Updating Post not working - php

I recently made a code that updates my posts on my blog. It worked perfectly on localhost. But when i uploaded it online it did not work any more. The weird thing is it doesn't even display a error so i have no idea where to look. Can someone please help me ?
$query = "SELECT * FROM project ORDER BY idproject DESC";
$result = mysqli_query($verbinding, $query ) or die (mysqli_error('kan geen verbinding maken met de database'));
$editTitle = $_POST['editName'];
$editThis = mysqli_query($verbinding, "SELECT * FROM project WHERE title = '".$editTitle."'");
$values = mysqli_fetch_assoc($editThis);
$editedTitle = $_POST['newTitle'];
$editedText = $_POST['newTekst'];
$oldTitle = $_POST['oldTitle'];
$date = $_POST['datum'];
$updater = mysqli_query($verbinding, "UPDATE Project SET title='".$editedTitle."', content='".$editedText."' WHERE title='".$oldTitle."' AND datum='".$date."'");
echo $updater;
echo 'post has been succesfully updated';
<?php if(isset($_POST['editBut'])){ ?>
<form action="" method="post">
Title: <input type="text" name="newTitle" value="<?php echo $values['title'] ?>"><br>
Text: <textarea type="text" name="newTekst" id="newTekst"><?php echo $values['content'] ?></textarea><br>
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $values['title'] ?>" name="oldTitle">
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $values['datum'] ?>" name="datum">
<input type="submit" name="update" value="Edit post">
<?php } else { ?>
<p>Find the post you want to edit:</p>
<form action="" method="post">
<select name="editName">
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
?> <option value="<?php echo $row['title'] ?>"><?php echo $row['title'] ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<input type="submit" name="editBut" value="Choose">
<?php } ?>

In update query replace your table name with small letter.
replace Project with project


Old values not appearing in text field when called

I'm trying to call the old values to be edited. What part am I wrong at?
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
$id = $_GET['edit'];
$update = true;
$record = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM bookinfo WHERE BookNo='$BookNo'");
if (mysqli_num_rows($record) == 1 ) {
$n = mysqli_fetch_array($record);
$BookNo = $n['BookNo'];
$ISBN = $n['ISBN'];
$title = $n['title'];
$author = $n['author'];
$publisher = $n['publisher'];
$status = $n['status'];
$cost = $n['cost'];
<a href="viewBook.php?edit=<?php echo $row['BookNo']; ?>" class="edit_btn" >Edit</a>
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { ?>
<form method="post" action = "viewBook.php">
<input type="hidden" name="BookNo" value="<?php echo $BookNo; ?>">
<input type="text" name="ISBN" value="<?php echo $ISBN; ?>">
<input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $title; ?>">
<input type="text" name="author" value="<?php echo $author; ?>">
<input type="text" name="publisher" value="<?php echo $publisher; ?>">
<input type="text" name="status" value="<?php echo $status; ?>">
<input type="text" name="cost" value="<?php echo $cost; ?>">
<?php if ($update == true): ?>
<button class="btn" type="submit" name="update" style="background: #556B2F;" >update</button>
<?php else: ?>
<button class="btn" type="submit" name="save" >Save</button>
<?php endif ?>
<?php } ?>
So far, what it does is, when the user clicks the edit button, it just shows 6 text fields. I thought by doing what I did, it was supposed to show the details already filled in the textbox.
When you do
$record = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM bookinfo WHERE BookNo='$BookNo'");
$BookNo is not defined.
maybe you wanted to do something like this:
$id = $_GET['edit'];
$update = true;
$record = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM bookinfo WHERE BookNo='$id'");
<form method="post" action = "viewBook.php">
your form method is "post" but you are checking $_GET You must check $_POST
if (isset($_GET['edit']))
you are passing value in $id And using $BookNo which not define.
only 6 input field will be show because first one is using hidden property.
<input type="hidden" name="BookNo" value="<?php echo $BookNo; ?>">
when you click on submit button data will be receive by $_POST

Pre-Populate Form with Dropdown Menu in PHP/MySQL?

