app.php not working in symfony2.3 - php

I create a symfony 2.3 project. some times all the pages shows 500 error. app.php also shows error. i dont know why can any one help [HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error 353ms]

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and conclude that it is one of the following problems:
The prod cache is out of date, to fix it run: php app/console --env=prod cache:clear
The vendors are missing, to fix it run: php composer.phar install
If it is a problem when code that you have written however, we need to see the errors.

Overly big HTTP headers (e.x. 4 kB) can cause this error depending on the hosting server. ChromePHP sends all of its data in HTTP headers. (you wrote you use ChromePHP)
Try turning it off or lowering the data sent with ChromePHP. Did it help?


Problem with Symfony 5 in prod but not dev

I have a problem with my project in symfony 5.4 (recently update from 4.4)
I deploy my project on the prod server (on a subdomain) and he don't work in prod environnement, but work in dev.
I already :
_ fix permissions for /var folder
_ set up vhosts (i'm on plesk so i put directives in vhost.conf, in my subdomain)
_ install and update composer
The problem is that there is a lot of missing image (it's ok they are on prod), when i run the project in dev, missing image return a 404 error, but when i turn symfony on prod, missing image return a 500 error, and then the all site is on error 500 untill i clear symfony cache.
I have the previous verison (the 4.4 one), who run in the principal domain, and i dont have this problem.
I deploy the exact same project (the new one in 5.4), in an others test server, and he works in dev and prod (no error 500 on image).
I think it's a server problem, but i passed 4 days on this, i tried a lot of thing, and i'm still stuck :)
First, thank you for trying to help me, i appreciate that.
For removing the error with the image (error 500 instead 404), it appears that the problem was coming from my error templates 'bundles/TwigBundles/error.html.twig', i removed all the code and try just a simple tag, clear the cache and then the missing images trhow a 404 error.
I also reinstall composer require symfony/twig-pack
This helped me :
So the site was running fast this time, but as soon i changed page, error 500 least it was fast ^^
So i keep digging, and like #user1915746 said, i started searching with php and the error code i send : mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server.
I tried a lot of thing for removing this error like :
But still not resolved my problem.
Finally i decided to change the all php ^^ I was in 7.4.30, i pass in php 8.0.20 more error 500...
If you guys have the same thing, and tried all i tried, change php version or if you can't try to see if you don't have missing package (like php-cgi).
Thank you again for your time!

