I have a document called subjects.txt in the following format:
18.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"English",http: //address.html
18.10.2015,"English",http: //address.html
19.10.2015,"Science",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
The file contains URLs of sites created based on a school subject. There can be more than one site for a subject.
The goal is to use PHP to open, read, and display the contents of the file in the following format:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 1
Link 2
Science (because there's only one link, the name of the subject is the
So far I've been able to open and read the file:
$file = "./subjects.txt";
$subjects = file_get_contents($file);
I'm having trouble trying to determine how to go about writing the file in specified format.
I've tried using explode to separate the elements with "," - however I don't know where to go from there.
Your input file looks to be in Comma-separated values (CSV) format. PHP has a built-in fgetcsv function designed to make reading CSV data from a file easy.
$file = './subjects.txt';
$fh = fopen($file, 'r');
if ($fh === false) {
die("Can not read {$file}");
$data = array();
while (($row = fgetcsv($fh, 1000, ',')) !== false) {
if ($row[0] === 'DateCreated') {
// Ignore the column header row
list($date, $subject, $link) = $row;
if (!isset($data[$subject])) {
$data[$subject] = array();
$data[$subject][] = $link;
foreach ($data as $subject => $links) {
// TODO: output each subject here
Here is another version
$file = "./subjects.txt";
$h = fopen($file, "r");
if($h !== false) {
$subjects = [];
$data = [];
while(!feof($h)) {
if($line = trim(fgets($h))) {
$line = explode(",", $line);
if(!in_array("DateCreated",$line)) {
array_push($subjects, $line);
foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
if(!isset($data[$subject[1]])) {
$data[$subject[1]] = [];
$data[$subject[1]][] = $subject[2];
foreach ($data as $subject => $links) {
if(count($links) == 1) {
echo "<p>$subject</p>\n";
} else {
$i = 1;
echo "<p>$subject</p>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
foreach ($links as $link) {
echo "<li>link$i</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
The problem using file_get_contents() is that retrieves all the file contents into $subjects.
You have to use a different approach. For example fgets():
$fp = fopen("./subjects.txt", "r");
if ($fp){
while (($line = fgets($fp)) !== false){
// So here you can treat each line individually.
// You can use explode (";", $line) for example if the line is not empty
Using fgets() will allow you to parse each of the file's lines individually.
As stated doing this with a database would be much easier probably 3 lines of code. Here's one approach you could use though.
$data = '18.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"English",http: //address1.html
18.10.2015,"English",http: //address2.html
19.10.2015,"Science",http: //address3.html
17.10.2015,"Math",http: //address4.html';
preg_match_all('~^(.*?),"(.*?)",(.*?)$~m', $data, $fields);
array_multisort($fields[2], SORT_STRING, $fields[1], $fields[3]);
$lastcat = '';
foreach($fields[2] as $key => $cat) {
if($cat != $lastcat) {
echo $cat . "\n";
$lastcat = $cat;
echo $fields[3][$key] . "\n";
http: //address1.html
http: //address2.html
http: //address4.html
http: //address.html
http: //address3.html
The array_multisort is how the categories are grouped.
Here's a regex101 demo of what that regex is doing. https://regex101.com/r/wN3nB2/1
Update for single record check (only ran 1 test on it):
$data = '18.10.2015,"Math",http: //address.html
17.10.2015,"English",http: //address1.html
18.10.2015,"English",http: //address2.html
19.10.2015,"Science",http: //address3.html
17.10.2015,"Math",http: //address4.html';
preg_match_all('~^(.*?),"(.*?)",(.*?)$~m', $data, $fields);
array_multisort($fields[2], SORT_STRING, $fields[1], $fields[3]);
$lastcat = '';
foreach($fields[2] as $key => $cat) {
if((empty($fields[2][($key +1)]) && $cat != $lastcat)|| ($cat != $lastcat && !empty($fields[2][($key +1)]) && $fields[2][($key +1)] != $cat)) {
//single record
echo $cat . $fields[3][$key] . "\n";
} else {
if($cat != $lastcat) {
echo $cat . "\n";
$lastcat = $cat;
echo $fields[3][$key] . "\n";
I have a PHP code (index.php) for searching keywords in two html files (data.html & data2.html). When I search a keyword, such as "Ann", would it be possible to parse both html files and shows the line matching the keyword (i.e. This is Ann.)? The source codes are as follows:
$search = $_GET['keyword'];
$data = file('data.html');
$check = false;
foreach($data as $match)
if(strpos($match, $search) !== false)
$check = true;
$output = '<div>'.$match.'<div>';
echo $output;
This is Ann.
