Autoloading as "mock" class in php - php

Lets suppose I want to auto load classes, so far thats normal. Now, lets suppose we are in "test" environment. I want to load other classes instead, this classes act just like others, but with some modifications. So, originally
class A
public function method()
return rand(1,10);
$a = new A(); // in the meantime autoloader finds and load class A
and what I want:
class Adev
public function method()
something::log ('method running');
return rand(1,10);
$a = new A(); // and then I dont need "A" class but "Adev"
so somewhat "renaming" method should be used, instead of refactoring the code.

use get_declared_classes and eval e.g.
$classes = get_declared_classes();
foreach ($classes as $class)
eval("\$".$class." = new ".$class."();");

Updated (and messy)
A couple of possible ways of tackling your issue - may be worth a closer look. At the bottom, there is also a personal consideration/suggestion.
The shortest of short fixes might just apply in your case: instead of having PHP's autoloader looking for the .php extension, you could set it so that, when testing your code, you are in fact looking for files ending on dev.php, so that class A, when passed as a string to the autoloarder becomes Adev.php:
if (RUNNING_ENV=== 'test')
Not sure, but perhaps use getenv() to determine if you're running on test/dev or production environment, and based on that register different autoloaders? spl_autoload_register is a handy function for that:
function prodAutoload($class)
//normal loading
function tstAutoload($class)
$class .='Dev';
//add Dev to className, proceed as you normally would?
if (getenv('RUN_ENV') === 'prod')
Of course, there will be a bit more to it, than just these few lines. But with this approach, you don't need differently named classes: A will be loaded form either the dev or live file, based on the autoloader/extension.
That way, you can at least keep type-hinting all the way through, without any issues. Of course, maintainability will be even more of a nightmare: Edit 1 file, make sure to edit the other one, too.
That's why I must say, personally, I wouldn't go through all this trouble of writing different classes for test & live environments. At one point, you'll run into trouble with that...
Suppose you fix a bug in test, but fail to edit the production version? Or the other way 'round... I think you're better off spending a little time in setting up a decent debugger and test environment that will work with the same code, but (for example) not the actual production databases.
Useful links:
manage autoload extensions
workings of default autoloader + examples
register (multiple) custom autoloaders)

Have you considered using namespaces? The code that follows is probably not 100% correct, but the gist of it would be:
# A.php
class A {...}
# ADev.php
class ADev {...}
# script.php
use ADev as A;
$a = new A; # of class ADev

Have you considered a simple solution rather than a complex one?
Make Class A do what ADev does i.e. include the logging function and forget about duplicating all your classes.
Make the something:: class test a enviroment variable or a simple config variable.
So something::debug tests $DO_I_WANT_DEBUGGING_ON = TRUE, if it is then you do the logging otherwise you do not.


How to test debug_backtrace results?

I have a class that uses debug_backtrace() for reporting where a method was called. The method may be called in third party code either directly or via some helper method that's in the same package as the class in question. In the latter case the method will report the line from the third party code and not from the helper class, thus the index at which the actual caller is in the results varies, so I'd like to include a test in my PHPUnit suite which would ensure that the correct index is found in each use case.
Is there a way I could automatically and reliably figure out the correct line in the test file that my method should return?
tl;dr, code plz
Here's some code to demonstrate. This is just the most bare bones example of the situation, please disregard that it doesn't really make sense. The actual use case is more complex and it's very much possible, likely even, that at some point in time I will mess something up and the traces end up giving wrong results. I'd like my tests to catch that.
class Tracer
public function send()
$trace = debug_backtrace();
if ($trace[1]['class'] === 'Helper') {
$calledOnLine = $trace[2]['line'];
} else {
$calledOnLine = $trace[1]['line'];
return $calledOnLine;
class Helper
public static function send()
$Tracer = new Tracer;
return $tracer->send();
class TracerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testGetProperCallerInfo()
$Tracer = new Tracer;
$result1 = $Tracer->send(); // $TargetLine1
$result2 = Helper::send(); // $TargetLine2
$this->assertEquals($TargetLine1, $result1);
$this->assertEquals($TargetLine2, $result2);
I could hardcode the line numbers into the test, and then update them each and every time something higher up in the test file changes. Even if I separate this particular test to its own file it's still going to break at some point, and besides it's such an ugly solution I wouldn't be able to look myself in the eye anymore.
Another method might be to tag the target lines with comments, load the test file to an array with file() and find the tags in the array. This is still somewhat fragile, and not really all that elegant.
Ask yourself, what is the behavior you are trying to test?
If you want to ensure you are generating exact strings, then maybe test fixtures is a good idea.
Probably more easier to maintain is to assert parts of the string which can be easily inferred.
Alternatively, you can mock the function call itself with libraries such as
Since I haven't been able to find a better solution, I ended up putting together a small package that let's me find lines reliably from the test source.
Accepted answer is still up for grabs if you can come up with a better solution!
In case someone is interested, the package I made is here.