Laravel projects stopped suddenly

Before you continue to read - the issue has been fixed
Well... this is kinda weird.
I'm working on a web app for some friends. I have a working version uploaded to their hosting, and, suddenly, it stopped working a couple of days ago.
I haven't added anything or changed anything on the server. There is no error, simply the app stopped loading and a blank html page is loaded instead.
I've traced the problem until /vendor/composer/autoload_real.php file.
In the end of the static class inside this file, there is a loop where several other files are being included (actually requested), I've checked that when it tries to request /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php, the system stops. Obviously, I've checked that the file is there, and it isn't been touched.
Well, I'm positive I've didn't changed anything on this part of the app (it's core framework, and I usually don't mess up inside), but just of a sudden it stopped working.
The working copy on my computer just works fine. I've uploaded my copy of helpers.php, but nothing changed.
Anyone had experienced similar issues recently? Anyone has any idea about how to fix it?
EDIT: It's been several days since I could check on this for the last time.
Now I've been tracing raw php execution on /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php file. This is, I've started echoing messages and trying to execute just this file, to see where code execution is stopped.
I know this is very crappy debugging, but I haven't access to apache nor I can restart it, and it seems there is no easy way to get an error code without this.
So patiently trying I've reached two points where execution stops on this file:
Creation of factory method
if (! function_exists('factory')) {
* Create a model factory builder for a given class, name, and amount.
* #param dynamic class|class,name|class,amount|class,name,amount
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\FactoryBuilder
function factory()
$factory = app(EloquentFactory::class);
$arguments = func_get_args();
if (isset($arguments[1]) && is_string($arguments[1])) {
return $factory->of($arguments[0], $arguments[1])->times($arguments[2] ?? null);
} elseif (isset($arguments[1])) {
return $factory->of($arguments[0])->times($arguments[1]);
return $factory->of($arguments[0]);
and creation of mix method
if (! function_exists('mix')) {
* Get the path to a versioned Mix file.
* #param string $path
* #param string $manifestDirectory
* #return \Illuminate\Support\HtmlString|string
* #throws \Exception
function mix($path, $manifestDirectory = '')
return app(Mix::class)(...func_get_args());
In both cases func_get_args is involved... I haven't a specific error, but I have the tingling that the problem is related somewhat to the fact that this function isn't returning anything.
EDIT2: Ok, I tried php artisan and composer commands suggested on answers to no success. The issue is still there.
I've also deleted the logs and checked that no new log was created while trying to load the site.
I've tried a clean laravel install from scriptaculous on a new directory (I've done this when I first uploaded the site, it worked perfectly for several months) and this new install doesn't reach the front page neither. A blank page (on Firefox) or a 500 error (on Chrome) is shown instead.
I forgot to mention an important data. My app is sharing space with a wordpress instance. The wordpress is installed on public_html, and my site on public_html/mySiteDirectory. This hasn't supposed any problem so far more than make me tweak lightly .htaccess file to make routing work fine.
There is also a phpbb forum sharing space on it's own directory inside public_html.
I wonder if any of those could have somewhat been upgraded and produced this strange outcome.
Also... laravel app_debug is enabled on .env file since the beginning, but never showed anything. This seems to be something that fails before laravel framework is fully loaded.
Well... first of all, let me thank you all for your help. Actually there wasn't one answer that fixed the problem, but many of you suggested to use phpInfo() to check php version which ultimately led to the true problem.
Yes... surprisingly, although php -v on terminal showed php 7.2 running on server, and cpanel php management tools showed also php 7.2 installed and running, when I used phpInfo(); php 5.6 was showed on the response.
I used the own cpanel tools to make an upgrade/downgrade to 7.3 and again to 7.2 and et voilá phpInfo(); shows 7.2 and the page is again up and running.
I'll try to share the reward between several answers (don't know if something like that is even possible), and will +1 every answer suggesting phpInfo(); as it showed as the key to fixing this problem.
If I cannot share the reward I'll accept as final answer the one from Don't Panic, as it was the one that convinced me that there was a problem with php versions.
If you look at the code in the functions you have traced the problem to, both contain interesting or less-common PHP features:
factory() includes ??, the null coalescing operator. This was introduced in PHP 7.0.
I see in a comment you added to another answer that you are using PHP 7.2. This question describes Laravel failing in factory(), because even after upgrading to PHP 7.2, and phpinfo() showing 7.2, Apache was still using PHP 5.6. This seems unlikely, but when all else fails ... ?
mix() includes ..., the spread or splat operator. This was introduced in PHP 5.6, but there are reports of it failing in Laravel with 7.x due (AFAICT) due to mismatches between the PHP versions Apache and the CLI are using.
Considering you mentioned you uploaded the code from your local machine (rather than using php composer install), and that CPanel tends to update PHP automatically and silently, this seems like a possibility - there are 4 PHP versions in play (CLI/web on your machine, and CLI/web on server), and they all need to be in sync.
As a side note, as you've already discovered you are really working blind without the logs. Either the PHP and/or Apache logs will give you more info, typically describing exactly the problem, and save you having to manually trace things as you've been doing. If those logs aren't showing anything, maybe PHP isn't configured to log errors - try enabling that.
It probably depends on your CPanel version and config, but standard locations for your logfiles are typically:
Apache access log: /usr/local/apache/domlogs/<your-username>/
Apache error log: /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
PHP error log: /home/<your-username>/public_html/error_log
Start wtih composer dumpautoload. Then run php artisan optimize:clear. Re-upload the whole site and you should be good to go. I have experienced a very similar issue. Do you run a pipeline on the server or are you just FTP-ing the site up? Are you able to run composer on the server and the same for artisan? If you can, you need to those commands there are as your cache is often based on your host computer drives and will fail in prod.
Simply replacing the file might not be helpful. Try enabling the error log or check if you are able to reach this file bootstrap/app.php. If yes it means there is no problem in the composer. Try checking the version of PHP installed and if it is compatible with your Laravel. Try checking PHP Error Log. It might be helpful.
Ok I should mention a few things
1: Go to storage/logs directory and delete all *.log files then you refresh the web page and you'll check out to see for any log file if there is no log file it means it's related to server configuration and etc. if there is a log file you read it and you post it in here
2: Did you pull the code on cpanel by console command using version control system like git or svn or you just uploaded it in a classic way, if you indeed pulled it with VCS you may did a composer update instead of composer install which will updates all packages as possible as defined in composer.json file and you may have got a higher version of vendor than your local and something may broke in there.
3: You may have a different php version on server vs your local which many times casing real problems.
I can't tell for sure until you post your log file here
So here is what i would have done.
If it is possible simply turn0on debugging, this will show you the error in the web browser itself (you can do that from .env file)
You can also read the laravel log file for errors as mentioned earlier.
If you do not want to do this, run the following commands
PHP artisan cache:clear
PHP artisan route:cache
PHP artisan config:cache
PHP artisan clear-compiled
PHP artisan optimize
If you could share more details that would help...
Have you checked permissions and ownership for storage and bootstrap/cache folder?
these permissions need to be set for the app to work
sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache
I tried everything and nothing worked. The best solution for me was that I deleted cpanel files and reuploaded all the codes.

