Update subdocument with mongodb and php - php

I have this document:
places: {
'name': 'wallmart',
'categories' : [{'name':'store','accuracy':'1'}]
A place can have a lot of categories, each with a different value.
In certain situations, the value of a category can rise.
Im trying to update but its not working, it changes the document and becomes like this:
'categories' : {'name':'store','accuracy':'2'}
It removes the array and add just one subdocument.
This is my php code:
$query = array('_id'=>$place['_id']);
$acc = $place_cat['accuracy'] + 1;
$params = array('$set' => array("categories" => array('name'=>$cat['name'],'accuracy'=>$acc)));
Which is the correct update sintax?

$col->update(array('_id'=>$place['_id'], 'categories.name'=>'store'),
array('$inc' => array('categories.$.accuracy'=>1)))
Will do what you want, atomically as well.


Add new field to a MongoDB document parsing from String to Int using updateMany

In my MongoDB collection, all documents contain a mileage field which currently is a string. Using PHP, I'd like to add a second field which contains the same content, but as an integer value. Questions like How to change the type of a field? contain custom MongoDB code which I don't want to run using PHP, and questions like mongodb php Strings to float values retrieve all documents and loop over them.
Is there any way to use \MongoDB\Operation\UpdateMany for this, as this would put all the work to the database level? I've already tried this for static values (like: add the same string to all documents), but struggle with getting the data to be inserted from the collection itself.
Some further hints:
I'm looking for a pure PHP solution that does not rely on any binary to be called using exec. This should avoid installing more packages than needed on the PHP server
Currently, I have to use MongoDB in v4.0. Yes, that's not the most recent version, but I'm not in the position to perform an upgrade
Try this, please:
01) MongoDB Aggregate reference:
{ "$addFields": {
"intField": { "$toInt": "$stringFieldName" }
{ "$out": "collectionName" }
02) Possible PHP solution (Using as reference https://www.php.net/manual/en/mongocollection.aggregate.php):
$pipeline = array(
'$addFields' => array(
'integerField' => array('$toInt' => '$mileage')
'$out' => 'collection'
$updateResult = $collection->aggregate(pipeline);
You could use $set like this in 4.2 which supports aggregation pipeline in update.
$set stage creates a mileageasint based on the previous with $toInt value
[{ $set: { "mileageasint":{"$toInt":"$mileage" }}}],
Php Solution ( Using example from here)
$updateResult = $collection->updateMany(
[['$set' => [ 'mileageasint' => [ '$toInt' => '$mileage']]]]

Insert dynamic Object property names into Database

Alright so I have an insert query that I would like to run but the issue I am having is with getting object properties/values that I need to insert.
Say I have a query that looks like the one below.
$this->db->insert('tblitems_in', array(
'platform' => $item['Platform'],
'ram' => $item['RAM'],
'qty' => $item['qty'],
'rate' => number_format($item['rate'], 2, '.', ''),
'rel_id' => $insert_id,
'rel_type' => 'estimate',
'item_order' => $item['order'],
'unit' => $item['unit']
This works fine when the person chooses RAM on the webpage which sets the $item Objects property 'RAM' to the value that was picked. Now if they choose HardDrive, that properties name is now sent as 'HardDrive' with the value they chose. Is there a way that i Could replace the 'ram' and 'RAM' from the below example with a variable so I could change what the property name is that I would like to insert and insert into the corresponding db column?
I should have added that the options on the webpage are also dynamically created from a database so I do not know at the time of coding what the property names are. They could be RAM, HardDrive, Processor, maybe even Elephant. I was hoping I could use variables so that I could look at the DB used to create the webpage so that I know the property names and then dynamically add those names into the query.
Right now I am using the following code in order to get all the possible options that can be received from the webpage from a DB the webpages uses to create itself.
$plat_options = $this->db->get('tblplatform_options')->row()->name;
In the database right now it is only populated with names RAM and HardDrive to make things known for testing purposes. So this returns $plat_options = {RAM, HardDrive}. I now have to figure out how to test is $item has these(RAM and HardDrive) as properties and if $item does have them then add them into the query previously shown.
You can set an array of key => variable names, then loop over those values to see if they exist in the $item variable and, if so, add that value to the data to be inserted into the db:
//default array of data to insert
$data = [
'platform' => $item['Platform'],
'qty' => $item['qty'],
'rate' => number_format($item['rate'], 2, '.', ''),
'rel_id' => $insert_id,
'rel_type' => 'estimate',
'item_order' => $item['order'],
'unit' => $item['unit']
//Get column names from db
$plat_options = $this->db->get('tblplatform_options')->row()->name;
// $plat_options = [RAM, HardDrive]
//Check if $item[$name] exists. If it does, add that to the
// array of data to be inserted
foreach($plat_options as $key) {
if(array_key_exists($key, $item)) {
$data[$key] = $item[$key];
$this->db->insert('tblitems_in', $data);
I'm not sure this will work (I don't understand the use case).
It is possible, using array_diff_key to get a list of array keys that exist in $item but not in $data. With this array of keys, you can add the missing keys.
I have altered my previous code to demonstrate this.
You could create the array one element at a time based on whatever field data you received. I used a switch statement, but it could be a simple if/then/else as well.
$data_array = array();
$data_array['platform'] = $item['Platform']
switch($item['Object'] {
case 'HardDrive':
$data_array['harddrive'] = $item['HardDrive'];
case 'RAM':
$data_array['ram'] = $item['RAM'];
$data_array['qty'] = $item['qty'];
$data_array['rate' = number_format($item['rate'], 2, '.', '');
$data_array['rel_id'] = $insert_id;
$data_array['rel_type' = 'estimate';
$data_array['item_order'] = $item['order'];
$data_array['unit'] = $item['unit'];
$this->db->insert('tblitems_in', $data_array);

