PHP/OOP - Using parent class to run child functions - php

I'm looking for a way to have a single base class that can be extended by several child classes, only one of which would be active at a time. A very basic example:
class API_Base {
public $context;
public function __construct() {
class Mailchimp_API extends API_Base {
public function init() {
$this->context = 'mailchimp';
$this->enabled = false;
public function add_contact($email_address) {
// mailchimp API for adding contact
class Infusionsoft_API extends API_Base {
public function init() {
$this->context = 'infusionsoft';
$this->enabled = true;
public function add_contact($email_address) {
// infusionsoft API for adding contact
Each child initializes itself and registers as an option for the user to select. After the user has chosen which integration to use, this is saved to the database. I'd like future access to the API_Base to look something like:
$api = new API_Base();
$api->context; // should be "infusionsoft"
So when $api->add_contact() is run, it only runs the add_contact() function for the active API integration.
Eventually I'd like to somehow use get_class_methods(); to return the capabilities of just the active API, so functions accessing the API can know what is possible (i.e. some API's support email lists while others don't, or support creating custom fields, etc.).
I've had some success with calling parent::set_context($context); from the enabled class, but I still can't figure out how to get the parent to only execute the methods in the "enabled" child class.

This is not how inheritance works. Child subclasses inherit from their parent class.
To solve your problem you can add a factory method to API_Base which will create API implementation by its type:
class API_Base {
public static function createByType($type)
switch ($type) {
case 'mailchimp': return new Mailchimp_API();
case 'infusionsoft': return new Infusionsoft_API();
default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(spintf('Invalid API type "%s"', $type));
// other methods
and use it like this:
$api = API_Base::createByType($user->selectedApi);
$api->context; // should be "infusionsoft"

You can consider Abstract Class Implementation . The abstract class works as the , who ever is extending the abstract class can execute the methods it have .
abstract class Something{
function __construct(){
// some stuff
function my_func(){
$this->myTest ;
abstract function my_func();
class Some extends Something{
function __construct(){
parent::__construct() ;
function my_test(){
echo "Voila" ;

I got it working in a way works perfectly for me, thanks to Ihor's advice. Here's what I ended up doing:
In the main plugin file, there's a filterable function where other devs can add new integrations if they need. The first parameter is the slug (for my autoloader) and the second is the class name.
public function get_apis() {
return apply_filters( 'custom_apis', array(
'infusionsoft-isdk' => 'MYPLUGIN_Infusionsoft_iSDK',
'infusionsoft-oauth' => 'MYPLUGIN_Infusionsoft_oAuth',
'activecampaign' => 'MYPLUGIN_ActiveCampaign'
) );
Each integration contains the slug and the class name. Then in my API_Base class I have this in the constructor:
class API_Base {
public $available_apis = array();
public $api;
public function __construct() {
$configured_apis = main_plugin()->get_apis();
foreach( $configured_apis as $slug => $classname ) {
if(class_exists($classname)) {
$api = new $classname();
if($api->active == true)
$this->api = $api;
$this->available_apis[$slug] = array( 'name' => $api->name );
if(isset($api->menu_name)) {
$this->available_apis[$slug]['menu_name'] = $api->menu_name;
} else {
$this->available_apis[$slug]['menu_name'] = $api->name;
And in my main file, after all the includes, I run:
self::$instance->api_base = new API_Base();
self::$instance->api = self::$instance->api_base->api;
Now I can call self::$instance->api->add_contact($email); and it will trigger whichever is the current active API.
It seems to be the best approach as this way I can spin up the API only once when the plugin loads, instead of having to create a new instance each time I want to use it.


Multiple object instantiation prevention?

