I have a variable and I want to update the value in the controller and render a part of the page based on the value.
This works very well in the first time but the variable doesn't get the value, stay with the first. Here my code:
public function actionCreate()
$model=new CadTeste;
<div id="data">
<?php $this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', array('teste'=>$teste)); ?>
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Alterar Num',CController::createUrl('CadTeste/UpdateAjax'),
'data' => array('teste'=> $teste),
'update' => '#data'
); ?>
The Controler
public function actionUpdateAjax()
$teste = $_POST['teste'];
$teste += 10;
$this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', array('teste'=>$teste), false, true);
And the _ajaxContent
<?php echo $teste; ?>
Every time I click on the button I get the value "11" instead of "11, 21, 31, 41".
How can I do that? Should I change the value every time in the controller?
Try Using Sessions . This Works for me
View File
<?php Yii::app()->session['teste']=$teste ?>
<div id='data'>
<?php $this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', array('teste'=>$teste)); ?>
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Alterar Num',$this->createUrl('CadTeste/UpdateAjax'),
// 'data' => array('teste'=> $teste),
'update' => '#data'
); ?>
Your Controller
public function actionUpdateAjax()
$teste = Yii::app()->session['teste'];
$teste += 10;
$this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', array('teste'=>$teste));
And Your Model As it Is
public function actionCreate()
$model=new CadTeste;
Not sure if this is your problem, but renderPartial() does not play well with AJAX. It is a known Yii issue:
Try using this for the view:
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Alterar Num',CController::createUrl('CadTeste/UpdateAjax',array('teste'=>$teste)),
'update' => '#data'
); ?>
This for the controller:
public function actionUpdateAjax($teste)
$teste += 10;
$this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', array('teste'=>$teste));
This way you can POST to action/ajaxupdate/teste/1
Its called Parameter Binding, the parameter in $teste is populated automatically from the url, if it's not present, it will give you an error. (You could put a default value $teste=1 to make it optional)
I am new to yii. I have a dependent dropdown, my problem is that in dependent dropdown when someone is editing, while editing the dropdown is not automatically selected.
Here is my form code:
<div class="row">
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('courseDropdown','jQuery(function($) {
');//write this code on _form.php file
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'Subjectid'); ?>
$sub = CHtml::listData(Subject::model()->findAll(array("condition"=>"School_Id='$School' and Status=1")),'Subjectid','SubjectName');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model,'Subjectid',CHtml::listData(Subject::model()->findAll(array("condition"=>"School_Id='$School' and Status=1")),'Subjectid','SubjectName'),
'empty'=>'--Select a Subject--',
'ajax' => array(
'type'=>'POST', //request type
'url'=>CController::createUrl('Timetable/subjectid'), //url to call.
'data'=>array('Subjectid'=>'js: $(this).val()'),
'update'=>'#CourseId', //selector to update
echo $form->error($model,'Subjectid');
echo $form->labelEx($model,'CourseId');
echo CHtml::dropDownList('CourseId','', array(), array('empty' => '-- Select a Course --'));
echo $form->error($model,'CourseId');
This is my controller action
public function actionSubjectid()
$subject = Subject::model()->findByPk($subjectid);
$data = Subjectcourse::model()->findAll(array("order"=>"CourseName ASC", "select"=>"CourseId,CourseName","condition" => "SubjectId='$subjectid' AND Status=1 AND School_Id='$SchoolId'"));
$data=array('empty'=>'-- Select a Course --') +CHtml::listData($data,'CourseId','CourseName');
foreach($data as $value=>$name)
echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value'=>$value),CHtml::encode($name),true);
This is my action update
public function actionUpdate($id)
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
As your second drop down will only work when a change event occurs in your first drop down, you can trigger this event when the page loads, something like this:
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('courseDropdown','jQuery(function($) {
');//write this code on _form.php file
Edit: Alternatively, you could populate the second dropdown by querying data from the value of first dropdown:
if(!$model->isNewRecord) {
$courseArr = Chtml::listData(Subjectcourse::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('SubjectId'=>$model->Subjectid)), 'CourseId','CourseName'); //your query, modify according to need
} else {
$courseArr = array();
echo $form->labelEx($model,'CourseId');
echo CHtml::dropDownList('CourseId','', $courseArr, array('empty' => '-- Select a Course --'));
echo $form->error($model,'CourseId');
I have the following view named 'findreseller.php':
$countries = CHtml::listData(Country::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name');
echo CHtml::dropdownlist('find_reseller', '', $countries,
'update' =>'#data',
<div id="data">
<?php $this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider))?>
_ajaxContent just echoes the result, nothing special there...
The dropdown, as you can see is generated with CHtml because I dont't need a form. I just need an onChange event to do something...
As per the code that follows, in '/webcare/reseller/loadAjaxData' I have:
public function actionLoadAjaxData() {
$country = $_POST['find_reseller'];
//do something...