Bare error 500 in Laravel - tried everything

In a Vagrant Homestead environment (in Windows via VMware) I get the bare error 500 with some errors (e.g., forgotten "use") but normal Laravel debug error page with others (e.g., failing to define a route properly or failing to pass a variable to a blade template).
I have tried every solution I've found here and in searching, specifically:
Reset permissions of storage dir (changed inside the VM and in Windows via git bash)
Reset permissions of bootstrap/cache dir (changed inside the VM and in Windows via git bash)
Cleared various cache directories
Checked Laravel log (nothing in it about the failed event at all - which seems very odd)
Checked nginx log (nothing in it about the failed event at all - which seems very odd)
Checked FPM log (nothing in it about the failed event at all)
Tried inserting my own exception code, per some people's posts, it never is executed/shown
Tried inserting old error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); include("file_with_errors.php"); in a few different places per other posts -- nothing.
Tried resetting the encryption key since someone said that might be an issue (why I don't know) -- nothing
Tried reverting back to a backup of a week ago to undo symphony/etc. upgrades -- nothing
Tried composer update -- nothing
Tried php artisan optimize -- nothing
My APP_DEBUG setting is right (and again working appropriately on many errors just not certain ones, like missing "use")
My project has ground to a halt because I can't debug even basic issues, and I'm out of ideas for what to try.
Any help greatly appreciated. I am stuck until I resolve this.

Magento2 - installation not complete and error has happened during application run

I tried installing Magento2 on my Mac. Installation stopped at 49% and now I can't open the Magento page on localhost - I get this error 'An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details.'.
I have absolutely no idea what to do, I've been searching for possible solutions...
The last three lines of the error log in var/log/exception.log is:
20 /Library/WebServer/Documents/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/Http.php(157): Magento\Framework\App\Http->handleBootstrapErrors(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap), Object(Exception))
21 /Library/WebServer/Documents/magento/vendor/magento/framework/App/Bootstrap.php(263): Magento\Framework\App\Http->catchException(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap), Object(Exception))
22 /Library/WebServer/Documents/magento/index.php(39): Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap->run(Object(Magento\Framework\App\Http))
23 {main} [] []
Does anyone have any idea what I can to?
I tried clearing the cache but that didn't seem to have any impact.
Would it be best to just try and re-install Magento?
There are lots of hurdle while getting magento 2 working on your either server or local machine.
I am writing below is some of issue i founded while installation with latest magento 2.
Make sure your php version should be 7.0....
Make sure with proper cron job setup ...
you can check it out your php version info by php -v command and also make sure that phpinfo() should also showcase same what you can able to see via -v
Some time with local machine there also permission headache too just double check with this.
Check with your underlaying database version to make to it should be compatible with M2 requirement.
if you still find any hurdle you can reach me out at skype : samumaretiya

How to set up internal browser for Aptana on Linux

I downloaded the package, unpacked it and run ./AptanaStudio. It starts fine, but reports one problem:
The embedded browser widget for this editor cannot be created. It is either not available for your operating system or the system needs to be configured in order to support embedded browser.
After that, it opens the "Welcome page" in external browser (Mozilla), but when I click on a link to install PHP support it does not open the destination target. No wonder, because the link is in format: com.aptana....etc. I.e. written in reverse. I assume such links only work with internal browser.
If I look into details, I get these error messages:
No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)]
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)]
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.<init>(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.browser.BrowserViewer.<init>(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.browser.WebBrowserEditor.createPartControl(
at com.aptana.ide.intro.browser.CoreBrowserEditor.createPartControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.setVisible(
etc. I hope this is enough.
I tried to set the env. variable:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla/
However, it only changes the error message to:
No more handles [NS_InitEmbedding /usr/lib/mozilla/ error -2147221164]
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [NS_InitEmbedding /usr/lib/mozilla/ error -2147221164]
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.<init>(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.browser.BrowserViewer.<init>(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.browser.WebBrowserEditor.createPartControl(
at com.aptana.ide.intro.browser.CoreBrowserEditor.createPartControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPart(
For start I really want to have PHP working, but I'd also like to fix the whole internal browser issue in the end.
I happened to come across this:!msg/xmind/5SjPTy0MmEo/PbPi0OGzqPwJ
Which advised running:
sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0
should solve the problem. It worked for me so I figured I'd share here.
FWIW, I ended up here while trying to get the Play! Framework working on Ubuntu 13.04. using the Scala-IDE. So far, everything seems to be working...
You need to download and install XULRunner from, and point MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to that directory.
After installing xulrunner you need to set this:
You will have to install XULRunner then edit the eclipse.ini.
After installing xulrunner, adding the following line in the eclipse.ini solved the problem of "No more handles" issue.
I am using eclipse 3.63 and ubuntu 12.04.
Edit: getting internal browser to work is NOT required in order to get PHP support in Aptana. Just install PHP support from Help, Software updates menu.
If this is the problem I think you're having, just installing Firefox 2 (alongside FF3) should fix the issue. It happens because Aptana can only use FF2 at the moment. Hopefully they'll fix this soon.
If you're on Ubuntu, it's really just a case of:
sudo apt-get install firefox-2
Naturally, the process will vary on different distributions.