I have a class with a private variable used to store an object.
I have a function that checks first if that variable already contains an object or not; if not, it instantiates the needed object and sets it to that variable, otherwise it just returns the content of that variable.
I was wondering if the getSessionCustomer() here is an overkill/unnecessary or if it has real benefits. I simply based this on the Album tutorial by Zend, but I haven't been able to fully test it out yet to really see the advantages (or disadvantages). As far as I know it wasn't explained in the docs why this additional function was included.
class JobController extends AbstractActionController
private $SessionCustomer;
public function saveJobAction()
$SessionCustomer = $this->getSessionCustomer();
if(empty($SessionCustomer->offsetGet('customer_id'))) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login');
} else {
$JobService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Job\Factory\JobServiceFactory');
$job_id = $JobService->saveJob();
return $this->redirect()->toUrl('/job/' . $job_id);
public function viewJobAction()
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$SessionCustomer = $this->getSessionCustomer();
if(empty($SessionCustomer->offsetGet('customer_id'))) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login');
} else {
$JobTable = $sm->get('Job\Model\JobTable');
$JobItemTable = $sm->get('Job\Model\JobItemTable');
$jobId = $this->params()->fromRoute('id');
$Job = $JobTable->getJobById($jobId);
$JobItems = $JobItemTable->getJobItemsByJobId($jobId);
$this->layout()->setVariable('title', 'Order #' . $jobId);
$viewModel = new ViewModel();
'Job' => $Job,
'JobItems' => $JobItems
return $viewModel;
private function getSessionCustomer()
if(!$this->SessionCustomer) {
$this->SessionCustomer = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Session\Customer');
return $this->SessionCustomer;
I don't think its an overkill, but I usually avoid calling getServiceLocator() in Controllers.
What you are asking about is basically making sure that the controller's dependency requirement is met. You can use a Factory for the same purpose and do this more sophisticated way. You can create a factory and inject the dependencies directly into the controller. This you will never make a call to the non-object variables.
For that you will be required to create a class that implements a FactoryInterface which will have a method createService which will provide you with ServiceLocator. You can use that serviceLocator to get all the dependencies and inject them directly into your Class.

