I have a reoccuring problem that I am currently tackling like so -
a POST variable coming in to the script which has a platform, the platform is from a list such as: xbox,ps3,pc,mobileapp,mobilegame etc
for each different platform I want to be able to do something different in my script but in some cases I want code to do very similar things at the moment I do something like this:
$platformArray = array(
'ps3'=>array('displayName'=>'playstation 3','function'=>'funcPS3'),
//similar amongst all platforms code on line below
echo 'you have a :'.$platformArray[$_POST['platform']]['displayName'].' for playing games';
function funcPS3(){
echo 'ps3 specific code';
function funcXbox(){
echo 'xbox specific code';
I want to move towards a OOP approach in my code, I want to use objects as my data storage medium rather than arrays as I'm doing now, but I do sometimes need to define attributes in the code ahead of time, how could I do the above but with objects?
I would recommend for you to start by understanding polymorphism. This lecture should be good start.
When you are trying to create behavior, based on some flag, you should implement two classes with same interface:
class Xbox
private $displayName = 'XBox 360';
public function identify()
// Xbox-specific stuff
return ':::::::::::'. $this->displayName;
class PS3
private $displayName = 'Playstation 3';
public function identify()
// playstation-specific stuff
return '+++'. $this->displayName . '+++';
The two classes have method with same name that would do different things;
$platform = $_POST['platform'];
// classes in PHP are case-insensitive
// expected values would be: xbox, Xbox, ps3, pS3
if ( !class_exists($platform) )
echo "Platform '{$platform}' is not supported";
// since continuing at this point would cause a fatal error,
// better to simply exit
$object = new $platform;
echo $object->identify();
Basically, in this case you really do not care, which type of platform you are working with. All you need to know is that they both have same public interface. This is called "polymorphic behavior".
I'm going to work from a very naive OO version, to what is considered "good" OO code, using polymorphic behavior and avoiding global state.
1. Not polymorphic and has global static data
This is pretty bad because it is really just a wrapper object over procedural code. It needs a map of functions to call for each type of platform.
class Platform {
private static $platformArray = array(
'ps3' => array(
'displayName'=>'playstation 3',
'xbox' => array(
private $type;
public function __construct($type) {
if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$platformArray)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Platform type $type" );
$this->type = $type;
public function printCode() {
// This was a question embedded within your question, you can use
// http://php.net/manual/en/function.call-user-func.php
// and pass an instance with a method name.
return call_user_func( array($this, self::$platformArray[$this->type]) );
private function funcPS3(){
echo 'ps3 specific code';
private function funcXbox(){
echo 'xbox specific code';
$plat = new Platform($_POST['platform']);
2. Polymorphic... but it still uses global data
By creating a base class you can implement behavior in subclasses, creating separate class for each concern. The big problem here is that subclasses need to register with a global registry.
abstract class Platform {
abstract protected function getCode();
public function printCode() {
echo $this->getCode();
private function __construct() {} // so only factory can instantiate it
private static $platformArray = array();
public static function create($type) {
if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$platformArray)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Platform type $type" );
return new self::$platformArray[$type];
public static function addPlatform($type, $ctor) {
if (!is_subclass_of($ctor, 'Platform')) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Constructor for Platform $ctor" );
self::$platformArray[$type] = $ctor;
class PlatformXBox extends Platform{
protected function getCode() {
return 'xbox specific code';
Platform::addPlatform('xbox', 'PlatformXBox');
class PlatformPs3 extends Platform {
protected function getCode() {
return 'ps3 specific code';
Platform::addPlatform('ps3', 'PlatformPs3');
$plat = Platform::create($_POST['platform']);
3. Polymorphic, no global data
By putting your code into a namespace, you avoid the static code in the base class and avoid the dangers of mapping post parameters directly into classes.
namespace platform {
interface IPlatform {
public function getDisplayName();
public function getCode();
class PlatformFactory {
static public function create($platformType) {
$className = "\\platform\\$platformType";
if ( !is_subclass_of($className, "\\platform\\IPlatform") ){
return null;
return new $className;
class Xbox implements IPlatform {
public function getDisplayName(){
return 'xbox';
public function getCode(){
return 'xbox code';
class Ps3 implements IPlatform {
public function getDisplayName(){
return 'ps3';
public function getCode(){
return 'ps3 code';
Now you can use those classes like the following
$platform = platform\PlatformFactory::create('xbox');
echo $platform->getCode() ."\n" ;
$platform2 = platform\PlatformFactory::create('ps3');
echo $platform2->getDisplayName()."\n";
$noPlatform = platform\PlatformFactory::create('dontexist');
if ($noPlatform) {
echo "This is bad, plaftorm 'dontexist' shouldn't have been created";
} else {
echo "Platform 'dontexist' doesn't exist";
You might want to create a class called platforms and within the class a different method for each platform:
class platforms {
//Create your variables here, also called properties.
public $displayName;
//Create a function, also called a method for each platform you intent to use.
public function xboxPlatform(){
//Code comes here what you want to do.
