Insert dynamic Object property names into Database - php

Alright so I have an insert query that I would like to run but the issue I am having is with getting object properties/values that I need to insert.
Say I have a query that looks like the one below.
$this->db->insert('tblitems_in', array(
'platform' => $item['Platform'],
'ram' => $item['RAM'],
'qty' => $item['qty'],
'rate' => number_format($item['rate'], 2, '.', ''),
'rel_id' => $insert_id,
'rel_type' => 'estimate',
'item_order' => $item['order'],
'unit' => $item['unit']
This works fine when the person chooses RAM on the webpage which sets the $item Objects property 'RAM' to the value that was picked. Now if they choose HardDrive, that properties name is now sent as 'HardDrive' with the value they chose. Is there a way that i Could replace the 'ram' and 'RAM' from the below example with a variable so I could change what the property name is that I would like to insert and insert into the corresponding db column?
I should have added that the options on the webpage are also dynamically created from a database so I do not know at the time of coding what the property names are. They could be RAM, HardDrive, Processor, maybe even Elephant. I was hoping I could use variables so that I could look at the DB used to create the webpage so that I know the property names and then dynamically add those names into the query.
Right now I am using the following code in order to get all the possible options that can be received from the webpage from a DB the webpages uses to create itself.
$plat_options = $this->db->get('tblplatform_options')->row()->name;
In the database right now it is only populated with names RAM and HardDrive to make things known for testing purposes. So this returns $plat_options = {RAM, HardDrive}. I now have to figure out how to test is $item has these(RAM and HardDrive) as properties and if $item does have them then add them into the query previously shown.

You can set an array of key => variable names, then loop over those values to see if they exist in the $item variable and, if so, add that value to the data to be inserted into the db:
//default array of data to insert
$data = [
'platform' => $item['Platform'],
'qty' => $item['qty'],
'rate' => number_format($item['rate'], 2, '.', ''),
'rel_id' => $insert_id,
'rel_type' => 'estimate',
'item_order' => $item['order'],
'unit' => $item['unit']
//Get column names from db
$plat_options = $this->db->get('tblplatform_options')->row()->name;
// $plat_options = [RAM, HardDrive]
//Check if $item[$name] exists. If it does, add that to the
// array of data to be inserted
foreach($plat_options as $key) {
if(array_key_exists($key, $item)) {
$data[$key] = $item[$key];
$this->db->insert('tblitems_in', $data);
I'm not sure this will work (I don't understand the use case).
It is possible, using array_diff_key to get a list of array keys that exist in $item but not in $data. With this array of keys, you can add the missing keys.
I have altered my previous code to demonstrate this.

You could create the array one element at a time based on whatever field data you received. I used a switch statement, but it could be a simple if/then/else as well.
$data_array = array();
$data_array['platform'] = $item['Platform']
switch($item['Object'] {
case 'HardDrive':
$data_array['harddrive'] = $item['HardDrive'];
case 'RAM':
$data_array['ram'] = $item['RAM'];
$data_array['qty'] = $item['qty'];
$data_array['rate' = number_format($item['rate'], 2, '.', '');
$data_array['rel_id'] = $insert_id;
$data_array['rel_type' = 'estimate';
$data_array['item_order'] = $item['order'];
$data_array['unit'] = $item['unit'];
$this->db->insert('tblitems_in', $data_array);


Array to string conversion error in Code Igniter when inserting array of data into table in database

