This code below will echo the keyword in each file, Is it possible to get the results (Keyword from each file) to display in alphabetical order.
$files = (glob('{beauty,careers,education,entertainment,pets}/*.php', GLOB_BRACE));
$selection = $files;
$files = array();
$keywords = $matches[1];
foreach ($selection as $file) {
if (basename($file) == 'index.php') continue;
if (basename($file) == 'error_log') continue;
$files[] = $file;
foreach($files as $file) {
$title = str_replace('-', ' ', pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
$content = file_get_contents($file);
if (!$content) {
echo "error reading file $file<br>";
else {
preg_match("/keywords = \"(.*?)\"/i", $content, $matches);
$keywords = $matches[1];
$results .= '<li>'.$keywords.'</li>';
Use sort() to sort the keyword array:
$keywords = array();
// ...
$keywords[] = $matches[1];
use sort() on $keywords. There's some spelling mistakes and unused varaibles. You need to not build your $results HTML until all the files are processes, so move that $results = '' out of the foreach loop that processes the files, then sort, then foreach the keywords and build up $results.
$selection = (glob('{beauty,careers,education,entertainment,pets}/*.php', GLOB_BRACE));
$files = array();
// $keywords = $matches[1];
foreach ($selection as $file) {
if (basename($file) == 'index.php') continue;
if (basename($file) == 'error_log') continue;
$files[] = $file;
foreach($files as $file) {
//$title = str_replace('-', ' ', pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
$content = file_get_contents($file);
if (!$content) {
echo "error reading file $file<br>";
else {
preg_match("/keywords = \"(.*?)\"/i", $content, $matches);
$keywords[] = $matches[1];
$results = '';
sort($keywords); //comment this out to see the effects of the sort()
foreach($keywords as $_k) {
$results .= '<li>'.$_k.'</li>';
I've been practicing PHP more and more and am trying to do functions daily to learn from them.
Yesterday I wrote 2 functions but they completely didn't work and I was looking for help as to why!
My code:
function getFilesAndContent($path)
$data[] = $fileData;
$folderContents = new DirectoryIterator($path);
foreach ($folderContents as $fileInfo) {
if ($fileInfo->isDot()) {
$fileData = [
'file_name' => $fileInfo->getBasename(),
if ($fileInfo->getExtension()) {
$fileData['contents'] = getFileContents($fileInfo->getPathname());
$data = $fileData;
return $data;
function getFileContents($path)
$names = file_get_contents($fileInfo->getPathname());
$names = implode("\n", $names);
$contents = '';
foreach ($names as $name) {
$contents += $name . ' (' . strlen($name) . ')<br>';
return $contents;
foreach (getFilesAndContent('.') as $data) {
echo $data['file_name'];
echo '<br>';
echo $data['contents'];
echo '<hr>';
DISLCAIMER: I really would like to get these 2 functions to work BUT I already have a working alternative(thank you very much!) without any functions, this is meant as a learning opportunity for myself to improve, any help would be greatly appreciated!
You have several problems.
First, $data = $fileData; should be $data[] = $fileData;. Adding [] means that the assignment creates a new element in the array, rather than overwriting the entire variable. And when you initialize the variable at the beginning of getFilesAndContent, it should be $data = [];.
Second, file_get_contents($fileInfo->getPathname()) should be file_get_contents($path). $fileInfo is a variable in getFilesAndContent, not getFileContents.
Third, implode() should be explode(). implode joins an array to create a string, explode() splits up a string into an array.
function getFilesAndContent($path)
$data = [];
$folderContents = new DirectoryIterator($path);
foreach ($folderContents as $fileInfo) {
if ($fileInfo->isDot()) {
$fileData = ['file_name' => $fileInfo->getBasename(),];
if ($fileInfo->getExtension()) {
$fileData['contents'] = getFileContents($fileInfo->getPathname());
$data[] = $fileData;
return $data;
function getFileContents($path)
$names = file_get_contents($path);
$names = explode("\n", $names);
$contents = '';
foreach ($names as $name) {
$contents += $name . ' (' . strlen($name) . ')<br>';
return $contents;
foreach (getFilesAndContent('.') as $data) {
echo $data['file_name'];
echo '<br>';
echo $data['contents'];
echo '<hr>';
I need to refresh modifications after install module.
public function install() {
I tried this. Its worked but the page redirected to modification listing. How can i do without redirect. I am using opencart 3.
