PNG files won't upload - php

I have the following script that I use to upload pictures; This file works with every other file extension except for PNG files. Is there any reason?
This is my script;
// initialization
$result_final = "";
$counter = 0;
// List of our known photo types
$known_photo_types = array(
'image/pjpeg' => 'jpg',
'image/jpeg' => 'jpg',
'image/gif' => 'gif',
'image/bmp' => 'bmp',
'image/x-png' => 'png');
// GD Function Suffix List
$gd_function_suffix = array(
'image/pjpeg' => 'JPEG',
'image/jpeg' => 'JPEG',
'image/gif' => 'GIF',
'image/bmp' => 'WBMP',
'image/x-png' => 'PNG');
// Fetch the photo array sent by preupload.php
$photos_uploaded = $_FILES['photo_filename'];
// Fetch the photo caption array
$photo_caption = $_POST['photo_caption'];
while( $counter <= count($_FILES['photo_filename']['tmp_name']) )
if($photos_uploaded['size'][$counter] > 0)
if(!array_key_exists($photos_uploaded['type'][$counter], $known_photo_types))
$result_final .= "File ".($counter+1)." is not a photo!<br />";
mysql_query( "INSERT INTO database(`filename`, `caption`, `category`, `id`) VALUES('0', '".addslashes($caption[$counter])."', '".addslashes($_POST['category'])."', '".addslashes($_POST['id'])."')" );
$new_id = mysql_insert_id();
$filetype = $photos_uploaded['type'][$counter];
$extention = $known_photo_types[$filetype];
$filename = $new_id.".".$extention;
#mysql_query( "UPDATE database SET photo_filename='".addslashes($filename)."' WHERE photo_id='".addslashes($new_id)."'" );
// Store the orignal file
copy($photos_uploaded['tmp_name'][$counter], $images_dir2."/".$filename);
// Let's get the original image size
$size = GetImageSize( $images_dir2."/".$filename );
// .................................................................................
// Lets resize the image if its width is greater than 500 pixels
// Resized image settings
if ($size[0] > '1'){
$Config_width_wide = 800; // width of wide image
$Config_height_wide = 800; // height of wide image
$Config_width_tall = 800; // width of tall image
$Config_height_tall = 800; // height of tall image
// The Code
if($size[0] > $size[1]){
$image_width = $Config_width_wide;
$image_height = (int)($Config_width_wide * $size[1] / $size[0]);
if($image_height > $Config_height_wide){
$image_height = $Config_height_wide;
$image_width = (int)($Config_height_wide * $size[0] / $size[1]);
$image_width = (int)($Config_height_tall * $size[0] / $size[1]);
$image_height = $Config_height_tall;
if($image_width > $Config_width_tall){
$image_width = $Config_width_tall;
$image_height = (int)($Config_width_tall * $size[1] / $size[0]);
// Build image with GD 2.x.x, you can use the other described methods too
$function_suffix = $gd_function_suffix[$filetype];
$function_to_read = "ImageCreateFrom".$function_suffix;
$function_to_write = "Image".$function_suffix;
// Read the source file
$source_handle = $function_to_read ( $images_dir2."/".$filename );
// Let's create a blank image for the image
$destination_handle = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $image_width, $image_height );
// Now we resize it
ImageCopyResampled( $destination_handle, $source_handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_width, $image_height, $size[0], $size[1] );
// Store the orignal file
copy($photos_uploaded['tmp_name'][$counter], $images_dir2."/".$filename);
// Let's save the image
if ($extension == 'png') {
$function_to_write( $destination_handle, $images_dir2."/".$filename, 9 );
} else {
$function_to_write( $destination_handle, $images_dir2."/".$filename, 90 );
ImageDestroy($destination_handle );
} else exit('<p>Error: ' .
mysql_error() . '</p>');
Thats my code and everything works fine when I upload a jpeg or gif file but when I upload a png file, it doesn't work. I don't get no error neither. Please, what could be the error?

