php validation from array form - php

I have a code like this
First looping count how many post the array:
for($i = 0; $i < $jumlah_qty ;$i++) {
if(!empty($qty[$i]) && !empty($id_cat[$i])) {
Insert booking:
$insert_booking_hd = $user_class->select($az);
$id_cates = $id_cat[$i];
for($b = 0;$b<$qty[$i];$b++) {
First validation if $_POST[$id_cates) is set run this code:
$id_seat = $_POST[$id_cates."".$b];
Find the seat number in $select_seat and find if seat number is exist in $seat_number:
$select_seat = $user_class->select($query);
$seat_number = $user_class->select($querys);
$row_seat = $user_class->numrows($select_seat);
$row_seat2 = $user_class->numrows($seat_number);
if($row_seat>0) {
$update_seat = $user_class->update($update_false);
$bol[$b] = FALSE;
} else {
if( $row_seat2>0 ) {
$insert_booking_dt = $user_class->insert($insert);
$update_seat = $user_class->update($update_true);
$bol[$b] = TRUE;
} else {
$bol[$b] = FALSE;
} else {
$insert_booking_dt = $user_class->insert($insert_without_seat);
$bol[$b] = TRUE;
if($bol[$b]) {
echo "FALSE";
else {
echo "WRONG";
header("location:../../../event.php?msg=Same seat number");
Anything wrong with my php validation?
Because if I input array of $id_seat it will always redirect to print.php although validation is FALSE
for example if I input 3 array and then I echo FALSE WRONG FALSE FALSE
still redirect to print.php not to event.php
How can I read if one of array is get WRONG and then redirect to event.php?

How can I read if one of array is get WRONG and then redirect to event.php?
You may break out of for-loops.
Instead of:
else {
echo "WRONG";
header("location:../../../event.php?msg=Same seat number");
You could try:
else {
echo "WRONG";
header("location:../../../event.php?msg=Same seat number");
break 2;


PHP If else displaying wrong output as first entry value only . Code given

Using Php to calculate charges - where in if:
$make = Vehicle Make
$prod = Vehicle Model
then it should display appropriate charges. However my code always displaying charges in the first entry.
For instance, if the code first entry has make as Mahindra, it will echo $l 8150 in all product makes Mahindra, Maruti, Mercedes Benz, Toyota etc. Code is not respecting the logic.
If first entry is replaced with Tata, then it will echo 7500 despite any product make Mahindra, Maruti, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, Tata etc.
Any help would be appreciated.
Code Modified
// logistics charges
$make = trim($this->prodDet->CatName);
$prod = trim($this->prodDet->product);
if ($make=="Mahindra") {
$l= 8150;
else if($make=="Maruti Suzuki") {
$l= 1500;
else if(($make=="Skoda") && ($prod=="Rapid")) {
$l= 8000;
else if(($make=="Skoda") && ($prod=="Octavia")) {
$l= 10000;
else if(($make=="Renault") && ($prod=="Duster")) {
$l= 8500;
else if($make=="Tata") {
$l= 7500;
else if($make=="Volkswagen") {
$l= 7000;
else if ($make=="Toyota") {
$l= 5750;
else if ($make=="Mercedes Benz") {
$l= 35000;
echo ($l);
Try using a function with nested if statements:
// If you use false as default values, it will not throw an error if
// either value is left empty
function FetchLogistics($make = false,$prod = false)
// Account for case. Make it all lower so it's all the same
$make = strtolower($make);
$prod = strtolower($prod);
if($make == "mahindra")
return 8150;
elseif($make == "maruti suzuki")
return 1500;
// Just check once for make
elseif($make == "skoda") {
// Check for models now
if($prod == "rapid")
return 8000;
elseif($prod == "octavia")
return 10000;
elseif($make == "renault") {
return 8500;
elseif($make == "tata")
return 7500;
elseif($make == "volkswagen")
return 7000;
elseif($make == "toyota")
return 5750;
elseif($make == "mercedes benz")
return 35000;
// No matches will return false (empty)
return false;
// Verify these two values are what you expect
$make = trim($this->prodDet->CatName);
$prod = trim($this->prodDet->product);
// Echo the returned value.
echo FetchLogistics($make,$prod);