If you don't want to edit modification.php or clone its refresh function, You can use this:
public function install(){
$data['redirect'] = 'extension/extension/module';
$this->load->controller('marketplace/modification/refresh', $data);
You could not controll by this way as you are doing:
You need to do this as
public function install() {
protected function refresh($data = array()) {
if ($this->validate()) {
// Just before files are deleted, if config settings say maintenance mode is off then turn it on
$maintenance = $this->config->get('config_maintenance');
$this->model_setting_setting->editSettingValue('config', 'config_maintenance', true);
$log = array();
// Clear all modification files
$files = array();
// Make path into an array
$path = array(DIR_MODIFICATION . '*');
// While the path array is still populated keep looping through
while (count($path) != 0) {
$next = array_shift($path);
foreach (glob($next) as $file) {
// If directory add to path array
if (is_dir($file)) {
$path[] = $file . '/*';
// Add the file to the files to be deleted array
$files[] = $file;
// Reverse sort the file array
// Clear all modification files
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file != DIR_MODIFICATION . 'index.html') {
// If file just delete
if (is_file($file)) {
// If directory use the remove directory function
} elseif (is_dir($file)) {
// Begin
$xml = array();
// Load the default modification XML
$xml[] = file_get_contents(DIR_SYSTEM . 'modification.xml');
// This is purly for developers so they can run mods directly and have them run without upload after each change.
$files = glob(DIR_SYSTEM . '*.ocmod.xml');
if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
$xml[] = file_get_contents($file);
// Get the default modification file
$results = $this->model_setting_modification->getModifications();
foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($result['status']) {
$xml[] = $result['xml'];
$modification = array();
foreach ($xml as $xml) {
if (empty($xml)){
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
// Log
$log[] = 'MOD: ' . $dom->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->textContent;
// Wipe the past modification store in the backup array
$recovery = array();
// Set the a recovery of the modification code in case we need to use it if an abort attribute is used.
if (isset($modification)) {
$recovery = $modification;
$files = $dom->getElementsByTagName('modification')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('file');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$operations = $file->getElementsByTagName('operation');
$files = explode('|', $file->getAttribute('path'));
foreach ($files as $file) {
$path = '';
// Get the full path of the files that are going to be used for modification
if ((substr($file, 0, 7) == 'catalog')) {
$path = DIR_CATALOG . substr($file, 8);
if ((substr($file, 0, 5) == 'admin')) {
$path = DIR_APPLICATION . substr($file, 6);
if ((substr($file, 0, 6) == 'system')) {
$path = DIR_SYSTEM . substr($file, 7);
if ($path) {
$files = glob($path, GLOB_BRACE);
if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
// Get the key to be used for the modification cache filename.
if (substr($file, 0, strlen(DIR_CATALOG)) == DIR_CATALOG) {
$key = 'catalog/' . substr($file, strlen(DIR_CATALOG));
if (substr($file, 0, strlen(DIR_APPLICATION)) == DIR_APPLICATION) {
$key = 'admin/' . substr($file, strlen(DIR_APPLICATION));
if (substr($file, 0, strlen(DIR_SYSTEM)) == DIR_SYSTEM) {
$key = 'system/' . substr($file, strlen(DIR_SYSTEM));
// If file contents is not already in the modification array we need to load it.