Hope this helps.
Let's say I want to build a House and I have a house factory. The factory can already build houses using a blueprint. However, a new client comes in and asks us if we can build them a house from a sketch they provide. Would it be correct to add a new assembly line to the factory to handle these new houses? Or would it be preferable to create an entirely new factory for the homes built from a sketch? The output will always be a House, with specific attributes (i.e num sides, color, roof)
class House_Factory {
public function create(Blueprint $blueprint) {
$house = new House();
$house->num_sides = $blueprint->num_sides;
$house->color = $blueprint->color;
$house->roof = $blueprint->roof;
return $house;
// Is having another create method acceptable in a Factory?
public function createFromSketch(Sketch $sketch) {
$house = new House();
$house->num_sides = $sketch->num_exterior_walls;
$house->color = $sketch->exterior_wall_color;
$house->roof = $sketch->roof;
return $house;
This doesn't seem right to me but I can't put my finger on it. Is there a better design pattern to follow for a situation like this?
In my opinion, it would be acceptable to have both methods in the same class. Where it makes sense to break out into different classes (and implement an interface) is when you are creating different outputs with the same type of inputs - for instance if you needed to make Houses, Churches, and Sheds, they would each have a factory inheriting a Building interface, each with a create method that takes a Blueprint as an argument (where Blueprint may be an interface and each concrete factory requires it's own variation of Blueprint, etc...).
What makes your approach feel a little funny to me is that you have to name the create methods differently. In a strongly typed language like Java you would have multiple create methods, differentiated by the argument type, which is nice and clean.
Another approach you could consider, if appropriate, is translate your Sketches to Blueprints with some kind of adapter.
class Blueprint
public $num_sides;
public $color;
public $roof;
public function __construct($num_sides, $color, $roof)
$this->num_sides = $num_sides;
$this->color = $color;
$this->roof = $roof;
class Sketch
public $num_exterior_walls;
public $exterior_wall_color;
public $roof;
public function __construct($num_exterior_walls, $exterior_wall_color, $roof)
$this->num_exterior_walls = $num_exterior_walls;
$this->exterior_wall_color = $exterior_wall_color;
$this->roof = $roof;
class House
public $num_sides;
public $color;
public $roof;
public function toString()
return json_encode([
'Sides' => $this->num_sides,
'Color' => $this->color,
'Roof' => $this->roof
class HouseFactory
public function create(Blueprint $blueprint)
$house = new House();
$house->num_sides = $blueprint->num_sides;
$house->color = $blueprint->color;
$house->roof = $blueprint->roof;
return $house;
class BlueprintMapper
public static function fromSketch(Sketch $sketch)
return new Blueprint($sketch->num_exterior_walls, $sketch->exterior_wall_color, $sketch->roof);
$houseFactory = new HouseFactory();
$blueprint = new Blueprint(4, 'Red', 'Slate');
$house1 = $houseFactory->create($blueprint);
$sketch = new Sketch(4, 'Blue', 'Tin');
$sketchBlueprint = BlueprintMapper::fromSketch($sketch);
$house2 = $houseFactory->create($sketchBlueprint);
echo $house1->toString() . PHP_EOL;
echo $house2->toString() . PHP_EOL;
I'm looking for a way to have a single base class that can be extended by several child classes, only one of which would be active at a time. A very basic example:
class API_Base {
public $context;
public function __construct() {
class Mailchimp_API extends API_Base {
public function init() {
$this->context = 'mailchimp';
$this->enabled = false;
public function add_contact($email_address) {
// mailchimp API for adding contact
class Infusionsoft_API extends API_Base {
public function init() {
$this->context = 'infusionsoft';
$this->enabled = true;
public function add_contact($email_address) {
// infusionsoft API for adding contact
Each child initializes itself and registers as an option for the user to select. After the user has chosen which integration to use, this is saved to the database. I'd like future access to the API_Base to look something like:
$api = new API_Base();
$api->context; // should be "infusionsoft"
So when $api->add_contact() is run, it only runs the add_contact() function for the active API integration.