I'm trying to insert an array of data into a table in database but an error said Array to string conversion error
This is the post function in my controller, first i post an array of data. The values of the array will be the names, and numbers, they are not id. The id is only kodejdwl. This will be pass to my model
function index_post() {
$data = array(
'kodejdwl' => $this->post('kodejdwl'),
'tahun_akad' => $this->post('kode_tahun_akad'),
'semester' => $this->post('semester'),
'mk' => $this->post('mk'),
'ruangan' => $this->post('ruangan'),
'nama_dosen' => $this->post('nama_dosen'),
'namakelas' => $this->post('nama_kelas'),
'jam_mulai' => $this->post('jam_mulai'),
'jam_selesai' => $this->post('jam_selesai'),
After the data from above code is passed to the model. I created some new variables which are the id of each the name of the value in the array data. e.g if the value of data['mk'] is Website then the id will be 1 and that id will be stored in variable $kodemk and i do it to each value in the data. Then i created new_data which stores array of the id's which i previously made. Then i insert that array into one table in my database. I thought it would be fine but it said Array to string conversion error. What should i do so i could insert that array into the table in my database?
public function insert($data){
$tahunakad_id = $this->db->get_where('tik.thn_akad',array('tahun_akad'=>$data['tahun_akad'],'semester_semester_nm'=>$data['semester']))->result();
$kode_mk = $this->db->get_where('tik.matakuliah',array('namamk'=>$data['mk']))->result();
$ruangan = $this->db->get_where('tik.ruangan', array('namaruang' => $data['ruangan']), 1)->result();
$nip_dosen = $this->db->get_where('tik.staff',array('nama'=>$data['nama_dosen']))->result();
$kodeklas = $this->db->get_where('tik.kelas',array('namaklas'=>$data['namakelas']))->result();
$kode_mk = $this->db->get_where('tik.wkt_kuliah',array('jam_mulai'=>$data['jam_mulai'],'jam_selesai'=>$data['jam_selesai']))->result();
$new_data = array(
'kodejdwl' => $data['kodejdwl'],
'thn_akad_thn_akad_id' => $tahunakad_id,
'matakuliah_kodemk' => $kode_mk,
'ruangan_namaruang' => $ruangan,
'staff_nip' => $nip_dosen,
'kelas_kodeklas' => $kodeklas,
$insert = $this->db->insert('tik.jadwal_kul', $new_data);
return $this->db->affected_rows();
You probably want to use row() instead of result() because it'll contain only one result that you want. If you want to use result() and store multiple values then you'll have to use implode to concatenate them and store it as a string.
I've written a possible solution for your problem; Some things were missing, so I've mentioned them in the comments. See if this helps you.
public function insert($data){
$tahunakad_id = $this->db->get_where('tik.thn_akad',array('tahun_akad'=>$data['tahun_akad'],'semester_semester_nm'=>$data['semester']))->row(); // use row here
$kode_mk = $this->db->get_where('tik.matakuliah',array('namamk'=>$data['mk']))->row();
// remove your_ruangan_column with your desired column name
$ruangan = $this->db->get_where('tik.ruangan', array('namaruang' => $data['ruangan']), 1)->row();
$nip_dosen = $this->db->get_where('tik.staff',array('nama'=>$data['nama_dosen']))->row();
$kodeklas = $this->db->get_where('tik.kelas',array('namaklas'=>$data['namakelas']))->row();
// Not sure where this ↓↓ is being used but you can use it the same way as others
// duplicate variable name here ↓↓ (fix this)
$kode_mk = $this->db->get_where('tik.wkt_kuliah',array('jam_mulai'=>$data['jam_mulai'],'jam_selesai'=>$data['jam_selesai']))->row();
$new_data = array(
'kodejdwl' => $data['kodejdwl'],
'thn_akad_thn_akad_id' => $tahunakad_id->thn_akad_id, // {$tahunakad_id} consists an object with the key {thn_akad_id}-- table_column_name
'matakuliah_kodemk' => $kode_mk->kodemk, // ...
'ruangan_namaruang' => $ruangan->your_ruangan_column, // ...
'staff_nip' => $nip_dosen->nip, // ...
'kelas_kodeklas' => $kodeklas->kodeklas // ...
$insert = $this->db->insert('tik.jadwal_kul', $new_data);
return $this->db->affected_rows();
Your are making a total of 7 separate trips to the database. Best practice recommends that you always minimize your trips to the database for best performance. The truth is that your task can be performed in a single trip to the database so long as you set up the correct INSERT query with SELECT subqueries.
I don't know what your non-English words are, so I will use generalized terms in my demo (I've tested this successfully in my own CI project). I am also going to reduce the total subqueries to 3 to reduce the redundance in my snippet.
$value1 = $this->db->select('columnA')->where('cond1', $val1)->get_compiled_select('childTableA');
$value2 = $this->db->select('columnB')->where('cond2', $val2)->get_compiled_select('childTableB');
$value3 = $this->db->select('columnC')->where('cond3', $val3)->get_compiled_select('childTableC');
return (int)$this->$db->query(
"INSERT INTO parentTable
(column1, column2, column1)
// to mirror your affected rows return... 1 will be returned on successful insert, or 0 on failure
Granted this isn't using the ActiveRecord technique to form the complete INSERT query, but this is because CI doesn't allow subqueries in the VALUES portion (say, if you were to use the set() method). I am guessing this is because different databases use differing syntax to form these kinds of INSERTs -- I don't know.
The bottom line is, so long as you are fetching a single column value from a single row on each of these sub-SELECTs, this single query will run faster and with far less code bloat than running N number of individual queries. Because all of the variables involved are injected into the sql string using get_compiled_select() the stability/security integrity should be the same.

