This is the code that uploads users logo's I was wondering if anyone could help me.
I want to be able to allow users to upload .png and .gif files too.
Sorry if this is a simple fix but I am very new to php.
//edit logo
function resize_image ($image) {
$imgsize = getimagesize($image);
//check for gallery type to determine thumbnail size
$size_x = 150;
$ratio = 150 / $imgsize[0];
$size_y = $imgsize[1] * $ratio;
$srcimage = ImageCreateFromjpeg ($image);
$newimage = ImageCreateTrueColor($size_x,$size_y);
//$newimage = imagecreate ($size_x, $size_y);
imagecopyresized ($newimage, $srcimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $size_x, $size_y,
imagesx($srcimage), imagesy($srcimage));
return $newimage;
$myrepairer = new repairer;
//resize and upload image
$file = $_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'];
$file_name = $_FILES['logo']['name'];
//upload the image followed by a db update.
if ($file != 'none') {
if (copy($file,'logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.jpg')) {
$thumbnail = resize_image('logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.jpg');
$resultmessage = '<div align="center" class="GreenText">Logo Updated</div>';
You can just get the file extension and use it instead of '.jpg'.
$ext = pathinfo($_FILES['logo']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
So, it'll be something like:
$ext = pathinfo($_FILES['logo']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
//upload the image followed by a db update.
if ($file != 'none') {
if (copy($file,'logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.'.$ext)) {
$thumbnail = resize_image('logos/'.$_REQUEST['id'].'.'.$ext);
i wanted to create a thumbnail with specific custom width & height. The function am using only create a thumbnail with a maximum set width/height.
How do i tweak the below function to give me a defined width/height e.g 50x50, 75x75, 100x100.
$original_photo = "photos/photo.extension";
$newcopy = "photos/thumbnails/photo.extension";
$copy_w = 50;
$copy_h = 50;
$extension = explode('.', 'photo.extension');
$extension = end($extension);
function create_thumbnail($original_photo, $newcopy, $copy_w, $copy_h, $extension) {
list($original_w, $original_h) = getimagesize($original_photo);
$scale_ratio = $original_w / $original_h;
if (($copy_w / $copy_h) > $scale_ratio) {
$copy_w = $copy_h * $scale_ratio;
} else {
$copy_h = $copy_w / $scale_ratio;
$img = '';
if ($extension == 'gif') {
$img = imagecreatefromgif($original_photo);
} elseif ($extension == 'png') {
$img = imagecreatefrompng($original_photo);
} else {
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($original_photo);
$true_color = imagecreatetruecolor($copy_w, $copy_h);
imagecopyresampled($true_color, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $copy_w, $copy_h, $original_w, $original_h);
if (imagejpeg($true_color, $newcopy, 80) == true) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Working with images in PHP/GD can be a pain. There are a lot of edge cases, particularly when transparent PNG/GIFs are manipulated.
If possible, I shamelessly recommend a library I wrote to handle things like this: SimpleImage 3.0
Using SimpleImage, you can achieve the desired effect with the following code:
// Load the image from image.jpg
$image = new \claviska\SimpleImage('image.jpg');
// Create a 50x50 thumbnail, convert to PNG, and write to thumbnail.png
$image->thumbnail(50, 50)->toFile('thumbnail.png', 'image/png');
See this page for more details on how the thumbnail method works and available arguments.
I'm using a script for resize photos to another folder and keep the same name automaticaly found here and working great!
I have hundreds of photos in my source folder and i'm going to do this action often. I would like to optimize the time by making it resize the photos only if it sees the photos doesn't exist in the destination folder. How can we do that?