Why use class aliases?

Why would we use the class_alias function? For example:
Class Test {
public function __construct(){
echo "Class initialized";
class_alias("Test", "AnotherName");
$instance = new AnotherName(); # equivalent to $instance = new Test();
According to the manual, "The aliased class is exactly the same as the original class."
What is this useful for?
Surprisingly, nobody has mentioned the obvious reason why one would do this: the use keyword can only be used in the outmost scope, and is processed at compile-time, so you can't use Some\Class based on some condition, nor can it be block-scoped:
namespace Foo;
if (!extension_loaded('gd'))
use Images\MagicImage as Image;
use Images\GdImage as Image;
class ImageRenderer
public function __construct(Image $img)
This won't work: though the use statements are in the outmost scope, these imports are, as I said before, performed at compile-time, not run-time. As an upshot, this code behaves as though it was written like so:
namespace Foo;
use Images\GdImage as Image;
use Images\MagicImage as Image;
Which will produce an error (2 class with the same alias...)
class_alias however, being a function that is called at run-time, so it can be block scoped, and can be used for conditional imports:
namespace Foo;
if (!extension_loaded('gd'))
class_alias('Images\\MagicImage', 'Image');
class ImageRenderer
public function __construct(Image $img)
Other than that, I suspect the main benefit of class_alias is that all code written, prior to PHP 5.3 (which introduced namespaces) allowed you to avoid having to write things like:
$foo = new My_Lib_With_Pseudo_Name_Spaces_Class();
Instead of having to refactor that entire code-base and create namespaces, It's just a lot easier to add a couple of:
class_alias('My_Lib_With_Pseudo_Name_Spaces_Class', 'MyClass');
To the top of the script, along with some //TODO: switch to Namespaces comments.
Another use case might be while actually transferring these classes to their namespaced counterparts: just change the class_alias calls once a class has been refactored, the other classes can remain intact.
When refactoring your code, chances are you're going to want to rethink a couple of things, so a use-case like aichingm suggested might not be too far fetched.
Last thing I can think of, but I haven't seen this yet, is when you want to test some code with a mock object, you might use class_alias to make everything run smoothly. However, if you have to do this, you might aswell consider the test a failure, because this is indicative of badly written code, IMO.
Incidently, just today I came across another use-case for class_alias. I was working on a way to implement a lib, distilled from a CLI tool for use in a MVC based web-app. Some of the classes depended on an instance of the invoked command to be passed, from which they got some other bits and bolts.
Instead of going through the trouble of refactoring, I decided to replace the:
use Application\Commands\SomeCommand as Invoker;
Statements with:
if (\PHP_SAPI === 'cli')
class_alias('\\Application\\Commands\\SomeCommand', 'Invoker');
class_alias('\\Web\\Models\\Services\\SomeService', 'Invoker');
and, after a quick :%s/SomeCommand/Invoker/g in vim, I was good to go (more or less)
Think of this the other way. There is a library and it contains a class called MySq, as the library moves on in development they think 'oh maybe we should just make one database class' so the rewrite the class and call it 'DatabaseConnection' it has the same functions as the MySql class but it can also handle Sql and MsSql. As time goes on and they release the new version 'PHPLib2'. The developer has now two options: 1, tell the users to change from MySql to DatabaseConnection or 2, the developer uses
and just mark the class MySql as deprecated.
To keep version compatibility!
It can be used for:
Changing strange class names of ext. scripts/sources (without the need to rewrite the code)
Making class names shorter (the class alias can be used application wide)
Moving classes to another namespace (#tlenss)

Should I remove static function from my code?