GET Multiple MySQL Rows, Form PHP Variables, and Put Into Json Encoded Array

I am trying to GET different rows from different columns in php/mysql, and pack them into an array. I am able to successfully GET a jason encoded array back IF all values in the GET string match. However, if there is no match, the code echos 'no match', and without the array. I know this is because of the way my code is formatted. What I would like help figuring out, is how to format my code so that it just displays "null" in the array for the match it couldn't find.
Here is my code:
include '../db/dbcon.php';
$res = $mysqli->query($q1) or trigger_error($mysqli->error."[$q1]");
if ($res) {
if($res->num_rows === 0)
echo json_encode($fbaddra);
while($row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
if($_GET['a'] == "fbaddra") {
if ($row['facebook'] === $_GET['facebook']) {
$fbaddr = $row['addr'];
} else {
$fbaddr = null;
if ($row['facebookp'] === $_GET['facebookp']) {
$fbpaddr = $row['addr'];
} else {
$fbpaddr = null;
$fbaddra = (array('facebook' => $fbaddr, 'facebookp' => $fbpaddr));
echo json_encode($fbaddra);
UPDATE: The GET Request
I would like the GET request below to return the full array, with whatever value that didn't match as 'null' inside the array.
The GET above currently returns null.
Requests that work: or
These requests return the full array with the values that match, or null for the values that don't.
I need assistance figuring out how to format code to give back the full array with a value of 'null' for no match found in a row.
rather than assigning as 'null' assign null. Your full code as follows :
include '../db/dbcon.php';
$res = $mysqli->query($q1) or trigger_error($mysqli->error."[$q1]");
if ($res) {
if($res->num_rows === 0)
echo json_encode('no match');
while($row = $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
if($_GET['a'] == "fbaddra") {
if ($row['facebook'] === $_GET['facebook']) {
$fbaddr = $row['dogeaddr'];
//echo json_encode($row['dogeaddr']);
} else {
$fpaddr = null;
if ($row['facebookp'] === $_GET['facebookp']) {
$fbpaddr = $row['dogeaddr'];
//echo json_encode($row['dogeaddr']);
} else {
$fbpaddr = null;
$fbaddra = (array('facebook' => $fbaddr, 'facebookp' => $fbpaddr));
echo json_encode($fbaddra);
You can even leave else part altogether.
Check your code in this fragment you not use same names for variables:
if ($row['facebook'] === $_GET['facebook']) {
$fbaddr = $row['dogeaddr'];
//echo json_encode($row['dogeaddr']);
} else {
$fpaddr = 'null';
$fbaddr not is same as $fpaddr, this assign wrong result to if statement.
It was the mysql query that was the problem.
For those who come across this, and need something similar, you'll need to format your query like this:
$gq = $mysqli->real_escape_string($g);
$q1 = "SELECT * FROM `addrbook` WHERE `facebookp` = '".$gq."' OR `facebook` = '".$gq."'";
** PHP CODE **
echo json_encode($row['addr']);

PHP recently viewed script to session array

I've been given this bit of code:
if(isset($_GET['viewevent'])) {
if(count($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) == 0) {
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0] = $_GET['viewevent'];
} else if(!in_array($_GET['viewevent'], $_SESSION['e_lastviewed'])) {
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][2] = $_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][1];
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][1] = $_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0];
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0] = $_GET['viewevent'];
if($_GET['show']) {
$_SESSION['show'] = $_GET['show'];
} else if($_SESSION['show']=='') {
$_SESSION['show'] = "all";
It apparently saves ID's of recently viewed items, so i need to put these id's into an array.
Would this work?
$my_array = array($_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][2],$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][1],$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'][0]);
I've ran it but it displays blank results (not sure if thats due to me not doing it right or incomplete code...Have i missed something? I'm not sure if i completley understand the script i was given...
try this:
if ( !isset($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) )
$_SESSION['e_lastviewed'] = array();
// alt: while(count($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) > 2 ) {
if(count($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']) > 2 ) {
array_shift($_SESSION['e_lastviewed']); // drop off from 3
array_unshift($_SESSION['e_lastviewed'],$_GET['viewevent']); // insert in the beginning
if($_GET['show']) {
$_SESSION['show'] = $_GET['show'];
} else if($_SESSION['show']=='') {
$_SESSION['show'] = "all";

PHP Syntax Error?

