show detail information when click an image with php - php

I'm doing a website where I want to show products from a database, and when clicking a product it opens a div with more detail info (without refreshing page or going to another).
The product gallery looks like this:
<div class="item_galery">
while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )){
$titulo = $info['titulo'];
$descr_corta = $info['descr_corta'];
$img_galeria = $info['img_galeria'];
$img_detalle = $info['img_detalle'];
$sub_img1 = $info['sub_img1'];
$sub_img2 = $info['sub_img2'];
$sub_img3 = $info['sub_img3'];
$acabado = $info['acabado'];
$aux_tamaños = $info['medidas'];
$tamaños = explode(" ", $aux_tamaños);
//echo $aux_tamaños.' '.sizeof($tamaños);
$patron_tornillos = $info['patron_tornillos'];
$coleccion = $info['coleccion'];
<div class="item">
<ul><li onclick="mostra_detall(<?php echo $i;?>);"><img alt="" src="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$img_galeria; ?>"/></li></ul>
<ul><li class="descr"><span><?php echo $titulo; ?></span></br><?php echo $acabado; ?></li></ul>
in the class item, the first li has a js call function wihic shoud open the detail info. This info looks like:
<div id="detalle" class="llanta_detalle">
<img class="foto_gran" src="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$img_detalle; ?>">
<div class="info">
<div class="cerrar"><ul onclick="tanca_detall(<?php echo $i;?>);"><li><img src="images/llantas/icono_cerrar.jpg"></li><li>CERRAR</li></ul><div class="clear"></div></div>
<div class="detalle_titol">
<ul><li id="titol_llanta" class="titol"><?php echo $titulo; ?></li></ul>
<ul><li id="coleccion_llanta" class="coleccion"><?php echo $coleccion; ?></li></ul>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="detalle">
<ul><li class="requadre">ACABADO</li></ul>
<ul><li id="acabado_llanta" class="acabado"><?php echo $acabado; ?></li></ul>
<ul><li class="requadre">PATRON DE TORNILLOS</li></ul>
<ul><li id="tornillos_llanta" class="tornillos"><?php echo $patron_tornillos; ?></li></ul>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="subimagenes"><ul>
<li><a id="fancyBox" href="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$sub_img1; ?>"><img src="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$sub_img1; ?>"></a></li>
<li><a id="fancyBox" href="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$sub_img2; ?>"><img src="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$sub_img2; ?>"></a></li>
<li><a id="fancyBox" href="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$sub_img3; ?>"><img src="<?php echo 'images/llantas/'.$sub_img3; ?>"></a></li>
<div class="clear"></div>
my problem is that when the div with detail info is open, I need the specific info from the query of that info, so I would need to do a query or somthing again and do it without refreshing the page. How could I do this?
Thanks and sorry for my english

I think that you should use Jquery for this. Here is a link. I gotta go to sleep now, but if you don`t have it done by tomorrow, I will help you! Hope the jquery link helps you though!


Can't Link <a href="#"> W/ PHP code

I tried to link $child['id'] but can't do it. Link is removed on line 13. Can anyone tell me correct way to generate category link on click?
<!-- fetch parent categories -->
while ($parent = mysqli_fetch_assoc($parentquery)) : ?>
<!--fetch sub-categories-->
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE cat_parent = '$parent_id'";
$child_query = $db->query($sql2); // database object
<div class="col-menu col-md-3">
<h6 class="title"><?php echo $parent['cat_name'] ?></h6>
<div class="content">
<ul class="menu-col">
<?php while($child = mysqli_fetch_assoc($child_query)) : ?>
Now I want to link each category on the below. Loops works fine. I am seeing category names but no link. Please help
<li> <a href='#'>
<?php echo $child['cat_name']; ?></a></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
You need to pass it in href
<a href='<?php echo $child['link'];?'>
<?php echo $child['cat_name']; ?>
Try this if ur href is empty then you should add
<a href='"<?php echo $child['link'];?>"'> // double quotes
you should pass the id to the href,
<a href='<?=$child['id'];?>'>

