php imagecopyresized() making full black thumbnail - php

So, I have this class that's half-working.
Somehow I'm not being able to copy a re-sized sample of the uploaded image, only a black "square" with the "correct" dimensions (screw the dimensions, as long as the thumb comes up clear. one step at the time).
I'm sorry for the WOT but it's driving me cray-cray.
Thanks in advance.
class Upload {
#function from
public function resize_values($origWidth,$origHeight,$maxWidth = 200,$maxHeight = 200){
#check for longest side, we'll be seeing that to the max value above
if($origHeight > $origWidth){ #if height is more than width
$newWidth = ($maxHeight * $origWidth) / $origHeight;
$retval = array(width => $newWidth, height => $maxHeight);
$newHeight= ($maxWidth * $origHeight) / $origWidth;
$retval = array(width => $origWidth, height => $newHeight);
return $retval;
public function image($picurl, $file, $path="images/uploaded/") {
echo "function chamada!";
if ($picurl) {
$allowed = array("jpg","png","gif","bmp");
if (in_array($picExt,$allowed)) {
if (getimagesize($file)) {
$picNewName=str_replace(" ","_",$picFileName.'.'.$picExt);
$copy=move_uploaded_file($file, $picWhereTo);
if ($copy) {
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($picWhereTo);
$size = $this->resize_values($width,$height,250,250);
$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($size['width'],$size['height']);
imagealphablending($thumb, false);
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($picWhereTo);
return $picinfo;
else return false;
else return false;
else return false;

I've ran into a similar problem like this. This has to do with png's with transparency.
Give this a shot after you create $thumb using imagecreatetruecolor();
imagealphablending($thumb, false);
I'm not entirely certain this is the solution - but I think its along the right track. Your true color supports alpha blending - and it is blending in the background from the jpeg - and it might be confused by the lack of information.
If this doesn't work, please describe the exact image format you are uploading so we can try it out and see what happens.

Change your
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($picWhereTo);
And this is how you call the function
where $_FILES['img'] is the name of the image upload field and i believe from this u can understand what was the problem


Compress & resize images using PHP GD lib not working for png and weird results for jpg

I am trying to compress & resize my images using the php GD library. Nearly every answer on SO and everywhere else is the same, but for my solution, the PNG's are not being correctly transformed, and some jpg's are giving bizarre results.
This is the code I am using:
public function resizeImages() {
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
//Initial settings, Just specify Source and Destination Image folder.
$ImagesDirectory = FCPATH . 'design/img/test/'; //Source Image Directory End with Slash
$DestImagesDirectory = FCPATH . 'design/img/test/thumb/'; //Destination Image Directory End with Slash
$NewImageWidth = 150; //New Width of Image
$NewImageHeight = 150; // New Height of Image
$Quality = 90; //Image Quality
//Open Source Image directory, loop through each Image and resize it.
if($dir = opendir($ImagesDirectory)){
while(($file = readdir($dir))!== false){
$imagePath = $ImagesDirectory.$file;
$destPath = $DestImagesDirectory.$file;
$checkValidImage = #getimagesize($imagePath);
if(file_exists($imagePath) && $checkValidImage) //Continue only if 2 given parameters are true
//Image looks valid, resize.
if (resize_image($imagePath,$destPath,$NewImageWidth,$NewImageHeight,$Quality))
echo $file.' resize Success!<br />';
Now Image is resized, may be save information in database?
} else {
echo $file.' resize Failed!<br />';
and the resize_image function looks like this:
function resize_image($SrcImage,$DestImage, $MaxWidth,$MaxHeight,$Quality)
list($iWidth,$iHeight,$type) = getimagesize($SrcImage);
$ImageScale = min($MaxWidth/$iWidth, $MaxHeight/$iHeight);
$NewWidth = ceil($ImageScale*$iWidth);
$NewHeight = ceil($ImageScale*$iHeight);
$NewCanves = imagecreatetruecolor($NewWidth, $NewHeight);
$imagetype = strtolower(image_type_to_mime_type($type));
case 'image/jpeg':
$NewImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($SrcImage);
case 'image/png':
$NewImage = imagecreatefrompng($SrcImage);
return false;
//allow transparency for pngs
imagealphablending($NewCanves, false);
imagesavealpha($NewCanves, true);
// Resize Image
if(imagecopyresampled($NewCanves, $NewImage,0, 0, 0, 0, $NewWidth, $NewHeight, $iWidth, $iHeight))
switch ($imagetype) {
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/png':
return false;
return true;
Every single png is not working, it just returns a file with 0 bytes and "file type is not supported", even though the type is recognized as .PNG in Windows...
Some JPG's return a weird result as well, see the following screenshot which indicates my issues regarding png's and some jpg's:
1) Do not use getimagesize to verify that the file is a valid image, to mention the manual:
Do not use getimagesize() to check that a given file is a valid image. Use a purpose-built solution such as the Fileinfo extension instead.
$checkValidImage = exif_imagetype($imagePath);
if(file_exists($imagePath) && ($checkValidImage == IMAGETYPE_JPEG || $checkValidImage == IMAGETYPE_PNG))
2) While imagejpeg() accepts quality from 0 to 100, imagepng() wants values between 0 and 9, you could do something like that:
3) Using readdir () you should skip the current directory . and the parent..
while(($file = readdir($dir))!== false){
if ($file == "." || $file == "..")
Point 2 is particularly important, imagepng () accepts values greater than 9 but then often fails with error in zlib or libpng generating corrupt png files.
I tried resizing some png and jpeg and I didn't encounter any problems with these changes.