This is Bob.
This is Candy.
This is Ann.
This is Peter.
This is Bob.
Many thanks for help.
You can use like that;
$search = $_GET['keyword'];
$data = file('data.txt');
$data2 = file('data2.txt');
$datas = Array($data, $data2);
foreach($datas as $index => $data){
foreach($data as $lineNumber => $match )
if(strpos($match, $search) !== false)
echo "<div><b>$index 'th file</b>. Line number: $lineNumber . Match: $match <br />";
If you need read more than one file at the same time you just add like data3 and add also array too.
I am using parse_ini_file to parse an ini file using PHP.
Now I first upload an INI file to my server then open it and allow user to mak custom changes to the file.
Now once users has edited the file i get the data from post and save the file back to server. But Now i dont get my sections. INIdetails,Dialplan in the updated file so when i also want to write that to file how to do that?
This is the code :
$this->data['parameters'] = parse_ini_file($path.$filename,true);
/*Getting Our POST DATA from View*/
$data = array(
'SipUserName' => $this->input->post('SipUserName') ,
'SipAuthName' => $this->input->post('SipAuthName'),
'DisplayName' => $this->input->post('DisplayName'),
'Password' => $this->input->post('Password'),
'Domain' => $this->input->post('Domain'),
'Proxy' => $this->input->post('Proxy'),
'Port' => $this->input->post('Port'),
'ServerMode' => $this->input->post('ServerMode'),
'Param_1' => $this->input->post('Param_1'),
'Param_2' => $this->input->post('Param_2')
/*Creating New file with the name of customer loggedin*/
$name = $this->session->userdata('username');
$ext = $this->session->userdata('extension');
$custom_file = fopen('uploads/'.$name.'_'.$ext.'.ini', 'w');
fwrite($custom_file, "[INIDetails]\n");
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
fwrite($custom_file, " $key = $value\n");
/*Setting path to New CUSTOM file with customer name as prefix*/
$file = $path.$custom_file;
function write_php_ini($array, $file)
$res = array();
foreach($array as $key => $val)
$res[] = "[$key]";
foreach($val as $skey => $sval) $res[] = "$skey = ".(is_numeric($sval) ? $sval : '"'.$sval.'"');
else $res[] = "$key = ".(is_numeric($val) ? $val : '"'.$val.'"');
safefilerewrite($file, implode("\r\n", $res));
function safefilerewrite($fileName, $dataToSave)
{ if ($fp = fopen($fileName, 'w'))
$startTime = microtime(TRUE);
{ $canWrite = flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
// If lock not obtained sleep for 0 - 100 milliseconds, to avoid collision and CPU load
if(!$canWrite) usleep(round(rand(0, 100)*1000));
} while ((!$canWrite)and((microtime(TRUE)-$startTime) < 5));
//file was locked so now we can store information
if ($canWrite)
{ fwrite($fp, $dataToSave);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
/*Creates ini file, dumps array to string and creates .INI file*/
The culprit from your previous code is that your array is not formatted correctly, it should be array of arrays to achieve what you want.
