Thumbnail generation time - php

I have a function that checks to see if a thumbnail exists in cache folder for a particular image. If it does, it returns the path to that thumbnail. If it does not, it goes ahead and generates the thumbnail for the image, saves it in the cache folder and returns the path to it instead.
Let's say I have 10 images but only 7 of them have their thumbnails in the cache folder. Therefore, the function goes to generation of thumbnails for the rest 3 images. But while it does that, all I see is a blank, white loading page. The idea is to display the thumbnails that are already generated and then generate the ones that do not exist.
$images = array(
function get_name($source) {
$name = explode("/", $source);
$name = end($name);
return $name;
function get_thumbnail($image) {
$image_name = get_name($image);
if(file_exists("cache/{$image_name}")) {
return "cache/{$image_name}";
} else {
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image);
$thumb = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
if($width > $height) {
$y = 0;
$x = ($width - $height) / 2;
$smallest_side = $height;
} else {
$x = 0;
$y = ($height - $width) / 2;
$smallest_side = $width;
$thumb_size = 200;
$thumb_image = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_size, $thumb_size);
imagecopyresampled($thumb_image, $thumb, 0, 0, $x, $y, $thumb_size, $thumb_size, $smallest_side, $smallest_side);
imagejpeg($thumb_image, "cache/{$image_name}");
return "cache/{$image_name}";
foreach($images as $image) {
echo "<img src='" . get_thumbnail($image) . "' />";

To elaborate on #DCoder's comment, what you could do is;
If the thumb exists in the cache, return the URL just as you do now. This will make sure that thumbs that are in the cache will load quickly.
If the thumb does not exist in the cache, return an URL similar to /cache/generatethumb.php? where the script generatethumb.php generates the thumbnail, saves it in the cache and returns the thumbnail. Next time, it will be in the cache and the URL won't go through the PHP script.


PHP - sometime getimagesize exchange the dimension of the image

I am using Symfony2 and I have a problem with the PHP:getimagesize because sometime the dimensions that this function return are exchanged.
My use of this function is like int the page and the images are sent to the server with a POST;
I post a mwe :
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name']); $i++) {
if ($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'][$i]) {
$img = strtolower(strtotime(date('Y-m-d h:i:s')) . $random . ".jpg");
if (!is_dir($Tmppath)) {
mkdir($Tmppath, 0777, TRUE);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'][$i], $Tmppath . $img);
if (file_exists($Tmppath . $img)) {
if (!empty($img)) {
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($Tmppath . $img);
But sometime the $width and $height of the image are exchanged; the images that are uploaded from the clients are of many format and sometime if the same image that is uploaded twice the width and height are exchanged. Anyone has the same problem? there is another function in PHP more precise?

