How can i add key, value in PHP Object? (Codeigniter) [closed] - php

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Closed 9 years ago.
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$params = array($demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum );
$stmt = $this->db_gcm->query($query, $params);
$test = $stmt->row();
stdClass Object( [server_price] => 32398.63 [server_unit] => 2 [network_price] => 0.00
[network_unit] => 3 [storage_price] => 4948.02 [storage_unit] => 2
[loadbalancer_price] => 2200.00 [loadbalancer_unit] => 1
[additionalservice_price] => 105375.60 [additionalservice_unit] => 4 [support_price] => [support_unit] => 0)
I want to add key value in here.
Is there any good idea?

I want to add key value in here.
In where? $test? How about
$test->key = 'value';


i have a this string 1=>aaabba;2=>bsbsbsb [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i have a this string 1=>aaabba;4=>bsbsbsb;7=>flkdsl;5=>jdsfkjhsfd;
I want to change it in an array with such form:
[1] => aaabba
[4] => sbsbsb
[7] => flkdsl
[5] => jdsfkjhsfd
how to do it?
Language PHP.
use explode
$result_array = array();
$str = "1=>aaabba;4=>bsbsbsb;7=>flkdsl;5=>jdsfkjhsfd;";
$temp_array = explode(";",$str);
$temp_array = array_filter($temp_array);
foreach($temp_array as $val)
$sub_temp_array = explode("=>",$val);
$result_array[$sub_temp_array[0]] = $sub_temp_array[1];

How to use implode function [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have this array:
Array ( [e] =>
[r] =>
[c] =>
[Overflow] =>
[f] =>
[b] => [
true] =>
[Stck] =>
[d] =>
[js] =>
and i need to get this
e, r, c, Overflow, f, b, true, stck, d, js
The data you want is in the keys of your array, not the values. So you have to implode the keys:
implode(', ', array_keys($array));
use implode() implode — Join array elements with a string

How to change the structure of an array? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have this array:
[12] => Array
[groupID] => 19
[groupApprovalRefID] => 123433322
[jobrequisitionRefID] => eRS/2015/00023/021/HQ
[groupApprovalSubject] => Principle
[jobrequisitionGroupID] => 19
[groupCreatedDate] => 2015-05-13 14:43:55
[groupReference] => HQ/05/2015/016/00016
But I need Group ID like this:
[19]=> Array
[groupApprovalSubject] => Principle
[jobrequisitionGroupID] => 19
[groupCreatedDate] => 2015-05-13 14:43:55
[groupReference] => HQ/05/2015/016/00016
You can loop over each element of your array and create a new array with the indexes you want.
$result_array = array();
foreach ($original_array as $value)
$result_array[$value['groupID']] = $value;
Note that if groupIP isn't unique, some values may be lost, since PHP arrays have unique indexes.

How to turn associative array into separate variables? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Here is an example:
$tag = id3_get_tag( "path/to/example.mp3" );
[title] => DN-38416
[artist] => Re:\Legion
[album] => Reflections
[year] => 2004
[genre] => 19
I want to set this like
$title => DN-38416
$artist => Re:\Legion
$album => Reflections
If you mean to assign value to new variables, simply do it using the assignment operator = in PHP.
$title = $tag["title"];
$artist = $tag["artist"];
// ... and so on
Read more about assignment operator in PHP.

PHP: Retrieve the value of a specified key in an array [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an array labeled $friendRequest.
When i do echo print_r($friendRequest), I get
Array (
[result] => Array (
[0] => Array (
[id] => 11
The part that I care about is [id]=>11, I want to assign that value to a variable. So lets say i have variable $a, $a = 11 is what i want. How can I do this?
Do this:
$a = $friendRequest['result'][0]['id']
var_dump($a); //int 11
you can do that with a code like this:
$a = array['id'];
I guess your array is called "$friendrequest" so let's say
$a = $friendRequest['result'][0]['id']
echo $a;