Eventually I'd like to somehow use get_class_methods(); to return the capabilities of just the active API, so functions accessing the API can know what is possible (i.e. some API's support email lists while others don't, or support creating custom fields, etc.).
I've had some success with calling parent::set_context($context); from the enabled class, but I still can't figure out how to get the parent to only execute the methods in the "enabled" child class.
This is not how inheritance works. Child subclasses inherit from their parent class.
To solve your problem you can add a factory method to API_Base which will create API implementation by its type:
class API_Base {
public static function createByType($type)
switch ($type) {
case 'mailchimp': return new Mailchimp_API();
case 'infusionsoft': return new Infusionsoft_API();
default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(spintf('Invalid API type "%s"', $type));
// other methods
and use it like this:
$api = API_Base::createByType($user->selectedApi);
$api->context; // should be "infusionsoft"
You can consider Abstract Class Implementation . The abstract class works as the , who ever is extending the abstract class can execute the methods it have .
abstract class Something{
function __construct(){
// some stuff
function my_func(){
$this->myTest ;
abstract function my_func();
class Some extends Something{
function __construct(){
parent::__construct() ;
function my_test(){
echo "Voila" ;
I got it working in a way works perfectly for me, thanks to Ihor's advice. Here's what I ended up doing:
In the main plugin file, there's a filterable function where other devs can add new integrations if they need. The first parameter is the slug (for my autoloader) and the second is the class name.
public function get_apis() {
return apply_filters( 'custom_apis', array(
'infusionsoft-isdk' => 'MYPLUGIN_Infusionsoft_iSDK',
'infusionsoft-oauth' => 'MYPLUGIN_Infusionsoft_oAuth',
'activecampaign' => 'MYPLUGIN_ActiveCampaign'
) );
Each integration contains the slug and the class name. Then in my API_Base class I have this in the constructor:
class API_Base {
public $available_apis = array();
public $api;
public function __construct() {
$configured_apis = main_plugin()->get_apis();
foreach( $configured_apis as $slug => $classname ) {
if(class_exists($classname)) {
$api = new $classname();
if($api->active == true)
$this->api = $api;
$this->available_apis[$slug] = array( 'name' => $api->name );
if(isset($api->menu_name)) {
$this->available_apis[$slug]['menu_name'] = $api->menu_name;
} else {
$this->available_apis[$slug]['menu_name'] = $api->name;
And in my main file, after all the includes, I run:
self::$instance->api_base = new API_Base();
self::$instance->api = self::$instance->api_base->api;
Now I can call self::$instance->api->add_contact($email); and it will trigger whichever is the current active API.
It seems to be the best approach as this way I can spin up the API only once when the plugin loads, instead of having to create a new instance each time I want to use it.
I have some handler ("controller") classes and they can process items in some way:
interface IHandler
public function execute(Item $item);
class FirstHandler implements IHandler
public function execute(Item $item) { echo $item->getTitle(); }
class SecondHandler implements IHandler
public function execute(Item $item) { echo $item->getId() . $item->getTitle(); }
class Item
public function getId() { return rand(); }
public function getTitle() { return 'title at ' . time(); }
But then I need to add some new functionality in child Item class:
class NewItem extends Item
public function getAuthor() { return 'author ' . rand(); }
and use it in SecondHandler
class SecondHandler implements IHandler
public function execute(Item $item) { printf('%d %s, author %s', $item->getId(), $item->getTitle(), $item->getAuthor()); }
But Item class actually has not getAuthor method. And, if I try to change signature of accept method in SecondHandler class, I will catch E_STRICT error about declaration compatibility. And, of course, it's sort of LSP violation.
How can I fix this problem? Do I need two interfaces, for example, INewHandler and IHandler, with different signatures of execute method? But it's some sort of code duplicates.
Also, I cannot use __constructor(Item $item) and __construct(NewItem $item) in handlers (and execute method without arguments), which will be seen like a better solution: they must be immutable and only single instance of every strategy allowed in application lifecycle.
As you discovered by yourself, the type hinting implementation of PHP has a lot limitations that make scenarios, like the one described by you, harder than they should be. In other typed languages like Java and Swift your implementation is absolutely licit.