How to KeyBy where multiple items have the same key

I am using Laravel Collections methods and am trying to key my query results (which are a collection) by the id. The problem is I have multiple entries with the same id, but point to different countries and I want to have all of the values, not just the last one.
Here is my code that i am using so far:
$allCountries = new Collection($allCountries);
$offerCountries = $allCountries->keyBy('id');
foreach ($offer as $o) {
$o->countries = $allCountries->get($o->id);
To explain, my query puts the results in $allCountries which contains ids and countries and those results looks something like this
id=>225, country=>US
id=>225, country=>IT
id=>3304, country=>NZ
Just to give you a quick idea. I want to key this by the id which results in $offerCountries. I then loop thru a previous Collection that contains offers which have a certain ID that relates to the country result by id. So for the offer 225, the countries it contains are US and IT. I loop thru each offer and set the countries object equal to all the $allCountries id that it equals. The problem I have here is keyBy overwrites the value and only takes the last one. I am hoping to get some results like this:
225 => countries: {'id' => 225, 'country' => 'US'}, {'id' =>
'225', 'country' => 'IT'}
3304 => ['id' => 3304, 'country' => 'NZ'],
Is there a laravel method to do this, or do I need to write my own keyBy so it does not overwrite. If so, how can I get started to write this method?
Instead of using keyBy, use groupBy:
$countriesById = collect($allCountries)->groupBy('id');
You could use filter and create a custom filter
$filtered = $allCountries->filter(function ($item) use ($id) {
return $item->id == $id;

CakePHP: How to use Find method + AJAX request with possibly empty search parameters

I'm working with CakePHP v2.3.x and on an edit page I need to dynamically update the page with search results...
I'm making an AJAX call from one of my Views/Tests/admin_edit.php view page to a specific action in my QuestionsController.php.
Here's the action (so far) that handles the request:
public function admin_search() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$searchdata = $this->request->data;
$r = $this->Question->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Question.id' => $searchdata['id'])));
echo json_encode($r);
It currently only returns questions whose IDs match the one entered by the user, but the finished version will search several different fields. I know how to do this by adding additional key/value pairs to the conditions array. However, I don't know how to make those fields optional. What if the user enters the question name, but NOT the id, or visa versa? Is there a configuration so that CakePHP will ignore any empty field conditions?
Similarly, is there a way to set the operator so that, for example, I could match substrings or integer ranges? Update: I found this in the docs.
I would just remove any empty entries yourself first.
So let's say you have a $searchdata array with three optional fields, one of which is blank. First build your conditions array:
$searchdata = array("id" => 1, "name" => "", "type" => "foo");
$conditions = array('Question.id' => $searchdata['id'], 'Question.name' => $searchdata['name'], "Question.type" => $searchdata['type']);
(Or if you want to get fancy)
foreach($searchdata AS $key => $value) $conditions['Question.' . $key] = $value;
Now clean up $conditions, get rid of empty values:
$conditions = array_filter($conditions);
$r = $this->Question->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions));
See http://3v4l.org/JN6PA

CakePHP Merging date fields to the shortest

I have 2 dates (create, update) that i want to merge in a new column, selecting the newest date... how can I do it?
Here is the array creation:
$this->Message= array(
'fields' => array('Message.id','Message.type','Message.createdate','Message.updatedate'),
'conditions' => $cond);
$messages = $this->Message->find('all', $conditionsMessage);
Now I need another field (lets call it NewDate) Message.NewDate that gets the newest date from Message.createdate and Message.updatedate, so i can call it after in a view using $messages[NewDate]
Help plz...
It's not hard to loop over the array with something like
foreach($messages as $k => $m){
if(strtotime($m['Message']['updatedate']) > strtotime($m['Message']['createdate'])){
$messages[$k]['Message']['NewDate'] = $m['Message']['updatedate'];
$messages[$k]['Message']['NewDate'] = $m['Message']['createdate'];
I would think that your Message.updatedate would always be the newest date, so you could just select that. But assuming that's not the case for some reason, you can create a virtual field in your model:
public $virtualFields = array(
'NewDate' => "IF(Message.updatedate > Message.createdate, Message.updatedate, Message.createdate)"
This uses the MySQL IF() function. If you're not using MySQL you'd have to figure out how to do something similar with your database.