I have coded a nice script but i am constantly getting
Error on line 29: Parse error, unexpected T_IF(if)
I have tried debugging code, wasted plenty of time. But nothing, came out.
Here is my code.
$gi = geoip_open("GeoIP.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD);
$country_code = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, "$ip");
// Country name is not used so commented
// Get Country Name based on source IP
//$country = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, "$ip");
if(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "googlebot")) {
$real = 1;
else {
if ($_COOKIE['iwashere'] != "yes") {
setcookie("iwashere", "yes", time()+315360000);
if ($country_code="IN") {
if(preg_match('/google/i', $referrer)) {
$key = "g17x9erm28n7cgifddssfqhgorjf3e"; // Account API Key
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // IP to Lookup
$result = file_get_contents(''.$key.'&IP='.$ip);
//$result will be equal to 1 for detected proxies & vpns or equal to 0 for clean IP's
{setcookie("testcookie", "testvalue");
if( isset( $_COOKIE['testcookie'] ) ) {
if (isset($_POST['jstest'])) {
$nojs = FALSE;
} else {
// create a hidden form and submit it with javascript
echo '<form name="jsform" id="jsform" method="post" style="display:none">';
echo '<input name="jstest" type="text" value="true" />';
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'document.jsform.submit();';
echo '</script>';
echo '</form>';
// the variable below would be set only if the form wasn't submitted, hence JS is disabled
$nojs = TRUE;
if ($nojs){
} else
$real = 1;
else {
$real = 1;
} }
if ($real==1) {
It is if inside. Please give me advice, on how can i avoid these error. And also is there any alternative to code such complex script with multiple nested if statements?
Please post entire code:
try this
$real = 0;
if (strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "googlebot")) {
$real = 1;
} else {
if ($_COOKIE['iwashere'] != "yes") {
setcookie("iwashere", "yes", time() + 315360000);
if ($country_code = "IN") {
if (preg_match('/google/i', $referrer)) {
$key = "g17x9erm28n7cgifddssfqhgorjf3e"; // Account API Key
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // IP to Lookup
$result = file_get_contents('' . $key . '&IP=' . $ip);
$real = $result;
//$result will be equal to 1 for detected proxies & vpns or equal to 0 for clean IP's {
if ($real == 0) {
setcookie("testcookie", "testvalue");
if (isset($_COOKIE['testcookie'])) {
if (isset($_POST['jstest'])) {
$nojs = FALSE;
} else {
// create a hidden form and submit it with javascript
echo '<form name="jsform" id="jsform" method="post" style="display:none">';
echo '<input name="jstest" type="text" value="true" />';
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'document.jsform.submit();';
echo '</script>';
echo '</form>';
// the variable below would be set only if the form wasn't submitted, hence JS is disabled
$nojs = TRUE;
if ($nojs) {
$real = 1;
$real = 1;
$real = 1;
} else
$real = 1;
else {
$real = 1;
if ($real == 1) {
On line 29, $real=$result should end in a semi-colon and on the following line {if($real==0) should be if($real==0){.
The error message is your friend, it suggested you look to line 29.
You placed a curely braces before the if condition
//$result will be equal to 1 for detected proxies & vpns or equal to 0 for clean IP's
remove it then your error wil be removed
From reading over your code, it seems like the only errors I can find are these:
Which should be changed into:
Here are the few errors I found:
if ($country_code="IN") : This is an assignment not comparision, will always return true
$real=$result : Missing Termination ; on the end

trying to save time with PHP if/elseif statements

I have a rather big if statement:
if (!$result_spam)
$confrim_spam = "FAILED";
else if ($result_spam)
$confrim_spam = "PASSED";
if (!$result_email_manage)
$confrim_email_manage = "FAILED";
else if ($result_email_manage)
$confrim_email_manage = "PASSED";
if (!$result_analyt)
$confrim_analytics = "FAILED";
else if ($result_analyt)
$confrim_analytics = "PASSED";
Now I want to do another if statement to check if all have PASSED or if all have FAILED or is some have PASSED and some have FAILED and then echo (do something with) the failed ones.
I know how to check if all have passed or failed:
if ($confirm_spam == "PASSED" AND $confirm_analytics == "PASSED"
but to check if some have passed and some haven't and then find the ones that failed will take too long, right?
I was just wondering, would there be an easier/quicker way to do this?
Since they are all bools anyway:
if($result_spam && $result_email_manage && $result_analyt){
//do all passed
elseif($result_spam || $result_email_manage || $result_analyt){
//at least one passed
if(!$result_spam){ echo '$result_spam failed';}
if(!$result_email_manage){ echo '$result_email_manage failed';}
if(!$result_analyt){ echo '$result_analyt failed';}
else {
//do all failed
You can change validation logic to something like
$passed = array();
$failed = array();
if (!$result_spam)
array_push($failed, "confirm_spam");
array_push($passed, "confirm_spam");
Then you have an easy and clear way to check whether all passed/failed and which tests are failed.
What if you try this way:
$passed = $failed = "";
$all = array("confrim_spam" => $result_spam,
"confrim_email_manage" => $result_email_manage,
"confrim_analytics" => $result_analyt);
foreach($all as $a => $b)
if (!$b)
$failed.= $a . ", ";
$passed.= $a . ", ";
Then if var $passed is empty, none passed else if $failed is not empty, at last one have not passed.. so do you got what passed and what failed and do something with them. And you can store results both in a string or an array whatever you want...
