Query Issue - LEFT JOINS where specific col is match to variable - php

I`m fetching data from sql with left join query, I want to filter the query to be more specific,
In my database i have customers, every customer have a Group, every user have his customers. i guess you understand now what i need.
every user will see only the rows that relate to him. this is my query:
FROM $tbl_name AS t
LEFT JOIN customers AS c ON t.MCcode = c.MCcode
LEFT JOIN eventcodes AS e ON t.MCcode = e.MCcode AND t.CODE=e.CODE
ORDER By `id` DESC LIMIT $start, $limit
ON customers table i have field named Group, and when user is connected i have his Group name, so how i can filter this query that only where ( for example ) c.Group = '$Group', all the rows are found in $tbl_name, and the other details i`m fetching by joins.

Like this
LEFT JOIN customers AS c ON t.MCcode = c.MCcode and c.Group = '$Group'


joining 2 tables in msqli

table posts
table users
how would i count posts for specific user logged in. for example when user with id 3 is logged in it should show me 4 posts
I already did it for total posts count:
$post_query1 = "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM posts ";
$post_result1 = mysqli_query($db, $post_query1);
$post1 = mysqli_fetch_array($post_result1);
Try below example :
select count(*) as total from user as u inner join post as p on p.id_user = u.id_user AND u.id_user = 3
If you want to get only the posts count for the particular user, say user with id = 3, your query should be this:
$query = "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM posts WHERE id_users = 3";
But if you want to get both the posts count as well as the user information and other post information, you will have to run a join query on both the users and posts table. Your query would now become:
$query = "SELECT u.*, p.*, count(p.id_posts) FROM users AS u JOIN posts AS p ON u.id_users = p.id_users WHERE p.id_users = 3";
Some Useful Notes
p.* - * is a wildcard character that means get all the columns in the posts table
u.* - * is a wildcard that means get all the columns in the users table
posts as p - AS is for aliasing. So, we are giving posts table a temporary name.
Here are the different types of the JOINs in SQL:
(INNER) JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both tables
LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Return all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table
RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Return all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table
FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Return all records when there is a match in either left or right table
Note: It is necessary that you have to join two/more tables only with the help of foreign key. Without the foreign key is is meaningless to join two or more tables
Reference 1: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp
Reference 2: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/mysql-using-joins.htm
As per the Question what you have asked to join the tables
Kindly replace TABLE1 & TABLE2 with the Tables that are to be joined and the id with the foreign key what you have specified in the Table.
Hope so this might be helpful for you to write your own code in future. Happy Coding :)
You have only to use a simple join.
SELECT count(*)
post p
WHERE p.id_user = u.id_user
AND u.id_user = 3

How to JOIN 2 tables on mySql?

I have two tables: publick_feed and users
I want to SELECT all from public_feed and also SELECT a three columns from users whose id is the same of user_id in public_feed
and assign the rows returned from public_feed to the column in users table ( correspondent)
I try this:
$sql = "
SELECT * FROM public_feed
WHERE user_id IN
(SELECT id FROM users) AND
(SELECT Firstname,Lastname,Avatar FROM users WHERE id IN(SELECT user_id FROM public_feed))
$query = mysqli_query($dbc_conn,$sql);
if(mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0){
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){
//echo rows with correspondent details from the users table
echo $row['user_id'];
Please any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Or version with left join in case if there is no user in public_feed, and you still want to fetch user data
u.*, f.*
public_feed f LEFT JOIN
users u ON f.user_id = u.id;
Because author asked for explanation, here it is:
First we are going to use table name alias to make query shorter
public_feed f
users u
we are saying that want to refer to tables with an alias. Of course * means that we want to select all columns
SELECT users.*, public_feed.*
is equal to
SELECT u.*, f.*
Of course you can use any other letters as an alias
Next we are saying that public_feed.user_id must be equal to users.id. But when public feed entry does not exists just display columns with null values. This is why we are using LEFT JOIN instead of INNER JOIN. In general JOINS are used to fetch related data from more than one related tables.
ON keyword is saying values from which columns in the tables must be equal to satisfy the request
I think doing a join would be cleaner than using a complicated subquery:
SELECT u.Firstname,
COALESCE(pf.User_id, 'NA'),
COALESCE(pf.Post, 'NA'),
COALESCE(pf.Date, 'NA')
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN public_feed pf
ON u.Id = pf.User_id
I chose a LEFT JOIN of users against public_feed on the assumption that every feed will have an entry in the users table, but not necessarily vice-versa. For those users who have no feed entries, NA would appear in those columns and that user would appear in only a single record.