Merely change it to:

png is an officially recognized mime type, it should be just image/png. the x- prefix is for experimental/unofficial types. You could trivially verify what you're getting with var_dump($_FILES).
Your upload handling code also needs updates. You do not check for successful uploads, and simply assume they succeeded. NEVER assume success.
if($_FILES['photo_filename']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
die("Upload failed with error code " . $_FILES['photo_filename']['error']);
addslashes() is utterly useless pointless garbage. It does NOTHING to protect you against sql injection attacks. If you insist on continuing to use the deprecated mysql_*() functions, then at least use the proper mysql_real_escape_string().


creating thumbnails on image upload - 'SOME' are black, yet others are ok

I have the following image upload script, that uploads an image, renames and resizes a thumbnail too. When uploading image (all JPG) some upload and display fine, yet others upload the main image fine but the thumbnail is just a black square.
Does anyone have any idea as to what the problem is?
[edit] I have added PNG to the filetypes, and it uploads correctly, however 'real' JPG files now upload the black thumbnail. I am thinking that I need to somehow check the file extension and apply imagecreatefromjpeg/imagecreatefrompng based on what is returned?
if this is the case, i am thinking an if/else statement where highlighted will do? - not sure what to check against to get the extension (jpg/png) though...
// get file info
$file = $_FILES['file'];
$fileName = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$fileTmpName = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$fileSize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$thumbName = $_FILES['file']['name']; //
$thumbTmpName = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; //
$thumbSize = $_FILES['file']['size']; //
$fileError = $_FILES['file']['error'];
$fileType = $_FILES['file']['type'];
//allow file types
$fileExt = explode('.', $fileName);
$fileActualExt = strtolower(end($fileExt));
$allowed = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'); // ADDED PNG HERE
if(in_array($fileActualExt, $allowed)){
if($fileError === 0){
if($fileSize < 1000000){
$fileNameNew = $row['item_img'].".".$fileActualExt; //code!
$fileDestination = 'images/'.$col_id.'/'.$fileNameNew; //number
move_uploaded_file($fileTmpName, $fileDestination);
// create thumbnail
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($fileDestination);
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($fileDestination);
$thumbWidth = 100;
$thumbHeight = 100;
// } else { // POSSIBLE ELSE HERE?
$src = imagecreatefrompng($fileDestination);
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($fileDestination);
$thumbWidth = 100;
$thumbHeight = 100;
$tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth,$thumbHeight);
imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0,0,0,0, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $width, $height);
imagejpeg($tmp, 'images/'.$col_id.'/thumbs/'.$fileNameNew.'', 100);
$checkImgQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT item_image.item_image, item_item.item_id FROM item_image JOIN item_item ON item_item.item_img = item_image.item_image WHERE item_id = :item_id");
$checkImgQuery->execute(array(':item_id' => $item_id));
$check = $checkImgQuery->rowCount();
if($check > 0){
} else {
// ADD
} else {
$error[] = 'your file is too big';
} else {
$error[] = 'there was an error uploading your file';
} else {
$error[] = 'you cannot upload files of this type';
Since it is not always happening, this is almost certain to come from the files, as they are the only thing that changes... I'm guessing your jpeg files are either corrupted (but not enough to not display the picture, but maybe make the PHP code crash) or they simply aren't real jpegs...
Here's what I'd recommend: There is no need to force the users on only one file type while PHP alone can handle multiple, so we can check the mime type and act accordingly.
case 'image/jpeg':
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($fileDestination);
case 'image/png':
$src = imagecreatefrompng($fileDestination);
case 'image/gif':
$src = imagecreatefromgif($fileDestination);
$error[] = 'your file is not of a recognized type';
//do what you were doing.
So we test the mime type and use the corresponding function. Not that I did not include everything, but that should be a good start.
If you want an easier implementation, you could use this:
$src = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_content($fileDestination));
When creating an image from a string, the type is automatically detected. This would return false if the file is not recognized.
You will want to be careful with transparency when saving from PNG to JPG... But I'll leave that part to you.

