Parse a specific XML file with PHP and read it - php

I want understand the way to read and parse this "XML" file. My code is working with another XML files and can't understand where I am wrong.
<F24 ZId="0" ZdId="0" PlikXml="0" rP="0" DCal="20130314">
<Kraje i="35">...</Kraje>
<M MId="1049553" LId="28541" _LId="28537" OId="230" SId="5" KId="220" LNr="2" C0="1363226400" ML="1" HId="2590" GId="2975" W="" HN="Pérez Zeledón" GN="Puntarenas FC" HRC="" HRCi="0" GRC="" GRCi="0" Info="" S1="0-0" S2="0-0" MStan="1" OTv="" L="0" A="0" Ao="4"/>
That is the structure of XML file. I want to get F24->Mecze->M{'GN'}; or something from "Mecze->M".
Code at the moment.
$file = '...';
$rss = simplexml_load_file($file);
foreach ($rss->{'M'} as $OO) {
$ht = $OO->{'HN'};
echo $ht;

$rss = simplexml_load_string('<F24 ZId="0" ZdId="0" PlikXml="0" rP="0" DCal="20130314">
<Kraje i="35">...</Kraje>
<M MId="1049553" LId="28541" _LId="28537" OId="230" SId="5" KId="220" LNr="2" C0="1363226400" ML="1" HId="2590" GId="2975" W="" HN="Pérez Zeledón" GN="Puntarenas FC" HRC="" HRCi="0" GRC="" GRCi="0" Info="" S1="0-0" S2="0-0" MStan="1" OTv="" L="0" A="0" Ao="4"/>
foreach ($rss->Mecze->M as $OO) {
echo $OO['HN'];

According to the structure of the demo data you'd need something like
foreach ($rss->Mecze->M as $OO)
or maybe
foreach ($rss->xpath('Mecze/M') as $OO)

You can try sax php and extract any node, attributes, or create any structure


PHP foreach statement issue with accessing XML data

First, I am pretty clueless with PHP, so be kind! I am working on a site for an SPCA (I'm a Vet and a part time geek). The PHP accesses an xml file from a portal used to administer the shelter and store images, info. The file writes that xml data to JSON and then I use the JSON data in a handlebars template, etc. I am having a problem getting some data from the xml file to outprint to JSON.
The xml file is like this:
In the PHP file, written by a friend, the code is below, (just part of it), to access that XML data and write it to JSON:
$url = "";
if ($_GET["type"] == "found") {
$url = "";
} else if ($_GET["type"] == "lost") {
$url = "";
$response_xml_data = file_get_contents($url);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response_xml_data);
$data = array();
foreach($xml->DataFeedAnimal as $animal)
$item = array();
$item['sex'] = (string)$animal->Sex;
$item['photo'] = (string)$animal->PrimaryPhotoUrl;
$item['videos'][] = (string)$animal->YouTubeVideoUrls;
$item['photos'][] = (string)$animal->PrimaryPhotoUrl;
foreach($animal->AdditionalPhotoUrls->string as $photo) {
$item['photos'][] = (string)$photo;
$item['videos'] = array();
$data[] = $item;
echo file_put_contents('../adopt.json', json_encode($data));
echo json_encode($data);
The JSON output works well but I am unable to get 'videos' to write out to the JSON file as the 'photos' do. I just get '/n'!
Since the friend who helped with this is no longer around, I am stuck. I have tried similar code to the foreach statement for photos but am getting nowhere. Any help would be appreciated and the pets would appreciate it as well!
The trick with such implementations is to always look what you have got by dumping data structures to a log file or command line. Then to take a look at the documentation of the data you see. That way you know exactly what data you are working with and how to work with it ;-)
Here it turns out that the video URLs you are interested in are placed inside an object of type SimpleXMLElement with public properties, which is not really surprising if you look at the xml structure. The documentation of class SimpleXMLElement shows the method children() which iterates through all children. Just what we are looking for...
That means a clean implementation to access those sets should go along these lines:
foreach($animal->AdditionalPhotoUrls->children() as $photo) {
$item['photos'][] = (string)$photo;
foreach($animal->YouTubeVideoUrls->children() as $video) {
$item['videos'][] = (string)$video;
Take a look at this full and working example:
$response_xml_data = <<< EOT
$animal = simplexml_load_string($response_xml_data);
$item = [];
$item['sex'] = (string)$animal->Sex;
$item['photo'] = (string)$animal->PrimaryPhotoUrl;
$item['photos'][] = (string)$animal->PrimaryPhotoUrl;
foreach($animal->AdditionalPhotoUrls->children() as $photo) {
$item['photos'][] = (string)$photo;
$item['videos'] = [];
foreach($animal->YouTubeVideoUrls->children() as $video) {
$item['videos'][] = (string)$video;
echo json_encode($item);
The obvious output of this is:
"photos" ["19427.jpg","doc_73737.jpg","doc_74483.jpg","doc_74484.jpg"],
I would however like to add a short hint:
In m eyes it is questionable to convert such structured information into an associative array. Why? Why not a simple json_encode($animal)? The structure is perfectly fine and should be easy to work with! The output of that would be:
That structure describes objects (items with an inner structure, enclosed in json by {...}), not just arbitrary arrays (sets without a structure, enclosed in json by a [...]). Arrays are only used for the two unstructured sets of strings in there: photos and videos. This is much more logical, once you think about it...
Assuming the XML Data and the JSON data are intended to have the same structure. I would take a look at this: PHP convert XML to JSON
You may not need for loops at all.