Try below code:
// First read the ini file that the user was editing
// Your idea to read the existing ini file is good, since it will generate you the structured array
$previous_data = parse_ini_file($path . $filename, true);
// Overwrite/edit the previous_data using user's post data
$previous_data['INIDetails']['SipUserName'] = $this->input->post('SipUserName');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['Password'] = $this->input->post('Password');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['Domain'] = $this->input->post('Domain');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['Proxy'] = $this->input->post('Proxy');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['Port'] = $this->input->post('Port');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['SipAuthName'] = $this->input->post('SipAuthName');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['DisplayName'] = $this->input->post('DisplayName');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['ServerMode'] = $this->input->post('ServerMode');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['UCServer'] = $this->input->post('UCServer');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['UCUserName'] = $this->input->post('UCUserName');
$previous_data['INIDetails']['UCPassword'] = $this->input->post('UCPassword');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['DP_Exception'] = $this->input->post('DP_Exception');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['DP_Rule1'] = $this->input->post('DP_Rule1');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['DP_Rule2'] = $this->input->post('DP_Rule2');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['OperationMode'] = $this->input->post('OperationMode');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['MutePkey'] = $this->input->post('MutePkey');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['Codec'] = $this->input->post('Codec');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['PTime'] = $this->input->post('PTime');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['AudioMode'] = $this->input->post('AudioMode');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['SoftwareAEC'] = $this->input->post('SoftwareAEC');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['EchoTailLength'] = $this->input->post('EchoTailLength');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['PlaybackBuffer'] = $this->input->post('PlaybackBuffer');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['CaptureBuffer'] = $this->input->post('CaptureBuffer');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['JBPrefetchDelay'] = $this->input->post('JBPrefetchDelay');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['JBMaxDelay'] = $this->input->post('JBMaxDelay');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['SipToS'] = $this->input->post('SipToS');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['RTPToS'] = $this->input->post('RTPToS');
$previous_data['DialPlan']['LogLevel'] = $this->input->post('LogLevel');
// Set Name of New file with the name of customer logged in
$name = $this->session->userdata('username');
$ext = $this->session->userdata('extension');
$custom_file = "$name_$ext.ini";
$new_filename = $path . $custom_file;
// Write the INI file
write_php_ini($data, $new_filename);
function write_php_ini($array, $new_filename)
$res = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$res[] = "[$key]";
foreach ($val as $skey => $sval) {
$res[] = "$skey = " . (is_numeric($sval) ? $sval : '"' . $sval . '"');
} else {
$res[] = "$key = " . (is_numeric($val) ? $val : '"' . $val . '"');
safefilerewrite($new_filename, implode("\r\n", $res));
function safefilerewrite($new_filename, $dataToSave)
if ($fp = fopen($new_filename, 'w')) {
$startTime = microtime(true);
do {
$canWrite = flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
// If lock not obtained sleep for 0 - 100 milliseconds, to avoid collision and CPU load
if (!$canWrite) {
usleep(round(rand(0, 100) * 1000));
} while ((!$canWrite) and ((microtime(true) - $startTime) < 5));
//file was locked so now we can store information
if ($canWrite) {
fwrite($fp, $dataToSave);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
From your previous code, there are bunch of inappropriate codes which I remove. Also, too many inconsistencies like Method naming, variable naming etc.
If your function was named Camel cased then through out your code it must be named as camel-cased. If your variables are with underscore, then through out your code, they must have underscore for two or more worded variable.
I didn't edit the naming convention of your code so you won't be confused but i suggest to have a consistent naming convention through out your project.