How can insert 4 fileupload in one form

I need to know if is possible have in one form 4 fileupload, each one to save in different folder when a user want affiliate to our service.. like per example in first upload the Curriculum, next the photo and for the last two the diploma's..
Here is the form URL I am using right now and in "documentos" tab are all the input type file
here is my script
//----------------------------------------- start edit here ---------------------------------------------//
$script_location = ""; // location of the script
$maxlimit = 8388608; // maxim image limit
$folder = "uploads/foto_doc"; // folder where to save images
// requirements
$minwidth = 200; // minim width
$minheight = 200; // minim height
$maxwidth = 4608; // maxim width
$maxheight = 3456; // maxim height
$thumb3 = 1; // allow to create thumb n.3
// allowed extensions
$extensions = array('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg','.PNG', '.GIF', '.JPG', '.JPEG', '.docx');
//----------------------------------------- end edit here ---------------------------------------------//
// check that we have a file
if((!empty($_FILES["uploadfile"])) && ($_FILES['uploadfile']['error'] == 0)) {
// check extension
$extension = strrchr($_FILES['uploadfile']['name'], '.');
if (!in_array($extension, $extensions)) {
echo 'wrong file format, alowed only .png , .gif, .jpg, .jpeg
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">;</script>';
} else {
// get file size
$filesize = $_FILES['uploadfile']['size'];
// check filesize
if($filesize > $maxlimit){
echo "File size is too big.";
} else if($filesize < 1){
echo "File size is empty.";
} else {
// temporary file
$uploadedfile = $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'];
// capture the original size of the uploaded image
list($width,$height) = getimagesize($uploadedfile);
// check if image size is lower
if($width < $minwidth || $height < $minheight){
echo 'Image is to small. Required minimum '.$minwidth.'x'.$minheight.'
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">;</script>';
} else if($width > $maxwidth || $height > $maxheight){
echo 'Image is to big. Required maximum '.$maxwidth.'x'.$maxheight.'
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">;</script>';
} else {
// all characters lowercase
$filename = strtolower($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']);
// replace all spaces with _
$filename = preg_replace('/\s/', '_', $filename);
// extract filename and extension
$pos = strrpos($filename, '.');
$basename = substr($filename, 0, $pos);
$ext = substr($filename, $pos+1);
// get random number
$rand = time();
// image name
$image = $basename .'-'. $rand . "." . $ext;
// check if file exists
$check = $folder . '/' . $image;
if (file_exists($check)) {
echo 'Image already exists';
} else {
// check if it's animate gif
$frames = exec("identify -format '%n' ". $uploadedfile ."");
if ($frames > 1) {
// yes it's animate image
// copy original image
copy($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $folder . '/' . $image);
} else {
// create an image from it so we can do the resize
case "gif":
$src = imagecreatefromgif($uploadedfile);
case "jpg":
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadedfile);
case "jpeg":
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadedfile);
case "png":
$src = imagecreatefrompng($uploadedfile);
if ($thumb3 == 1){
// create third thumbnail image - resize original to 125 width x 125 height pixels
$newheight = ($height/$width)*600;
$newwidth = 600;
imagealphablending($tmp, false);
$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $transparent);
// write thumbnail to disk
$write_thumb3image = $folder .'/thumb3-'. $image;
case "gif":
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
case "png":
// all is done. clean temporary files
echo "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>;</script>
<div class='clear'></div>";
// database connection
$stmt = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO INGRESOS (nombre,dui,nit,direccion,curriculum,pais,departamento,ciudad,telefono,email,universidad,diploma,jvpm,especializacion,diploma_esp,foto,website,contacto)
VALUES (:nombre,:dui,:nit,:direccion,:curriculum,:pais,:departamento,:ciudad,:telefono,:email,:universidad,:diploma,:jvpm,:especializacion,:diploma_esp,:foto,:website,:contacto)');
$stmt->execute(array(':nombre' => $nombre,':nit' => $nit,':direccion' => $direccion,':curriculum' => $path,':pais' => $pais,':departamento' => $departamento,':ciudad' => $ciudad,':departamento' => $departamento,':ciudad' => $ciudad,':telefono' => $telefono,':email' => $email,':universidad' => $universidad,':diploma' => $path1,':jvpm' => $jvpm,':especializacion' => $especializacion,':diploma_esp' => $path2,':foto' => $write_thumb3image,':website' => $website,':contacto' => $contacto));
echo 'Afiliación ingresada correctamente.';
$dbh = null;
// error all fileds must be filled
} else {
echo '<div class="wrong">You must to fill all fields!</div>'; }
the files I need save only the path, so I have this:
:curriculum' => $path
:diploma' => $path1
:diploma_esp' => $path2
:foto' => $write_thumb3image
I don´t know if is possible these...I hope it can be.
Best Regards!
Include multiple file fields
<input type="file" name="file[0]" />
<input type="file" name="file[1]" />
<input type="file" name="file[2]" />
<input type="file" name="file[3]" />
Wrap a foreach around your save script
// set up your paths
$paths=array($path, $path1, $path2, $write_thumb3image);
// 0 1 2 3
// use them as your loop
foreach ($paths as $i=>$path){ // <- use an index $i
// *** save to $path.'/'.$your_image_name.$image_ext
// as Phillip rightly pointed out, $_FILES is different
// so using your index, pick out the bits from the $_FILES arary
$extension = strrchr($name, '.'); // NB the file name does not mean that's the true extension

