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Closed 3 years ago.
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Hy, I hired a web hosting service that offers https.
To browse my site, even when I only type the simple the browser switches to https and shows the little lock on the URL line.
But my php pages are precisely the same I used before in my old host provider that did not offer https.
The question is: How secure is the connection and data flowing on it?
Is my data been encrypted?
Do I really have to go through the process of changing every single page in order to include some sort of encryption key to make it secure?
The setup of the Https connection is handled on the server serving and processing the php (apache2, nginx).
So no you should be able to enable this in for the entire application server, did the hosting provide you with a management interface (like directAdmin)?
Could it be that you redirect between pages using the whole URL ( and not the path?
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know if it's possible to run a executable file (through any technology; PHP, JS, HTML...) on the web server, and render the image on the client.
I would like to do that to not share the exe file, but just let the client see what how the programm looks like without having him to download it. Also, using that way it won't affect the client PC.
It is possible to run application on server side and display result of application to client [1]. However, if your application uses GUI it might be difficult and required complex solution.
What if you:
Display screenshots of application
Let user book some online meeting where you would present the application through skype with shared desktop
Have public server where application would be installed and user could request username/password to server and try it itself (think about security!)
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a project in PHP and it works as a REStFull service, an android application constantly request some functions, I want to know, from the server side, How could I see all the petitions?
the PHP project is in a hosting.
If you are after activity log, your web server can provide that (Apache or Nginx) for example, otherwise, you will have to implement your own logging strategy in PHP ( can help you)
If you want to go further, you can use logstash alongside Kibana and Elastic to get you a nice representation of your service's behaviour.
If logging your Rest service is very costly in term of performance, is a very good option to easily bring some asynchronousity in your application.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I use DB on regular basis to host static sites for clients so that it makes easy to change anything and ask to client check. I use 'Public' folder to do that. Colloboration with client becomes super fast and easy.
Now I researched a lot on google on hosting php site there. But didn't found anything. I need to upload small changes to server to show client and the process is again and again.
What you guys recommend as a good solution?
Set up some automatic deployment to a server that your client can access. Use version control for your changes. When you merge into a specific branch, your script can automatically do the deployment for you.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I found many examples using INTERNET permission, is there any approach to send data to php without using the permission?
No, there is no approach to do this, you need the internet permission as this allows android to use internet protocols (like TCP, Transmission Control Protocol which is one of the core protocols and is needed to send POST data -via a HTTP request-) So without the INTERNET permission there can be no data transference using internet protocols between android and the server (I'm assuming your are talking about the php being on a server).
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have looked at the other questions on SSL & PHP on this site and i'm still confused. I have never setup an https page before. I have read articles on ssl and know what it is, but I still don't know how to set it up with my php application hosted on an online Linux server.
I'm frustrated because after a lot of searching (even on this site) i'm lost on what my steps should be. Please help.
I need to set this up with my payment page (member payment) and login page. I'm using codeigniter framework
assuming all else (server stuff) is configured properly, the only thing you need to do is redirect the page to https://your-url instead of http://your-url. It's completely transparent -- just make sure that all assets (external CSS/JS) are loaded using https as well if using absolute paths.
The best way to do so would be to include CSS/JS files via protocol agnostic links ( instead of http://mydomain/mylibrary use //mydomain/mylibrary and it will do it automatically. Images and such should be relative paths anyway.
Usually, the "server stuff" takes all the time to properly setup. However, these are beyond the scope of the question (I hope) since that would be best asked in .