Here is the full code used:
function imageResize($file, $path, $height, $width)
$target = 'smallphotos/';
$handle = opendir($path);
if($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir($path.$file))
$thumb = $path.$file;
$imageDetails = getimagesize($thumb);
$originalWidth = $imageDetails[0];
$originalHeight = $imageDetails[1];
if($originalWidth > $originalHeight)
$thumbHeight = $height;
$thumbWidth = ($originalWidth/($originalHeight/$thumbHeight));
$thumbWidth = $width;
$thumbHeight = ($originalHeight/($originalWidth/$thumbWidth));
$originalImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG($thumb);
$thumbImage = ImageCreateTrueColor($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);
ImageCopyResized($thumbImage, $originalImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbWidth,
$thumbHeight, $originalWidth, $originalHeight);
$filename = $file;
imagejpeg($thumbImage, $target.$filename, 100);
$source = "photos";
$directory = opendir($source);
//Scan through the folder one file at a time
while(($file = readdir($directory)) != false)
echo "<br>".$file;
//Run each file through the image resize function
imageResize($file, $source.'/', 640, 480);
Seems like you could just add one more condition to the resize function
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_dir($path.$file) && !is_file($target.$file) {...
This should keep it from trying to do anything if the target file already exists.
Another option would be to check if the destination file exists before calling the function
while (($file = readdir($directory)) != false) {
echo "<br>".$file;
//Run each file through the image resize function (if it has not already been resized)
if (!is_file("smallphotos/$file")) {
imageResize($file, $source.'/', 640, 480);
I'm sending imagick an image and when it is an animated gif it removes the animation and leaves on a single still. Is this because of the resize code? Or is it something inherent in the imagick library? Below is my code, what is wrong here?
if (isset($_FILES["image"])) {
$allowed_ext = array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif");
$file_name = $_FILES["image"]["name"];
$file_ext = strtolower(end(explode(".", $file_name)));
$file_size = $_FILES["image"]["size"];
$file_tmp = $_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"];
// verify extension
if (in_array($file_ext, $allowed_ext) && $file_size < 2097152) {
// check if image needs scaling
$img = new imagick($file_tmp);
$img_size = $img->getImageGeometry();
$partyCommentErrors .= "<li>Width: ".$img_size["width"]." | Height: ".$img_size["height"]."</li>";
if ($img_size["width"] > 600 || $img_size["height"] > 600) {
// resize image
$img->resizeImage(600, 600, imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 0.9, true);
$img_size = $img->getImageGeometry();
// update database
$qry = "UPDATE comments SET thereisimg=1, imgtype='".$file_ext."', imgwidth='".$img_size["width"]."', imgheight='".$img_size["height"]."' WHERE id=$id";
mysqli_query($dblink, $qry);
} else {
$partyCommentErrors .= "<li>File type must be jpg, jpeg, png, or gif</li><li>File size must be less than 2 megabytes.</li>";
Because animated gifs are not stored as full images, but instead are stored as the differences between the frames of the animation, you need to call Imagick::coalesceImages to be able to modify the images contained in the Gif.
After modifying them, you then need to call Imagick::deconstructImages to generate the new set of differences between the frames, to be able to save them out as an animated Gif.
$imagick = new Imagick("original.gif");
$format = $imagick->getImageFormat();
if ($format == 'GIF') {
$imagick = $imagick->coalesceImages();
do {
$imagick->resizeImage(120, 120, Imagick::FILTER_BOX, 1);
} while ($imagick->nextImage());
$imagick = $imagick->deconstructImages();
$imagick->writeImages('new_120x120.gif', true);
// can be added some more gifs
$imagick = $imagick->coalesceImages();
do {
$imagick->resizeImage(100, 100, Imagick::FILTER_BOX, 1);
} while ($imagick->nextImage());
$imagick = $imagick->deconstructImages();
$imagick->writeImages('new_100x100.gif', true);
Or, more briefly:
$image = new Imagick($file_src);
$image = $image->coalesceImages();
foreach ($image as $frame) {
$frame->cropImage($crop_w, $crop_h, $crop_x, $crop_y);
$frame->thumbnailImage($size_w, $size_h);
$frame->setImagePage($size_w, $size_h, 0, 0);
$image = $image->deconstructImages();
$image->writeImages($file_dst, true);
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
php resizing image on upload rotates the image when i don't want it to
I have created my first ever upload code and was testing it, the image resizes and uploads fine. The only issue I have is that it rotates.