How to get back lower case column names in Eloquent?

I am working with a database which has all uppercase snakecase column names and when I fetch them with eloquent I do something like:
foreach($data as $key => $item){
$data[$key] = array_change_key_case($item);
This makes the keys ie the column names to lower case, but it soon becomes inefficient since I need to nested arrays too like so:
foreach($tasks as $key => $task){
foreach($task['users'] as $innerKey => $user){
$task['users'][$innerKey] = array_change_key_case($user);
$tasks[$key] = array_change_key_case($task);
And I can't change the database. Is there a way I can make eloquent give me back the column names in lower case?
You can transform column names at the driver level using PDO attributes. To do so, set your Laravel connection options (in app/config/database.php) like so:
return array(
'connections' => array(
'mysql' => array(
'options' => array(
The default is PDO::CASE_NATURAL, which is why your code sees them as the database has them stored.
Update: If you are using MySQL, you might consider setting lower_case_table_names = 2, which tells the server:
If set to 2, table names are stored as given but compared in lowercase. This option also applies to database names and table aliases.
If override the getAttribute() method on your model you can transform the key before the call:
public function getAttribute($key)
$databaseColumn = implode('_', array_map('ucfirst', explode('_', $key)));
return parent::getAttribute($databaseColumn);
This will allow you to do $model->get_model_param and it will access $model->Get_Model_Param on the model.