My code is located here:
Should I make it so that that the App class does not have to use static functions but at the same time be able to set and set variables for the app from anywhere?
Or should I keep it how it is now with App::get and App::set methods?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
How would I accomplish that 1st task if I was to undertake it?
Related Question
Sample code:
App::set('APP_NAME', 'SmallVC');
App::set('DEFAULT_TEMPLATE', 'default');
App::set('DEFAULT_TITLE', 'Small-VC');
App::set('LOGIN_SEED', "lijfg98u5;jfd7hyf");
App::set('DEFAULT_CONTROLLER', 'AppController');
$template_file = $cwd.'/../view/'.App::get('view').'/'.App::get('method').'.stp';
include $template_file;
else {
include $cwd.'/../view/missingview.stp'; //no such view error
else {
App::set('template', 'blank');
include $cwd.'/../view/missingfunction.stp'; //no such function error
I think you have a feeling that static is bad. What I am posting may seem fairly crazy as it is a massive change. At the very least hopefully it presents a different idea of the world.
Miško Hevery wrote static methods are a death to testability.
I like testing, so for that reason I don't use them. So, how else can we solve the problem? I like to solve it using what I think is a type of dependency injection. Martin Fowler has a good but complicated article on it here.
For each object at construction I pass the objects that are required for them to operate. From your code I would make AppController become:
class AppController
protected $setup;
public function __construct(array $setup = array())
$setup += array('App' => NULL, 'Database' => NULL);
if (!$setup['App'] instanceof App)
if (NULL !== $setup['App'])
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not an App.');
$setup['App'] = new App();
// Same for Database.
// Avoid doing any more in the constructor if possible.
$this->setup = $setup;
public function otherFunction()
echo $this->setup['App']->get('view');
The dependancies default to values that are most likely (your default constructions in the if statements). So, normally you don't need to pass a setup. However, when you are testing or want different functionality you can pass in mocks or different classes (that derive from the right base class). You can use interfaces as an option too.
Edit The more pure form of dependency injection involves further change. It requires that you pass always pass required objects rather than letting the class default one when the object isn't passed. I have been through a similar change in my codebase of +20K LOC. Having implemented it, I see many benefits to going the whole way. Objects encapsulation is greatly improved. It makes you feel like you have real objects rather than every bit of code relying on something else.
Throwing exceptions when you don't inject all of the dependencies causes you to fix things quickly. With a good system wide exception handler set with set_exception_handler in some bootstrap code you will easily see your exceptions and can fix each one quickly. The code then becomes simpler in the AppController with the check in the constructor becoming:
if (!$setup['App'] instanceof App)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not an App.');
With every class you then write all objects would be constructed upon initialisation. Also, with each construction of an object you would pass down the dependencies that are required (or let the default ones you provide) be instantiated. (You will notice when you forget to do this because you will have to rewrite your code to take out dependencies before you can test it.)
It seems like a lot of work, but the classes reflect the real world closer and testing becomes a breeze. You can also see the dependencies you have in your code easily in the constructor.
Well, if it was me, I would have the end goal of injecting the App dependency into any class (or class tree) that needs it. That way in testing or reusing the code you can inject whatever you want.
Note I said reuse there. That's because it's hard to re-use code that has static calls in it. That's because it's tied to the global state so you can't really "change" the state for a subrequest (or whatever you want to do).
Now, on to the question at hand. It appears that you have a legacy codebase, which will complicate things. The way I would approach it is as follows:
Create a non-static version of the app class (name it something different for now) that does nothing but proxy its get/set calls to the real app class. So, for example:
class AppProxy {
public function set($value) {
return App::set($value);
For now, all it has to do is proxy. Once we finish getting all the code talking to the proxy instead of the static app, we'll make it actually function. But until then, this will keep the application running. That way you can take your time implementing these steps and don't need to do it all in one big sweep.
Pick a main class (one that does a lot for the application, or is important) that you easily control the instantiation of. Preferably one that you instantiate in only one place (in the bootstrap is the easiest). Change that class to use Dependency Injection via the constructor to get the "appproxy".
a. Test this!
Pick another class tree to work on, based on what you think will be most important and easiest.
a. Test!!!
If you have more calls to App::, Go to #3
Change the existing App class to be non-static.
a. Test!!!!!!!!!!
Remove the AppProxy and replace with App in the dependency injectors. If you did it right, you should only have one place to change to make this switch.
Pat yourself on the back and go get a drink, cause you're done.
The reason that I segmented it out like this is that once a step is completed (any step), you can still ship working software. So this conversion could take literally months (depending on the size of your codebase) without interrupting business as usual...
Now, once you're done, you do get some significant benefits:
Easy to test since you can just create a new App object to inject (or mock it as needed).
Side effects are easier to see since the App object is required wherever it could be changed.
It's easier to componentize libraries this way since their side effects are localized/
It's easier to override (polymorphism) the core app class if it's injected than if it's static.
I could go on, but I think it's pretty easy to find resources on why statics are generally bad. So that's the approach I would use to migrate away from a static class to an instance...
If you don't want to have static functions but global access from everywhere WITHOUT passing the object to the places where it is actually needed then you pretty much can only use one thing:
A global variable
So you are not really better of doing that. But that is the only thing i can think of that would fulfill your requirements.
If you App object is something like an application config a first possible step would be to pass it to the objects that need it:
class Login {
public function __construct() {
$this->_login_seed = App::get('LOGIN_SEED');
self::$_ms = Database::getConnection();
changes into:
class Login {
public function __construct(App $app) {
$this->_login_seed = $app->get('LOGIN_SEED');
self::$_ms = Database::getConnection();