After some thinking on your question I came to the solution presented by FĂ©lix but I consider it too much over engineered compared to the problem.
My answer to your question is not a solution but an advice that I give to you after years of development with PHP:
Give up with type hinting in PHP and develop like it should be... in a dynamic way.
PHP is more similar to Ruby/Python/JavaScript than Java/C++, and trying to copy 1 to 1 from static typed languages translates in forced and convolute implementations.
The solution to your implementation problem is easy, so don't over complicate it and keep it easy as it should be (KISS principle).
Declare the methods' arguments without the type and implement a check where you really need (for example throwing an exception).
interface IStrategy
public function execute($item);
class FirstStrategy implements IStrategy
public function execute($item) {
echo $item->getTitle();
class SecondStrategy implements IStrategy
public function execute($item) {
// execute(NewItem $item) is identical to this check.
if (! $item instanceof NewItem) {
throw new Exception('$item must be an instance of NewItem');
echo $item->getAuthor();
class Item
public function getId() { return rand(); }
public function getTitle() { return 'title at ' . time(); }
class NewItem extends Item
public function getAuthor() { return 'author ' . rand(); }
Again, don't think in Java but follow as much as possible the duck typing way.
When possible, try to don't strictly force the type of the parameters but adapt the behavior of the code based on the available interfaces (Duck Typing).
class SecondStrategy implements IStrategy
public function execute($item) {
$message = $item->getTitle();
// PHP 5 interface availability check.
if (is_callable([$item, 'getAuthor'])) {
$message .= ' ' . $item->getAuthor();
// With PHP 7 is even better.
// try {
// $message .= ' ' . $item->getAuthor();
// } catch (Error $e) {}
echo $message;
I hope to have helped you. ^_^
Both #daniele-orlando and #ihor-burlachenko made valid points.
Consider following approach for method overloading, which is kind of a compromise and should scale well:
interface IHandler
* #param $item Item|NewItem
public function execute($item);
// protected function executeItem(Item $item);
// protected function executeNewItem(NewItem $item);
trait IHandlerTrait
public function execute($item)
switch(true) {
case $item instanceof Item:
return $this->executeItem($item);
case $item instanceof NewItem:
return $this->executeNewItem($item);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported parameter type " . get_class($item));
protected function executeItem(Item $item)
throw new \LogicException(__CLASS__ . " cannot handle execute() for type Item");
protected function executeNewItem(NewItem $item)
throw new \LogicException(__CLASS__ . " cannot handle execute() for type NewItem");
class FirstHandler implements IHandler
use IIHandlerTrait;
protected function executeItem(Item $item) { echo $item->getTitle(); }
class SecondHandler implements IHandler
use IIHandlerTrait;
// only if SecondHandler still need to support `Item` for backward compatibility
protected function executeItem(Item $item) { echo $item->getId() . $item-> getTitle(); }
protected function executeNewItem(NewItem $item) { printf('%d %s, author %s', $item->getId(), $item->getTitle(), $item->getAuthor()); }
Are you sure you want to use Strategy pattern here?
It looks, like the strategy's action here depends on the type of the element it processes. And Visitor pattern might apply here as well in this case.
As it stands, you appear to want to execute an extensible data record (Item and NewItem). Consider instead executing some pluggable behaviour (implemented via an interface).
It's hard from your writing to guess what that behavior would be, because (New)Item is just a glorified data structure in the example you provide.
If you want to work/manipulate with object in another object, you could/should use interfaces.
interface IStrategy
public function execute(ItemInterface $item);
interface ItemInterface
public function getTitle();
If you want to extend public functionality of the (New)Item class you can make new interface for newItem
interface NewItemInterface extends ItemInterface
class SecondStrategy implements IStrategy
public function execute(NewItemInterface $item)
{ .... }
Or you can use some instance checks as others have mentioned.
If your inheritance and suggestion that SecondHandler should handle both Item and NewItem were correct in the first place, then you should be able to hide this functionality behind the common interface. From your examples, it might be called toString() which might be a part the Item interface.
Otherwise, there might be something wrong with your design initially. And you have to change your inheritance or the way you handle items. Or something else we don't know about.
Also, I don't know why you need DTO but it seems there is some misunderstanding of Doctrine. Doctrine is an ORM and it solves your persistence problem. It adds limitations on how you communicate with your storage introducing repositories, but it doesn't define your domain logic.