Here is the code:
$errors = array();
$message = "";
$name = rand(1,999999) . $_FILES["uploadfile"]["name"];
$temp_name = $_FILES["uploadfile"]["tmp_name"];
$size = $_FILES["uploadfile"]["size"];
$extension = strtolower(end(explode('.', $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'])));
$path = "testupload/" . $name;
$info = getimagesize($temp_name);
$originalwidth = $info[0];
$originalheight = $info[1];
$mime = $info["mime"];
$acceptedHeight = 750;
$acceptedWidth = 0;
$acceptedMimes = array('image/jpeg','image/png','image/gif');
$acceptedfileSize = 4102314;
$acceptedExtensions = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png');
echo $size;
// check mimetype
if(!in_array($mime, $acceptedMimes)){$errors[] = "mime type not allowed - The file you have just uploaded was a: " . $extension . " file!";}
if(!$errors){if($size > $acceptedfileSize){$errors[] = "filesize is to big - Your file size of this file is: " . $size;}}
if(!$errors){if(!in_array($extension, $acceptedExtensions)){$errors[] = "File extension not allowed - The file you have just uploaded was a: " . $extension . " file!";}}
// create the image from the temp file.
if ($extension === 'png'){
$orig = imagecreatefrompng($temp_name);
}elseif ($extension === 'jpeg'){
$orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($temp_name);
}elseif ($extension === 'jpg'){
$orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($temp_name);
}elseif ($extension === 'gif'){
$orig = imagecreatefromgif($temp_name);
// work out the new dimensions.
if ($acceptedHeight === 0){
$newWidth = $acceptedWidth;
$newHeight = ($originalheight / $originalwidth) * $acceptedWidth;
}else if ($acceptedWidth === 0){
$newWidth = ($originalwidth / $originalheight) * $acceptedHeight;
$newHeight = $acceptedHeight;
$newWidth = $acceptedWidth;
$newHeight = $acceptedHeight;
$originalwidth = imagesx($orig);
$originalheight = imagesy($orig);
// make ssure they are valid.
if ($newWidth < 1){ $newWidth = 1; }else{ $newWidth = round($newWidth ); }
if ($newHeight < 1){ $newHeight = 1; }else{ $newHeight = round($newHeight); }
// don't bother copying the image if its alreay the right size.
if ($originalwidth!== $newWidth || $originalheight !== $newHeight){
// create a new image and copy the origional on to it at the new size.
$new = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight);
imagecopyresampled($new, $orig, 0,0,0,0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $originalwidth, $originalheight);
// phps copy on write means this won't cause any harm.
$new = $orig;
// save the image.
if ($extension === 'jpeg' || $extension === 'jpg'){
imagejpeg($new, $path, 100);
}else if ($save_ext === 'gif'){
imagegif($new, $path);
imagepng($new, $path, round(9 - (100 / (100 / 9))));
$message = $path;
Can someone please let me know what is going on?
Check the original image is actually in the orientation you expect. I work with images all day and the majority of the time it's Windows Photo Viewer showing the image in a certain orientation (reading an orientation change in the EXIF) but if you open it up in Photoshop it's different.
I tested your code with two images: one was landscape (width > height), the other was portrait (height > width). The code works.
The problem seems to be what #Tavocado said: newer cameras have a sensor to detect the orientation of the camera when the photo was taken, and they store that info in the photo. Also, newer photo viewing software reads that info back from the photo and rotates it before displaying the image. So you all the time see the image with the right orientation (sky up, earth down). However PHP functions (and the rest of the world) don't use that information and display the image as is was taken. That means that you will have to rotate yourself portrait images.
Just load your images in the browser (drag the file on the address bar) you you will see how the image is really stored in the file, without any automatic rotation.
The problem is that the image has embedded EXIF data, probably from the device that took the photo.