Define a class dynamically?

Is there a way to dynamically and conditionally create a class definition in PHP, i.e.
if (condition matches)
include file containing class definition
class myclass extends ancestor_class { .................... }
without eval()?
My background is the accepted answer to this question. I am looking for the best way to build a untouchable core library, with user-defined empty classes extending the core library if necessary.
I want to create the final class definition "on the fly" if there is no user-defined empty class for a certain ancestor class.
Including another include file (containing the empty class definition) is out of the question, as there will be quite a number of classes.
Update: This seems to be possible in a normal condition block - didn't think of that. However, according to this article, it also seems to be regarded as bad practice and may be removed in the future. Hmm. Creative ideas welcome.
See the comments under the question for more information -- I'll try to summarize, as it might be useful to other :-)
First of all, I suppose the goal is not having users create almost empty files by themselves -- I remember another question, I think it was from you, where that popped up.
If so, why not just create those almost empty files dynamically ?
I mean, some idea like that :
if (condition matches) {
include file containing class definition
} else {
create another file containg the alternate class definition
include that other file
As #Gordon said in a comment, a possibility, to makes things a bit easier, would be to use Zend_CodeGenerator, to help with that task of code-generation.
As pointed out : the users will not likely have write-access on the library directory, but nothing prevents you from creating those files into another "cache" directory -- afterall, it's likely that your application has write-access to at least one directory :
For cache ^^
Or, at least, for logs
A solution would be to use eval:
build a string containing the class' definition
evaluate it
But I would really not do that, for at least two reasons :
Debugging will probably be harder -- even for an almost empty file/string
Using a file means there is a possibility for opcode caching (APC, or similar tools)
And, as a third, thinking about it : having a file means your IDE can parse it -- might help with code-completion, type-hinting, ...
Seeing your update, I tried conditional declaration :
if (false) {
class A {
public $a = 10;
} else {
class A {
public $a = 20;
$a = new A();
Changing the condition from false to true and vice-versa, I get two alternate output :
public 'a' => int 20
public 'a' => int 10
So... well, seems to be working!
(I'm surprised, I thought it was only possible for functions!)
But, still, I don't really like that idea... Not sure how it behaves in IDEs -- and I like having one class per file...
(Yeah, personnal opinion)