As per the Interface segregation please find some solution.
# based on interface segrigation.
interface BasicInfo
public function getId();
public function getTitle();
interface AuthorInfo
public function getAuthor();
interface IHandler
public function execute(Item $item);
class FirstHandler implements IHandler
public function execute(Item $item) { echo $item->getTitle(); }
class SecondHandler implements IHandler
public function execute(Item $item) { echo $item->getId() . $item->getTitle(); }
class Item implements BasicInfo
public function getId() { return rand(); }
public function getTitle() { return 'title at ' . time(); }
class Item2 extends Item implements AuthorInfo
public function getAuthor() { return 'author ' . rand(); }
But I think you should not kept the dependency of the Item class. you should write some duplicated code to keep the class pluggable/independent. So the Open/close principle should also there.
I have a PHP/Laravel best practice question.
Here is the scenario:
I have an object with a "type" property in it. The type property will be set to an integer of some kind.
Depending on the "type" integer in the object, different actions will have to happen.
What is the best way to process this object? I am trying desperately to think of a way that avoids using a whole bunch of if/else statements as that feels very like a very wrong and ugly way to approach this.
i.e. I don't want this:
if($obj->type == 1) {
//process actions for type 1
else if($obj->type == 2){
//process actions for type 2
Would appreciate any advice.
Thanks to #Ryan Vincent I found this resource (https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/strategy/php) and changed the Strategy design pattern a bit. For avoiding hard-coded type values check how the dynamic class loading is done in StrategyContext::__construct method. New class instance is initiated by the $type variable name. Class names should be strings in PHP so this way forces types to be strings not only numbers.
Different than the original example in the article, I attached StrategyContext to the book object and wrap the get methods with the strategy to have better use of book object.
Unfortunately if the business logic will be in your code somehow you need to hardcode it. With this method you don't hardcode for each type but you need to create a strategy class for each type. In the example we have StrategyCaps , StrategyStars and StrategyExclaim strategies. So our types are limited to Caps, Stars and Exclaim.
I didn't try this piece of code in production environment but you can have a starting point via the example.
Also for dynamic loading, you can benefit from this question too.instantiate a class from a variable in PHP?
Hope it helps,
interface StrategyInterface {
public function showTitle($title);
public function showAuthor($author);
class StrategyContext implements StrategyInterface {
private $strategy = NULL;
public function __construct($type) {
//Dynamic class loading per type
if(class_exists($classname)) {
$this->strategy = new $classname();
} else {
throw new Exception("Strategy not found", 1);
public function showTitle($title) {
return $this->strategy->showTitle($title);
public function showAuthor($author) {
return $this->strategy->showAuthor($author);
class StrategyCaps implements StrategyInterface {
public function showTitle($title) {
return strtoupper ($title);
public function showAuthor($author) {
return strtoupper ($author);
class StrategyExclaim implements StrategyInterface {
public function showTitle($title) {
return Str_replace(' ','!',$title);
public function showAuthor($author) {
return Str_replace(' ','!',$author);
class StrategyStars implements StrategyInterface {
public function showTitle($title) {
return Str_replace(' ','*',$title);
public function showAuthor($author) {
return Str_replace(' ','*',$author);
class Book {
private $author;
private $title;
private $strategy;
function __construct($strategy, $title_in, $author_in) {
$this->strategy = new StrategyContext($strategy);
$this->author = $author_in;
$this->title = $title_in;
function getAuthor() {
return $this->strategy->showAuthor($this->author);
function getTitle() {
return $this->strategy->showTitle($this->title);
function getAuthorAndTitle() {
return $this->getTitle() . ' by ' . $this->getAuthor();
$type = 'Caps';
$book = new Book($type, 'PHP for Cats','Zeev Suraski');
$type = 'Exclaim';
$book = new Book($type, 'PHP for Unicorns','Rasmus Lerdorf');
$type = 'Stars';
$book = new Book($type, 'PHP for Ponys','Andi Gutmans');
function writeln($line_in) {
echo $line_in.PHP_EOL;
So if you are using an ORM we can assume that Book is your model class. I don't have any knowledge about Eloquent and how it handles data binding etc. so I'll make it as simple as I can. So I assume you can use a constructor with the binded data from database.
Keep your StrategyContext and the actual strategy classes -where your biz logic will be coded- as a service and use dependency injection while finding out which strategy you will use. This way you can bind all your strategies depending on your type variable, into your Model object.
