IE8 strange issue background not loading [closed] - php

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I recently made a website which has a very strange issue blowing my mind.
If some one can test the blow two urls and tell me how can i debug this issue ?
I have two hosting servers
Website hosted on server1:
Website hosted on server2:
I have copied same website + database on both servers (uploaded 3 times to verify)
Strange issue is that IE8 not loading blue background in SERVER2
Unable to debug is this is the issue from server side setting or css code.

Seems to me that these two websites have totally different sources, you would've see yourself if you took a look at page source on browser.
And I guess the problem with IE is IE's ridiculous 32 stylesheets limit.
First you should find out why page source if different (wrong template?) then you may need to merge some of your stylesheets and keep their count below 32 for IE (e.g

I think it is a problem with the virtual host....try to configure the virtual host for SERVER2 proper that doesnt leads conflicts to you


Website Loading Speed [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've finished building my website only to discover the loading time is around 8 seconds, this is not good obviously... I'm running the server from my house on a Dell Vostro 200 with Ubuntu and Apache2 which is a secondary OS to Windows XP. The computer is connected to a netgear wireless extender with an Ethernet cord. I have a 1.37 Mbps upload speed. The website itself uses several mysql databases and lots of css, and all of the pages are .php and linked by includes. Basically I'm overwhelmed with everything and I would be extremely grateful if anyone could tell me where my problem is, or if it's just everything combined. You can visit the site at Thanks!
Your banners are taking 8 seconds to load:
Possibly look at a CDN or some alternate means of hosting your banner images. In the future, I recommend using an HTTP debugger such as Fiddler.

ssl with php payment page [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have looked at the other questions on SSL & PHP on this site and i'm still confused. I have never setup an https page before. I have read articles on ssl and know what it is, but I still don't know how to set it up with my php application hosted on an online Linux server.
I'm frustrated because after a lot of searching (even on this site) i'm lost on what my steps should be. Please help.
I need to set this up with my payment page (member payment) and login page. I'm using codeigniter framework
assuming all else (server stuff) is configured properly, the only thing you need to do is redirect the page to https://your-url instead of http://your-url. It's completely transparent -- just make sure that all assets (external CSS/JS) are loaded using https as well if using absolute paths.
The best way to do so would be to include CSS/JS files via protocol agnostic links ( instead of http://mydomain/mylibrary use //mydomain/mylibrary and it will do it automatically. Images and such should be relative paths anyway.
Usually, the "server stuff" takes all the time to properly setup. However, these are beyond the scope of the question (I hope) since that would be best asked in .

Publishing a website on the internet [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I finished my two first websites (one static and the other is dynamic) ,now I have to publish them on the internet,I dont know the process, should I have a domain for both of them?
I will add the static website as a link in existant website, i have been told that a static website don't need a domain!
I have serached into the internet to learn how to publish them:
I have used :wampserver,html,php
You need:
A domain name e.g., NameCheap ain't too shabby
PHP Hosting - somewhere for your site to live, and where your domain name will point to
FTP software, to upload all your files to the server you purchase, theres a multitude of free software out there for this - FileZilla is an excellent choice
Have a look around for each of these, to start with you'll probably want shared hosting - the most affordable and usually easiest to set up. And if you have problems with an specific area, then have a Google, because someone will likely have already experienced the same.
Check out Tizag for a great guide on hosts and loads more info.

Website hangs - PHP app on server with intermittent hang [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a website which hangs about 20 times a day for between one and ten minutes. I have a hosting company who cannot find the problem, I have an application developer who cannot find the problem and they both blame each other. Its the Server, says the developer as is doesnt show on the Dev Server. Its the Application, says the Host, as they can't find any error log issues.
Can anyone offer me a few hours consultancy to get to the cause of the problem?
Best thing to do is - while the server is hanging - check an other page/file on your website/webapplication server. If that opens fine, logic dictates that its not your hosting company. Also check on other computers/internet pages then your own. It could be a local problem. I think you must log all tasks; see what is eating up your connection and/or cpu during the 10 minutes.

My site is slowing down randomly and graphs show no load [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a problem, My site starts lagging at random times, the server shows no signs of CPU load or hard disk swapping during I/O, I just upgraded the server (768 Linode) yet the site lags, anyone in the field have any idea of what could be the cause? I am leaning towards increasing PHP's memory access limits but I don't think it's the cause.
I am using nginx, the access log size is like 600MBs should I disable that?
What else could be the cause? I mean my site is small right now but it's facing terrible slow downs.
Edit: I am running on VPS Linode 768, No memcache only MySQL and PHP, Lagging is like the site does not load, a page takes like 24-50 seconds to load.
Maybe your scripts uses some API through HTTP - try to add
as FIRST lines into /etc/resolve.conf file to reduce time of resolving domains. It was solution for me once (I use Linode too).
