I'm fairly new to php, so please excuse my ignorance here... :P
I have the following code:
$fh = fopen("../filename.csv", "r");
while (list($siteid, $sitename, $scheduled, $arecords, $crons, $sslintf, $customip, $psccjobs, $odbc, $sitesize, $dbsize, $nfssize, $fasize, $siteclass, $dbexport, $chatver, $socintf, $sitemode, $mailboxes, $mailfiles, $oesmtp) = fgetcsv($fh, 1024, ";")) {
echo "<p>$siteid, $sitename, $scheduled, $arecords, $crons, $sslintf, $customip, $psccjobs, $odbc, $sitesize, $dbsize, $nfssize, $fasize, $siteclass, $dbexport, $chatver, $socintf, $sitemode, $mailboxes, $mailfiles, $oesmtp</p>";
I want to add each row of variables into an array...
Any Suggestions would be helpful, even if there is a better approach.
gah.... why not simply
while($row = fgetcsv($fh)) {
echo "<p>", implode(', ', $row), "</p>";
If you want to store each row in an array, then
$data = array();
while($row = fgetcsv($fh)) {
echo "<p>", implode(', ', $row), "</p>";
$data[] = $row;
I have the following CSV data:
"Symbol","Name","Trade Volume","Trade Value","UIN Settlement Volume ","UIN Settlement Value ","UIN Percentage Volume","UIN Percentage Value "
"786","786 INVESTMENT LIMITED","500.00"," 2,325.00 ","500.00"," 2,325.00 ","100.00 ","100.00 "
"ABL","ALLIED BANK LIMITED","15,501.00"," 981,819.00 ","10,001.00"," 629,379.00 ","64.52 ","64.10 "
"ABOT","ABBOTT LABORATORIES (PAKISTAN) LIMITED","4,043.00"," 1,730,197.34 ","3,031.00"," 1,299,214.65 ","74.97 ","75.09 "
"ACPL","ATTOCK CEMENT PAKISTAN LIMITED","40,231.00"," 2,345,598.00 ","36,131.00"," 2,107,058.00 ","89.81 ","89.83 "
"ADAMS","ADAM SUGAR MILLS LIMITED","4,091.00"," 107,544.61 ","3,091.00"," 80,669.61 ","75.56 ","75.01 "
Before splitting the w.r.t comma by using fgetcsv, I want to remove command from numbers. How can I do it?
My current code looks like the below:
while (($row = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$row = preg_replace('/([0-9]+),([0-9]+)/', '$1$2', $row);
// $row = preg_replace('/"([0-9]+),([0-9]+)(.*?)"/', '"$1$2$3"', $row);
$Symbol = $row[0];
Do you want to remove extra commas and spaces from numbers in all cells?
The result of fgetcsv is an array, not a string. You need to process each item
while (($row = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ",", "\"")) !== FALSE) {
echo "<br><b>Before</b><br>" . PHP_EOL;
$row = array_map(function($el) {
if (preg_match("/^[. ,0-9]+$/", $el)) {
$el = preg_replace("/,/", "", trim($el));
return $el;
echo "<br><b>After</b><br>" . PHP_EOL;
$Symbol = $row[0];
Is there a way I can change specific key values into boolean or string. The conversion changes all the Data into string. For example the Key value "Date" should be an integer instead of a string.