if (!isset($modification[$key])) {
$content = file_get_contents($file);
$modification[$key] = preg_replace('~\r?\n~', "\n", $content);
$original[$key] = preg_replace('~\r?\n~', "\n", $content);
// Log
$log[] = PHP_EOL . 'FILE: ' . $key;
foreach ($operations as $operation) {
$error = $operation->getAttribute('error');
// Ignoreif
$ignoreif = $operation->getElementsByTagName('ignoreif')->item(0);
if ($ignoreif) {
if ($ignoreif->getAttribute('regex') != 'true') {
if (strpos($modification[$key], $ignoreif->textContent) !== false) {
} else {
if (preg_match($ignoreif->textContent, $modification[$key])) {
$status = false;
// Search and replace
if ($operation->getElementsByTagName('search')->item(0)->getAttribute('regex') != 'true') {
// Search
$search = $operation->getElementsByTagName('search')->item(0)->textContent;
$trim = $operation->getElementsByTagName('search')->item(0)->getAttribute('trim');
$index = $operation->getElementsByTagName('search')->item(0)->getAttribute('index');
// Trim line if no trim attribute is set or is set to true.
if (!$trim || $trim == 'true') {
$search = trim($search);
// Add
$add = $operation->getElementsByTagName('add')->item(0)->textContent;
$trim = $operation->getElementsByTagName('add')->item(0)->getAttribute('trim');
$position = $operation->getElementsByTagName('add')->item(0)->getAttribute('position');
$offset = $operation->getElementsByTagName('add')->item(0)->getAttribute('offset');
if ($offset == '') {
$offset = 0;
// Trim line if is set to true.
if ($trim == 'true') {
$add = trim($add);
// Log
$log[] = 'CODE: ' . $search;
// Check if using indexes
if ($index !== '') {
$indexes = explode(',', $index);
} else {
$indexes = array();
// Get all the matches
$i = 0;
$lines = explode("\n", $modification[$key]);
for ($line_id = 0; $line_id < count($lines); $line_id++) {
$line = $lines[$line_id];
// Status
$match = false;
// Check to see if the line matches the search code.
if (stripos($line, $search) !== false) {
// If indexes are not used then just set the found status to true.
if (!$indexes) {
$match = true;
} elseif (in_array($i, $indexes)) {
$match = true;
// Now for replacing or adding to the matched elements
if ($match) {
switch ($position) {
case 'replace':
$new_lines = explode("\n", $add);
if ($offset < 0) {
array_splice($lines, $line_id + $offset, abs($offset) + 1, array(str_replace($search, $add, $line)));
$line_id -= $offset;
} else {
array_splice($lines, $line_id, $offset + 1, array(str_replace($search, $add, $line)));
case 'before':
$new_lines = explode("\n", $add);
array_splice($lines, $line_id - $offset, 0, $new_lines);
$line_id += count($new_lines);
case 'after':
$new_lines = explode("\n", $add);
array_splice($lines, ($line_id + 1) + $offset, 0, $new_lines);
$line_id += count($new_lines);
// Log
$log[] = 'LINE: ' . $line_id;
$status = true;
$modification[$key] = implode("\n", $lines);
} else {
$search = trim($operation->getElementsByTagName('search')->item(0)->textContent);
$limit = $operation->getElementsByTagName('search')->item(0)->getAttribute('limit');
$replace = trim($operation->getElementsByTagName('add')->item(0)->textContent);
// Limit
if (!$limit) {
$limit = -1;
// Log
$match = array();
preg_match_all($search, $modification[$key], $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
// Remove part of the the result if a limit is set.
if ($limit > 0) {
$match[0] = array_slice($match[0], 0, $limit);
if ($match[0]) {
$log[] = 'REGEX: ' . $search;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); $i++) {
$log[] = 'LINE: ' . (substr_count(substr($modification[$key], 0, $match[0][$i][1]), "\n") + 1);
$status = true;
// Make the modification
$modification[$key] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $modification[$key], $limit);
if (!$status) {
// Abort applying this modification completely.