How can I create custom thumbnails using php gd

i wanted to create a thumbnail with specific custom width & height. The function am using only create a thumbnail with a maximum set width/height.
How do i tweak the below function to give me a defined width/height e.g 50x50, 75x75, 100x100.
$original_photo = "photos/photo.extension";
$newcopy = "photos/thumbnails/photo.extension";
$copy_w = 50;
$copy_h = 50;
$extension = explode('.', 'photo.extension');
$extension = end($extension);
function create_thumbnail($original_photo, $newcopy, $copy_w, $copy_h, $extension) {
list($original_w, $original_h) = getimagesize($original_photo);
$scale_ratio = $original_w / $original_h;
if (($copy_w / $copy_h) > $scale_ratio) {
$copy_w = $copy_h * $scale_ratio;
} else {
$copy_h = $copy_w / $scale_ratio;
$img = '';
if ($extension == 'gif') {
$img = imagecreatefromgif($original_photo);
} elseif ($extension == 'png') {
$img = imagecreatefrompng($original_photo);
} else {
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($original_photo);
$true_color = imagecreatetruecolor($copy_w, $copy_h);
imagecopyresampled($true_color, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $copy_w, $copy_h, $original_w, $original_h);
if (imagejpeg($true_color, $newcopy, 80) == true) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Working with images in PHP/GD can be a pain. There are a lot of edge cases, particularly when transparent PNG/GIFs are manipulated.
If possible, I shamelessly recommend a library I wrote to handle things like this: SimpleImage 3.0
Using SimpleImage, you can achieve the desired effect with the following code:
// Load the image from image.jpg
$image = new \claviska\SimpleImage('image.jpg');
// Create a 50x50 thumbnail, convert to PNG, and write to thumbnail.png
$image->thumbnail(50, 50)->toFile('thumbnail.png', 'image/png');
See this page for more details on how the thumbnail method works and available arguments.

Compress and RESCALE uploaded image

I have a function that uploads files up to 8MB but now I also want to compress or at least rescale larger images, so my output image won't be any bigger than 100-200 KB and 1000x1000px resolution. How can I implement compress and rescale (proportional) in my function?
function uploadFile($file, $file_restrictions = '', $user_id, $sub_folder = '') {
global $path_app;
$new_file_name = generateRandomString(20);
if($sub_folder != '') {
if(!file_exists('media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder.'/')) {
mkdir('media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder, 0777);
$sub_folder = $sub_folder.'/';
else {
$sub_folder = '';
$uploadDir = 'media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder;
$uploadDirO = 'media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder;
$finalDir = $path_app.'/media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder;
$fileExt = explode(".", basename($file['name']));
$uploadExt = $fileExt[count($fileExt) - 1];
$uploadName = $new_file_name.'_cache.'.$uploadExt;
$uploadDir = $uploadDir.$uploadName;
$restriction_ok = true;
if(!empty($file_restrictions)) {
if(strpos($file_restrictions, $uploadExt) === false) {
$restriction_ok = false;
if($restriction_ok == false) {
return '';
else {
if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploadDir)) {
$image_info = getimagesize($uploadDir);
$image_width = $image_info[0];
$image_height = $image_info[1];
if($file['size'] > 8000000) {
return '';
else {
$finalUploadName = $new_file_name.'.'.$uploadExt;
rename($uploadDirO.$uploadName, $uploadDirO.$finalUploadName);
return $finalDir.$finalUploadName;
else {
return '';
For the rescaling I use a function like this:
function dimensions($width,$height,$maxWidth,$maxHeight)
// given maximum dimensions this tries to fill that as best as possible
// get new sizes
if ($width > $maxWidth) {
$height = Round($maxWidth*$height/$width);
$width = $maxWidth;
if ($height > $maxHeight) {
$width = Round($maxHeight*$width/$height);
$height = $maxHeight;
// return array with new size
return array('width' => $width,'height' => $height);
The compression is done by a PHP function:
// set limits
$maxWidth = 1000;
$maxHeight = 1000;
// read source
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($originalImageFile);
// get the possible dimensions of destination and extract
$dims = dimensions(imagesx($source),imagesy($source),$maxWidth,$maxHeight);
// prepare destination
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor($dims['width'],$dims['height']);
// copy in high-quality
// save file
// clear both copies from memory
You will have to supply $originalImageFile and $destinationImageFile. This stuff comes from a class I use, so I edited it quite a lot, but the basic functionality is there. I left out any error checking, so you still need to add that. Note that the 85 in imagejpeg() denotes the amount of compression.
you can use a simple one line solution through imagemagic library the command will like this
$image="path to image";
$res="option to resize"; i.e 25% small , 50% small or anything else
exec("convert ".$image." -resize ".$res." ".$image);
with this you can rotate resize and many other image customization
Take a look on imagecopyresampled(), There is also a example that how to implement it, For compression take a look on imagejpeg() the third parameter helps to set quality of the image, 100 means (best quality, biggest file) and if you skip the last option then default quality is 75 which is good and compress it.

