PHP recently viewed script to session array - php

I've been given this bit of code:
if(isset($_GET['viewevent'])) {
if(count($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) == 0) {
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0] = $_GET['viewevent'];
} else if(!in_array($_GET['viewevent'], $_SESSION['e_lastviewed'])) {
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][2] = $_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][1];
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][1] = $_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0];
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0] = $_GET['viewevent'];
if($_GET['show']) {
$_SESSION['show'] = $_GET['show'];
} else if($_SESSION['show']=='') {
$_SESSION['show'] = "all";
It apparently saves ID's of recently viewed items, so i need to put these id's into an array.
Would this work?
$my_array = array($_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][2],$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][1],$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0]);
I've ran it but it displays blank results (not sure if thats due to me not doing it right or incomplete code...Have i missed something? I'm not sure if i completley understand the script i was given...

try this:
if ( !isset($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) )
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'] = array();
// alt: while(count($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) > 2 ) {
if(count($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) > 2 ) {
array_shift($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']); // drop off from 3
array_unshift($_SESSION['e_lastviewed'],$_GET['viewevent']); // insert in the beginning
if($_GET['show']) {
$_SESSION['show'] = $_GET['show'];
} else if($_SESSION['show']=='') {
$_SESSION['show'] = "all";


assign variable if condition match in for loop

Suppose I have an array with ie. $user_all_activity in code, i must check 5 activity in 10 minute(which is done by getDifference(),which return true is condition matches).If condition matched the condition,now i must check 5 activity in 10 minute after the condition matched.And this will be repeated several times.I put some late night programming here.
//$$user_all_activity take all activity of user A
if(!$user_all_activity == NULL)
$size = sizeof($user_all_activity);
//$prev_array = array();
for( $i=0; $i<$size-1;$i++)
$prev_array = $user_all_activity[$i-4];
$current_array = $user_all_activity[$i];
//get difference check for difference 10
echo "Table update at id ".$current_array['id']." </br>";
The problem for me when condition matched.I must check again the same thing.May be good to use recursive.Sorry for not explaining the problem before.Hope you get the question.Thanks
Set a variable, and then check it later.
if($user_all_activity != NULL)
$size = sizeof($user_all_activity);
$difference_found = false;
for( $i=0; $i<$size-1;$i++)
$prev_array = $user_all_activity[$i-4];
$current_array = $user_all_activity[$i];
//get difference check for difference 10
echo "Table update at id ".$current_array['id']." </br>";
$difference_found = true;
if ($difference_found) {
// do something

GET Multiple MySQL Rows, Form PHP Variables, and Put Into Json Encoded Array

I am trying to GET different rows from different columns in php/mysql, and pack them into an array. I am able to successfully GET a jason encoded array back IF all values in the GET string match. However, if there is no match, the code echos 'no match', and without the array. I know this is because of the way my code is formatted. What I would like help figuring out, is how to format my code so that it just displays "null" in the array for the match it couldn't find.
Here is my code:
include '../db/dbcon.php';
$res = $mysqli->query($q1) or trigger_error($mysqli->error."[$q1]");
if ($res) {
if($res->num_rows === 0)
echo json_encode($fbaddra);
while($row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
if($_GET['a'] == "fbaddra") {
if ($row['facebook'] === $_GET['facebook']) {
$fbaddr = $row['addr'];
} else {
$fbaddr = null;
if ($row['facebookp'] === $_GET['facebookp']) {
$fbpaddr = $row['addr'];
} else {
$fbpaddr = null;
$fbaddra = (array('facebook' => $fbaddr, 'facebookp' => $fbpaddr));
echo json_encode($fbaddra);
UPDATE: The GET Request
I would like the GET request below to return the full array, with whatever value that didn't match as 'null' inside the array.
The GET above currently returns null.
Requests that work: or
These requests return the full array with the values that match, or null for the values that don't.
I need assistance figuring out how to format code to give back the full array with a value of 'null' for no match found in a row.
rather than assigning as 'null' assign null. Your full code as follows :
include '../db/dbcon.php';
$res = $mysqli->query($q1) or trigger_error($mysqli->error."[$q1]");
if ($res) {
if($res->num_rows === 0)
echo json_encode('no match');
while($row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
if($_GET['a'] == "fbaddra") {
if ($row['facebook'] === $_GET['facebook']) {
$fbaddr = $row['dogeaddr'];
//echo json_encode($row['dogeaddr']);
} else {
$fpaddr = null;
if ($row['facebookp'] === $_GET['facebookp']) {
$fbpaddr = $row['dogeaddr'];
//echo json_encode($row['dogeaddr']);
} else {
$fbpaddr = null;
$fbaddra = (array('facebook' => $fbaddr, 'facebookp' => $fbpaddr));
echo json_encode($fbaddra);
You can even leave else part altogether.
Check your code in this fragment you not use same names for variables:
if ($row['facebook'] === $_GET['facebook']) {
$fbaddr = $row['dogeaddr'];
//echo json_encode($row['dogeaddr']);
} else {
$fpaddr = 'null';
$fbaddr not is same as $fpaddr, this assign wrong result to if statement.
It was the mysql query that was the problem.
For those who come across this, and need something similar, you'll need to format your query like this:
$gq = $mysqli->real_escape_string($g);
$q1 = "SELECT * FROM `addrbook` WHERE `facebookp` = '".$gq."' OR `facebook` = '".$gq."'";
** PHP CODE **
echo json_encode($row['addr']);