Updated version of Book class,
class Book {
private $author = "Zeev Suraski";
private $title = "PHP for Cats";
private $strategy;
private $type = 'Caps';
function __construct() {
$this->strategy = new StrategyContext($this->type); //Dependency injection here
function getAuthor() {
return $this->strategy->showAuthor($this->author);
function getTitle() {
return $this->strategy->showTitle($this->title);
function getAuthorAndTitle() {
return $this->getTitle() . ' by ' . $this->getAuthor();
function setType($type) {
$this->type = $type;
function setStrategy($type=null) {
if($type==null) {
$this->strategy = new StrategyContext($this->type); //Dependency injection here
} else {
$this->strategy = new StrategyContext($type); //Dependency injection here
$book = new Book();
$type = 'Exclaim';
$type = 'Stars';
function writeln($line_in) {
echo $line_in.PHP_EOL;
I would use PHP's switch statement for this. For example,
switch($obj->type) {
case 1:
// do something
case 2:
// do something else
// default actions
Here break is used to stop execution of the switch statement as a whole. Without the break, code execution could fall through to the next case. This is sometimes desirable behavior though. If you wanted cases 1 and 2 to have the same code run, you could leave case 1 empty and write all your code in case 2. That way when the case 1 condition is met, no code related to case 1 would be run, but without a break statement, code execution would continue into case 2 before reaching the break statement in case 2.
Here is an implementation example of the algorigthm in the base absctract class from http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/template_method/php
public final function showBookTitleInfo($book_in) {
$title = $book_in->getTitle();
$author = $book_in->getAuthor();
$processedTitle = $this->processTitle($title);
$processedAuthor = $this->processAuthor($author);
if (NULL == $processedAuthor) {
$processed_info = $processedTitle;
} else {
$processed_info = $processedTitle.' by '.$processedAuthor;
return $processed_info;
I don't like it becase I think, that "showBookTitleInfo" knows too much about the methods it calls.
Here is another example
abstract class template_method {
var $state;
public function __construct() {
$this->state = 0;
public function processEvent( $event ) {
$this->doFirstStep( $event );
$this->doSecondStep( $event );
abstract public function doFirstStep( &$event );
abstract public function doSecondStep( &$event );
class CustomLogic extends template_method {
public function doFirstStep( &$event ) {
echo __METHOD__.": state: ".$this->state." event: $event\n";
public function doSecondStep( &$event ) {
echo __METHOD__.": state: ".$this->state." event: $event\n";
why we pass event as by-reference, if we don't change its value?
How should I implement "my steps" logic, if they are using current state, can modify its value, and other steps can read modified value and can modify it too?
For example, I want to implement cost counting mechanism for scheduled message sending - simple and reccurent(ex: every Mon, Fri until 23.05.2009).
So, I implement the algorithm in abstract class as following:
abstract class AbstractCostCounter {
public function countNotReccurentSendingCost($messageObj) {
$totalMessages = $messageObj->getTotalMessages(); // multiple recipients are allowed
$message_cost = 1; // just to give you an idea
$this->cost = $totalMessages * $message_cost;
abstract public function countOptional();
// I pass $messageObject not as by-reference, because it hasn't to be modified
public function countCost( $messageObject ) {
$this->countNotReccurentSendingCost( $messageObject );
$this->countOptional( $messageObject );
class TemplateNotReccurentCostCounting {
public function countOptional($messageObj) {
// do nothing
class TemplateReccurentCostCounting {
public function countOptional($messageObj) {
$notReccurentSendingCost = $this->cost;
$totalMessagesInScheduledPlan = $messageObj->getTotalMessagesInScheduledPlan();
$reccurentSendingPlanCost = $notReccurentSendingCost * $totalMessagesInScheduledPlan;
$this->cost = $reccurentSendingPlanCost;
Am I moving in the right direction?
Is it where Template method design pattern should be implemented?
Please let me know, if it is something wrong with this code.
P.S. cost counter is not a production code. I wrote it because I wanted to give you an idea.
Thanks, in advance
The template method pattern gives the parent class a lot of control, the parent class has to know a lot about the abstract methods (their signature) because it has to 'control' the algorithm. BTW the concrete method in the parent class has to be final.
You have no advantage with your firstStep secondStep methods, I could implement what I want in stepOne and do nothing in stepTwo...
The question is when would you want to use Template Method Pattern, not how to rewrite it to give more flexibility :)