Group the same array element in PHP - php

I have this function to check for word sequences:
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
$sequence_need = array_values(array_intersect($arr_scheme, $arr_input));
if(!empty($arr_input) && ($sequence_need == $arr_input)):
return true;
return false;
There were my sample and scheme variables:
$sample = "branch of science";
$scheme = "The branch of science concerned of nature and property of matter and energy";
I have converted to array:
$arr_sample = explode(" ",trim(rtrim(rtrim($sample,".")," ")));
echo 'Sample:';
$arr_scheme = explode(" ",trim(rtrim(rtrim($scheme,".")," ")));
echo '<br/>Scheme:';
Now, I check the sequences:
$result = sequence($arr_scheme, $arr_sample);
The result:
echo '<br/>Result:';
When I set the variable $sample to
"branch science" the result will return true. This was fine.
However when I set the variable sample to
"branch of science" the result will return false .
Reason - the word of was more than 1, how I can solve this problem?

Find first input word in the scheme (can be multiple).
Then run recursive for rests of arrays.
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
if (!$arr_input) return true;
$first = array_shift($arr_input);
$occurences = array_keys($arr_scheme, $first);
if (!$occurences) return false;
foreach ($occurences as $o) { // loop first word occurences
$found = sequence(array_slice($arr_scheme, $o), $arr_input);
if ($found) return true;
return false;
First word later occurences should not matter anything for match.
So, this tail-recursion function will work even better:
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
if (!$arr_input) return true;
$first = array_shift($arr_input);
$index = array_search($arr_scheme, $first);
if ($index === false) return false; // not found
return sequence(array_slice($arr_scheme, $index), $arr_input);

You can research more at here. Note: "Returns an array containing all of the values in array1 whose values exist in all of the parameters.". Then, look at in your result, when you call var_dump($arr_scheme);, you see "of" appears 3 times. and size of array result after compare is 5. however, size of array $sample is 3. So, you can understand why it returns false.
Solution for this case. why dont you try to use regular expression? or strpos function?

$sequence_need = array_unique($sequence_need);
array_unique removes any duplicate values in your array.. the duplicate 'of' will be removes.. Hope it helps..

I think you should go with array_diff(). It computes the difference of arrays and returns the values in $arr_sample that are not present in $arr_scheme.
array_diff($arr_sample, $arr_scheme)
will return an empty array if all the values in $arr_sample are present in $arr_scheme
The next step would be to count the length of the array returned by array_diff(). If it equals 0, then we should return true
return count(array_diff($arr_sample, $arr_scheme)) === 0;
The above return statement could be presented as:
$diff = array_diff($arr_sample, $arr_scheme);
if (count($diff) === 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
From your comments it became clear that your function should return true
if all the elements of $arr_input are present in $arr_scheme in the same order
that they appear in $arr_scheme. Othewise it should return false
sequence(['branch', 'of', 'science', 'and', 'energy'], ['branch', 'of', 'energy'])
should return true
sequence(['branch', 'of', 'science', 'and', 'energy'], ['science', 'of', 'branch'])
should return false
In this case the function sequence() could be defined as follows:
function sequence($arr_scheme = [], $arr_input = [])
//test if all elements of $arr_input are present in $arr_scheme
$diff = array_diff($arr_input, $arr_scheme);
if ($diff) {
return false;
foreach ($arr_input as $value) {
$pos = array_search($value, $arr_scheme);
if (false !== $pos ) {
$arr_scheme = array_slice($arr_scheme, $pos + 1);
return false;
return true;