php validation from array form

I have a code like this
First looping count how many post the array:
for($i = 0; $i < $jumlah_qty ;$i++) {
if(!empty($qty[$i]) && !empty($id_cat[$i])) {
Insert booking:
$insert_booking_hd = $user_class->select($az);
$id_cates = $id_cat[$i];
for($b = 0;$b<$qty[$i];$b++) {
First validation if $_POST[$id_cates) is set run this code:
$id_seat = $_POST[$id_cates."".$b];
Find the seat number in $select_seat and find if seat number is exist in $seat_number:
$select_seat = $user_class->select($query);
$seat_number = $user_class->select($querys);
$row_seat = $user_class->numrows($select_seat);
$row_seat2 = $user_class->numrows($seat_number);
if($row_seat>0) {
$update_seat = $user_class->update($update_false);
$bol[$b] = FALSE;
} else {
if( $row_seat2>0 ) {
$insert_booking_dt = $user_class->insert($insert);
$update_seat = $user_class->update($update_true);
$bol[$b] = TRUE;
} else {
$bol[$b] = FALSE;
} else {
$insert_booking_dt = $user_class->insert($insert_without_seat);
$bol[$b] = TRUE;
if($bol[$b]) {
echo "FALSE";
else {
echo "WRONG";
header("location:../../../event.php?msg=Same seat number");
Anything wrong with my php validation?
Because if I input array of $id_seat it will always redirect to print.php although validation is FALSE
for example if I input 3 array and then I echo FALSE WRONG FALSE FALSE
still redirect to print.php not to event.php
How can I read if one of array is get WRONG and then redirect to event.php?
How can I read if one of array is get WRONG and then redirect to event.php?
You may break out of for-loops.
Instead of:
else {
echo "WRONG";
header("location:../../../event.php?msg=Same seat number");
You could try:
else {
echo "WRONG";
header("location:../../../event.php?msg=Same seat number");
break 2;

silverstripe, how to use the doPublish()