I am creating a simple CRUD application that will be used as a blog. For the edit page, I want to have a dropdown menu with the blog titles of each post. When an option/blog post is selected, I want it to populate the "Title" and "Message" fields, so it can then be edited and saved to the database.
I got it to retrieve the titles of the blog posts, but I am struggling to make it populate the "Title" and "Message" fields so it can be edited when the option is selected.
I have 4 rows in my database: row[0] is the title, row[1] is the message, row[2] is the timestamp and row[3] is the ID.
Thanks guys. I appreciate it.
<form action="edit.php" id="myform" method="post" autocomplete=off>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="show">
<p><label>Entry:</label><select name="blog">
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM blog");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$chosen = $row['bid'];
if (isset($_GET['blog'])) {
$id = $_GET['blog'];
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE bid='$id'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM blog");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$id = $row['bid'];
$title = $row['title'];
$selected = '';
if ($id == $chosen) {
$selected = "selected='selected'";
echo "<option value='$id' $selected>$title</option>\n";
<p><label>Title:</label> <input type="text" id="newtitle" name="newtitle" value="<?php echo $row[0]; ?>"></p>
<p><label>Message:</label> <input type="text" id="newmessage" name="newmessage" value="<?php echo $row[1]; ?>"></p>
<p><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row[3]; ?>"></p>
<br><p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></p>
I have managed to somewhat figure out the answer on my own. It's probably not the most ideal way of doing it, but for anyone else potentially stuck on this - here is my code:
The only issue I'm having now is figuring out how to keep my option selected.
<form action="edit.php" id="myform" method="post" autocomplete=off>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="show">
<p><label>Entry:</label><select name="blog" onchange="window.location.href = blog.options[selectedIndex].value">
<option selected disabled>Select One</option>
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM blog");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$id = $row['bid'];
$title = $row['title'];
echo "<option value='edit.php?edit=$row[bid]'>$title</option>\n";
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
$id = $_GET['edit'];
$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE bid='$id'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
<p><label>Title:</label> <input type="text" id="newtitle" name="newtitle" value="<?php echo $row[0]; ?>"></p>
<p><label>Message:</label> <input type="text" id="newmessage" name="newmessage" value="<?php echo $row[1]; ?>"></p>
<p><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row[3]; ?>"></p>
<br><p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></p>

How to create a selection dropdown in php form

I am working on a project and would like to give the user per-determined values when updating a record.
Here is my code so far.
// if there are any errors, display them
if ($error != '')
echo '<div style="padding:4px; border:1px solid red; color:red;">'.$error.'</div>';
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/>
<p><strong>ID:</strong> <?php echo $id; ?></p>
<strong>School Name:</strong> <input type="text" name="Name" value="<?php echo $Name; ?>"/><br/><br>
<strong>Status:</strong> <input type="text" name="Status" value="<?php echo $Status; ?>"/><br/><br>
<strong>Comments:</strong> <input type="text" name="Comments" value="<?php echo $Comments; ?>"/><br/><br>
<strong>Type:</strong> <input type="text" name="Type" value="<?php echo $Type; ?>"/><br/><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
// connect to the database
// check if the form has been submitted. If it has, process the form and save it to the database
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
// confirm that the 'id' value is a valid integer before getting the form data
if (is_numeric($_POST['id']))
// get form data, making sure it is valid
$id = $_POST['id'];
$Name = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['Name']));
$Status = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['Status']));
$Comments = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['Comments']));
$Type = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['Type']));
// check that firstname/lastname fields are both filled in
if ($Name == '' || $Type == '')
// generate error message
$error = 'ERROR: Please fill in all required fields!';
//error, display form
renderForm($id, $Name, $Status, $Comments, $Type, $error);
// save the data to the database
mysql_query("UPDATE Schools SET Name='$Name', Status='$Status', Comments='$Comments', Type='$Type' WHERE id='$id'")
or die(mysql_error());
// once saved, redirect back to the view page
header("Location: view.php");
// if the 'id' isn't valid, display an error
echo 'Error!';
// if the form hasn't been submitted, get the data from the db and display the form
// get the 'id' value from the URL (if it exists), making sure that it is valid (checing that it is numeric/larger than 0)
if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0)
// query db
$id = $_GET['id'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Schools WHERE id=$id")
or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
// check that the 'id' matches up with a row in the databse
// get data from db
$Name = $row['Name'];
$Status = $row['Status'];
$Comments = $row['Comments'];
$Type = $row['Type'];
// show form
renderForm($id, $Name, $Status, $Comments, $Type, '');
// if no match, display result
echo "No results!";
// if the 'id' in the URL isn't valid, or if there is no 'id' value, display an error
echo 'Error!';
I am wanting to replace the status text filed with a drop down list of options.
Replace your <input by <select :
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/>
<p><strong>ID:</strong> <?php echo $id; ?></p>
<strong>School Name:</strong> <input type="text" name="Name" value="<?php echo $Name; ?>"/><br/><br>
<!-- <strong>Status:</strong> <input type="text" name="Status" value="<?php echo $Status; ?>"/><br/><br>-->
<strong>Status:</strong> <select name="Status">
<option value="1">Status 1</option>
<option value="2">Status 2</option>
<strong>Comments:</strong> <input type="text" name="Comments" value="<?php echo $Comments; ?>"/><br/><br>
<strong>Type:</strong> <input type="text" name="Type" value="<?php echo $Type; ?>"/><br/><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
If your statuses are in a table, fill the <select> with a query :
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/>
<p><strong>ID:</strong> <?php echo $id; ?></p>
<strong>School Name:</strong> <input type="text" name="Name" value="<?php echo $Name; ?>"/><br/><br>
<!-- <strong>Status:</strong> <input type="text" name="Status" value="<?php echo $Status; ?>"/><br/><br>-->
<strong>Status:</strong> <select name="Status">
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_status",$cnx);
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
echo "<option value='" . $row["id"] . "'>" . $row["text"] . "</option>";
<strong>Comments:</strong> <input type="text" name="Comments" value="<?php echo $Comments; ?>"/><br/><br>
<strong>Type:</strong> <input type="text" name="Type" value="<?php echo $Type; ?>"/><br/><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
You could use the html <datalist> or the <select> tag.
I hope I could help.
First of all you need to switch from mysql_* to mysqli_* as it going to get removed in php 7.0 I'm using this function i created and it might help you
here is the php code
function GetOptions($request)
global $con;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM data GROUP BY $request ORDER BY $request";
$sql_result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die('request "Could not execute SQL query" ' . $sql);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
echo "<option value='" . $row["$request"] . "'" . ($row["$request"] == $_REQUEST["$request"] ? " selected" : "") . ">" . $row["$request"] . "$x</option>";
and the html code goes like
<select name="genre">
<option value="all">all</option>