QuickBase foreach insert

I'm having an issue using the Quickbase API to perform the following:
SELECT 1, 2, 3 FROM table AA that has column BB = 1
foreach record {
Insert 1, 2, 3 into table ZZ.
function add_children($opportunity_id) {
global $config;
$qbc = new QuickBase($_SESSION['qb_username'] ,
$xml = $qbc->do_query("{'" . $config['AA'] . "'.EX.''}", 0, 0, 'a', 0, '', '');
$records = array();
foreach($xml->record as $record) {
$r = array();
$r['record_id'] = $record->record_id_;
$r['account_number'] = $record->account_number;
$records[] = $r;
$xml = $qbc->add_record($records[]);
First, I'm assuming that you're using this PHP SDK by QuickbaseAdmirer There are a few potential problems with your code.
Double check that your constructor is correct. Unless you've modified it, the Quickbase constructor in the SDK (again that I'm assuming you're using) takes user name, password, xml, database id, and then token in that order. Whatever value is in $config['debug'] may be taken as the token and the value of $config['app_token'] may be taken as your realm. Also, $config['AA'] as used in the constructor should be a string of random seeming characters like "bbqn1y5qv". Here's the constructor in the SDK for reference:
public function __construct($un, $pw, $usexml = true, $db = '', $token
= '', $realm = '', $hours = '')
Your query $xml = $qbc->do_query("{'" . $config['AA'] . "'.EX.''}", 0, 0, 'a', 0, '', ''); is not returning any records because $config['AA'] is both being used as your DBID (in the constructor) and your field ID in the query. The DBID must be a string and the field ID must be an integer that corresponds to the field you're making the query for. For example, if you wanted to return records created today your query would be '{}' because 1 is always the field ID for date created. It's also not returning any records because the SDK requires queries be passed as an array of arrays. So, my records created today query needs to be rewritten as:
$query= array(
'fid' => '1',
'ev' => 'IR'),
'cri' => 'today'),
You'll also need to pass a string of period separated values to the clist parameter of the method or leave it blank for the table defaults. For example, if I wanted to get the date created and record ID for all records in this table sorted by date ascending, I would use this:
$query= array(
'fid' => '3',
'ev' => 'GT'),
'cri' => '0'),
$xml = $qbc->do_query($query, '', '', '1.3', '1', '', 'sortorder-A');
You can read up more on the Quickbase API, and do_query specifically, here
The add record API call takes pairs of field IDs and values. The SDK handles that by taking an array of arrays with 'fid' and 'value' pairs. Assuming you want to put the value of $record->record_id_ in field #37 and $record->account_number in field #30 your code should look like this:
foreach($xml->record as $record) {
$records= array(
'fid' => '37', //Whatever field you want to store the value to
'value' => $record->record_id_),
'fid' => '30',
'value' => $record->account_number),
$xml = $qbc->add_record($records);
Throw in a print_r($xml); at the end and you can see any response from Quickbase for debugging. You should get something like this for a success:
SimpleXMLElement Object ( [action] => API_AddRecord [errcode] => 0 [errtext] => No error [rid] => 81 [update_id] => 1436476140453 )
The way your code is presented, you may not get the results you expect. Your do query and add record method calls are performed on the same table and that isn't normally what someone would want. Usually, the goal is to perform a do query on one table and then use that data to add records in a different table. If that's the case, you'll need to change the database ID in your $qbc object before you preform the add record call. This is easy enough to do with $qbc->set_database_table('DBID'); where DBID is the target table ID (which should be a string of random seeming characters like "bbqn1y5qv").
Best of luck!

Database logging in Zend Framework 2: wrong "extra" column name

I want to save log entries to my MySQL database from Zend Framework 2. I am using Zend\Log\Logger with a Zend\Log\Writer\Db writer. By supplying the writer with an array, one can choose which columns to save what data to (e.g. timestamp into a "log_date" column) and which data to save. Here is what I am doing:
$logger = new Zend\Log\Logger();
$mapping = array(
'timestamp' => 'timestamp_column',
'priority' => 'priority_column',
'message' => 'message_column',
'extra' => 'extra_column'
$logger->addWriter(new Zend\Log\Writer\Db($dbAdapter, 'table_name', $mapping));
$logger->err('some message', array('some extra information'));
The problem I am facing is that the array of column names and their values contain an incorrect column name for the "extra" column. Based on the array above, it should be inserting the value "some extra information" into the "extra_column" column. The problem is that the Zend\Log\Writer\Db class is using the letter "e" as the name of the extra column. This comes from the first letter of "extra_column" in my array above. For some reason, it is taking the first letter of "extra_column" and using it as the column name instead of the entire value.
I took a look at the source code. The mapEventIntoColumn method is being used to get the column names and values as an array. I copied in the relevant part of the method below.
// Example:
// $event = array('extra' => array(0 => 'some extra information'));
// $columnMap = array('extra' => 'extra_column');
// Return: array('e' => 'some extra information')
// Expected (without looking at the code below): array('extra_column' => 'some extra information')
protected function mapEventIntoColumn(array $event, array $columnMap = null) {
$data = array();
foreach ($event as $name => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $key => $subvalue) {
if (isset($columnMap[$name][$key])) {
$data[$columnMap[$name][$key]] = $subvalue;
return $data;
The $event parameter is an array containing the same keys as my $mapping array in my first code snippet and the values for the log message. The $columnMap parameter is the $mapping array from my first code snippet (array values are column names).
What actually seems to happen is that because I am passing in extra information as an array (this is required), the inner foreach loop is executed. Here, $key is 0 (the index) so it is actually doing like this: $columnMap['extra'][0]. This gives the letter "e" (the first letter in "extra_column"), which is used as the column name, where it should be the entire column name instead.
I tried to supply my own key in the extra array when calling the log method, but the same happens. The official documentation shows no examples of usage of the extra parameter. I want to insert information that can help me debug errors into my table, so I would like to use it.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? It seems really strange to me! I hope I explained it well enough - it is quite tricky!
Since Daniel M has not yet posted his comment as an answer, I will refer you to his comment which solved the problem.