I am working with SilverStripe, and I am working on making a newspage.
I use the DataObjectAsPage Module( ), I got it working when I use the admin to publish newsitems.
Now I want to use the DataObjectManager Module instead of the admin module to manage my news items. But this is where the problem exists. Everything works fine in draft mode, I can make a new newsitem and it shows up in draft. But when I want to publish a newsitem, it won't show up in the live or published mode.
I'm using the following tables:
-Dataobjectaspage table,
-Dataobjectaspage_live table,
-NewsArticle table,
-NewsArticle_Live table
The Articles have been inserted while publishing in the Dataobjectaspage table and in the NewsArticle table... But not in the _Live tables...
Seems the doPublish() function hasn't been used while 'Publishing'.
So I'm trying the use the following:
function onAfterWrite() {
But when I use this, it gets an error:
here is this picture
It seems to be in a loop....
I've got the NewsArticle.php file where I use this function:
function onAfterWrite() {
This function calls the DataObjectAsPage.php file and uses this code:
function doPublish() {
if (!$this->canPublish()) return false;
$original = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("DataObjectAsPage", "Live", "\"DataObjectAsPage\".\"ID\" = $this->ID");
if(!$original) $original = new DataObjectAsPage();
// Handle activities undertaken by decorators
$this->invokeWithExtensions('onBeforePublish', $original);
$this->Status = "Published";
//$this->PublishedByID = Member::currentUser()->ID;
$this->publish("Stage", "Live");
// Handle activities undertaken by decorators
$this->invokeWithExtensions('onAfterPublish', $original);
return true;
And then it goes to DataObject.php file and uses the write function ():
public function write($showDebug = false, $forceInsert = false, $forceWrite = false, $writeComponents = false) {
$firstWrite = false;
$this->brokenOnWrite = true;
$isNewRecord = false;
if(self::get_validation_enabled()) {
$valid = $this->validate();
if(!$valid->valid()) {
// Used by DODs to clean up after themselves, eg, Versioned
throw new ValidationException($valid, "Validation error writing a $this->class object: " . $valid->message() . ". Object not written.", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if($this->brokenOnWrite) {
user_error("$this->class has a broken onBeforeWrite() function. Make sure that you call parent::onBeforeWrite().", E_USER_ERROR);
// New record = everything has changed
if(($this->ID && is_numeric($this->ID)) && !$forceInsert) {
$dbCommand = 'update';
// Update the changed array with references to changed obj-fields
foreach($this->record as $k => $v) {
if(is_object($v) && method_exists($v, 'isChanged') && $v->isChanged()) {
$this->changed[$k] = true;
} else{
$dbCommand = 'insert';
$this->changed = array();
foreach($this->record as $k => $v) {
$this->changed[$k] = 2;
$firstWrite = true;
// No changes made
if($this->changed) {
foreach($this->getClassAncestry() as $ancestor) {
$ancestry[] = $ancestor;
// Look for some changes to make
if(!$forceInsert) unset($this->changed['ID']);
$hasChanges = false;
foreach($this->changed as $fieldName => $changed) {
if($changed) {
$hasChanges = true;
if($hasChanges || $forceWrite || !$this->record['ID']) {
// New records have their insert into the base data table done first, so that they can pass the
// generated primary key on to the rest of the manipulation
$baseTable = $ancestry[0];
if((!isset($this->record['ID']) || !$this->record['ID']) && isset($ancestry[0])) {
DB::query("INSERT INTO \"{$baseTable}\" (\"Created\") VALUES (" . DB::getConn()->now() . ")");
$this->record['ID'] = DB::getGeneratedID($baseTable);
$this->changed['ID'] = 2;
$isNewRecord = true;
// Divvy up field saving into a number of database manipulations
$manipulation = array();
if(isset($ancestry) && is_array($ancestry)) {
foreach($ancestry as $idx => $class) {
$classSingleton = singleton($class);
foreach($this->record as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
if(isset($this->changed[$fieldName]) && $this->changed[$fieldName] && $fieldType = $classSingleton->hasOwnTableDatabaseField($fieldName)) {
$fieldObj = $this->dbObject($fieldName);
if(!isset($manipulation[$class])) $manipulation[$class] = array();
// if database column doesn't correlate to a DBField instance...
if(!$fieldObj) {
$fieldObj = DBField::create('Varchar', $this->record[$fieldName], $fieldName);
// Both CompositeDBFields and regular fields need to be repopulated
$fieldObj->setValue($this->record[$fieldName], $this->record);
if($class != $baseTable || $fieldName!='ID')
// Add the class name to the base object
if($idx == 0) {
$manipulation[$class]['fields']["LastEdited"] = "'".SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822()."'";
if($dbCommand == 'insert') {
$manipulation[$class]['fields']["Created"] = "'".SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822()."'";
//echo "<li>$this->class - " .get_class($this);
$manipulation[$class]['fields']["ClassName"] = "'$this->class'";
// In cases where there are no fields, this 'stub' will get picked up on
if(self::has_own_table($class)) {
$manipulation[$class]['command'] = $dbCommand;
$manipulation[$class]['id'] = $this->record['ID'];
} else {
$this->extend('augmentWrite', $manipulation);
// New records have their insert into the base data table done first, so that they can pass the
// generated ID on to the rest of the manipulation
if(isset($isNewRecord) && $isNewRecord && isset($manipulation[$baseTable])) {
$manipulation[$baseTable]['command'] = 'update';
if(isset($isNewRecord) && $isNewRecord) {
} else {
$this->changed = null;
} elseif ( $showDebug ) {
echo "<b>Debug:</b> no changes for DataObject<br />";
// Used by DODs to clean up after themselves, eg, Versioned
// Clears the cache for this object so get_one returns the correct object.
if(!isset($this->record['Created'])) {
$this->record['Created'] = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822();
$this->record['LastEdited'] = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822();
} else {
// Used by DODs to clean up after themselves, eg, Versioned
// Write ComponentSets as necessary
if($writeComponents) {
return $this->record['ID'];
Look at the $this->onAfterWrite();
It probably goes to my own function on NewsArticle.php and there starts the loop! I'm not sure though, so i could need some help!!
Does anyone knows how to use the doPublish() function?
The reason that is happening is that in the DataObjectAsPage::publish() method, it is calling ->write() - line 11 of your 3rd code sample.
So what happens is it calls ->write(), at the end of ->write() your onAfterWrite() method is called, which calls publish(), which calls write() again.
If you remove the onAfterWrite() function that you've added, it should work as expected.
The doPublish() method on DataObjectAsPage will take care of publishing from Stage to Live for you.

Is there a piece of public code available to create a page index using PHP?