based on your answer, it seems like you changed your whole code. I would like to provide another way using nested foreach and passing by reference that save couple of lines:
$this->data['params'] = $this->parameter_m->get();
$this->data['parameters'] = parse_ini_file($path . $filename, true);
foreach ($this->data['parameters'] as $key_header => &$value_header) {
foreach ($value_header as $key_item => &$value_item) {
$value_item = $this->input->post($key_item);
$file = $path . $filename;
$ini = new INI($file);
$ini->write($file, $this->data['parameters']);
Finally i got an answer:
I will loop through what i get from POST and will get each array's key. And then i will give the resultant to my Write Method
$this->data['params'] = $this->parameter_m->get();
/*Getting the parameters to display on view*/
$this->data['parameters'] = parse_ini_file($path.$filename,true);
while (current($this->data['parameters']) )
$param_set = current($this->data['parameters']);
$param_type = key($this->data['parameters']);
foreach ($param_set as $key =>$value)
$this->data['parameters'][$param_type][$key] = $this->input->post($key);
$file = $path.$filename;
$ini = new INI($file);
$ini->write($file, $this->data['parameters']);
I'm trying to create a dropdown list which has the pre-selected value determined by a file. Unfortunately I'm not sure I'm getting the syntax right. Here's what I have so far:
<select id="SampleRate", name="SampleRate">
$controller_file = 'controllerSetup.conf';
$comment = "#";
$fp = fopen($controller_file, "r");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = trim(fgets($fp));
if ($line && !ereg("^$comment", $line)) {
$pieces = explode("=", $line);
$option = trim($pieces[0]);
$value = trim($pieces[1]);
$controller_values[$option] = $value;
$sampleRates = array("48", "96", "192", "350");
foreach ($sampleRates as $r) {
if ($r == $controller_values["SampleRate"]) {
echo ("<option value=$r selected>selected</option>");
} else {
echo ("<option value=$r>not selected</option>");
Unfortunately, looking at the html produced in my browser, only one "not selected" option is produced. How do I get this to produce four options? I've tried replacing the "if" statement in the foreach with a simple if ($r == "48"), to no avail. Is my syntax around the echo statements correct?
I know there are a lot of resources out there for putting a CSV into an associative array, but I can't find anything that helps a noob like me do exactly what I want to do.
I currently have an associative array defined inside my PHP file:
$users = array(
'v4f25' => 'Stan Parker',
'ntl35' => 'John Smith',
I would like to move that array into a CSV file (users.txt) so:
v4f25, Stan Parker
ntl35, John Smith
The next step is to import users.txt so I can use it precisely like I was using the array $users.
Any help here? The last code I tried returned this: (which is not what I want)
array(2) {
string(5) "ntl35"
["Stan Parker"]=>
string(10) "John Smith"
What about the following?
$data = array();
if ($fp = fopen('csvfile.csv', 'r')) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$row = fgetcsv($fp);
$data[$row[0]] = $row[1];
$users = array(
'v4f25' => 'Stan Parker',
'ntl35' => 'John Smith',
$fp = fopen('users.txt', 'w');
if ($fp) {
foreach ($users as $key => $value) {
fputcsv($fp, array($key, $value));
} else {
exit('Could not open CSV file')
See: fputcsv()
UPDATE - in the comments you're interested in how to read the file and get your users back out. Here's the return trip:
$users = array();
if (($handle = fopen("my-csv-file.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$users[$data[0]] = $data[1];
} else {
exit('Could not open CSV file');
if (count($users) == 0) {
exit('CSV file empty: no users found');
Here's a solution using fputcsv() which flattens the key/value pairs to an array before writing to disk.
$filehandle = fopen("csvfile.csv", "w");
if ($filehandle) {
foreach ($users as $key => $value) {
fputcsv($filehandle, array($key, $value);
else // couldn't open file
Try this (assuming your strings contain no commas):
$users = array(
'v4f25' => 'Stan Parker',
'ntl35' => 'John Smith',
foreach ($users as $k => $v) {
print "$k, $v\n";
Obviously you could then create the CSV file like so:
php above_script.php > outfile.csv
Now, to get from CSV back into an array you could use something like:
$file = 'outfile.csv';
$arr = array();
if (file_exists($file)) {
foreach (explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)) as $l) {
list($k, $v) = explode(',', $l);
$arr[trim($k)] = trim($l);
print_r($arr, true);
If your strings do (or might) contain commas, then you'll probably want to use a PHP builtin function to decode them - in which case the answers by harald and artlung are useful.
RFC 4180 describes how commas (and other values) are encoded in CSV, in case you want to roll your own CSV encoding/decoding functions for whatever reason.
I've seen numerous examples on how to take a CSV file and then create an associative array with the headers as the keys.
For example:
Where it would create an Array such as Array[$num][$key] where $key would be Brand, Model, Part, Test.