$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($country_reseller);
$this->render('findreseller', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider));
I can tell that I am missing something, but I am not sure what exactly.
Modified like this:
$countries = CHtml::listData(Country::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name');
echo CHtml::dropdownlist('find_reseller', '', $countries,
'ajax' => array(
'type'=>'POST', //request type
'url'=>CController::createUrl('/webcare/reseller/loadAjaxData'), //url to call.
//Style: CController::createUrl('currentController/methodToCall')
'update'=>'#city_id', //selector to update
'data'=>'js: $(this).val()',
//leave out the data key to pass all form values through
//empty since it will be filled by the other dropdown
echo CHtml::dropDownList('city_id','', array());
<div id="data">
<?php $this->renderPartial('_ajaxContent', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider))?>
And now I get:
And I have the following controller action:
public function actionLoadAjaxData() {
$country = $_POST['country_id'];
$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($country_reseller);
$data = User::model()->findAll('country_id=:country_id AND reseller=:reseller',
array(':country_id'=>(int) $_POST['country_id'], ':reseller'=>1));
foreach($data as $value=>$name)
echo CHtml::tag('option',
$this->render('action_name', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider));
Edit 2
If I write a die in actionLoadAjaxData(), right at the beginning, the method is loaded fine, the action is ok and the server answers 200.
I have a view section in my project,and using CGridView to list all the data from table,also have an edit and delete option within the grid to edit and delete specific row.
I am stuck with the edit section.I am working on how to get a specific row data dispalyed in editjob.php,I have done a few things,but no use.My codes are as follows,
In my view job section using CgridView,
'buttons' =>array('update'=>array(
In Model UpdateJob:
public function edit()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
return new CActiveDataProvider('viewjob', array(
// 'sort'=>array(
// 'defaultOrder'=>'key_skills ASC',
// ),
in controller:
public function actionUpdateJob()
$model = new UpdateJob('edit');
$params = array('model' => $model,'id' => $id //passing the id like this
$this->render('update', $params);
And finaly in view written something like ,but showing error
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'Company Name'); ?>
<?php echo Chtml::textField('posted_by',UpdateJob::model()->FindByPk($model->id)->posted_by); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'posted_by'); ?>
am I on right track.
Youre loading a fresh model instead of fetching an existing one. Replace this line:
$model = new UpdateJob('edit');
By this line:
$model = UpdateJob::model()->findByPk($id);
To save the data you do this:
if(isset($_POST['UpdateJob'])) {
There is two actions in the controller:
public function actionCProfile()
$model->scenario = 'updateProfile';
And CPass:
public function actionCPass()
$model = $this->loadModel(Yii::app()->user->id);
$model->scenario = 'CPass';
$model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
And three view files:
$cs = Yii::app()->clientScript;
$url = Yii::app()->getBaseUrl().'/js/upanel.js';
<div id='user-profile-menu'>
<li><?php echo CHtml::link('profile',Yii::app()->createUrl('/upanel/user/CProfile'),array('id'=>'profile-change-link')) ?></li>
<li><?php echo CHtml::link('change email',Yii::app()->createUrl('/upanel/user/CPass'),array('id'=>'pass-change-link')) ?></li>
<div id='container'>
<?php $this->renderPartial($form,array('model'=>$model)); ?>
<div class="form" >
$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm',array(
'action' => 'index.php?r=upanel/user/cprofile',
'method' => 'post',
<div class="row">
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('update',$url,
<?php $this->endWidget() ?>
<?php echo $form->errorSummary($model,'resolve following errors: ') ?>
<div class="form">
$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm',array(
'enableAjaxValidation' => 'true',
'action' => Yii::app()->createUrl('upanel/user/CPass'),
'method' => 'POST',
'clientOptions' => array(
'validateOnSubmit' => true,
'validateOnChange' => true,
'validateOnType' => false,
<div class="row">
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('update',$url,
<?php $this->endWidget() ?>
</div> <!-- End Password Form -->
<?php echo $form->errorSummary($model) ?>
*Edit #1: *
See, i have a view page named update.php that in this page there is two links:
<div id='user-profile-menu'>
<li><?php echo CHtml::link('profile',Yii::app()->createUrl('/upanel/user/CProfile'),array('id'=>'profile-change-link')) ?></li>
<li><?php echo CHtml::link('Change Password',Yii::app()->createUrl('/upanel/user/CPass'),array('id'=>'pass-change-link')) ?></li>
The following JQuery code runs exsist actions in controller, that result is a renderpartial() one of these view files: _cpass.php or _profile.php
var link = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
var link = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
In the controller CProfile action defined as default action. with this action there is no any problem in which of POST and Ajax methods.
But main problem: after that _cpass.php view replaced with _profile and have send the exist form in the _profile to CPass action for processing encountered with problem.
