAN live in WAN" and returns true else false.
What I've tried is looping string function in a conditional way:-
$data = array("MAN","WAN");
$checkExists = $this->checkInSentence($data);
function checkInSentence( $data ){
$response = TRUE;
foreach ($data as $value) {
if (strpos($string, $word) === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
return $response;
Is it the right method or do I've to change it? How to implement this any suggestions or idea will be highly appreciated.
Note: data array may contain more than two words may be. I just need check whether a set of words are exists in a paragraph or sentence.
Thanks in advance !
It's alsmost good. You need to make it set the response to false if a word is not included. Right now it'll always give true.
if (strpos($string, $word) === FALSE) {
$response = FALSE;
Try this:
This also should work!
$count = count($data);
$i = 0;
foreach ($data as $value) {
if (strpos($string, $value) === FALSE) {
#$response = TRUE; // This is subject to change so not reliable
response = FALSE;

PHP testing array_walk result

I'm sure this is an easy solution - I wrote found this endswith function and thought I'd try the array_walk function instead of testing each string separately. I'd assumed that the result of the array_walk function would be false but it returns 1...How do I get it to test all the strings and return false if it didn't find a match? Thanks
class {
function endsWith($value,$key,$haystack)
$length = strlen($value);
if ($length == 0) {
return true;
return (substr($haystack, -$length) === $value);
function thing()
$email = "";
$arr = array("","","","");
echo array_walk($arr,array($this,"endsWith"),$email);
The return value of array_walk is not determined by whatever the callback does; it only informs you if walking the entire array was completed successfully.
You may want to look into a few alternatives.
This will return the number of matching elements and will also serve as a boolean test, but it will evaluate every element no matter what:
echo count(array_filter($arr,array($this,"endsWith")));
This will stop evaluating elements with endsWith as soon as a match is detected and will return true if there is a match, false otherwise:
$self = $this;
// cast to int because false is printed as the empty string
echo (int)array_reduce($arr,
function($result, $v) use ($email, $self) {
return $result || $self->endsWith($v, null, $email);
Try this
class {
function thing()
$email = "";
$arr = array("","","","");
foreach ($arr as $domain) {
$length = strlen($value);
if ($length != 0) {
if (substr($email, -$length) === $domain) { echo $domain; break; }
array_walk() just iterates over the elements of an array and returns true, if it was able to do it. (echo casts boolea true to a string '1') Have a look at array_recude()
$that = $this; // Cannot access $this directly before PHP 5.4
array_reduce (
function($result, item) use ($email, $that) { return $result || $that->endsWith($item, null /* not used anyway */, $email);},
Additional $key is not used and useless in endsWith().
If you want to apply a function to all values and return a single result you should use array_reduce.
As of PHP 5.3, you can use anonymous functions:
class {
function thing()
$email = "";
$arr = array("","","","");
$match = '';
$found = false;
array_walk($arr,function($value) use (&$match, &$found, $email) {
$length = strlen($value);
if ($length == 0) {
$found = true;
if (substr($email, -$length) === $value) {
$match = $value;
$found = true;
if ($found) {
echo 'Found match: ' . $match;
} else {
echo 'No match found :(';

Check Sessions in an array?

hmm i got a homework, its 2 hours and i still have no clue on it :|
like this
$sessions['lefthand'] = 'apple';
$sessions['righthand'] = '';
$sessions['head'] = 'hat';
$sessions['cloth'] = '';
$sessions['pants'] = '';
// here is the homework function
we have some string "lefthand,righthand,head,cloth,pants"
question is : " how can we check if the five session is not null or exist and display which session is empty ( if there is an empty session ) if all exist then returns a true ?
empty righthand , pants, and cloth.
this is how i think about it
explode it to arrays
check one bye one if !null id there is a
here is the progress that ive made *edit4 , :)
function CheckSession($sessions){
$all_sessions_exist = true;
$keys = explode(',',$sessions);
$error = array();
// Search for Session that are not exist
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (!isset($_SESSION[$key]) && empty($_SESSION[$key])) {
echo "no $key</br>";
$all_sessions_exist = false;
return $all_sessions_exist;
Thanks for taking a look
Adam Ramadhan
Seeing as it's homework, you won't get the solution. You're on the right track though. explode() it by the delimiter. You can the loop through it using foreach and use empty() to check if they're set. You can access the sessions like $_SESSION[$key]. Keep an array of the ones that match.
function CheckSession($string){
$all_sessions_exist = true; #this will change if one of the session keys does not exist
$keys = explode(',', $string); #get an array of session keys
foreach($keys as $key){
if(isset($_SESSION[$key])) {
echo '$_SESSION['.$key.'] is set and contains "'.$_SESSION[$key].'".'; #existing non-empty session key
else echo '$_SESSION['.$key.'] is set and is empty.' ;
}else {
echo '$_SESSION['.$key.'] is not set.'; #key does not exist
$all_sessions_exist = false; #this will determine if all session exist
echo '<br />'; #formatting the output
return $all_sessions_exist;
Just cleaning up your function
function CheckSession($sessions)
$session = explode(',',$sessions);
$return = array();
foreach ($session as $s)
$return[$s] = (isset($_SESSION[$s]) && !empty($_SESSION[$s]) ? true : false)
return $return;
$sessions['lefthand'] = 'apple';
$sessions['righthand'] = '';
$sessions['head'] = 'hat';
$sessions['cloth'] = '';
$sessions['pants'] = '';
And the checking part
// here is the homework function
$Results = CheckSession('lefthand,righthand,head,cloth,pants');
//$value1= false; // Commented out so does not get set
$value2= false; //Still set to a bool
empty($value1); // returns false but still strikes E_NOTICE ERROR
empty($value2); // returns false with no error
Note, empty does not trigger an error but this example would take affect an a lot of other php functions.
