ssl with php payment page [closed] - php

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have looked at the other questions on SSL & PHP on this site and i'm still confused. I have never setup an https page before. I have read articles on ssl and know what it is, but I still don't know how to set it up with my php application hosted on an online Linux server.
I'm frustrated because after a lot of searching (even on this site) i'm lost on what my steps should be. Please help.
I need to set this up with my payment page (member payment) and login page. I'm using codeigniter framework

assuming all else (server stuff) is configured properly, the only thing you need to do is redirect the page to https://your-url instead of http://your-url. It's completely transparent -- just make sure that all assets (external CSS/JS) are loaded using https as well if using absolute paths.
The best way to do so would be to include CSS/JS files via protocol agnostic links ( instead of http://mydomain/mylibrary use //mydomain/mylibrary and it will do it automatically. Images and such should be relative paths anyway.
Usually, the "server stuff" takes all the time to properly setup. However, these are beyond the scope of the question (I hope) since that would be best asked in .


Is https with no encryption key secure? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Hy, I hired a web hosting service that offers https.
To browse my site, even when I only type the simple the browser switches to https and shows the little lock on the URL line.
But my php pages are precisely the same I used before in my old host provider that did not offer https.
The question is: How secure is the connection and data flowing on it?
Is my data been encrypted?
Do I really have to go through the process of changing every single page in order to include some sort of encryption key to make it secure?
The setup of the Https connection is handled on the server serving and processing the php (apache2, nginx).
So no you should be able to enable this in for the entire application server, did the hosting provide you with a management interface (like directAdmin)?
Could it be that you redirect between pages using the whole URL ( and not the path?

Pure (dynamic) HTML5-website with Backend [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Couldn't find anything about this online so I'm giving it a try here. (Not sure what to look for in google so maybe that's why I couldn't find it).
My client wants (for some strange reason) a dynamic, pure HTML5-website with no PHP at all. The webpages can be created with PHP, but after he is done, he wants it to (automatically) generate HTML5-webpages so these can be put online on a server with no PHP.
Is this at all even possible? Writing an API myself that gets the content from the server and converts it to HTML5 is not really an option due to time ...
FYI: If what you want is a Single Page Application, you're asking the wrong question.
Seems like what your client wants is a pure HTML site because he might have the idea that pure HTML sites are better for SEO.
What do to?
Alternative 1:
Create a different server to generate pages. Either local (with vagrant) or in another remote server. Have your content generated there by using a CMS of your choice.
Periodically generate a mirror of your site using a tool like HTTrack or wget. Hand this mirror to your client.
Alternative 2:
Use a static site generator like Jekyll. Have the server run a cron task to automatically generate HTML from the changes.
Alternative 3:
Be the expert and explain to him that his ideas are probably unfounded.
Yes, you could use the HTML5 Filesystem API and Javascript to read/write from a JSON file as a backend. It's definitely not ideal, but it would satisfy your requirements.

website code disturbed while hosting on AWS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a wordpress website which is built on a LAMP stack. We have recently moved our website from Godaddy to AWS platform and since the move, my website is not functioning correctly. Here are the kind of issues we are facing after we moved to AWS.
The website custom login/sign up box has gone and users and we are getting the wordpress default login box instead.
The sign up to the website is not happening because the registration box is the showing strange fields( email, password, username, first name, last name, email again, and a message that we will mail you a password, which doesn't make sense)
The website is a crowd sourced portal so we had a customised CMS system on the website, but the CMS editor in which users create articles is not working fine as it destroys all formatting.
Other similar issues which are making the site look totally shabby and dysfunctional.
I'd be glad if someone could tell me here if we did something wrongly while moving the website. What's the fastes, best way to restore all Site functionalities now.
Thank you
It's unlikely that AWS is the issue here.
What is possible though, is that during the move a file may have become corrupt (or not fully transferred). If you're having lots of temperamental issues throughout the site, such as the ones you're describing, it sounds like it may be a JavaScript error.
If a JS file that is included on every page didn't transfer properly then this could very well cause the issues you're having. If you open your JavaScript Console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome) when you're on one of the problematic pages then you should be able to identify any potential JS errors.

Is it possible to upload PHP files to blogspot? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to create a blog using blogspot. It seems it is not possible to upload anything other than image files to blogspot. I want to upload a PHP file. I managed to upload the file to google sites, but it is coming as downloadable there instead of executing.
Is there a work-around here other than buying my own server space?
Is there a work-around here other than buying my own server space?
Nope. You can upload PHP files to those services all you want, but you'll never have them executed.
Buying your own server space is usually the best way to go.
There are free hosting offers around but I know of none that is any good, except maybe for the Google App Engine that is free up to a (very generous) traffic limit, in combination with Quercus. That, however, is a very specialized solution, going to be a lot of work to even get started with, doesn't support all modules of PHP, and something rather for professional applications.
But you could simply pay some cheap hosting for PHP, and move your stuff to wordpress.
There's hundred of hostings out there for as low as $1.99 a month, and with that you can host as many PHP files as you like.
Alternatively, you could stick to blogspot, and when you want to use PHP, you can just link to your other server (the one hosting PHP).

Authenticate against Active Directory/ISA from php [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a complicated problem, exacerbated by the fact I don't really know where to start!
Over the last few years, I've developed a number of php web-based systems. When I built them, our network was ropey at best, so I thought nothing of creating my own username/password stuff.
Since then, our network has become a lot more robust, our admins have installed an ISA server for various other things and my apps are left as frustrating relics that people forget their passwords and are never sure which one belongs to what.
I would like to be able to replace my own login code with something that will talk to the the ISA/Active directory stuff so users can just use their primary username and password to log onto my stuff too.
Part of the difficulty is that the PHP apps are hosted outside of our network, although I do also have a server inside the network to act as a gateway if necessary. All of the servers I have access to are running Linux, although I might be able to persuade someone to install a 'plugin' on a windows box if it is absolutely necessary.
Where do I start?
If PHP is running under Apache you should be able to use mod_ldap and mod_authnz_ldap to authenticate to your Active Directory server.
There's also a fairly complete LDAP API for PHP, which you should investigate.