PHP: link a Block

quick question, i want to link the BLOCK1 to another page. Is it possible? do anyone got a solution? i have tried abit and my brain is going mad T_T. there are 5 other blocks that i which to link to other pages aswell.
this is the code below:
<div class="midrow_block axn_block1">
<div class="mid_block_content">
<?php if(!empty($optimizer['block1_image']['url']) && empty($optimizer['block1_img_bg'])){ ?>
<div class="block_img"><img src="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['url']; ?>" width="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['width']; ?>" height="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['height']; ?>" /></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="block_content">
<?php echo do_shortcode( $optimizer['block1_text_id']); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode($optimizer['block1_textarea_id']); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!--BLOCK1 END-->
Just put a <a>-Tag arount the block you want to link:
<a href="'your link here'"> <!-- start link here -->
<div class="midrow_block axn_block1">
<div class="mid_block_content">
<?php if(!empty($optimizer['block1_image']['url']) && empty($optimizer['block1_img_bg'])){ ?>
<div class="block_img"><img src="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['url']; ?>" width="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['width']; ?>" height="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['height']; ?>" /></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="block_content">
<?php echo do_shortcode( $optimizer['block1_text_id']); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode($optimizer['block1_textarea_id']); ?>
</a> <!-- end link here -->
Or put it around any other part you want to have the link on. It's just basic HTML and has nothing to do with PHP.
here is the fullcode of the block. i missed to copy the top of it:
<?php if ((!empty ($optimizer['block1_text_id'])) || (!empty ($optimizer['block1_textarea_id'])) ) { ?>
<div class="midrow_block axn_block1">
<div class="mid_block_content">
<?php if(!empty($optimizer['block1_image']['url']) && empty($optimizer['block1_img_bg'])){ ?>
<div class="block_img"><img src="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['url']; ?>" width="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['width']; ?>" height="<?php echo $optimizer['block1_image']['height']; ?>" /></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="block_content">
<?php echo do_shortcode( $optimizer['block1_text_id']); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode($optimizer['block1_textarea_id']); ?>
You can use with this JS
<div class="midrow_block axn_block1" onclick="location.href='url'">content</div>
window.location=$(this).find("a").attr("href"); return false;

Arrange divs on new row every third time

I have this most annoying problem; I'm trying to arrange three divs on a row, and then new row, and another three divs and so on, like this:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-1">1</div>
<div class="col-sm-1">2</div>
<div class="col-sm-1">3</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-1">4</div>
<div class="col-sm-1">5</div>
<div class="col-sm-1">6</div>
As for this accepted answer,
There is one catch: 0 % 3 is equal to 0. This could result in
unexpected results if your counter starts at 0.
So how would i implement this into this code:
<div class="col-md-8">
foreach($this->movies->movie_data as $key => $movie){
$string = file_get_contents("" . urlencode($movie->movie_titel). "&y=&plot=short&r=json");
$result = json_decode($string);
if($result->Response == 'True'){
<div class="col-sm-4">
<?php if($result->Poster == 'N/A') : ?>
<a href="<?php echo Config::get('URL')?>ladybug/day/<?php echo $this->city ?>/<?php echo $movie->movie_id ?>">
<img src="<?php echo Config::get('URL')?>/images/na.png" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></a>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?php echo Config::get('URL')?>ladybug/day/<?php echo $this->city ?>/<?php echo $movie->movie_id ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $result->Poster; ?>" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<div><b><?php echo $result->Title; ?></b></div>
<div><i><?php // echo $result->Plot; ?></i></div>
<?php }else{ ?>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<a href="<?php echo Config::get('URL')?>ladybug/day/<?php echo $this->city ?>/<?php echo $movie->movie_id ?>">
<img src="<?php echo Config::get('URL')?>/images/na.png" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail"></a>
<div><b><?php echo $movie->movie_titel ?></b></div>
<div class="plot"><i><?php //echo 'N/A' ?></i></div>
<?php }}} ?
For some reason, divs is arranged like this:
My question: How do I arrange thumbnails on a new row, every third time?
Found the answer in the other Q... Didn't read, sorry about that.
<?php }
if (($key + 1) % 3 == 0) { ?>
<?php }
}} ?>

