Does Google App Engine (GAE) locally develop environment included the Memcached service? - php

Does the Google App Engine local development environment include the Memcached service?
Must I connect the living Memcached service over the Internet even if I debug my PHP service in a local development environment?

The GAE development server simulates almost every feature of running your app live.
(With a few differences, including the fact that the local server won't enforce quotas or timeouts.)
This includes Memcached, or at least some sort of simulation of it. You don't need to connect to Google's actual Memcached server to test it locally. (There's no way to do that, regardless.)


Google Cloud Platform : How to develop on my local environment with GCP resources

I'm using Google App Engine Flex to develop an angularjs/php-rest backend application.
I've a successful port from regular servers to AppEngine, and I now want to integrate more with GCP services like : StackDriver, Cloud Storage and so on.
StackDriver to have logging & monitoring.
Cloud Storage: to store export data files and zip them before sending it to browser.
My question is how do I develop locally on my laptop (which can be online & offline) ?
I didn't find in the documentation "the way" of local development :
Should stackDriver or Cloud Storage client be configured to write on disk instead of reaching GCP ?
Should I configure some proxy (like the cloud_sql_proxy) to be able to reach GCP ? Should I create a project for my local dev ? How does it work if I'm offline ?
Any hint appreciated :)
App Engine Flexible doesn't come with a development server or service emulators for use during development so you may use the services directly.
Stackdriver Logging: logs written to stdout and stderr are automatically sent to Stackdriver Logging for you, without needing to use Stackdriver Logging library for PHP. This may be enough for you to get logs locally but we recommend that you use the PSR-3 logger which automatically adds metadata to your logs so that your application logs are correlated to the request logs. You can set it up to run locally and log to your project by following the doc here.
Stackdriver Monitoring: Google App Engine includes built-in support for Monitoring in the flexible environment (when deployed) and doesn't require configuration. The monitoring agent cannot be installed on your local machine though, but it would be pointless to monitor it anyway.
Cloud Storage: an easy option is to create a dev bucket that you can use during development. You can create it in whichever project you wish and grant permissions to your development service account.
One common practice is to create different GCP projects for prod, staging and dev purposes. This allows you to create specific resources for a given environment. Taking logging as example, you'll be able to see logs and troubleshoot any issue with it within the dev project, without polluting your prod project's logs. That'd be true with CloudSQL, Datastore, etc...
You don't need to configure any proxy for those services. The cloud_sql_proxy is a convenient method to enforce secure connections and ease authentication with CloudSQL instances without the need to whitelist IP addresses.
Regarding the offline situation now, of course those calls from your local app to those services will fail if you don't have internet connection at that time (intermittent disconnections may actually help you to test your retries and error handling mechanisms). If you expect to develop with no internet connection at all though, you'll need to write stub services to mimic the expected behavior locally.

Desktop Application with Client Server Architecture That Syncs with Cloud Database

I have a web app running with PHP and MySQL.
I need to develop a desktop application which will sync data from the cloud DB whenever the client's computer connects to internet. If the client's computer is not connected to the internet, the desktop application will continue to work offline, using the local DB. The local DB is obviously a replica of the cloud DB.
I don't want to use Microsoft c# to create the desktop application. The desktop application needs to be cross platform and should run on Windows, Mac and Linux.
I have used XAMPP to create a local MySQL DB and have achieved the local app to sync with the cloud app. However, there are multiple problems to that approach.
-- Whenever my client's need to install the local app, they need to call me and I have to install XAMPP in their computer, setup the server, setup the local database and prepare it to sync with the cloud database with their account. They obviously aren't tech savvy so they don't know how to do it themselves.
-- If the client formats his computer, they will call me again and again and I have to set it up for them all the time, which isn't scalable in the longer haul.
-- XAMPP doesn't work when there are other processes running and using common ports. Example - Skype, Quickheal and other antivirus software running will prevent the SQL server to start. Sometimes what happens is that even after I have installed the local app, the client will install an antivirus software or some other tool and my local app will stop working on their computer.
Hence, I need to do away with XAMPP and switch to something else.
SQLite is out of question since it is serverless. I don't want to use .NET either. What I am looking for is this
I want to develop the database driven local application and package it somehow. I want to provider an installer file which will automatically install the database server, setup the database and everything else. The client will only login to the system in the local app and he doesn't have to setup any server. All the work that he does will be synced with the cloud server whenever internet connection resumes.
Please note that there is a master slave work involved. The client will have multiple terminal computers using the master system from other terminals and all these terminal computers will use the local database installed in the master computer.
I have tried to illustrate this with a diagram below
What's the best way to go about it?