function csvToJson($fname) {
if (!($fp = fopen($fname, 'r') )) {
die("Can't open file");
$key = fgetcsv($fp, "1024", ",");
$json = array();
while ($row = fgetcsv($fp, "1024", ",")) {
$json[] = array_combine($key, $row);
foreach ( $json as $k=>$v ) {
$json[$k]['dateRequested'] = $json[$k]['DATE'];
$json[$k]['assignedAgent'] = $json[$k]['AGENT'];
$json[$k]['finalCompanyName'] = $json[$k]['COMPANY NAME'];
unset($json[$k]['COMPANY NAME']);
return json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
$json_data = csvToJson("lms.csv");
Try this:
while ($row = fgetcsv($fp, "1024", ",")) {
// here $row contains all the columns in it in a numeric array
// Means 0 => first column of csv, 2 => second column of csv and so on
// you can convert any specific column value like
$json[] = array($row[0], setype($row[0], "string"), and so on);
You can do like this:
$json[$k]['dateRequested'] = (int)($json[$k]['DATE']);
$json[$k]['assignedAgent'] = $json[$k]['AGENT'];
$json[$k]['finalCompanyName'] = $json[$k]['COMPANY NAME'];
Sample usage :
$int = (int)(123);
$bool = (bool)(1);
$string = (string)(1234);
I have 2 array in my code, like the shown below:
$kalimat = "I just want to search something like visual odometry, dude";
$kata = array();
$eliminasi = " \n . ,;:-()?!";
$tokenizing = strtok($kalimat, $eliminasi);
while ($tokenizing !== false) {
$kata[] = $tokenizing;
$tokenizing = strtok($eliminasi);
$sumkata = count($kata);
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
//stop list
$file = fopen("stoplist.txt","r") or die("fail to open file");
$i = 0;
while($row = fgets($file)){
$data = explode(",", $row);
$stoplist[$i] = $data;
$count = count($stoplist);
//Cange 2 dimention array become 1 dimention
for($j=0; $j<1; $j++){
$stopword[$i] = $stoplist[$i][$j];
//Filtering process
$hasilfilter = array_diff($kata,$stopword);
$stopword contain of some stop word like attached in http://xpo6.com/list-of-english-stop-words/
All I wanna do is: I want to check if save the element that exist in array $kata and it is not exist in array $stopword
So I want to delete all the element that exist in both array $kata and $stopword .
I read some suggestion to use array_diff , but somehow it doesn't work to me. Really need your help :( Thanks.
array_diff is what you need, you are right. Here is a simplified version of what you try to do:
// Your string $kalimat as an array of words, this already works in your example.
$kata = ['I', 'just', 'want', 'to', '...'];
// I can't test $stopword code, because I don't have your file.
// So let's say it's a array with the word 'just'
$stopword = ['just'];
// array_diff gives you what you want
// It will display your array minus "just": ['I', 'want', 'to', '...']
You should also double check the value of $stopword, I can't test this part (don't have your file). If it does not work for you, I guess the problem is with this variable ($stopword)
There is a problem in your $stopword array. var_dump it to see the issue.array_diff is working correct.
Try following code I wrote to make your $stopword array right:
$kalimat = "I just want to search something like visual odometry, dude";
$kata = array();
$eliminasi = " \n . ,;:-()?!";
$tokenizing = strtok($kalimat, $eliminasi);
while ($tokenizing !== false) {
$kata[] = $tokenizing;
$tokenizing = strtok($eliminasi);
$sumkata = count($kata);
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
//stop list
$file = fopen("stoplist.txt","r") or die("fail to open file");
$i = 0;
while($row = fgets($file)){
$data = explode(",", $row);
$stoplist[$i] = $data;
$count = count($stoplist);
//Cange 2 dimention array become 1 dimention
$stopword= call_user_func_array('array_merge', $stoplist);
$new = array();
foreach($stopword as $st){
$new[] = explode(' ', $st);
$new2= call_user_func_array('array_merge', $new);
foreach($new2 as &$n){
$n = trim($n);
$new3 = array_unique($new2);
$stopword = $new3;
//Filtering process
$hasilfilter = array_diff($kata,$stopword);
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
I hope it helps
I have a document called subjects.txt in the following format:
18.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"English",http: //address.html
18.10.2015,"English",http: //address.html
19.10.2015,"Science",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
The file contains URLs of sites created based on a school subject. There can be more than one site for a subject.
The goal is to use PHP to open, read, and display the contents of the file in the following format:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 1
Link 2
Science (because there's only one link, the name of the subject is the
So far I've been able to open and read the file:
$file = "./subjects.txt";
$subjects = file_get_contents($file);
I'm having trouble trying to determine how to go about writing the file in specified format.