How to add functionality to an object in PHP

I am creating a web site that essentially sells advertising 'spots'. I.e someone can signup and buy a banner advert to be displayed on the home page, or they can buy an advert where they get their own profile page. My point being, although all adverts share common functionality, they do differ.
To accomplish this, my domain model looks like this: (simplified)
class Advert {
$traits = array();
public function __construct($_traits) {
$this->traits = $_traits;
public function getUID() { return $this->startTime; }
public function getStartTime() { return $this->startTime; }
public function setStartTime($_startTime) { $this->startTime = $_startTime; }
public function save() {
MySQLQuery 'UPDATE adverts SET startTime = $this->startTime WHERE uID = $this->uID';
foreach($this->traits as $trait) {
interface IAdvertTrait {
public function save($_advertUID);
class AdvertTraitProfile implements IAdvertTrait {
protected $url;
public function getURL() { return $this->url; }
public function setURL($_url) { $this->url = $_url; }
public function save($_advertUID) {
MySQLQuery 'UPDATE advertdata_profile SET url = $this->url WHERE advertUID = $_advertUID';
class AdvertTraitImage implements IAdvertTrait {
protected $image;
public function getImage() { return $this->image; }
public function setImage($_image) { $this->image = $_image; }
public function save($_advertUID) {
MySQLQuery 'UPDATE advertdata_image SET image = $this->image WHERE advertUID = $_advertUID';
There are actually several 'AdvertTrait...' classes, all of which implement IAdvertTrait.
As you can see, if I create an advert like this:
$advert = new Advert(
new AdvertTraitProfile(),
new AdvertTraitImage()
I can then do this:
And all the required information will get saved to the DB by the Advert itself and each of its AdvertTraits.
Using this method I'm able to create different kinds of advert simply by passing in different 'traits'. However, to my problem - I've no idea how I should go about manipulating an Advert. As per the example above, there is really no point creating and advert and then immediately saving it.
I'd like to be able to this:
$advert->getStartTime(); # Works
$advert->getURL(); # Doesn't work of course, as the getURL method is encapsulated within a property of the Advert's 'traits' array
$advert->setImage('blah.jpg'); # Also does not work
I'm not sure how to go about making these 'internal' methods accessible.
I could just create a different 'Advert' class for each kind of advert i.e:
AdvertProfile extends Advert {
$this->traitProfile = new AdvertTraitProfile();
public function getURL() { return $this->traitProfile->getURL(); }
AdvertImage extends Advert {
$this->traitImage = new AdvertTraitImage();
public function getImage() { return $this->traitImage->getImage(); }
AdvertProfileImage extends Advert {
$this->traitProfile = new AdvertTraitProfile();
$this->traitImage = new AdvertTraitImage();
public function getURL() { return $this->traitProfile->getURL(); }
public function getImage() { return $this->traitImage->getImage(); }
But I feel this is going to get messy; I'd need to keep creating new 'Advert' classes for every combination of traits I need and each advert class would need to define its trait methods in itself so they can be called from an instance of the advert.
I've also messed with the decorator pattern; so instead of passing these 'trait' classes to the constructor of the Advert, I chain the decorators together like:
$advert = new AdvertImageDecorator(new AdvertProfileDecorator(new Advert()));
However this requires the decorators to be able to 'lookup' methods that don't belong to them using method_exists and call_user_func_array which just seems like a big old hack to me. Plus chaining a multitude of decorators together like that just grates on me.
I've also had a look at proper PHP Traits, but IMVHO I do not think they'll help me. For example, every AdvertTrait has a 'save' method, all of which need to be called at the same time. I believe a proper Trait would require me to pick just one 'save' method from one trait.
Maybe I should use plain old inheritance - but then I'd still be creating specific types of Advert, all of which ultimately inherit from Advert. However I believe this would cause further issues; i.e I would not be able to make a AdvertWithProfileAndImageTraits extend from both AdvertWithProfileTraits AND AdvertWithImageTraits.
Can anyone offer a proper solution to this conundrum? Perhaps there is another design pattern I should be using.
Thanks very much,
I would go for the Decorator approach.
An abstract AdvertDecorator class can look like this:
abstract class AdvertDecorator implements IAdvertTrait {
protected $child;
public function __construct($child=null) {
if(!$child) {
$child = new NullAdvert();
$this->child = $child;
* With this function all calls to non existing methods gets catched
* and called on the child
public function __call($name, $args) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->child, $name), $args);
* This class is for convenience so that every decorator
* don't have to check if there is a child
class NullAdvert implements IAdvertTrait {
public function save($_advertUID) {
// do nothing
Instead of the NullAdvert class you can use a BaseAdvert class, which implements all of your basic advert logic (like you have done in the Advert class).
Now all other classes extend from this AdvertDecorator class:
class AdvertProfile extends AdvertDecorator {
public function getProfileURL() { ... }
public function save($_advertUID) {
// save own advert
MySQLQuery 'UPDATE advertdata_profile SET url = $this->url WHERE advertUID = $_advertUID';
// save advert of child
class AdvertImage extends AdvertDecorator {
public function getImage() { ... }
public function save($_advertUID) {
// save own advert
MySQLQuery 'UPDATE advertdata_image SET image = $this->image WHERE advertUID = $_advertUID';
// save advert of child
class AdvertProfileImage extends AdvertDecorator {
public function getProfileImageURL() { ... }
public function getProfileImage() { ... }
public function save($_advertUID) {
// save own advert ...
// save advert of child
You can use it like this:
$advert = new AdvertProfile();
$advert = new AdvertImage($advert);
$advert = new AdvertProfileImage($advert);
// save all advert components
// call functions
This structure is IMHO very flexible. Every Advert Component can be added to the current Advert in arbitrary order. Futhermore you can extend this solution with the composite pattern and add a AdvertComposite so that you can group your components. You can even add multiple Advert Components of the same kind to one Advert (for this you have to change the methods a little bit).