How can I allow other image formats to be uploaded

This is the code that uploads users logo's I was wondering if anyone could help me.
I want to be able to allow users to upload .png and .gif files too.
Sorry if this is a simple fix but I am very new to php.
//edit logo
function resize_image ($image) {
$imgsize = getimagesize($image);
//check for gallery type to determine thumbnail size
$size_x = 150;
$ratio = 150 / $imgsize[0];
$size_y = $imgsize[1] * $ratio;
$srcimage = ImageCreateFromjpeg ($image);
$newimage = ImageCreateTrueColor($size_x,$size_y);
//$newimage = imagecreate ($size_x, $size_y);
imagecopyresized ($newimage, $srcimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size_x, $size_y,
imagesx($srcimage), imagesy($srcimage));
return $newimage;
$myrepairer = new repairer;
//resize and upload image
$file = $_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'];
$file_name = $_FILES['logo']['name'];
//upload the image followed by a db update.
if ($file != 'none') {
if (copy($file,'logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.jpg')) {
$thumbnail = resize_image('logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.jpg');
$resultmessage = '<div align="center" class="GreenText">Logo Updated</div>';
You can just get the file extension and use it instead of '.jpg'.
$ext = pathinfo($_FILES['logo']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
So, it'll be something like:
$ext = pathinfo($_FILES['logo']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
//upload the image followed by a db update.
if ($file != 'none') {
if (copy($file,'logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.'.$ext)) {
$thumbnail = resize_image('logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.'.$ext);

Why is my image rotating when resizing uploaded image in PHP? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
php resizing image on upload rotates the image when i don't want it to
I have created my first ever upload code and was testing it, the image resizes and uploads fine. The only issue I have is that it rotates.
Here is the code:
$errors = array();
$message = "";
$name = rand(1,999999) . $_FILES["uploadfile"]["name"];
$temp_name = $_FILES["uploadfile"]["tmp_name"];
$size = $_FILES["uploadfile"]["size"];
$extension = strtolower(end(explode('.', $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'])));
$path = "testupload/" . $name;
$info = getimagesize($temp_name);
$originalwidth = $info[0];
$originalheight = $info[1];
$mime = $info["mime"];
$acceptedHeight = 750;
$acceptedWidth = 0;
$acceptedMimes = array('image/jpeg','image/png','image/gif');
$acceptedfileSize = 4102314;
$acceptedExtensions = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png');
echo $size;
// check mimetype
if(!in_array($mime, $acceptedMimes)){$errors[] = "mime type not allowed - The file you have just uploaded was a: " . $extension . " file!";}
if(!$errors){if($size > $acceptedfileSize){$errors[] = "filesize is to big - Your file size of this file is: " . $size;}}
if(!$errors){if(!in_array($extension, $acceptedExtensions)){$errors[] = "File extension not allowed - The file you have just uploaded was a: " . $extension . " file!";}}
// create the image from the temp file.
if ($extension === 'png'){
$orig = imagecreatefrompng($temp_name);
}elseif ($extension === 'jpeg'){
$orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($temp_name);
}elseif ($extension === 'jpg'){
$orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($temp_name);
}elseif ($extension === 'gif'){
$orig = imagecreatefromgif($temp_name);
// work out the new dimensions.
if ($acceptedHeight === 0){
$newWidth = $acceptedWidth;
$newHeight = ($originalheight / $originalwidth) * $acceptedWidth;
}else if ($acceptedWidth === 0){
$newWidth = ($originalwidth / $originalheight) * $acceptedHeight;
$newHeight = $acceptedHeight;
$newWidth = $acceptedWidth;
$newHeight = $acceptedHeight;
$originalwidth = imagesx($orig);
$originalheight = imagesy($orig);
// make ssure they are valid.
if ($newWidth < 1){ $newWidth = 1; }else{ $newWidth = round($newWidth ); }
if ($newHeight < 1){ $newHeight = 1; }else{ $newHeight = round($newHeight); }
// don't bother copying the image if its alreay the right size.
if ($originalwidth!== $newWidth || $originalheight !== $newHeight){
// create a new image and copy the origional on to it at the new size.
$new = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
imagecopyresampled($new, $orig, 0,0,0,0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $originalwidth, $originalheight);
// phps copy on write means this won't cause any harm.
$new = $orig;
// save the image.
if ($extension === 'jpeg' || $extension === 'jpg'){
imagejpeg($new, $path, 100);
}else if ($save_ext === 'gif'){
imagegif($new, $path);
imagepng($new, $path, round(9 - (100 / (100 / 9))));
$message = $path;
Can someone please let me know what is going on?
Check the original image is actually in the orientation you expect. I work with images all day and the majority of the time it's Windows Photo Viewer showing the image in a certain orientation (reading an orientation change in the EXIF) but if you open it up in Photoshop it's different.
I tested your code with two images: one was landscape (width > height), the other was portrait (height > width). The code works.
The problem seems to be what #Tavocado said: newer cameras have a sensor to detect the orientation of the camera when the photo was taken, and they store that info in the photo. Also, newer photo viewing software reads that info back from the photo and rotates it before displaying the image. So you all the time see the image with the right orientation (sky up, earth down). However PHP functions (and the rest of the world) don't use that information and display the image as is was taken. That means that you will have to rotate yourself portrait images.
Just load your images in the browser (drag the file on the address bar) you you will see how the image is really stored in the file, without any automatic rotation.
The problem is that the image has embedded EXIF data, probably from the device that took the photo.
Investigate whether your images have embedded rotation information, using exif_read_data, and then auto-correct the rotation with a function like this.