Compress and RESCALE uploaded image

I have a function that uploads files up to 8MB but now I also want to compress or at least rescale larger images, so my output image won't be any bigger than 100-200 KB and 1000x1000px resolution. How can I implement compress and rescale (proportional) in my function?
function uploadFile($file, $file_restrictions = '', $user_id, $sub_folder = '') {
global $path_app;
$new_file_name = generateRandomString(20);
if($sub_folder != '') {
if(!file_exists('media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder.'/')) {
mkdir('media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder, 0777);
$sub_folder = $sub_folder.'/';
else {
$sub_folder = '';
$uploadDir = 'media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder;
$uploadDirO = 'media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder;
$finalDir = $path_app.'/media/'.$user_id.'/'.$sub_folder;
$fileExt = explode(".", basename($file['name']));
$uploadExt = $fileExt[count($fileExt) - 1];
$uploadName = $new_file_name.'_cache.'.$uploadExt;
$uploadDir = $uploadDir.$uploadName;
$restriction_ok = true;
if(!empty($file_restrictions)) {
if(strpos($file_restrictions, $uploadExt) === false) {
$restriction_ok = false;
if($restriction_ok == false) {
return '';
else {
if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploadDir)) {
$image_info = getimagesize($uploadDir);
$image_width = $image_info[0];
$image_height = $image_info[1];
if($file['size'] > 8000000) {
return '';
else {
$finalUploadName = $new_file_name.'.'.$uploadExt;
rename($uploadDirO.$uploadName, $uploadDirO.$finalUploadName);
return $finalDir.$finalUploadName;
else {
return '';
For the rescaling I use a function like this:
function dimensions($width,$height,$maxWidth,$maxHeight)
// given maximum dimensions this tries to fill that as best as possible
// get new sizes
if ($width > $maxWidth) {
$height = Round($maxWidth*$height/$width);
$width = $maxWidth;
if ($height > $maxHeight) {
$width = Round($maxHeight*$width/$height);
$height = $maxHeight;
// return array with new size
return array('width' => $width,'height' => $height);
The compression is done by a PHP function:
// set limits
$maxWidth = 1000;
$maxHeight = 1000;
// read source
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($originalImageFile);
// get the possible dimensions of destination and extract
$dims = dimensions(imagesx($source),imagesy($source),$maxWidth,$maxHeight);
// prepare destination
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor($dims['width'],$dims['height']);
// copy in high-quality
// save file
// clear both copies from memory
You will have to supply $originalImageFile and $destinationImageFile. This stuff comes from a class I use, so I edited it quite a lot, but the basic functionality is there. I left out any error checking, so you still need to add that. Note that the 85 in imagejpeg() denotes the amount of compression.
you can use a simple one line solution through imagemagic library the command will like this
$image="path to image";
$res="option to resize"; i.e 25% small , 50% small or anything else
exec("convert ".$image." -resize ".$res." ".$image);
with this you can rotate resize and many other image customization
Take a look on imagecopyresampled(), There is also a example that how to implement it, For compression take a look on imagejpeg() the third parameter helps to set quality of the image, 100 means (best quality, biggest file) and if you skip the last option then default quality is 75 which is good and compress it.

php imagecopyresampled - image is empty (all black) after saving it

This script will load an image (jpg, gif or png) and then save a PNG local copy for caching.
I'm trying to find a way to resize the image to 300x300 before saving it as a PNG.
I tried to use the function imagecopyresampled() but the image is still not resized.
2 problems now :
The script saves a resized PNG image in the correct folder, but the image is empty (it's all black)
The first time i will load the image, i will get an error (image cannot be displayed because it contains error) but the image will still be saved as PNG in the cache folder. Second time i load the image, it will be displayed correctly (using the cached version) but it isn't resized.
Here's the full code of my page. The first part is used to cache the image, the second part is used to display the non-cached image (it reads an image from a ZIP file and output the content without extracting anything)
if (empty($_GET['display'])) {
header('Content-Type: image/png');
$imgpochette = $_GET['i'];
$CACHE_FILE_PATH = "pochette_album/$imgpochette.png";
if($ENABLE_CACHE && file_exists($CACHE_FILE_PATH) && (time() - filemtime($CACHE_FILE_PATH) < ($CACHE_TIME_HOURS * 60 * 60))) {
echo #file_get_contents($CACHE_FILE_PATH);
} else {
// Load the requested image
$imgdisplay = "$imgpochette&display=1";
$image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($imgdisplay));
$width = "30";
$height = "30";
list($originalWidth, $originalHeight) = getimagesize($CACHE_FILE_PATH);
$new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagecopyresampled($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $originalWidth, $originalHeight);
// Send the image
imagepng($new_image, $CACHE_FILE_PATH);
#file_put_contents($CACHE_FILE_PATH, $output);
echo $output;
if (!empty($_GET['display'])) {
function showimage($zip_file, $file_name) {
$z = new ZipArchive();
if ($z->open($zip_file) !== true) {
echo "File not found.";
return false;
$stat = $z->statName($file_name);
$fp = $z->getStream($file_name);
// search for a path/to/file matching file, returning the index of it
$index = $z->locateName($file_name, ZipArchive::FL_NOCASE|ZipArchive::FL_NODIR);
// get the name of the file based on the index
$full_file_name = $z->getNameIndex($index);
// now get the stream
$fp = $z->getStream($full_file_name);
if(!$fp) {
echo "Could not load image.";
return false;
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
header('Content-Length: ' . $stat['size']);
return true;
$imgsrcencoded = $_GET['i'];
$imagesrc = base64_decode($imgsrcencoded);
$explodez = explode("#",$imagesrc);
$imgg = utf8_encode($explodez[1]);
$dirnfile = $explodez[0];
$zipp = end((explode('/', $dirnfile)));
$dirr = str_replace($zipp,"",$dirnfile);
$dirr = rtrim($dirr,"/");
$imgg = rtrim($imgg);
if (empty($_GET['debug'])) {
echo showimage($zipp,$imgg);
Get the solution for .png images