LIMIT rows from the latest - JOINED tables

I got two tables, customer_ledger and users.
I'm using PHP for my simple log-in program wherein the users input their username and password. Once the account is valid, it will show them their billing history. So I joined the two tables to link the username with the contract number in the other table.
My problem now is, how to display their (5) latest billings based on the field (LDGR_PER_COV_TO)? I created a MySQL query but it gave me a different result.
This is my query:
WHERE users.Username = 'kim'
ORDER BY customer_ledger.LDGR_PER_COV_TO ASC
this result will give me rows starting from the top most record. I would like it to display from the bottom-going up (latest record - top record).
Can anyone help?
You should use alises for better readibility,
Then use DESC in place of ASC
FROM customer_ledger AS cl INNER JOIN users AS u
WHERE u.Username = 'kim'
New Query ::
FROM customer_ledger AS cl INNER JOIN users AS u
WHERE u.Username = 'kim'
) AS a

PHP / MySQL - Confusing Query

Im trying to construct a query that goes over 3 tables and im COMPLETELY stumped ... my knowledge limit is basic 1 table query and i need some help before i stick my head in a blender.
I have the following query
SELECT * FROM internalrole WHERE introle = $imarole
Im fine with that part .. its the next thats getting me all stressed.
That query returns the following columns ( id, user_id, introle, proven, used )
What i then need to do is take the user_id from the results returned and use it to get the following
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = user_id(from previous query) AND archive = 0 and status = 8
I need to put that into 1 query, but wait, theres more .... from the results there, i need to check if that user's 'id' is in the availability table, if it is, check the date ( column name is date ) and if it matches todays date, dont return that one user.
I need to put all that in one query :S ... i have NO IDEA how to do it, thinking about it makes my head shake ... If someone could help me out, i would be eternaly grateful.
Use INNER JOIN, which links tables to each other based on a common attribute (typically a primary - foreign key relationship)
say an attribute, 'id', links table1 and table2
SELECT t1.att1, t2.att2
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 t2
ON t1.id = t2.id --essentially, this links ids that are equal with each other together to make one large table row
To add more tables, just add more join clauses.
FROM internalrole ir
INNER JOIN users u
ON ir.user_id = u.id
AND u.archive = 0
AND u.status = 8
LEFT JOIN availability a
ON ir.user_id = a.user_id
AND a.date = CURDATE()
WHERE ir.introle = $imarole
AND a.user_id IS NULL /* User does NOT exist in availability table w/ today's date */
EDIT: This second query is based on the comments below, asking to show only users who do exist in the availability table.
FROM internalrole ir
INNER JOIN users u
ON ir.user_id = u.id
AND u.archive = 0
AND u.status = 8
INNER JOIN availability a
ON ir.user_id = a.user_id
WHERE ir.introle = $imarole
Hmm, maybe something like this
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT user_id FROM internalrole WHERE introle = $imarole) AND archive = 0 and status = 8;
A handy thing for me to remember is that tables are essentially arrays in SQL.
Nested queries are your friend.
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id in (SELECT user_id FROM internalrole WHERE introle = $imarole) AND archive = 0 and status = 8
Alternatively joins:
SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN internalrole ON users.id = internalrole.user_id WHERE internalrole.user_id = $imarole AND users.archive = 0 and users.status = 8

joining two tables based on cookie data

I am making a cookie based favorite system and need to join data from two tables based on the unique user id stored in the cookie so I can tell what items that use has marked as favorites.
I know I need to do a JOIN but have not used them much and dont really have my head around them yet.
Existing query that selects the items from the db:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`) AS `date` FROM songs WHERE date >= DATE_SUB( NOW( ) , INTERVAL 2 WEEK ) ORDER BY date DESC");
My favorites table is setup as: ID FAVORITE USERID where ID is the primary key, FAVORITE is the song ID from table songs and USERID is a hash stored in a cookie.
I need to join in all the rows from the favorites table where the USERID field matches the cookie hash variable.
I also need to gather the total number of rows in favorites that match the song id so I can display a count of the number of people who set the item as favorite so I can display how many people like it. But maybe need to do that as a separate query?
This should do it, I would imagine:
$user_id = intval($_COOKIE['user_id']);
$query = mysql_query(sprintf("
FROM songs s
INNER JOIN favorites f
ON f.favorite = s.id
WHERE f.userid = %s
", $user_id));
You should probably read up on the different types of joins.
And then to get the total amount of rows returned, you can just call mysql_num_rows on the result:
$favorite_song_count = mysql_num_rows($query);
EDIT: To select all songs but note which are favorited, you would do this:
$query = mysql_query(sprintf("
SELECT s.*, f.id as favorite_id
FROM songs s
LEFT JOIN favorites f
ON f.favorite = s.id AND f.userid = %s
", $user_id));
By switching it from an INNER JOIN to a LEFT JOIN we are selecting all songs even if they don't have a corresponding record in the favorites table. Any songs that are favorites of the user_id provided will have a non-NULL value for favorite_id.
You can have logical (and, or, ...) operators in join conditions:
select t1.*
from t1
join t2 on t1.id = t2.fid and t2.foo = 'blah'
If you are also querying the total number of times each song has been "favorited" then you need a group by construct also, like this way:
select *, count(f.id)
from songs as s
left join favorites as f on s.id = f.favorite and f.userid = <hash>
group by s.id