PHP: Making thumbnail, why do i get these errors?

When i made this function:
function makeThumbnail($type, $name, $size, $tmp_name, $thumbSize) {
//make sure this directory is writable!
$path_thumbs = "uploaded_files/";
//the new width of the resized image, in pixels.
$img_thumb_width = $thumbSize; //
$extlimit = "yes"; //Limit allowed extensions? (no for all extensions allowed)
//List of allowed extensions if extlimit = yes
$limitedext = array(".gif",".jpg",".png",".jpeg",".bmp");
//the image -> variables
$file_type = $type;
$file_name = $name;
$file_size = $size;
$file_tmp = $tmp_name;
//check if you have selected a file.
echo $file_tmp."<br>";
echo $file_name."<br>";
echo $file_type."<br>";
echo $file_size."<br>";
echo "Error: Please select a file to upload!. <br>--back";
exit(); //exit the script and don't process the rest of it!
//check the file's extension
$ext = strrchr($file_name,'.');
$ext = strtolower($ext);
//uh-oh! the file extension is not allowed!
if (($extlimit == "yes") && (!in_array($ext,$limitedext))) {
echo "Wrong file extension. <br>--back";
//so, whats the file's extension?
$getExt = explode ('.', $file_name);
$file_ext = $getExt[count($getExt)-1];
//create a random file name
$rand_name = md5(time());
$rand_name= rand(0,999999999);
//the new width variable
$ThumbWidth = $img_thumb_width;
//keep image type
if($file_type == "image/pjpeg" || $file_type == "image/jpeg"){
$new_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_tmp);
}elseif($file_type == "image/x-png" || $file_type == "image/png"){
$new_img = imagecreatefrompng($file_tmp);
}elseif($file_type == "image/gif"){
$new_img = imagecreatefromgif($file_tmp);
//list the width and height and keep the height ratio.
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file_tmp);
//calculate the image ratio
if ($imgratio>1){
$newwidth = $ThumbWidth;
$newheight = $ThumbWidth/$imgratio;
$newheight = $ThumbWidth;
$newwidth = $ThumbWidth*$imgratio;
//function for resize image.
if (function_exists(imagecreatetruecolor)){
$resized_img = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight);
die("Error: Please make sure you have GD library ver 2+");
//the resizing is going on here!
imagecopyresampled($resized_img, $new_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
//finally, save the image
ImageJpeg ($resized_img,"$path_thumbs/$rand_name.$file_ext", 100);
ImageDestroy ($resized_img);
ImageDestroy ($new_img);
//ok copy the finished file to the thumbnail directory
// move_uploaded_file ($file_tmp, "$path_big/$rand_name.$file_ext");
Don't want to copy it to a separate directory?
Want to just display the image to the user?
Follow the following steps:
2. Uncomment this code:
echo "OK THUMB " . $thumbSize;
//and you should be set!
//success message, redirect to main page.
$msg = urlencode("$title was uploaded! Upload More?");
Then it stopped working, but outside a function, it works good.
As you can see i added "echo $file...." because i wanted to see if they have value, and they do have the right values.
I just get the error Error: Please select a file to upload.
This function is running after an normal upload image script(full size).
When i call the function i do:
makeThumbnail($_FILES[$fieldname]['type'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['name'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['size'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'], 100);
At my other file where its not in a function, theres no difference only that the variables is:
$file_type = $_FILES['file']['type'];
$file_name = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$file_size = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$file_tmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
But it should work, I cant find anything wrong, but it doesnt and i keep getting that error. If i remove the is_uploaded_file function, i get a bunch of another errors.
Make sure you are not using move_uploaded_file() before calling the function.
I use timthumb to process the image into a thumbnail when it outputs it to screen, instead of when it's uploaded.
It means you only have one file and not one master size and one thumb size. TimThumb reduces the size of the file on serverside so it appears nice and smooth on the browserside. Have a look at it: TimThumb Link