Investigate whether your images have embedded rotation information, using exif_read_data, and then auto-correct the rotation with a function like this.
When i made this function:
function makeThumbnail($type, $name, $size, $tmp_name, $thumbSize) {
//make sure this directory is writable!
$path_thumbs = "uploaded_files/";
//the new width of the resized image, in pixels.
$img_thumb_width = $thumbSize; //
$extlimit = "yes"; //Limit allowed extensions? (no for all extensions allowed)
//List of allowed extensions if extlimit = yes
$limitedext = array(".gif",".jpg",".png",".jpeg",".bmp");
//the image -> variables
$file_type = $type;
$file_name = $name;
$file_size = $size;
$file_tmp = $tmp_name;
//check if you have selected a file.
echo $file_tmp."<br>";
echo $file_name."<br>";
echo $file_type."<br>";
echo $file_size."<br>";
echo "Error: Please select a file to upload!. <br>--back";
exit(); //exit the script and don't process the rest of it!
//check the file's extension
$ext = strrchr($file_name,'.');
$ext = strtolower($ext);
//uh-oh! the file extension is not allowed!
if (($extlimit == "yes") && (!in_array($ext,$limitedext))) {
echo "Wrong file extension. <br>--back";
//so, whats the file's extension?
$getExt = explode ('.', $file_name);
$file_ext = $getExt[count($getExt)-1];
//create a random file name
$rand_name = md5(time());
$rand_name= rand(0,999999999);
//the new width variable
$ThumbWidth = $img_thumb_width;
//keep image type
if($file_type == "image/pjpeg" || $file_type == "image/jpeg"){
$new_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_tmp);
}elseif($file_type == "image/x-png" || $file_type == "image/png"){
$new_img = imagecreatefrompng($file_tmp);
}elseif($file_type == "image/gif"){
$new_img = imagecreatefromgif($file_tmp);
//list the width and height and keep the height ratio.
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file_tmp);
//calculate the image ratio
if ($imgratio>1){
$newwidth = $ThumbWidth;
$newheight = $ThumbWidth/$imgratio;
$newheight = $ThumbWidth;
$newwidth = $ThumbWidth*$imgratio;
//function for resize image.
if (function_exists(imagecreatetruecolor)){
$resized_img = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight);
die("Error: Please make sure you have GD library ver 2+");
//the resizing is going on here!
imagecopyresampled($resized_img, $new_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
//finally, save the image
ImageJpeg ($resized_img,"$path_thumbs/$rand_name.$file_ext", 100);
ImageDestroy ($resized_img);
ImageDestroy ($new_img);
//ok copy the finished file to the thumbnail directory
// move_uploaded_file ($file_tmp, "$path_big/$rand_name.$file_ext");
Don't want to copy it to a separate directory?
Want to just display the image to the user?
Follow the following steps:
2. Uncomment this code:
echo "OK THUMB " . $thumbSize;
//and you should be set!
//success message, redirect to main page.
$msg = urlencode("$title was uploaded! Upload More?");
Then it stopped working, but outside a function, it works good.
As you can see i added "echo $file...." because i wanted to see if they have value, and they do have the right values.
I just get the error Error: Please select a file to upload.
This function is running after an normal upload image script(full size).
When i call the function i do:
makeThumbnail($_FILES[$fieldname]['type'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['name'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['size'], $_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'], 100);
At my other file where its not in a function, theres no difference only that the variables is:
$file_type = $_FILES['file']['type'];
$file_name = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$file_size = $_FILES['file']['size'];
$file_tmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
But it should work, I cant find anything wrong, but it doesnt and i keep getting that error. If i remove the is_uploaded_file function, i get a bunch of another errors.
Make sure you are not using move_uploaded_file() before calling the function.
I use timthumb to process the image into a thumbnail when it outputs it to screen, instead of when it's uploaded.
It means you only have one file and not one master size and one thumb size. TimThumb reduces the size of the file on serverside so it appears nice and smooth on the browserside. Have a look at it: TimThumb Link