if ($error == 'abort') {
$modification = $recovery;
// Log
$log[] = 'NOT FOUND - ABORTING!';
break 5;
// Skip current operation or break
elseif ($error == 'skip') {
// Log
// Break current operations
else {
// Log
// Log
$log[] = '----------------------------------------------------------------';
// Log
$ocmod = new Log('ocmod.log');
$ocmod->write(implode("\n", $log));
// Write all modification files
foreach ($modification as $key => $value) {
// Only create a file if there are changes
if ($original[$key] != $value) {
$path = '';
$directories = explode('/', dirname($key));
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$path = $path . '/' . $directory;
if (!is_dir(DIR_MODIFICATION . $path)) {
#mkdir(DIR_MODIFICATION . $path, 0777);
$handle = fopen(DIR_MODIFICATION . $key, 'w');
fwrite($handle, $value);
// Maintance mode back to original settings
$this->model_setting_setting->editSettingValue('config', 'config_maintenance', $maintenance);
// Do not return success message if refresh() was called with $data
$this->session->data['success'] = $this->language->get('text_success');
$url = '';
if (isset($this->request->get['sort'])) {
$url .= '&sort=' . $this->request->get['sort'];
if (isset($this->request->get['order'])) {
$url .= '&order=' . $this->request->get['order'];
if (isset($this->request->get['page'])) {
$url .= '&page=' . $this->request->get['page'];
I hope it shouwl work for you.
This process is used to refresh the modification when your module installing.
if you need globally this then please tell me I will update you process.
I am using this function to retreive files from directory and sub-directories.
How can I display only files with _lang.php within this directory and sub-directories?
function getDirContents($dir, &$results = array()){
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach($files as $key => $value){
$path = realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$value);
if(!is_dir($path)) {
$results[] = $path;
} else if($value != "." && $value != "..") {
getDirContents($path, $results);
$results[] = $path;
return $results;
$dir = './test/';
answered a question like this earlier, try using Iterator Classes
function getDirContents($directory, $pattern)
$result = array();
$objRecursiveDirectoryIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
$objRecursiveIteratorIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($objRecursiveDirectoryIterator);
// use RegexIterator() to grab only files that match $pattern
$objRegexIterator = new RegexIterator($objRecursiveIteratorIterator, $pattern, RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
// iterate through all the results
foreach ($objRegexIterator as $arrMatches) {
$result[] = $arrMatches[0];
return $result;
$dir = './test/';
$arrDirContents = getDirContents($dir, "~^.+_lang\.php$~i");
I have multiples values in array and i want get one of name which in array.
Ex: - $val = array('test.mp4','abc.avi','xyz.3gp','abc.csv');
Now i want get the name of 'abc.csv' in $name.
Please help me to find the value which is ending with extension .csv.
I think this simple code can help
$val = array('test.mp4','abc.avi','xyz.3gp','abc.csv');
$extension = '.csv';
$name = '';
foreach ($val as $value) {
if (strpos($value, $extension) !== false) {
$name[] = $value;
Try this
$list = array('test.mp4','abc.avi','xyz.3gp','abc.csv');
$name = '';
foreach ($list as $item) {
if (strrpos($item, '.csv') === 3) {
$name = $item;
echo $name;
$val = array('test.mp4', 'abc.avi', 'xyz.3gp', 'abc.csv');
foreach ($val as $value) {
$tmp = strrpos($value, ".csv");
echo substr($value, 0, $tmp );
foreach ($val as $value) {
$extension = explode(".", $value);
if($extension[1] == "csv"){
echo $value;
foreach ($val as $item) {
$file_extensions = explode(".", $value);
if(end($file_extensions) == 'csv'){
$allCSVFilse[] = $item;
I'm writing code that I'd like to recursively list directories. So far I've written code that lists level 1 directories. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can recurse infinitely?
$res = OC_Files::getDirectoryContent('');
$list = array();
foreach($res as $file) {
if ($file['type'] == 'dir') {
$res1 = OC_Files::getDirectoryContent('/'.$file['name']);
foreach($res1 as $res2) {
if ($res2['type'] == 'file') $list[] = $file['name'].'/'.$res2['name'];
} else $list[] = $file['name'];
foreach($list as $entry)
echo $entry.'</br>';
Try this:
function traverse_directory($dir) {
$res = OC_Files::getDirectoryContent($dir);
$list = array();
foreach($res as $file) {
if ($file['type'] == 'dir') {
traverse_directory($dir . '/' . $file['name'])
} else {
$list[] = $file['name'];
foreach($list as $entry) {
echo $entry.'</br>';