PHP Simplexml traversal

I am trying to traverse this xml feed:
using this code:
$data = file_get_contents('');
//$data = str_replace("content:encoded>","content>",$data);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
foreach ($xml->feed->entry as $stories) {
echo $stories->published."<br>";
But I'm getting nothing back. To me it looks like $xml->feed->entry->published but am I missing something?
Ok, so I've figured this out. In case it helps anyone else it was a feed generated by PHPBB (Bulletin Board).
The actual structure I was looking for was simply:
foreach ($xml->entry as $stories) {
echo $stories->published."<br>";
feed and entry didn't look to be at the same level in the XML formatting but they were :-(

Read an XML style file using PHP

I am trying to retrieve data from this XML style file :
<Product_Group_Title>Thanks for the Memories</Product_Group_Title>
<On_Sale_Date>03/01/12 00:00:00.000</On_Sale_Date>
<Title>Thanks for the Memories</Title>
I am using following code but this seems to retrieve nothing. any help in fixing this issues would be highly appreciated
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
//$xml= $response;
$updates = array();
//loop through all the entry(s) in the feed
for ($i=0; $i<count($xml->Product_Group); $i++)
//get the id from entry
$ISBN = $xml->entry[$i]->ISBN;
//get the account link
$Title = $xml->entry[$i]->Title;
//get the tweet
$Product_Group_SEO_Copy = $xml->entry[$i]->Product_Group_SEO_Copy;
1) It is not valid XML. What warnings do you see? You'll need to fix them for simplexml_load_string to work properly.
For example, </CoverImageURL_Small> should be <CoverImageURL_Small/>
2) Assuming that Product_Group is not your actual document root (if it is than $xml points to it already and $xml->Product_Group will not work) then you can access each element like
3) It's usually simpler to use a foreach loop than a for loop when dealing with simplexml
foreach($xml->Product_Group->Products as $p)
$ISBN = $p->ISBN;

How to extract only certain tags from HTML document using PHP?

I'm using a crawler to retrieve the HTML content of certain pages on the web. I currently have the entire HTML stored in a single PHP variable:
$string = "<PRE>".htmlspecialchars($crawler->results)."</PRE>\n";
What I want to do is select all "p" tags (for example) and store their in an array. What is the proper way to do that?
I've tried the following, by using xpath, but it doesn't show anything (most probably because the document itself isn't an XML, I just copy-pasted the example given in its documentation).
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement ($string);
while(list( , $node)=each($result)){
echo '/p: ' , $node, "\n";
Hopefully someone with (a lot) more experience in PHP will be able to help me out :D
Try using DOMDocument along with DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName. The workflow should be quite simple. Something like:
$doc = DOMDocument::loadHTML(htmlspecialchars($crawler->results));
$pNodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('p');
Which will return a DOMNodeList.
I vote for use regexp. For tag p
preg_match_all('/<p>(.*)<\/p>/', '<p>foo</p><p>foo 1</p><p>foo 2</p>', $arr, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
foreach($arr as $value)
echo $value."</br>";
Check out Simple HTML Dom. It will grab external pages and process them with fairly accurate detail.
It can be used like this:
// Create DOM from URL or file
$html = file_get_html('');
// Find all images
foreach($html->find('img') as $element)
echo $element->src . '<br>';

Parsing XML with PHP (simplexml)