Resize image before uploading PHP

I have no idea how to resize image in PHP, my code is:
for ($index = 1; $index <= 2; $index++) {
if (!empty($_FILES["pic$index"]["name"])) {
$ext = substr($_FILES["pic$index"]["name"], strrpos($_FILES["pic$index"]["name"], '.') + 1);
$dir = "../gallery/$mkdir";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["pic$index"]["tmp_name"] , "$dir/img-$index.$ext");
$mkdir = the name of the gallery's folder (there are many galleries).
$dir = where the pics will be placed.
$ext = the type of the image (png, gif or jpg).
foreach loop runs two times because you can upload two pics.
This script is working good, I just need to do resize and I dont have an idea how to do it..
Here is the code I'm using to resize images.
In my case I give to the function the original file name and then the thumbnail file name.
You can adapt it for your case very easily.
public static function GenerateThumbnail($im_filename,$th_filename,$max_width,$max_height,$quality = 0.75)
// The original image must exist
// Let's create the directory if needed
$th_path = dirname($th_filename);
mkdir($th_path, 0777, true);
// If the thumb does not aleady exists
// Get Image size info
list($width_orig, $height_orig, $image_type) = #getimagesize($im_filename);
return 2;
case 1: $src_im = #imagecreatefromgif($im_filename); break;
case 2: $src_im = #imagecreatefromjpeg($im_filename); break;
case 3: $src_im = #imagecreatefrompng($im_filename); break;
return 3;
$aspect_ratio = (float) $height_orig / $width_orig;
$thumb_height = $max_height;
$thumb_width = round($thumb_height / $aspect_ratio);
if($thumb_width > $max_width)
$thumb_width = $max_width;
$thumb_height = round($thumb_width * $aspect_ratio);
$width = $thumb_width;
$height = $thumb_height;
$dst_img = #imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
return 4;
$success = #imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_im,0,0,0,0,$width,$height,$width_orig,$height_orig);
return 4;
switch ($image_type)
case 1: $success = #imagegif($dst_img,$th_filename); break;
case 2: $success = #imagejpeg($dst_img,$th_filename,intval($quality*100)); break;
case 3: $success = #imagepng($dst_img,$th_filename,intval($quality*9)); break;
return 4;
return 0;
return 1;
The return codes are just here to differentiate between different types of errors.
By looking back at that code, I don't like the "magic number" trick. I'm gonna have to change that (by exceptions for example).
if (!empty($_FILES["pic$index"]["name"])) {
$ext = substr($_FILES["pic$index"]["name"], strrpos($_FILES["pic$index"]["name"], '.') + 1);
$dir = "../gallery/$mkdir";
// Move it
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["pic$index"]["tmp_name"] , "$dir/img-$index.$ext.tmp"))
// Resize it
// Delete full size
Use move_uploaded_file to move it (recommanded) and then you can resize it and send it to it's final destination. You might not even need the ".tmp", you can use.
// Move it
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["pic$index"]["tmp_name"] , "$dir/img-$index.$ext"))
// Resize it
Keep in mind that the picture you are dealing with is already uploaded on the server. You actualy want to resize picture before storing it in "safe place".
$_FILES["pic$index"]["tmp_name"] is probably /tmp/somepicturesname