Thumbnail generation time

I have a function that checks to see if a thumbnail exists in cache folder for a particular image. If it does, it returns the path to that thumbnail. If it does not, it goes ahead and generates the thumbnail for the image, saves it in the cache folder and returns the path to it instead.
Let's say I have 10 images but only 7 of them have their thumbnails in the cache folder. Therefore, the function goes to generation of thumbnails for the rest 3 images. But while it does that, all I see is a blank, white loading page. The idea is to display the thumbnails that are already generated and then generate the ones that do not exist.
$images = array(
function get_name($source) {
$name = explode("/", $source);
$name = end($name);
return $name;
function get_thumbnail($image) {
$image_name = get_name($image);
if(file_exists("cache/{$image_name}")) {
return "cache/{$image_name}";
} else {
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image);
$thumb = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
if($width > $height) {
$y = 0;
$x = ($width - $height) / 2;
$smallest_side = $height;
} else {
$x = 0;
$y = ($height - $width) / 2;
$smallest_side = $width;
$thumb_size = 200;
$thumb_image = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_size, $thumb_size);
imagecopyresampled($thumb_image, $thumb, 0, 0, $x, $y, $thumb_size, $thumb_size, $smallest_side, $smallest_side);
imagejpeg($thumb_image, "cache/{$image_name}");
return "cache/{$image_name}";
foreach($images as $image) {
echo "<img src='" . get_thumbnail($image) . "' />";
To elaborate on #DCoder's comment, what you could do is;
If the thumb exists in the cache, return the URL just as you do now. This will make sure that thumbs that are in the cache will load quickly.
If the thumb does not exist in the cache, return an URL similar to /cache/generatethumb.php? where the script generatethumb.php generates the thumbnail, saves it in the cache and returns the thumbnail. Next time, it will be in the cache and the URL won't go through the PHP script.

PHP Imagick resize with black background

I am writing a PHP script using the imagick extension. What I want the script to do is take an image a user uploads, and create a 200x128 thumbnail out of it.
That's not the only thing. Obviously, not all images will fit the aspect ratio of 200x128. So what I want the script to do is fill in gaps with a black background.
Right now, the image resizes, but there is no black background and the size isn't correct. Basically, the image should ALWAYS be 200x128. The resized image will go in the center, and the rest of the contents will be filled with black.
Any ideas?
Here's my code:
function portfolio_image_search_resize($image) {
// Check if imagick is loaded. If not, return false.
if(!extension_loaded('imagick')) { return false; }
// Set the dimensions of the search result thumbnail
$search_thumb_width = 200;
$search_thumb_height = 128;
// Instantiate class. Then, read the image.
$IM = new Imagick();
// Obtain image height and width
$image_height = $IM->getImageHeight();
$image_width = $IM->getImageWidth();
// Determine if the picture is portrait or landscape
$orientation = ($image_height > $image_width) ? 'portrait' : 'landscape';
// Set compression and file type
switch($orientation) {
case 'portrait':
// Since the image must maintain its aspect ratio, the rest of the image must appear as black
$IM->scaleImage(0, $search_thumb_height);
$filename = 'user_search_thumbnail.jpg';
// Write the image
if($IM->writeImage($filename) == true) {
return true;
else {
return false;
case 'landscape':
// The aspect ratio of the image might not match the search result thumbnail (1.5625)
$calc_image_rsz_height = ($image_height / $image_width) * $search_thumb_width;
if($calc_image_rsz_height > $search_thumb_height) {
$IM->scaleImage(0, $search_thumb_height);
else {
$IM->scaleImage($search_thumb_width, 0);
$filename = 'user_search_thumbnail.jpg';
if($IM->writeImage($filename) == true) {
return true;
else {
return false;
I know its old but I found the answer after long trying:
you need to use thumbnailimage
with both $bestfit and $fill as true like so:
$image->thumbnailImage(200, 128,true,true);
exec('convert -define jpeg:size=400x436 big_image.jpg -auto-orient -thumbnail 200x218 -unsharp 0x.5 thumbnail.gif');
You'll need to install imagemagick.
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
Take a look at:
It shows further examples and how to pad out the thumbnail with a background color of your choice.