PHP In_MultiArray Function

on - if you scroll down it gives a function to determine if a string is inside of a query in a multidimensional array. "If you found yourself in need of a multidimensional array in_array like function you can use the one below. Works in a fair amount of time"
Here's original code(working):
function in_multiarray($elem, $array)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom] == $elem)
return true;
if(in_multiarray($elem, ($array[$bottom])))
return true;
return false;
What I'm trying to do is instead of returning 'true' or 'false' - i'd like to return the ROW #. So my initial thought was to simply replace 'return true' with 'return $bottom; however it isn't returning the record number.
Modified Function (not working);
function in_multiarray($elem, $array)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom] == $elem)
return $bottom;
if(in_multiarray($elem, ($array[$bottom])))
return $bottom;
return false;
Does anyone have an idea how to modify this function to return the ROW number that contains the match?
Here's a sample of the array...
$sample = array
array ("oldpage1.php","newpage1.php"),
array ("oldpage2.php","newpage2.php"),
array ("oldpage3.php","newpage3.php"),
array ("oldpage4.php","newpage4.php"),
array ("oldpage5.php","newpage5.php")
$row = in_multiarray($input, $sample);
Therefore if we know the row # we can fetch the new page with a simple
It's worth noting that a function like in_array is intended to tell you whether or not a value exists inside of an array. What you're looking for seems to be a lot closer to something like array_search, which is designed to actually provide you with the key that points to a given value in the array.
However, because you're using a multi-dimensional array what you're actually looking for is the key that points to the array that contains the value. Hence we can divide and conquer this problem with two simple steps.
The first step is to map a function in_array to every element in the first array (which is just another array). This will tell us which elements of the primary array contain an array that contains the value we're searching for.
$result = array_map(function($arr) use($search) {
return in_array($search, $arr, true);
}, $arr, [$searchValue]);
The second step is to then return the keys to those arrays (i.e. filter the result).
$keys = array_keys(array_filter($result));
Now you have all the keys of any matching items. If you want to apply as just one custom filter that specifies exactly where in the subarray to look, you could also do it like this.
$search = "oldpage2.php";
$sample = [
$keys = array_keys(array_filter($sample, function($arr) use($search) {
return $arr[0] === $search;
And you get...
array(1) {
So now you know that "oldpage2.php" is in row 1 in $sample[1][0] which means you can do this to get the results out of the array.
foreach($keys as $key) {
echo "{$sample[$key][0]} maps to {$sample[$key][1]}\n";
Giving you
oldpage2.php maps to newpage2.php
If you want to return only the first result you could do that as well with a function like this using similar approach.
function getFirstMatch($search, Array $arr) {
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
if ($value[0] === $search) {
return $value[1];
echo getFirstMatch("oldpage4.php", $sample); // newpage4.php
The Better Alternative
Of course, the better approach is to actually use the oldpage names as the actual keys of the array rather than do this expensive search through the array, because array lookup by key in PHP is just an O(1) operation, whereas this needle/haystack approach is O(N).
So we turn your $samples array into something like this and the search no longer requires any functions...
$samples = [
"oldpage1.php" => "newpage1.php",
"oldpage2.php" => "newpage2.php",
"oldpage3.php" => "newpage3.php",
"oldpage4.php" => "newpage4.php",
"oldpage5.php" => "newpage5.php",
Now you can just do something like $newpage = $samples[$search] and you get exactly what you're looking for. So echo $samples["oldpage2.php"] gives you "newpage2.php" directly without the intermediary step of searching through each array.
You can use the following code to get the full path to the value:
function in_multiarray($elem, $array, &$result)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom] == $elem) {
array_unshift($result, $bottom);
return true;
else {
if(is_array($array[$bottom])) {
if(in_multiarray($elem, $array[$bottom], $result)) {
array_unshift($result, $bottom);
return true;
return false;
$sample = array(
array ("oldpage1.php","newpage1.php"),
array ("oldpage2.php","newpage2.php"),
array ("oldpage3.php","newpage3.php"),
array ("oldpage4.php","newpage4.php"),
array ("oldpage5.php","newpage5.php")
$input = "newpage5.php";
$result = [];
in_multiarray($input, $sample, $result);
Path is stored in $result;

Which member of array does the string contain in PHP?

How can I check if a string contains a member of an array, and return the index (integer) of the relevant member?
Let's say my string is this :
$string1 = "";
$string2 = "";
$r = array("queue" , "stack" , "heap");
get_index($string1 , $r); // returns 1
get_index($string2 , $r); // returns -1 since string2 does not contain any element of array
How can I write this function in an elegant (short) and efficient way ?
I found a function (expression ? ) that checks if the string contains a member of an array :
(0 < count(array_intersect(array_map('strtolower', explode(' ', $string)), $array)))
but this is a boolean. does the count() function return what I want in this statement ?
Thanks for any help !
function get_index($str, $arr){
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
if(strpos($str, $val) !== false)
return $key;
return -1;
This will find the number of matching elements in your array, if you want all matching keys, use the commented lines instead:
function findMatchingItems($needle, $haystack){
$foundItems = 0; // start counter
// $foundItems = array(); // start array to save ALL keys
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value){ // start to loop through all items
if( strpos($value, $needle)!==false){
++$foundItems; // if found, increase counter
// $foundItems[] = $key; // Add the key to the array
return $foundItems; // return found items
findMatchingItems($string1 , $r);
findMatchingItems($string2 , $r);
If you want to return all matching keys, just change $foundItems to an array and add the keys in the if-statement (switch to the commented lines).
If you only want to know if something matches or not
function findMatchingItems($needle, $haystack){
if( strpos($value, $needle)!==false){
return true;
break; // <- This is important. This stops the loop, saving time ;)
return false;// failsave, if no true is returned, this will return
I would do a function like this:
function getIndex($string, $array) {
$index = -1;
$i = 0;
foreach($array as $array_elem) {
if(str_pos($array_elem, $string) !== false) {
$index = $i;
return $index;

in_array() does not seem to check after key 2

I have a simple function that should just give me TRUE or FALSE if a value is find in an array.
function bypass($user, $bypassUsers){
$users = explode(",", $bypassUsers);
// trim($users);
return true;
} else {
return false;
While to me everything looks of when I have more than 2 values in the array, the function returns FALSE as if in_array() does not see from key [2].
Any idea?
If you want to apply trim to all elements, instead of:
$users = explode(",", $bypassUsers);
You should do this instead:
$users = array_map('trim', explode(',', $bypassUsers));
It applies trim() to the result of explode(). Afterwards, you can return the result in one statement:
return in_array($user, $users, true);
// third argument determines whether to use == or === for comparison
function bypass($user, $bypassUsers){
$users = explode(",", $bypassUsers);
foreach($users as $key=>$usr){
$users[$key] = trim($usr);
return true;
} else {
return false;
Trim is the problem because it works with string not with an array