MySQL UPDATE not working?

I'm making a site where the owner has to be able to update their events, but my update code isnt working even though im 99% sure I havent made any errors.
First the form where you press update:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM events ORDER BY id ASC";
$res = $objCon->query($sql) or die('fejl i query:'.mysqli_error($objCon));
while($row=$res->fetch_array()) {
$id = $row['id'];
echo "<div class='eventpost'>";
echo "<div class='dato'>";
echo $row['id'];
echo "</div>";
echo "<p class='overskrift'>";
echo "<a href='update.php?id=$id'>RET </a>";
echo "<a href='code_delete.php?id=$id'>SLET</a>";
echo $row['overskrift'];
echo "</p>";
echo "</div>";
then the update form:
<form action="code_update.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="dag" value="<?php echo $data['dag']; ?>"></label>
<input type="text" name="month" value="<?php echo $data['month']; ?>"></label>
<input type="text" name="overskrift" value="<?php echo $data['overskrift']; ?>"></label>
<input type="text" name="tekst" value="<?php echo $data['tekst']; ?>"></label>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<? echo $id; ?>">
<input type="submit" value="Opret">
and finally the update code
if($_SESSION['auth'] == 2){
$id = $_POST['id'];
$overskrift = $_POST['overskrift'];
$dag = $_POST['dag'];
$month = $_POST['month'];
$tekst = $_POST['tekst'];
$sql = "UPDATE events SET overskrift='$overskrift', dag='$dag', month='$month', tekst='$tekst' WHERE id='$id'";
$res = $objCon->query($sql);
Probably shorthand tags are disabled in your php version.So try changing this
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<? echo $id; ?>">
to this
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>">
You can check this answer for more.

POST a hidden input + multiple options PHP

Hi there I'm quite new to PHP
I have this problem:
I would like to POST a multiple choice + a hidden field from a form:
if (isset($_SESSION['nickname']))
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");
$teamsCount = ceil(mysql_num_rows($result)/2);
for ($i=1; $i<=$teamsCount; $i++)
// TEST: echo $i . " TeamsCount er: " . $teamsCount. "<br>";
Team <? echo $i; ?>
<form name="addTeam" action="buildTeams.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenField" value="<?php $i; ?>" />
<select name="teams[]" multiple="multiple" size="<?php echo mysql_num_rows($result); ?>">
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($query))
<option value="<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo ucfirst($nick); ?></option>
<input type="submit" value="Make them teams!!" />
I think you have an error in this line:
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenField" value="<?php $i ?>" />
It should be
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenField" value="<?php echo $i ?>" />
Put the team id in the select name. Example:
<select name="teams[<?=$i?>][]">
And in PHP do:
foreach ($_POST['teams'] as $team_id => $choices)
I think you should check $_POST['hiddenField'] to obtain hidden value