Choosing a thumbnail from an external link

I am trying to build a script that retrieves a list of thumbnail images from an external link, much like Facebook does when you share a link and can choose the thumbnail image that is associated with that post.
My script currently works like this:
file_get_contents on the URL
preg_match_all to match any <img src="" in the contents
Works out the full URL to each image and stores it in an array
If there are < 10 images it loops through and uses getimagesize to find width and height
If there are > 10 images it loops through and uses fread and imagecreatefromstring to find width and height (for speed)
Once all width and heights are worked out it loops through and only adds the images to a new array that have a minimum width and height (so only larger images are shown, smaller images are less likely to be descriptive of the URL)
Each image has its new dimensions worked out (scaled down proportionally) and are returned...
<img src="'.$image[0].'" width="'.$image[1].'" height="'.$image[2].'"><br><br>
At the moment this works fine, but there are a number of problems I can potentially have:
SPEED! If the URL has many images on the page it will take considerably longer to process
MEMORY! Using getimagesize or fread & imagecreatefromstring will store the whole image in memory, any large images on the page could eat up the server's memory and kill my script (and server)
One solution I have found is being able to retrieve the image width and height from the header of the image without having to download the whole image, though I have only found some code to do this for JPG's (it would need to support GIF & PNG).
Can anyone make any suggestions to help me with either problem mentioned above, or perhaps you can suggest another way of doing this I am open to ideas... Thanks!
** Edit: Code below:
// Example images array
$images = array('', '');
// Find the image sizes
$image_sizes = $this->image_sizes($images);
// Find the images that meet the minimum size
for ($i = 0; $i < count($image_sizes); $i++) {
if ($image_sizes[$i][0] >= $min || $image_sizes[$i][1] >= $min) {
// Scale down the original image size
$dimensions = $this->resize_dimensions($scale_width, $scale_height, $image_sizes[$i][0], $image_sizes[$i][1]);
$img[] = array($images[$i], $dimensions['width'], $dimensions['height']);
// Output the images
foreach ($img as $image) echo '<img src="'.$image[0].'" width="'.$image[1].'" height="'.$image[2].'"><br><br>';
* Retrieves the image sizes
* Uses the getimagesize() function or the filesystem for speed increases
public function image_sizes($images) {
$out = array();
if (count($images) < 10) {
foreach ($images as $image) {
list($width, $height) = #getimagesize($image);
if (is_numeric($width) && is_numeric($height)) {
$out[] = array($width, $height);
else {
$out[] = array(0, 0);
else {
foreach ($images as $image) {
$handle = #fopen($image, "rb");
$contents = "";
if ($handle) {
while(true) {
$data = fread($handle, 8192);
if (strlen($data) == 0) break;
$contents .= $data;
$im = #imagecreatefromstring($contents);
if ($im) {
$out[] = array(imagesx($im), imagesy($im));
else {
$out[] = array(0, 0);
else {
$out[] = array(0, 0);
return $out;
* Calculates restricted dimensions with a maximum of $goal_width by $goal_height
public function resize_dimensions($goal_width, $goal_height, $width, $height) {
$return = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
// If the ratio > goal ratio and the width > goal width resize down to goal width
if ($width/$height > $goal_width/$goal_height && $width > $goal_width) {
$return['width'] = floor($goal_width);
$return['height'] = floor($goal_width/$width * $height);
// Otherwise, if the height > goal, resize down to goal height
else if ($height > $goal_height) {
$return['width'] = floor($goal_height/$height * $width);
$return['height'] = floor($goal_height);
return $return;
getimagesize reads only header, but imagecreatefromstring reads whole image. Image read by GD, ImageMagick or GraphicsMagic is stored as bitmap so it consumes widthheight(3 or 4) bytes, and there's nothing you can do about it.
The best possible solution for your problem is to make curl multi-request (see ), and then one by one process recieved images with GD or any other library. And to make memory consumption a bit lower, you can store image files on disk, not in memory.
The only idea that comes to mind for your current approach (which is impressive) is to check the HTML for existing width and height attributes and skip the file read process altogether if they exist.