So If I wanted to access the test value "434" I would have to loop every index in the array and then ignore any Brands that were not honda, and any models that were not Civic
What I need to do is access the value most directly, instead of running through a for loop going through each $num index. I want to be able to access the value test "434" with:
or control a for statement with looping through every model Honda has... something like
foreach $model in Array['Honda']
At the very least I need to be able to go through every model given a known Brand and access all the relative info for each.
Just to confirm I was setting this up an example. My actually data has headers like:
brand model part price shipping description footnote
Of which I need to access all the information tied to the part (price, shipping,desc, footnote)
Too many long solutions. I've always found this to be the simplest:
/* Map Rows and Loop Through Them */
$rows = array_map('str_getcsv', file('file.csv'));
$header = array_shift($rows);
$csv = array();
foreach($rows as $row) {
$csv[] = array_combine($header, $row);
run over the csv file line by line, and insert to array like:
$array = $fields = array(); $i = 0;
$handle = #fopen("file.csv", "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, 4096)) !== false) {
if (empty($fields)) {
$fields = $row;
foreach ($row as $k=>$value) {
$array[$i][$fields[$k]] = $value;
if (!feof($handle)) {
echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n";
To create an associative list array use something like:
$keys = fgetcsv($f);
while (!feof($f)) {
$array[] = array_combine($keys, fgetcsv($f));
And to traverse and filter by specific attributes write a function like:
function find($find) {
foreach ($array as $row) {
if (array_intersect_assoc($row, $find) == $find) {
$result[] = $row;
Where you would invoke it with $find = array(Brand=>Honda, Model=>Civic, Part=>135) to filter out the searched models. The other positional array structure seems not very workable, unless you only want to access the "Test" attribute.
Try this simple algorithm:
$assocData = array();
if( ($handle = fopen( $importedCSVFile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
$rowCounter = 0;
while (($rowData = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) {
if( 0 === $rowCounter) {
$headerRecord = $rowData;
} else {
foreach( $rowData as $key => $value) {
$assocData[ $rowCounter - 1][ $headerRecord[ $key] ] = $value;
var_dump( $assocData);
Using fgetcsv() seems the most direct and sensible tool for the job.
csv.csv contents:
$assoc_array = [];
if (($handle = fopen("csv.csv", "r")) !== false) { // open for reading
if (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) { // extract header data
$keys = $data; // save as keys
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) { // loop remaining rows of data
$assoc_array[] = array_combine($keys, $data); // push associative subarrays
fclose($handle); // close when done
echo "<pre>";
var_export($assoc_array); // print to screen
echo "</pre>";
array (
0 =>
array (
'Brand' => 'Honda',
'Model' => 'Civic',
'Part' => '123',
'Test' => '244',
1 =>
array (
'Brand' => 'Honda',
'Model' => 'Civic',
'Part' => '135',
'Test' => '434',
2 =>
array (
'Brand' => 'Toyota',
'Model' => 'Supra',
'Part' => '511',
'Test' => '664',
Resource: http://php.net/manual/en/function.fgetcsv.php
Here is a solutions that will work by specifying a local file or URL. You can also switch the association on and off. Hopefully this helps.
class CSVData{
public $file;
public $data;
public $fp;
public $caption=true;
public function CSVData($file=''){
if ($file!='') getData($file);
function getData($file){
if (strpos($file, 'tp://')!==false){
copy ($file, '/tmp/csvdata.csv');
if ($this->fp=fopen('/tmp/csvdata.csv', 'r')!==FALSE){
} else {
$this->fp=fopen($file, 'r');
private function readCSV(){
if ($this->caption==true){
if (($captions=fgetcsv($this->fp, 1000, ","))==false) return false;
while (($data = fgetcsv($this->fp, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
for ($c=0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
if ($this->caption==true){
Try this usage:
$o=new CSVData();
Here is my solution, similar to others stated but uses a while loop with fgetcsv, and uses a counter and array_combine to set the first row as the keys.
$rownum = 0;
while (($row = fgetcsv($openedFile, 1000, ',')) !== FALSE) {
if ($rownum > 0) {
$row = array_combine($importarray[0], $row);
array_push($importarray, $row);