Firstly, may I point out that I am a newcomer to all things PHP so apologies if anything here is unclear and I'm afraid the more layman the response the better. I've been having real trouble parsing an xml file in to php to then populate an HTML table for my website. At the moment, I have been able to get the full xml feed in to a string which I can then echo and view and all seems well. I then thought I would be able to use simplexml to pick out specific elements and print their content but have been unable to do this.
The xml feed will be constantly changing (structure remaining the same) and is in compressed format. From various sources I've identified the following commands to get my feed in to the right format within a string although I am still unable to print specific elements. I've tried every combination without any luck and suspect I may be barking up the wrong tree. Could someone please point me in the right direction?!
$file = fopen("compress.zlib://$url", 'r');
$xmlstr = file_get_contents($url);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($url,null,true);
foreach($xml as $name) {
echo "{$name->awCat}\r\n";
Many, many thanks in advance,
PS The actual feed
Since no one followed my closevote, I think I can just as well put my own comments as an answer:
First of all, SimpleXml can load URIs directly and it can do so with stream wrappers, so your three calls in the beginning can be shortened to (note that you are not using $file at all)
$merchantProductFeed = new SimpleXMLElement("compress.zlib://$url", null, TRUE);
To get the values you can either use the implicit SimpleXml API and drill down to the wanted elements (like shown multiple times elsewhere on the site):
foreach ($merchantProductFeed->merchant->prod as $prod) {
echo $prod->cat->awCat , PHP_EOL;
or you can use an XPath query to get at the wanted elements directly
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("compress.zlib://$url", null, TRUE);
foreach ($xml->xpath('/merchantProductFeed/merchant/prod/cat/awCat') as $awCat) {
echo $awCat, PHP_EOL;
Live Demo
Note that fetching all $awCat elements from the source XML is rather pointless though, because all of them have "Bodycare & Fitness" for value. Of course you can also mix XPath and the implict API and just fetch the prod elements and then drill down to the various children of them.
Using XPath should be somewhat faster than iterating over the SimpleXmlElement object graph. Though it should be noted that the difference is in an neglectable area (read 0.000x vs 0.000y) for your feed. Still, if you plan to do more XML work, it pays off to familiarize yourself with XPath, because it's quite powerful. Think of it as SQL for XML.
For additional examples see
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file and
PHP Manual - SimpleXml Basic Examples
Try this...
$url = ",98,142,144,146,129,595,539,147,149,613,626,135,163,168,159,169,161,167,170,137,171,548,174,183,178,179,175,172,623,139,614,189,194,141,205,198,206,203,208,199,204,201,61,62,72,73,71,74,75,76,77,78,79,63,80,82,64,83,84,85,65,86,87,88,90,89,91,67,92,94,33,54,53,57,58,52,603,60,56,66,128,130,133,212,207,209,210,211,68,69,213,216,217,218,219,220,221,223,70,224,225,226,227,228,229,4,5,10,11,537,13,19,15,14,18,6,551,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,7,30,29,32,619,34,8,35,618,40,38,42,43,9,45,46,651,47,49,50,634,230,231,538,235,550,240,239,241,556,245,244,242,521,576,575,577,579,281,283,554,285,555,303,304,286,282,287,288,173,193,637,639,640,642,643,644,641,650,177,379,648,181,645,384,387,646,598,611,391,393,647,395,631,602,570,600,405,187,411,412,413,414,415,416,649,418,419,420,99,100,101,107,110,111,113,114,115,116,118,121,122,127,581,624,123,594,125,421,604,599,422,530,434,532,428,474,475,476,477,423,608,437,438,440,441,442,444,446,447,607,424,451,448,453,449,452,450,425,455,457,459,460,456,458,426,616,463,464,465,466,467,427,625,597,473,469,617,470,429,430,615,483,484,485,487,488,529,596,431,432,489,490,361,633,362,366,367,368,371,369,363,372,373,374,377,375,536,535,364,378,380,381,365,383,385,386,390,392,394,396,397,399,402,404,406,407,540,542,544,546,547,246,558,247,252,559,255,248,256,265,259,632,260,261,262,557,249,266,267,268,269,612,251,277,250,272,270,271,273,561,560,347,348,354,350,352,349,355,356,357,358,359,360,586,590,592,588,591,589,328,629,330,338,493,635,495,507,563,564,567,569,568/mid/2891/columns/merchant_id,merchant_name,aw_product_id,merchant_product_id,product_name,description,category_id,category_name,merchant_category,aw_deep_link,aw_image_url,search_price,delivery_cost,merchant_deep_link,merchant_image_url/format/xml/compression/gzip/";
$zd = gzopen($url, "r");
$data = gzread($zd, 1000000);
if ($data !== false) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $pr) {
echo $pr->cat->awCat . "<br>";
$xmlstr = file_get_contents("compress.zlib://$url");
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);
// you can transverse the xml tree however you want
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $line) {
// $line->cat->awCat -> you can use this
more information here
Use print_r($xml) to see the structure of the parsed XML feed.
Then it becomes obvious how you would traverse it:
foreach ($xml->merchant->prod as $prod) {
print $prod->pId;
print $prod->text->name;
print $prod->cat->awCat; # <-- which is what you wanted
print $prod->price->buynow;
$url = 'you url here';
$f = gzopen ($url, 'r');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement (fread ($f, 1000000));
foreach($xml->xpath ('//prod') as $name)
echo (string) $name->cat->awCatId, "\r\n";