I have a MySQL table holding lots of records that i want to give the user access to. I don't want to dump the entire table to the page so i need to break it up into 25 records at a time, so i need a page index. You have probably seen these on other pages, they kind of look like this at the base of the page:
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >
For example, when the user clicks on the '4' link, the page refreshes and the offset is moved on (4th page x 25 records). Here is what i already have:
function CreatePageIndex($ItemsPerPage, $TotalNumberOfItems, $CurrentOffset, $URL, $URLArguments = array())
foreach($URLArguments as $Key => $Value)
if($FirstIndexDone == false)
$URL .= sprintf("?%s=%s", $Key, $Value);
$FirstIndexDone = true;
$URL .= sprintf("&%s=%s", $Key, $Value);
Print("<div id=\"ResultsNavigation\">");
Print("Page: ");
Print("<span class=\"Links\">");
$NumberOfPages = ceil($TotalNumberOfItems / $ItemsPerPage);
for($x = 0; $x < $NumberOfPages; $x++)
if($x == $CurrentOffset / $ItemsPerPage)
Print("<span class=\"Selected\">".($x + 1)." </span>");
Print("".($x + 1)." ");
Print("".($x + 1)." ");
Print(" (".$TotalNumberOfItems." results)");
Obviously this piece of code does not create a dynamic index, it just dumps the whole index at the bottom of the page for every page available. What i need is a dynamic solution that only shows the previous 5 pages and next 5 pages (if they exist) along with a >> or something to move ahead 5 or so pages.
Anybody seen an elegant and reusable way of implementing this as i feel i'm re-inventing the wheel? Any help is appreciated.
Zend Framework is becoming a useful collection and includes a Zend_Paginator class, which might be worth a look. Bit of a learning curve and might only be worth it if you want to invest the time in using other classes from the framework.
It's not too hard to roll your own though. Get a total count of records with a COUNT(*) query, then obtain a page of results with a LIMIT clause.
For example, if you want 20 items per page, page 1 would have LIMIT 0,20 while page 2 would be LIMIT 20,20, for example
$currentpage=min(max($currentpage, 1),$totalpages);
$limit="LIMIT $offset,$pagesize";
It's called Pagination:
a few examples:
A nice one without SQL
A long tutorial
Another tutorial
And Another
And of course.. google
How about this jQuery-plugin?
So all the work is done on the clientside.
Heres an old class I dug out that I used to use in PHP. Now I handle most of it in Javascript. The object takes an array (that you are using to split the stack into pages) and return the current view. This can become tedious on giant tables so keep that in mind. I generally use it for paging through small data sets of under 1000 items. It can also optionally generate your jump menu for you.
class pagination {
function pageTotal($resultCount, $splitCount) {
if (is_numeric($resultCount) && is_numeric($splitCount)) {
if ($resultCount > $splitCount) {
$pageAverage = (integer)$resultCount / $splitCount;
$pageTotal = ceil($pageAverage);
return $pageTotal;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
return false;
function pageTotalFromStack($resultArray, $splitCount) {
if (is_numeric($splitCount) && is_array($resultStack)) {
if (count($resultStack) > $splitCount) {
$resultCount = count($resultStack);
$pageAverage = (integer)$resultCount / $splitCount;
$pageTotal = ceil($pageAverage);
return $pageTotal;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
return false;
function makePaginationURL($preURL, $pageTotal, $selected=0, $linkAttr=0, $selectedAttr=0) {
if (!empty($preURL) && $pageTotal >= 1) {
$pageSeed = 1;
$passFlag = 0;
$regLink = '<a href="{url}&p={page}"';
if (is_array($linkAttr)) $regLink .= $this->setAttributes($linkAttr); //set attributes
$regLink .= '>{page}</a>';
$selLink = '<a href="{url}&p={page}"';
if (is_array($selectedAttr)) $selLink .= $this->setAttributes($selectedAttr); //set attributes
$selLink .= '>{page}</a>';
while($pageSeed <= $pageTotal) {
if ($pageSeed == $selected) {
$newPageLink = str_replace('{url}', $preURL, $selLink);
$newPageLink = str_replace('{page}', $pageSeed, $newPageLink);
} else {
$newPageLink = str_replace('{url}', $preURL, $regLink);
$newPageLink = str_replace('{page}', $pageSeed, $newPageLink);
if ($passFlag == 0) {
$passFlag = 1;
$linkStack = $newPageLink;
} else {
$linkStack .= ', ' . $newPageLink;
return $linkStack;
} else {
return false;
function splitPageArrayStack($stackArray, $chunkSize) {
if (is_array($stackArray) && is_numeric($chunkSize)) {
return $multiArray = array_chunk($stackArray, $chunkSize);
} else {
return false;