I've tried using explode to separate the elements with "," - however I don't know where to go from there.
Your input file looks to be in Comma-separated values (CSV) format. PHP has a built-in fgetcsv function designed to make reading CSV data from a file easy.
$file = './subjects.txt';
$fh = fopen($file, 'r');
if ($fh === false) {
die("Can not read {$file}");
$data = array();
while (($row = fgetcsv($fh, 1000, ',')) !== false) {
if ($row[0] === 'DateCreated') {
// Ignore the column header row
list($date, $subject, $link) = $row;
if (!isset($data[$subject])) {
$data[$subject] = array();
$data[$subject][] = $link;
foreach ($data as $subject => $links) {
// TODO: output each subject here
Here is another version
$file = "./subjects.txt";
$h = fopen($file, "r");
if($h !== false) {
$subjects = [];
$data = [];
while(!feof($h)) {
if($line = trim(fgets($h))) {
$line = explode(",", $line);
if(!in_array("DateCreated",$line)) {
array_push($subjects, $line);
foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
if(!isset($data[$subject[1]])) {
$data[$subject[1]] = [];
$data[$subject[1]][] = $subject[2];
foreach ($data as $subject => $links) {
if(count($links) == 1) {
echo "<p>$subject</p>\n";
} else {
$i = 1;
echo "<p>$subject</p>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
foreach ($links as $link) {
echo "<li>link$i</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
The problem using file_get_contents() is that retrieves all the file contents into $subjects.
You have to use a different approach. For example fgets():
$fp = fopen("./subjects.txt", "r");
if ($fp){
while (($line = fgets($fp)) !== false){
// So here you can treat each line individually.
// You can use explode (";", $line) for example if the line is not empty
Using fgets() will allow you to parse each of the file's lines individually.
As stated doing this with a database would be much easier probably 3 lines of code. Here's one approach you could use though.
$data = '18.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"English",http: //address1.html
18.10.2015,"English",http: //address2.html
19.10.2015,"Science",http: //address3.html
17.10.2015,"Math",http: //address4.html';
preg_match_all('~^(.*?),"(.*?)",(.*?)$~m', $data, $fields);
array_multisort($fields[2], SORT_STRING, $fields[1], $fields[3]);
$lastcat = '';
foreach($fields[2] as $key => $cat) {
if($cat != $lastcat) {
echo $cat . "\n";
$lastcat = $cat;
echo $fields[3][$key] . "\n";
http: //address1.html
http: //address2.html
http: //address4.html
http: //address.html
http: //address3.html
The array_multisort is how the categories are grouped.
Here's a regex101 demo of what that regex is doing. https://regex101.com/r/wN3nB2/1
Update for single record check (only ran 1 test on it):
$data = '18.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"English",http: //address1.html
18.10.2015,"English",http: //address2.html
19.10.2015,"Science",http: //address3.html
17.10.2015,"Math",http: //address4.html';
preg_match_all('~^(.*?),"(.*?)",(.*?)$~m', $data, $fields);
array_multisort($fields[2], SORT_STRING, $fields[1], $fields[3]);
$lastcat = '';
foreach($fields[2] as $key => $cat) {
if((empty($fields[2][($key +1)]) && $cat != $lastcat)|| ($cat != $lastcat && !empty($fields[2][($key +1)]) && $fields[2][($key +1)] != $cat)) {
//single record
echo $cat . $fields[3][$key] . "\n";
} else {
if($cat != $lastcat) {
echo $cat . "\n";
$lastcat = $cat;
echo $fields[3][$key] . "\n";
I've seen numerous examples on how to take a CSV file and then create an associative array with the headers as the keys.
For example:
Where it would create an Array such as Array[$num][$key] where $key would be Brand, Model, Part, Test.