PHP foreach - Creating multple searchs in the same page

Firstly, I am a total php newby.
Secondly, below is the php header plus corresponding recursive commands for 2 photo lightboxes that are in the same html page.
Without the lines
getRecords() as $Title_row){ ?>
The page shows shows the first picture that is held in the external db table in the lightbox correctly.
Yet when I add the line below to add all the other entries in each table
getRecords() as $Title_row){ ?>
the page goes white and the browser html return is empty.
As I do not really understand what I am doing, I am stuck. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
$Title_find = $Lowdenphotoweb->newFindCommand('MASTER_photo');
$Title_findCriterions = array('Order_web'=>'*',);
foreach($Title_findCriterions as $key=>$value) {
$Title_result = $Title_find->execute();
if(FileMaker::isError($Title_result)) fmsTrapError($Title_result,"error.php");
$Title_row = current($Title_result->getRecords());
$Title1_find = $Lowdenphotoweb->newFindCommand('MASTER_photo');
$Title1_findCriterions = array('Order_web'=>'*',);
foreach($Title1_findCriterions as $key=>$value) {
$Title1_result = $Title1_find->execute();
if(FileMaker::isError($Title1_result)) fmsTrapError($Title1_result,"error.php");
$Title1_row = current($Title1_result->getRecords());
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Lightbox Gallery -->
<?php foreach($Title_result->getRecords() as $Title_row){ ?>
<div class="hide">
<a data-group="gallery-1" data-caption="<?php echo $Title_row->getField('Title'); ?>" href="<?php echo $Title_row->getField('Pic_location'); ?>"></a>
<?php foreach($Title2_result->getRecords() as $Title2_row){ ?>
<div class="hide">
<a data-group="gallery-2" data-caption="<?php echo $Title2_row->getField('Title'); ?>" href="<?php echo $Title2_row->getField('Pic_location'); ?>"></a>
<!-- Lightbox Gallery End-->
You just missed out the closing brackets :
<?php foreach($Title_result->getRecords() as $Title_row){ ?>
<div class="hide">
<a data-group="gallery-1" data-caption="<?php echo $Title_row->getField('Title'); ?>" href="<?php echo $Title_row->getField('Pic_location'); ?>"></a>
<?php }?>
<?php foreach($Title2_result->getRecords() as $Title2_row){ ?>
<div class="hide">
<a data-group="gallery-2" data-caption="<?php echo $Title2_row->getField('Title'); ?>" href="<?php echo $Title2_row->getField('Pic_location'); ?>"></a>
<?php }?>

Multilingual slideshow

I have this code for a slideshow in my Drupal 7, Nexus 7.x-1.3 theme.
My website is multilingual and I need to use a different image for every language, eg. I would like to change slide-image-1.jpg (en language) with other image-name for (gr language).
My code:
<?php if ($is_front): ?>
<?php if (theme_get_setting('slideshow_display','nexus')): ?>
$slide1_head = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide1_head','nexus')); $slide1_desc = check_markup(theme_get_setting('slide1_desc','nexus'), 'full_html'); $slide1_url = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide1_url','nexus'));
$slide2_head = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide2_head','nexus')); $slide2_desc = check_markup(theme_get_setting('slide2_desc','nexus'), 'full_html'); $slide2_url = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide2_url','nexus'));
$slide3_head = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide3_head','nexus')); $slide3_desc = check_markup(theme_get_setting('slide3_desc','nexus'), 'full_html'); $slide3_url = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide3_url','nexus'));
<div id="slidebox" class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
<img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'nexus') . '/images/slide-image-1.jpg'; ?>"/>
<?php if($slide1_head || $slide1_desc) : ?>
<div class="flex-caption">
<h2><?php print $slide1_head; ?></h2><?php print $slide1_desc; ?>
<a class="frmore" href="<?php print url($slide1_url); ?>"> <?php print t('CONTACT US'); ?> </a>
<?php endif; ?>
<img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'nexus') . '/images/slide-image-2.jpg'; ?>"/>
<?php if($slide2_head || $slide2_desc) : ?>
<div class="flex-caption">
<h2><?php print $slide2_head; ?></h2><?php print $slide2_desc; ?>
<a class="frmore" href="<?php print url($slide2_url); ?>"> <?php print t('CONTACT US'); ?> </a>
<?php endif; ?>
<img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'nexus') . '/images/slide-image-3.jpg'; ?>"/>
<?php if($slide3_head || $slide3_desc) : ?>
<div class="flex-caption">
<h2><?php print $slide3_head; ?></h2><?php print $slide3_desc; ?>
<a class="frmore" href="<?php print url($slide3_url); ?>"> <?php print t('CONTACT US'); ?> </a>
<?php endif; ?>
</ul><!-- /slides -->
<div class="doverlay"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Is there any solution for that? Thank you.
There is a Drupal connector from Smartling that may be of help. Here is a video showing how the connector works.
Many sites running on Smartling do language/country-specific image replacement, which is explained here.
Hope this helps,
<script src="//"></script>
function english(){
function greek(){
<IMG id="image" src="">
Change to English<BR>
Change to Greek
Finally I fixed it in page.tpl with php code. One if/else on your page language to set you picture path.
Regards, HashKey