PHP: find biggest overlap between multiple strings

I have this array:
$array = array('abc123', 'ac123', 'tbc123', '1ac123');
I want to compare each string to each other and find the longest common substring. In the example above the result would be c123.
I've completely misunderstood the question; the aim was to find the biggest overlap between an array of strings:
$array = array('abc123', 'ac123', 'tbc123', '1ac123');
function overlap($a, $b)
if (!strlen($b)) {
return '';
if (strpos($a, $b) !== false) {
return $b;
$left = overlap($a, substr($b, 1));
$right = overlap($a, substr($b, 0, -1));
return strlen($left) > strlen($right) ? $left : $right;
$biggest = null;
foreach ($array as $item) {
if ($biggest === null) {
$biggest = $item;
if (($biggest = overlap($biggest, $item)) === '') {
echo "Biggest match = $biggest\n";
I'm not great at recursion, but I believe this should work ;-)
Old answer
I would probably use preg_grep() for that; it returns an array with the matches it found based on your search string:
$matches = preg_grep('/' . preg_quote($find, '/') . '/', $array);
Alternatively, you could use array_filter():
$matches = array_filter($array, function($item) use ($find) {
return strpos($item, $find) !== false;
I need to extract the value "c123" like it is the biggest match for all strings in array
I think what you would want to do here is then sort the above output based on string length (i.e. smallest string length first) and then take the first item:
if ($matches) {
usort($matches, function($a, $b) {
return strlen($a) - strlen($b);
echo current($matches); // take first one: ac123
Let me know if I'm wrong about that.
If you're just after knowing whether $find matches an element exactly:
$matching_keys = array_keys($array, $find, true); // could be empty array
$matching_key = array_search($find, $array, true); // could be false
Or event:
$have_value = in_array($find, $array, true);
in_array($find, $array);
returns true if it's in the array, but it has to be the exact match, in your case it won't finde 'ac123'.
if you want to see if it contains the string then you need to loop through the array and use a preg_match() or similar
You could use array_filter with a callback.
$output = array_filter ($input, function ($elem) { return false !== strpos ($elem, 'c123'); });
$array1 = array('abc123', 'ac123', 'tbc123', '1ac123');
if (in_array("c123", $array1)) {
echo "Got c123";
You can use in_array as used here
or use can use array_search as used here
see if it can help you ..
Documentation link : and

Most efficient way to check if array element exists in string

I've been looking for a way to check if any of an array of values exists in a string, but it seems that PHP has no native way of doing this, so I've come up with the below.
My question - is there a better way of doing this, as this seems pretty inefficient? Thanks.
$match_found = false;
$referer = wp_get_referer();
$valid_referers = array(
/** Loop through all referers looking for a match */
foreach($valid_referers as $string) :
$referer_valid = strstr($referer, $string);
if($referer_valid !== false) :
$match_found = true;
/** If there were no matches, exit the function */
if(!$match_found) :
return false;
Try with following function:
function contains($input, array $referers)
foreach($referers as $referer) {
if (stripos($input,$referer) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
if ( contains($referer, $valid_referers) ) {
// contains
What about this:
$exists = true;
array_walk($my_array, function($item, $key) {
$exists &= (strpos($my_string, $item) !== FALSE);
This will check if any of the array values exists in the string. If only one is missing, You are given a false response. Should You need to find out which one are not present in the string, try this:
$exists = true;
$not_present = array();
array_walk($my_array, function($item, $key) {
if(strpos($my_string, $item) === FALSE) {
$not_present[] = $item;
$exists &= false;
} else {
$exists &= true;
First of, alternate syntax is nice to use, but historically it's used in template files. Since it's structure is easily readable while coupling/decouping the PHP interpreter to interpolate HTML data.
Second, it's generally wise if all your code does is to check something, to immediately return if that condition is met:
$match_found = false;
$referer = wp_get_referer();
$valid_referers = array(
/** Loop through all referers looking for a match */
foreach($valid_referers as $string) :
$referer_valid = strstr($referer, $string);
if($referer_valid !== false) :
$match_found = true;
break; // break here. You already know other values will not change the outcome
/** If there were no matches, exit the function */
if(!$match_found) :
return false;
// if you don't do anything after this return, it's identical to doing return $match_found
Now as specified by some of the other posts in this thread. PHP has a number of functions that can help. Here's a couple more:
in_array($referer, $valid_referers);// returns true/false on match
$valid_referers = array(
'dd-options' => true,
'dd-options-footer' => true,
'dd-options-offices' => true
);// remapped to a dictionary instead of a standard array
isset($valid_referers[$referer]);// returns true/false on match
Ask if you have any questions.