PHP Design Pattern

I have a reoccuring problem that I am currently tackling like so -
a POST variable coming in to the script which has a platform, the platform is from a list such as: xbox,ps3,pc,mobileapp,mobilegame etc
for each different platform I want to be able to do something different in my script but in some cases I want code to do very similar things at the moment I do something like this:
$platformArray = array(
'ps3'=>array('displayName'=>'playstation 3','function'=>'funcPS3'),
//similar amongst all platforms code on line below
echo 'you have a :'.$platformArray[$_POST['platform']]['displayName'].' for playing games';
function funcPS3(){
echo 'ps3 specific code';
function funcXbox(){
echo 'xbox specific code';
I want to move towards a OOP approach in my code, I want to use objects as my data storage medium rather than arrays as I'm doing now, but I do sometimes need to define attributes in the code ahead of time, how could I do the above but with objects?
I would recommend for you to start by understanding polymorphism. This lecture should be good start.
When you are trying to create behavior, based on some flag, you should implement two classes with same interface:
class Xbox
private $displayName = 'XBox 360';
public function identify()
// Xbox-specific stuff
return ':::::::::::'. $this->displayName;
class PS3
private $displayName = 'Playstation 3';
public function identify()
// playstation-specific stuff
return '+++'. $this->displayName . '+++';
The two classes have method with same name that would do different things;
$platform = $_POST['platform'];
// classes in PHP are case-insensitive
// expected values would be: xbox, Xbox, ps3, pS3
if ( !class_exists($platform) )
echo "Platform '{$platform}' is not supported";
// since continuing at this point would cause a fatal error,
// better to simply exit
$object = new $platform;
echo $object->identify();
Basically, in this case you really do not care, which type of platform you are working with. All you need to know is that they both have same public interface. This is called "polymorphic behavior".
I'm going to work from a very naive OO version, to what is considered "good" OO code, using polymorphic behavior and avoiding global state.
1. Not polymorphic and has global static data
This is pretty bad because it is really just a wrapper object over procedural code. It needs a map of functions to call for each type of platform.
class Platform {
private static $platformArray = array(
'ps3' => array(
'displayName'=>'playstation 3',
'xbox' => array(
private $type;
public function __construct($type) {
if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$platformArray)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Platform type $type" );
$this->type = $type;
public function printCode() {
// This was a question embedded within your question, you can use
// and pass an instance with a method name.
return call_user_func( array($this, self::$platformArray[$this->type]) );
private function funcPS3(){
echo 'ps3 specific code';
private function funcXbox(){
echo 'xbox specific code';
$plat = new Platform($_POST['platform']);
2. Polymorphic... but it still uses global data
By creating a base class you can implement behavior in subclasses, creating separate class for each concern. The big problem here is that subclasses need to register with a global registry.
abstract class Platform {
abstract protected function getCode();
public function printCode() {
echo $this->getCode();
private function __construct() {} // so only factory can instantiate it
private static $platformArray = array();
public static function create($type) {
if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$platformArray)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Platform type $type" );
return new self::$platformArray[$type];
public static function addPlatform($type, $ctor) {
if (!is_subclass_of($ctor, 'Platform')) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Constructor for Platform $ctor" );
self::$platformArray[$type] = $ctor;
class PlatformXBox extends Platform{
protected function getCode() {
return 'xbox specific code';
Platform::addPlatform('xbox', 'PlatformXBox');
class PlatformPs3 extends Platform {
protected function getCode() {
return 'ps3 specific code';
Platform::addPlatform('ps3', 'PlatformPs3');
$plat = Platform::create($_POST['platform']);
3. Polymorphic, no global data
By putting your code into a namespace, you avoid the static code in the base class and avoid the dangers of mapping post parameters directly into classes.
namespace platform {
interface IPlatform {
public function getDisplayName();
public function getCode();
class PlatformFactory {
static public function create($platformType) {
$className = "\\platform\\$platformType";
if ( !is_subclass_of($className, "\\platform\\IPlatform") ){
return null;
return new $className;
class Xbox implements IPlatform {
public function getDisplayName(){
return 'xbox';
public function getCode(){
return 'xbox code';
class Ps3 implements IPlatform {
public function getDisplayName(){
return 'ps3';
public function getCode(){
return 'ps3 code';
Now you can use those classes like the following
$platform = platform\PlatformFactory::create('xbox');
echo $platform->getCode() ."\n" ;
$platform2 = platform\PlatformFactory::create('ps3');
echo $platform2->getDisplayName()."\n";
$noPlatform = platform\PlatformFactory::create('dontexist');
if ($noPlatform) {
echo "This is bad, plaftorm 'dontexist' shouldn't have been created";
} else {
echo "Platform 'dontexist' doesn't exist";
You might want to create a class called platforms and within the class a different method for each platform:
class platforms {
//Create your variables here, also called properties.
public $displayName;
//Create a function, also called a method for each platform you intent to use.
public function xboxPlatform(){
//Code comes here what you want to do.
Hope this helps.