Implications of Instantiating Objects with Dynamic Variables in PHP

What are the performance, security, or "other" implications of using the following form to declare a new class instance in PHP
$class_name = 'SomeClassName';
$object = new $class_name;
This is a contrived example, but I've seen this form used in Factories (OOP) to avoid having a big if/switch statement.
Problems that come immediately to mind are
You lose the ability to pass arguments into a constructor (LIES. Thanks Jeremy)
Smells like eval(), with all the security concerns it brings to the table (but not necessarily the performance concerns?)
What other implications are there, or what search engine terms other than "Rank PHP Hackery" can someone use to research this?
One of the issues with the resolving at run time is that you make it really hard for the opcode caches (like APC). Still, for now, doing something like you describe in your question is a valid way if you need a certain amount of indirection when instanciating stuff.
As long as you don't do something like
$classname = 'SomeClassName';
for ($x = 0; $x < 100000; $x++){
$object = new $classname;
you are probably fine :-)
(my point being: Dynamically looking up a class here and then doesn't hurt. If you do it often, it will).
Also, be sure that $classname can never be set from the outside - you'd want to have some control over what exact class you will be instantiating.
It looks you can still pass arguments to the constructor, here's my test code:
class Test {
function __construct($x) {
echo $x;
$class = 'Test';
$object = new $class('test'); // echoes "test"
That is what you meant, right?
So the only other problem you mentioned and that I can think of is the security of it, but it shouldn't be too difficult to make it secure, and it's obviously a lot more secure than using eval().
I would add that you can also instanciate it with a dynamic number of parameters using :
$class = "Test";
$args = array('a', 'b');
$ref = new ReflectionClass($class);
$instance = $ref->newInstanceArgs($args);
But of course you add some more overhead by doing this.
About the security issue I don't think it matters much, at least it's nothing compared to eval(). In the worst case the wrong class gets instanciated, of course this is a potential security breach but much harder to exploit, and it's easy to filter using an array of allowed classes, if you really need user input to define the class name.
There may indeed be a performance hit for having to resolve the name of the variable before looking up the class definition. But, without declaring classes dynamically you have no real way to do "dyanmic" or "meta" programming. You would not be able to write code generation programs or anything like a domain-specific language construct.
We use this convention all over the place in some of the core classes of our internal framework to make the URL to controller mappings work. I have also seen it in many commercial open source applications (I'll try and dig for an example and post it). Anyway, the point of my answer is that it seems well worth what is probably a slight performance decrease if it makes more flexible, dynamic code.
The other trade-off that I should mention, though, is that performance aside, it does make the code slightly less obvious and readable unless you are very careful with your variable names. Most code is written once, and re-read and modified many times, so readability is important.
Alan, there's nothing wrong with dynamic class initialisation. This technique is present also in Java language, where one can convert string to class using Class.forClass('classname') method. It is also quite handy to defer algorithm complexity to several classes instead of having list of if-conditions. Dynamic class names are especially well suited in situations where you want your code to remain open for extension without the need for modifications.
I myself often use different classes in conjunction with database tables. In one column I keep class name that will be used to handle the record. This gives me great power of adding new types of records and handle them in unique way without changing a single byte in existing code.
You shouldn't be concerned about the performance. It has almost no overhead and objects themselves are super fast in PHP. If you need to spawn thousands of identical objects, use Flyweight design pattern to reduce memory footprint. Especially, you should not sacrifice your time as a developer just to save milliseconds on server. Also op-code optimisers work seamlessly with this technique. Scripts compiled with Zend Optimizer did not misbehave.
So I've recently encountered this, and wanted to give my thoughts on the "other" implications of using dynamic instantiation.
For one thing func_get_args() throws a bit of a wrench into things. For example I want to create a method that acts as a constructor for a specific class (e.g. a factory method). I'd need to be able to pass along the params passed to my factory method to the constructor of the class I'm instantiating.
If you do:
public function myFactoryMethod()
$class = 'SomeClass'; // e.g. you'd get this from a switch statement
$obj = new $class( func_get_args() );
return $obj;
and then call:
You're actually passing an array as the first/only param, which is the same as new SomeClass( array( 'foo', 'bar' ) ) This is obviously not what we want.
The solution (as noted by #Seldaek) requires us to convert the array into params of a constructor:
public function myFactoryMethod()
$class = 'SomeClass'; // e.g. you'd get this from a switch statement
$ref = new ReflectionClass( $class );
$obj = $ref->newInstanceArgs( func_get_args() );
return $obj;
Note: This could not be accomplished using call_user_func_array, because you can't use this approach to instantiate new objects.
I use dynamic instantiation in my custom framework. My application controller needs to instantiate a sub-controller based on the request, and it would be simply ridiculous to use a gigantic, ever-changing switch statement to manage the loading of those controllers. As a result, I can add controller after controller to my application without having to modify the app controller to call them. As long as my URIs adhere to the conventions of my framework, the app controller can use them without having to know anything until runtime.
I'm using this framework in a production shopping cart application right now, and the performance is quite favorable, too. That being said, I'm only using the dynamic class selection in one or two spots in the whole app. I wonder in what circumstances you would need to use it frequently, and whether or not those situations are ones that are suffering from a programmer's desire to over-abstract the application (I've been guilty of this before).
One problem is that you can't address static members like that, for instance
$className = 'ClassName';
$className::someStaticMethod(); //doesn't work
#coldFlame: IIRC you can use call_user_func(array($className, 'someStaticMethod') and call_user_func_array() to pass params
class Test {
function testExt() {
print 'hello from testExt :P';
function test2Ext()
print 'hi from test2Ext :)';
$class = 'Test';
$method_1 = "testExt";
$method_2 = "test2Ext";
$object = new $class(); // echoes "test"
$object->{$method_2}(); // will print 'hi from test2Ext :)'
$object->{$method_1}(); // will print 'hello from testExt :P';
this trick works in both php4 and php5 :D enjoy..