So If I wanted to access the test value "434" I would have to loop every index in the array and then ignore any Brands that were not honda, and any models that were not Civic
What I need to do is access the value most directly, instead of running through a for loop going through each $num index. I want to be able to access the value test "434" with:
or control a for statement with looping through every model Honda has... something like
foreach $model in Array['Honda']
At the very least I need to be able to go through every model given a known Brand and access all the relative info for each.
Just to confirm I was setting this up an example. My actually data has headers like:
brand model part price shipping description footnote
Of which I need to access all the information tied to the part (price, shipping,desc, footnote)
Too many long solutions. I've always found this to be the simplest:
/* Map Rows and Loop Through Them */
$rows = array_map('str_getcsv', file('file.csv'));
$header = array_shift($rows);
$csv = array();
foreach($rows as $row) {
$csv[] = array_combine($header, $row);
run over the csv file line by line, and insert to array like:
$array = $fields = array(); $i = 0;
$handle = #fopen("file.csv", "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, 4096)) !== false) {
if (empty($fields)) {
$fields = $row;
foreach ($row as $k=>$value) {
$array[$i][$fields[$k]] = $value;
if (!feof($handle)) {
echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n";
To create an associative list array use something like:
$keys = fgetcsv($f);
while (!feof($f)) {
$array[] = array_combine($keys, fgetcsv($f));
And to traverse and filter by specific attributes write a function like:
function find($find) {
foreach ($array as $row) {
if (array_intersect_assoc($row, $find) == $find) {
$result[] = $row;
Where you would invoke it with $find = array(Brand=>Honda, Model=>Civic, Part=>135) to filter out the searched models. The other positional array structure seems not very workable, unless you only want to access the "Test" attribute.
Try this simple algorithm:
$assocData = array();
if( ($handle = fopen( $importedCSVFile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
$rowCounter = 0;
while (($rowData = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) {
if( 0 === $rowCounter) {
$headerRecord = $rowData;
} else {
foreach( $rowData as $key => $value) {
$assocData[ $rowCounter - 1][ $headerRecord[ $key] ] = $value;
var_dump( $assocData);
Using fgetcsv() seems the most direct and sensible tool for the job.
csv.csv contents:
$assoc_array = [];
if (($handle = fopen("csv.csv", "r")) !== false) { // open for reading
if (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) { // extract header data
$keys = $data; // save as keys
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) { // loop remaining rows of data
$assoc_array[] = array_combine($keys, $data); // push associative subarrays
fclose($handle); // close when done
echo "<pre>";
var_export($assoc_array); // print to screen
echo "</pre>";
array (
0 =>
array (
'Brand' => 'Honda',
'Model' => 'Civic',
'Part' => '123',
'Test' => '244',
1 =>
array (
'Brand' => 'Honda',
'Model' => 'Civic',
'Part' => '135',
'Test' => '434',
2 =>
array (
'Brand' => 'Toyota',
'Model' => 'Supra',
'Part' => '511',
'Test' => '664',
Resource: http://php.net/manual/en/function.fgetcsv.php
Here is a solutions that will work by specifying a local file or URL. You can also switch the association on and off. Hopefully this helps.
class CSVData{
public $file;
public $data;
public $fp;
public $caption=true;
public function CSVData($file=''){
if ($file!='') getData($file);
function getData($file){
if (strpos($file, 'tp://')!==false){
copy ($file, '/tmp/csvdata.csv');
if ($this->fp=fopen('/tmp/csvdata.csv', 'r')!==FALSE){
} else {
$this->fp=fopen($file, 'r');
private function readCSV(){
if ($this->caption==true){
if (($captions=fgetcsv($this->fp, 1000, ","))==false) return false;
while (($data = fgetcsv($this->fp, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
for ($c=0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
if ($this->caption==true){
Try this usage:
$o=new CSVData();
Here is my solution, similar to others stated but uses a while loop with fgetcsv, and uses a counter and array_combine to set the first row as the keys.
$rownum = 0;
while (($row = fgetcsv($openedFile, 1000, ',')) !== FALSE) {
if ($rownum > 0) {
$row = array_combine($importarray[0], $row);
array_push($importarray, $row);