Make a script pluginable

I am working on a script, and I need to make it pluginable. Now the syntax I have come with and which should work for me, is to make it use classes. For example, in order to create a new plugin that would be run when a certain point (hook) is reached, you would declare a new class. What I am not sure is how would the hook be specified in that syntax, so I am looking for suggestions.
Syntax example:
class ScriptPlugin
function runPlugin() {} // would be run when the time has to come to execute this plugin
Also, if that syntax is not going to work, it would be great if you guys could give me a good syntax example.
There is the Observer Pattern which comes to mind. Plugins will register themselves and will get notifications when the hook is invoked.
Another thing that comes to mind are callbacks in PHP. And there was a similar question already with an answer that came to mind. It shows hooks based on callbacks.
The Observer Pattern runs a bit short because with hooks you often want to provide things like arguments and a return value. The linked answer which uses callbacks does not have this either, so I wrote a little Hooks example class that provides named hooks/events to registered callbacks, and a way to register your own classes, e.g. a plugin.
The idea is pretty basic:
A hook has a name and zero or more callbacks attached.
All hooks are managed in a Hooks class.
The main code invokes hooks by calling a function on the Hooks object.
Plugins (and other classes) can register their own callbacks, which is done with the help of the Registerable interface.
Some example code with one plugin and two hooks:
Namespace Addon;
class Hooks
private $hooks = array();
private $arguments;
private $name;
private $return;
public function __call($name, array $arguments)
$name = (string) $name;
$this->name = $name;
$this->arguments = $arguments;
$this->return = NULL;
foreach($this->getHooks($name) as $hook)
$this->return = call_user_func($hook, $this);
return $this->return;
public function getHooks($name)
return isset($this->hooks[$name]) ? $this->hooks[$name] : array();
public function getArguments()
return $this->arguments;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getReturn()
return $this->return;
public function setReturn($return)
$this->return = $return;
public function attach($name, $callback)
$this->hooks[(string) $name][] = $callback;
public function register(Registerable $plugin)
interface Registerable
public function register(Hooks $hooks);
class MyPlugin implements Registerable
public function register(Hooks $hooks)
$hooks->attach('postPublished', array($this, 'postPublished'));
$hooks->attach('postDisplayFilter', array($this, 'filterToUpper'));
public function postPublished()
echo "MyPlugin: postPublished.\n";
public function filterToUpper(Hooks $context)
list($post) = $context->getArguments();
return strtoupper($post);
$hooks = new Hooks();
$plugin = new MyPlugin();
echo $hooks->postDisplayFilter("Some post text\n");
I've done it this way to prevent that each Plugin must have a concrete base class only because it wants to make use of hooks. Additionally everything can register hooks, the only thing needed is a callback. For example an anonymous function:
$hooks->attach('hookName', function() {echo "Hook was called\n";});
You can however create yourself a plugin base class, that for example implements the register function and will automatically register functions that have a certain docblock tag or the name of a function
class MyNewPlugin extends PluginSuper
* #hook postPublished
public function justAnotherFunction() {}
public hookPostPublished() {}
The superclass can make use of Reflection to add the hooks on runtime. However reflection can slow things down and might make things harder to debug.
Let's say a plugin is like :
class NewsPlugin extends Plugin
function onCreate($title)
# Do some stuff
Then when you create a news you can just call onCreate on all plugins registered.
I would make a base abstract class with functions for all the hooks that could possibly be called.
abstract class Plugin {
abstract function yourHook();
All plugin classes should inherit this base class, and will override those base functions with their own.
class SomePlugin extends Plugin {
function yourHook() {
echo 'yourHook() Called!';
Now when your program runs, you need to find all of those plugin files to include, and somehow put them into an array, such as $plugins. See this article:
foreach (glob("classes/*.php") as $filename)
include $filename;
(From Karsten)
Define a function accessible from everything, such as registerPlugin():
function registerPlugin($classname) {
$plugins[] = new $classname();
Make the top line of each plugin file like this (prior to the class):
If you do this, you'll have an array in $plugins with instances of each plugin. At the appropriate time, you can do something like this:
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
As an alternative, it may be more appropriate to use interfaces in your case, instead. You should decide which method is best for your application.