The problem is this:
Output of following code as expected is 1:
public function actionCPass()
$model = $this->loadModel(Yii::app()->user->id);
$model->scenario = 'CPass';
if (1==1)
But output of following code is not that thing we expected. Returned value is a renderpartial() of _profile view. while there is no any related code about _cprofile view in CPass action code!
public function actionCPass()
$model = $this->loadModel(Yii::app()->user->id);
$model->scenario = 'CPass';
$model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
Output of above code:
<div class="form" >
<form id="change-profile-form" action="index.php?r=upanel/user/cprofile" method="post">
<div class="row">
<input id="update-button" class="submit-button" type="submit" name="yt0" value="update" /> </div>
</div> <!-- End The Profile Form -->
<div id="change-profile-form_es_" class="errorSummary" style="display:none">resole following errors:
Now understand what is the issue? The problem there is only with Ajax request and when disabled the javascript in the browser the CPass action acts truly.
Excuseme if firstly explained very bad.
Thanks friends
*Edit #2: *
When debugging with Firebug i noticed that snippet of JQuery code didn't change.
When firstly in default action of controller this code:
be run following JQuery code will create: (As you know following code is related to CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton)
$('body').on('click','#update-button',function(){jQuery.ajax({'type':'POST','data':$('#change-profile-form').serialize(),'success':callback,'beforeSend':before,'url':'/x/index.php?r=upanel/user/CProfile','cache':false});return false;});
So when _cpass view renders with renderpartial() method in CPass action, the above JQuery code must be changed but will not change. I guess it must be the following code:
$('body').on('click','#update-button',function(){jQuery.ajax({'type':'POST','data':$('#change-cpass-form').serialize(),'success':callback,'beforeSend':before,'url':'/x/index.php?r=upanel/user/CPass','cache':false});return false;});
So my problem is with JQuery code generated for CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton. Can anyone help me?
With applying uniqueId for ajaxSubmitButton and setting CController::processOutput() to True in Controller Action solved.
Summary Code:
public function actionCPass()
$model = $this->loadModel(Yii::app()->user->id);
$model->scenario = 'CPass';
$model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(
Rename one/both of your button ids. This means the event handlers will be attached to different buttons.
Use renderPartial('view.path',array(parameter_array),false,true); when returning a view via Ajax. The last parameter of CController::renderPartial() calls CController::processOutput() which inserts the required client scripts at appropriate places.
I think I understand your problem, you are wondering why the page does not have the surrounding <div id='profile-container'> and </div>.
I think this may have something to do with the render functions only being able to run once per view called (so it only renders the inside view), you can test this by removing the renderPartial from the update page and see if it prints the blank div.
One way you could get around this is to instead of doing the two renders, always call each page (even in the ajax requests) but pass an extra attribute if it was an ajax request. Then on each of the pages begin and end a custom widget that contains the surrounding template you want on those pages (or just write it in manually).
public function actionCProfile()
// ... same as your example
$this->renderPartial('_cprofile',array('model'=>$model, 'wasAjax'=>false));
} else {
$this->renderPartial('_cprofile',array('model'=>$model, 'wasAjax'=>true));
then in your view just check if wasAjax is true, if it is then print the surrounding div (or extra elements). If this is big or could change later on, put it in a custom widget.
I need to understand how to build Ajax request in Yii. I searched on the Yii website and found the following article :
I wrote the code and I tested it on my localhost ? but for some reason it did not work.
For a first attempt I only wanted to do something simple. I wanted to print the result of another action on my page by using Ajax. The text that I want to be displayed is 'Hi'.
This is how mu code looks like for that action:
/* #var $this CurrentController */
<div class="form">
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
)); ?>
echo CHtml::dropDownList('country_id','', array(1=>'USA',2=>'France',3=>'Japan'),
'ajax' => array(
'type'=>'POST', //request type
'url'=>CController::createUrl('currentController/dynamiccities'), //url to call.
//Style: CController::createUrl('currentController/methodToCall')
'update'=>'#city_id', //selector to update
//'data'=>'js:javascript statement'
//leave out the data key to pass all form values through
//empty since it will be filled by the other dropdown
echo CHtml::dropDownList('city_id','', array());
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
</div><!-- form -->
class CurrentController extends Controller
public function accessRules()
return array(
array('allow', // allow authenticated user to perform 'create' and 'update' actions
public $country_id;
public function actionIndex()
public function actionDynamiccities() /// Called Ajax
echo CHtml::tag('option',
Unfortunately I'm not getting the desired result. What I get is:
drowpdown list contains country array.
another drowpdown list but empty ?!
How should I fix my example code so it would work? Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
echo CHtml::dropDownList('city_id','', array());
use id as
echo CHtml::dropDownList('city_id','', array('id'=>'city_id'));