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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a PHP array like this
[read] => 0
[edit_posts] => 1
[delete_posts] => 2
I have to change the values 0, 1, 2 into 1 like this
[read] => 1
[edit_posts] => 1
[delete_posts] => 1
How can I achieve this?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
Uzair Ahmed
If you want to put the same value to the whole array, run it simply and initialize it
array_walk($array,function(&$value){$value = 1;});
value is passed by reference.
You can change it in multiple ways, but the simplest one is by array_replace() function.
$initial = [
'read' => 0,
'edit_posts' => 1,
'delete_posts' => 2
$update = [
'read' => 1,
'edit_posts' => 1,
'delete_posts' => 1
// Old values
// Change with array_replace function same keys
$newArray = array_replace($initial, $update);
// Check if values changed
Working demo
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have this array:
[12] => Array
[groupID] => 19
[groupApprovalRefID] => 123433322
[jobrequisitionRefID] => eRS/2015/00023/021/HQ
[groupApprovalSubject] => Principle
[jobrequisitionGroupID] => 19
[groupCreatedDate] => 2015-05-13 14:43:55
[groupReference] => HQ/05/2015/016/00016
But I need Group ID like this:
[19]=> Array
[groupApprovalSubject] => Principle
[jobrequisitionGroupID] => 19
[groupCreatedDate] => 2015-05-13 14:43:55
[groupReference] => HQ/05/2015/016/00016
You can loop over each element of your array and create a new array with the indexes you want.
$result_array = array();
foreach ($original_array as $value)
$result_array[$value['groupID']] = $value;
Note that if groupIP isn't unique, some values may be lost, since PHP arrays have unique indexes.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm using Datatables JQuery plugin and requires data elements to be wrapped in double quotes.
[0] => ticket #6,2015-05-20T19:36:02Z,open,normal,34
[1] => testing org,2015-05-15T19:20:11Z,closed,,19
[2] => testing ticket,2015-05-20T19:29:09Z,open,normal,29
[3] => testing ticket #2 ,2015-05-20T19:30:55Z,open,normal,30
[4] => ticket #3,2015-05-20T19:33:25Z,open,normal,31
[5] => ticket #4,2015-05-20T19:34:32Z,open,normal,32
[6] => ticket #5,2015-05-20T19:35:03Z,open,normal,33
I have tried using implode function, but haven't had success, I'm hoping if someone could help me achieving this task
Desired output:
"ticket #6","2015-05-20T19:36:02Z","open","normal","34"
so that when using json_encode it will be printed like this.
"data": [
"ticket #6",
This should work for you:
Just go through all of your array elements with array_map() and explode() them, e.g.
$result = array_map(function($v){
return explode(",", $v));
}, $arr);
So with json_encode() you will end up with:
["ticket #6","2015-05-20T19:36:02Z","open","normal","34"],
["testing org","2015-05-15T19:20:11Z","closed","","19"],
["testing ticket","2015-05-20T19:29:09Z","open","normal","29"],
["testing ticket #2 ","2015-05-20T19:30:55Z","open","normal","30"],
["ticket #3","2015-05-20T19:33:25Z","open","normal","31"],
["ticket #4","2015-05-20T19:34:32Z","open","normal","32"],
["ticket #5","2015-05-20T19:35:03Z","open","normal","33"]
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Here is an example:
$tag = id3_get_tag( "path/to/example.mp3" );
[title] => DN-38416
[artist] => Re:\Legion
[album] => Reflections
[year] => 2004
[genre] => 19
I want to set this like
$title => DN-38416
$artist => Re:\Legion
$album => Reflections
If you mean to assign value to new variables, simply do it using the assignment operator = in PHP.
$title = $tag["title"];
$artist = $tag["artist"];
// ... and so on
Read more about assignment operator in PHP.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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$params = array($demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum,$demandnum );
$stmt = $this->db_gcm->query($query, $params);
$test = $stmt->row();
stdClass Object( [server_price] => 32398.63 [server_unit] => 2 [network_price] => 0.00
[network_unit] => 3 [storage_price] => 4948.02 [storage_unit] => 2
[loadbalancer_price] => 2200.00 [loadbalancer_unit] => 1
[additionalservice_price] => 105375.60 [additionalservice_unit] => 4 [support_price] => [support_unit] => 0)
I want to add key value in here.
Is there any good idea?
I want to add key value in here.
In where? $test? How about
$test->key = 'value';