$this->Model->id not working before saveAll in CakePHP

I have the following code in CakePHP 2:
$this->Order->id = 5;
'Order' => array(
'person_id' => $this->Session->read(''),
'amount' => $total,
'currency_id' => $code
'Lineitem' => $lineitems /* a correctly-formatted array */
I would expect this to update the row with the Primary Key of 5 in the Order table and then insert the Lineitem rows with an order_id of 5.
However, all it does is create a new row in Order and then use the new id from the new Order record to create the Listitem rows.
Note: I'm only setting the ID as above for debugging purposes and to easily demonstrate this question. In my final code, I'll be checking to see if there's already a pending order with the current person_id and doing $this->Order->id = $var; if there is and $this->Order->create(); if there isn't.
In other words, sometimes I will want it to INSERT (in which case I will issue $this->Order->create(); ) and sometimes I will want it to UPDATE (in which case I will issue $this->Order->id = $var; ). The test case above should produce an UPDATE but it's producing an INSERT instead.
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
The array you pass to Model->saveAll() doesnt't contain the order's id, so Cake creates a new one. If you wanto to update an existing record, either you set the order id in the passed array, or you retrieve it with a find. The documentation explicitly remarks
If you want to update a value, rather than create a new one, make sure
your are passing the primary key field into the data array
$order = $this->Order->findById(5);
// ... modify $order if needed
$this->Order->saveAll(array('Order' => $order, 'LineItem' => $items));
In your case, you may want to use something like the following to be as concise as possible. Model::saveAssociated() is smart enough to create or update depending on the id, but you must provide suitable input. Model::read($fields, $id) initializes the internal $data: for an existing record all fields will be read from the database, but for a nonexistent id, you'll need to supply the correct data for it to succeed. Assuming an order belongsTo a customer, I supply the customer id if the order doesn't exist
// set the internal Model::$data['Order']
$this->Order->read(null, 5);
// You may want to supply needed information to create
// a new order if it doesn't exist, like the customer
if (! $this->Order->exists()) {
$this->Order->set(array("Customer" => array("id" => $customer_id)));
$this->Order->set(array('LineItem' => $items));
As a final note, it seems you are implementing a shopping cart. If that's the case, maybe it'd be clearer to use a separate ShoppingCart instead of an Order with a finalized flag.
Have you tried following:
'Order' => array(
'id' => 5,
'person_id' => $this->Session->read(''),
'amount' => $total,
'currency_id' => $code
'Lineitem' => $lineitems /* a correctly-formatted array */
Its pretty much the same what you did with :
$this->Order->id = 5;
Maybe that would fix your problem.
Cake is checking if you set id field and if its there it updates record, if not found it creates new record instead.
Then maybe check before you saveAll if there is id field, then save result of check to some boolean and create array to save determined by this boolean for example:
if($id_exist) $order['Order']['id'] = 5;
$order['Order']['id'] = 5;
$order['Order']['person_id'] = $this->Session->read(''),
$order['Order']['amount'] = $total;
$order['Order']['currency_id'] = $code;
'Order' => $order,
'Lineitem' => $lineitems /* a correctly-formatted array */