Object's state in the Template method design pattern

Here is an implementation example of the algorigthm in the base absctract class from
public final function showBookTitleInfo($book_in) {
$title = $book_in->getTitle();
$author = $book_in->getAuthor();
$processedTitle = $this->processTitle($title);
$processedAuthor = $this->processAuthor($author);
if (NULL == $processedAuthor) {
$processed_info = $processedTitle;
} else {
$processed_info = $processedTitle.' by '.$processedAuthor;
return $processed_info;
I don't like it becase I think, that "showBookTitleInfo" knows too much about the methods it calls.
Here is another example
abstract class template_method {
var $state;
public function __construct() {
$this->state = 0;
public function processEvent( $event ) {
$this->doFirstStep( $event );
$this->doSecondStep( $event );
abstract public function doFirstStep( &$event );
abstract public function doSecondStep( &$event );
class CustomLogic extends template_method {
public function doFirstStep( &$event ) {
echo __METHOD__.": state: ".$this->state." event: $event\n";
public function doSecondStep( &$event ) {
echo __METHOD__.": state: ".$this->state." event: $event\n";
why we pass event as by-reference, if we don't change its value?
How should I implement "my steps" logic, if they are using current state, can modify its value, and other steps can read modified value and can modify it too?
For example, I want to implement cost counting mechanism for scheduled message sending - simple and reccurent(ex: every Mon, Fri until 23.05.2009).
So, I implement the algorithm in abstract class as following:
abstract class AbstractCostCounter {
public function countNotReccurentSendingCost($messageObj) {
$totalMessages = $messageObj->getTotalMessages(); // multiple recipients are allowed
$message_cost = 1; // just to give you an idea
$this->cost = $totalMessages * $message_cost;
abstract public function countOptional();
// I pass $messageObject not as by-reference, because it hasn't to be modified
public function countCost( $messageObject ) {
$this->countNotReccurentSendingCost( $messageObject );
$this->countOptional( $messageObject );
class TemplateNotReccurentCostCounting {
public function countOptional($messageObj) {
// do nothing
class TemplateReccurentCostCounting {
public function countOptional($messageObj) {
$notReccurentSendingCost = $this->cost;
$totalMessagesInScheduledPlan = $messageObj->getTotalMessagesInScheduledPlan();
$reccurentSendingPlanCost = $notReccurentSendingCost * $totalMessagesInScheduledPlan;
$this->cost = $reccurentSendingPlanCost;
Am I moving in the right direction?
Is it where Template method design pattern should be implemented?
Please let me know, if it is something wrong with this code.
P.S. cost counter is not a production code. I wrote it because I wanted to give you an idea.
Thanks, in advance
The template method pattern gives the parent class a lot of control, the parent class has to know a lot about the abstract methods (their signature) because it has to 'control' the algorithm. BTW the concrete method in the parent class has to be final.
You have no advantage with your firstStep secondStep methods, I could implement what I want in stepOne and do nothing in stepTwo...
The question is when would you want to use Template Method Pattern, not how to rewrite it to give more flexibility :)