Deploying XAMPP to Google App Engine

I have an Android mobile chat app using websockets and server running on XAMPP in PHP. At present, it is simply running on my local machine during the initial development process.
I was thinking of rewriting using PubNub for a production level application, but a review of Google App Engine provided it could be a simpler alternative. Is it possible to migrate my XAMPP configuration with PHP server and MySQL database onto the Google cloud platform? What drawbacks are there in this transition?
For this I will suggest you to create your application locally using Google AppEngine SDK [1] with your configuration on XAMPP and see if it is working or not. The Google AppEngine SDK is the simulator for GAE Cloud, so if it is working fine with SDK then there is high probability it will work in the production environment.

Web Hosting on Amazon AWS (PHP + MySQL)

I am totally confused on how to host a Dynamic website created using PHP and MySQL in Amazon Cloud.
I went through Amazon S3 and I hosted a static website there!
Then I tried Amazon EC2 and I learned some aspects about the concept of VPC. I thought that the dynamic websites are hosting in Amazon Cloud using EC2. I followed some steps and they taught me how to launch a website using Drupal (But, I didn't want that !! )
No other tutorials on EC2 to deploy my web application was not found.
Then I found AWS Elastic Beanstalk, I uploaded a simple PHP document and I can see that deployed successfully.
But Still, I am not satisfied. Because, I don't know which is the correct way to deploy my PHP application.
So can anyone direct me on Deploying a PHP MySQL Application in AWS ?
Depends on your needs. Elastic Beanstalk might be a good option for many apps, but I chose EC2 for my app's backend (using PHP, MySQL and S3 for storage).
Quick steps to get you up and running:
Log into the AWS Mangement Console and start a new EC instance (Windows server 2012 R2 Base > t2.micro should be good enough for a start!)
At step "6. Configure Security Group", add Rules for at least HTTP, HTTPS and RDP (so you can connnect via Remote Desktop)
Connect to your new instance via Remote Desktop and install a decent browser (Enable File Downloads in IE's Security Settings and download Chrome or Firefox)
Open the Windows Firewall and add rules for the same ports you opened in the Security Group of your Instance in the AWS Management Console. (Right-click on “Inbound Rules”, then select “New Rule…”)
Download and install XAMPP (I put it in C:\xampp)
Open the XAMPP Control panel and install Apache and MySQL as services (so they will start automatically when your instance launches); make sure everything is started up.
Now put your files in C:\xampp\htdocs\ and you're ready to go!
Bonus Steps:
Set up Filezilla FTP Server (and open the required ports in both the instance's security group and the Windows Firewall) so you can upload/download files without having to go through Remote Desktop.
Get an Elastic IP and assign it to your instance, so it's IP address will never change.
Get an SSL certificate so you can use HTTPS
The answer depends on the load that you are expecting and the resources you have to handle all the administration tasks.
If you expect heavy or variable loads, there are many reasons why not to deploy a production PHP + MySQL application on a EC2.
Here are some of the benefits of deploying to Elastic Beanstalk instead of a manual configured EC2:
You get version control of each deployment.
You can scale up or down automatically if you need more/less instances to handle new load.
You get a load-balancer in front of your EC2s instances with a bunch of out-of-the-box "recommended" configurations.
Regarding MySQL, if you go for an Amazon RDS instance you can handle replication, monitorization and automatic backups with pretty low effort. A lot of the configurations you would need to tweak are now available through parameter-groups.
On the other hand, if you want to have full control of everything that is going on on your server (that means you have time to monitor, backup and do maintenance tasks, which is not my case :), or if you do not plan to have much traffic, or if you want the less expensive option, you should go with a low cost EC2 instance.
In my experience, (after 2 years of working on AWS with 10 production applications, I'm kind of a regular AWS user) pretty much every customization or change I needed on both RDS and EBS I was able to tweak it and get it working, so I'm pretty satisfied with choosing the EBS+RDS option.
Below are two links i found which are helpful to Create and Update an Application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Create and consume web service on local machine by using WAMP

Is it possible to create an environment on local machine( i.e. localhost) where we can create and consume web service using PHP?
Is there any flow to create a web service like environment on localhost?
I would like to create an environment on localhost for web services where local machines, on intranet, get connected to main server (here again it's local machine) and can consume web services.
Like on internet we have Web Servers from where we can create and consume web services, Can we do the same on localhost?
I am using WAMP with
PHP 5.3 Apache 2.* MySQL 5Windows 8
It is easy to create a local web service. You will need a local web server (like IIS or xampp) to execute PHP locally.
Access you PHP application in your browser using http://localhost/<yourApp>.php and provide any webservice at a local URL as well, e.g. http://localhost/<yourService>.php. Your application can then access the webservice using the local URL.
This works both for REST or SOAP-style services.
EDIT: Your edit shows that you already set up a local environment to develop and test webservices. You should really be more specific in your question, maybe you are looking for a tutorial to create web services with PHP in genereal. If so, Google will be your best friend:
