I'm new to PHP and programming in general so go easy with me!
I have a (drupal) mysql database and I want to select all url links from a data field and put them in a variable. There could be one link or many.
So this is what's in the database:
<li><a href"link1.php">link1</a></li>
<li><a href"link2.php">link2</a></li>
I need this in a variable. The variable will then be submitted via a hidden form field to an ASP page to display the data.
This is what I've tried so far:
global $base_url;
$iconPath = $base_url . "/sites/default/files/icons/";
if ( arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) && ! arg(2) ) {
$nodenew = node_load(arg(1));
//print node_load(arg(1));// returns a blank
$relatedPages2 = $nodenew->field_related_pages[0]['value'];
$pagesArray=explode('<a href="',$relatedPages2);
$howmanyItemsOnArray = count($pagesArray);
$start = 0;
$end = $howmanyItemsOnArray;
$split = 2;
$str = '';
$str.= "<ul>";
for($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
$str.= "<li>".$clearPagesArray[$i]."</li>";
if(($i) % ($split) == $split-1){
//print relatedPages2;
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi replace the line like this,
$str = "<ul>";
for($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
$str.= "<li><a href='".$pagesArray[$i]."'>".$clearPagesArray[$i]."</a></li>";
Hope this will work
so I ended up with this project, that,due to my opinion, is some levels greater than my skills, so I would like you to help me.
This project's functionality is to write some words in those 4 columns,which have to be combined.The words that are in the same column mustn't be combined. You can only combine words with the rest of the columns.
I will give you the full code so you can see what I have done.
The second question I have is how you delete a special character(in this case, the "\n")
if(isset($_POST["separator"])){$separator= $_POST["separator"];}
if(isset($_POST["match"])){$matchType = $_POST["match"];$matchArr = array();
foreach($matchType as $match)
$matchArr = $match;
$wordArr[] = array();
$wordArrRows[] = array();
$wordsCombinations = 1;
$wordsCounter = 0;
for($i=0; $i<4; $i++)
{ $words=0;
if(isset($_POST["in$i"]) && !empty($_POST["in$i"]))
$enterChar = substr_count($input,"\n");
$words= $enterChar+1;
$wordArr[$j]= explode("\n",$input);
$wordArrRows[$j]= $words;
$columnCounter = array_fill(0, $j, "0");
while($wordsCounter < $wordsCombinations)
if($i2<sizeof($columnCounter) && $columnCounter[$i2] < $wordArrRows[$i2])
echo "grammi: ".$i2." <br>";
for($i=0; $i<$j; $i++)
//echo "wordArr[".$i."][".$columnCounter[$i]."]".$separator;
echo $wordArr[$i][$columnCounter[$i]]." ";
if($columnCounter[$i2] >= $wordArrRows[$i2] ){$columnCounter[$i2]=0;}
echo "<br>";
(NOTE: don't use the radio buttons or the check boxes, they're not functional).
What is the expected result for that example?
The second question: trim() to delete "\n"
I have this algorithm I made for pagination.
The $array variable is a result set from the query after the page number and limit has been set. It's a result from a PDO::fetchAll() function.
The $array["totalCount"] contains the count of ALL the rows in the table, not only that set but all the rows.
What I want is to limit the number of pages displayed, and make it somehow like google style pagination, I've search a lot of similar questions online, but what makes me struggle is to guess how I can implement it in my algorithm which is much different from others.
Thanks in advance.
public static function renderPaginationBar($obj, $params) {
$array = $obj->getAll($params);
$set = $params["set"];
$perSet = $params["limit"];
$pages = ceil((int)$array["totalCount"] / (int)$perSet);
if($pages > 1 && $set <= $pages) {
$query = preg_replace('/set=\d*/i', '', http_build_query($_GET));
<ul class="pagination">
if($set > 1) {
<li><<< Inicio</li>
for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
$class = $set == $i ? "active" : "";
<li class="<?php echo $class; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></li>
if($set < $pages) {
<li>Ăšltimo >>></li>
return $array;
you can try displaying it as a dropdown between the 'next' and 'prev' button if you want.. it would be easier to display all the page numbers..
or you can first get the value of current page, add 5 and store it as '$add' and minus 5 and store it as '$minus' then insert this in the page buttons:
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $page_num;?>" <?php if($pagenum > $add || $pagenum < $minus){ echo "style='display:none'";?>>
it will hide the buttons that are more than 5 and less than 5 the current page
replace yor 'for' with this:
$get_add = $params["set"] + 5;
$get_minus = $params["set"] - 5;
for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
$class = $set == $i ? "active" : "";
<li class="<?php echo $class; ?>" <?php if($i > $get_add || $i < $get_minus){ echo "style='display:none;position:absolute'";?>><?php echo $i; ?></li>
When I launch my web page, increment doesn't work correctly!
It should go like this: $i = from 1 to x (0,1,2,3,4,5,6 etc..).
But instead it jumps over every step giving result of (1,3,5,7 etc..).
Why is this code doing this?
<ul class="about">
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM info WHERE id = 1");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$bioText = $row['bio'];
$endBioTxt = explode("\n", $bioText);
for ($i=0; $i < count($endBioTxt);)
if (checkNum($i) == true)
echo "<li class='left'><div>".$endBioTxt[$i]."</div></li>";
echo $i;
echo "<li class='right'><div>".$endBioTxt[$i]."</div></li>";
echo $i;
// Function to check if number is prime
function checkNum($num){
return ($num % 2) ? TRUE : FALSE;
Sometext!(right side)
Sometext2!(right side)
Please DONT do this as other suggested:
for ($i=0; $i < count($endBioTxt); $i++)
do this:
$count = count($endBioTxt);
for ($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) {
No need to calculate the count every iteration.
Nacereddine was correct though about the fact that you don't need to do:
inside your loop since the preferred (correct?) syntax is doing it in your loop call.
You code just looks 'strange' to me.
Why are you doing:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$bioText = $row['bio'];
That would just set $bioText with the last record (bio value) in the recordset.
Also I don't think you really need a function to calculate the modulo of a number.
If I understand your answer correctly you want 0 to be in the left li and 1 in the right li 2 in the left again and so on.
This should do it:
$endBioTxt = explode("\n", $bioText);
$i = 0;
foreach ($endBioTxt as $txt)
$class = 'left';
if ($i%2 == 1) {
$class = 'right';
echo '<li class="'.$class.'"><div>'.$txt.'</div></li>';
echo $i; // no idea why you want to do this since it would be invalid html
Your for statement should be:
for ($i=0; $i < count($endBioTxt); $i++)
see http://us.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.for.php
$i++; You don't need this line inside a for loop, it's withing the for loop declaration that you should put it.
for ($i=0; $i < count($endBioTxt);$i++)
if (checkNum($i) == true)
echo "<li class='left'><div>".$endBioTxt[$i]."</div></li>";
echo $i;
echo "<li class='right'><div>".$endBioTxt[$i]."</div></li>";
echo $i;
//$i++; You don't need this line inside a for loop otherwise $i will be incremented twice
Edit: Unrelated but this isn't how you check whether a number is prime or not
// Function to check if number is prime
function checkNum($num){
return ($num % 2) ? TRUE : FALSE;
This code works, please test it in your environment and then uncomment/comment what you need.
// This is how query should look like, not big fan of PHP but as far as I remember...
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM info WHERE id = 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$bioText = $row['bio'];
$endBioTxt = explode("\n", $bioText);
$endBioTxt[0] = "one";
$endBioTxt[1] = "two";
$endBioTxt[2] = "three";
$endBioTxt[3] = "four";
$endBioTxt[4] = "five";
$totalElements = count($endBioTxt);
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalElements; $i++)
if ($i % 2)
echo "<li class='left'><div>".$endBioTxt[$i]."</div></li>";
echo "<li class='right'><div>".$endBioTxt[$i]."</div></li>";
// This is how you should test if all your array elements are set
if (isset($endBioTxt[$i]) == false)
echo "Array has some values that are not set...";
Edit 1
Try using $endBioTxt = preg_split('/$\R?^/m', $bioTxt); instead of explode.
I'm having a problem with my PHP pagination for a project.
It almost works but it doesn't seem to display the numbers correctly.
I want only 6 more page numbers to display after the selected and one before;
(also if you are on page one display 7 after)
For example:
If on Page 1: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
If on Page 2: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
If on Page 5: 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11
If on Page 10: 9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
This is my code so far...
if($page == ceil($NumOfPages) && $page != 1){
for($i = 1; $i <= ceil($NumOfPages)-1; $i++){
if($i > 0){
echo "{$i}";
if ($page == ceil($NumOfPages) ) {
$startPage = $page;
$startPage = 1;
for ($i = $startPage; $i <= $page+6; $i++){
if ($i <= ceil($NumOfPages)){
if($i == $page) {
echo "<a href='/page/$i/' title='View movies page $i' id='pagelisel'>$i</a> ";
echo "<a href='/page/$i/' title='View movies page $i' id='pageli'>$i</a> ";
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
I assumed that (partly for myself... ;) ):
$page is the selected page
$startPage is the first page number you want to show
$numPages is already ceil-ed
First you need to find $startPage. Depending whether $page is the first one (ie has the value one 1, another assumption) or not. Your check is slightly off, as it check if it is equal to the last page.
if($page == 1) {
$startPage = 1;
} else {
$startPage = $page - 1;
Then you need to find out the last page number you want to print ($lastPage). So check if $startPage is near the end and set ~$lastPage` accordingly:
if($startPage + 7 > $numPages) {
$endPage = $numPages;
} else {
$endPage = $startPage + 7;
Finally, use you for-loop which seem ok, but loop from $startPage to $endPage.
Here's an alternative approach that should work for you as well:
$pageCurrent = $page;
$pagePrevious = $pageCurrent-1;
$pageClass = '';
$pageStart = 1;
$pageEnd = $pageCurrent+6;
$pageMax = ceil($NumOfPages);
echo "1";
echo "$pagePrevious";
for($i = $pageStart; $i <= $pageEnd; $i++){
if($i <= $pageEnd){
if($i == 1 && $pageCurrent != 1){
$pageClass = 'selected';
$pageClass = '';
echo "$i";
I need to generate random number of divs with five items per div (and remaining items in the last div) from random number of $totalItems and also not all the items satisfy $OKItems... Hopefully the code explains better than me.
My problem is that this script generates empty divs with no content in them.
$OKItems = 0;
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
echo ($OKItems == 0 || $OKItems % 5 == 0) ? 'div open<br />' : '';
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) {
echo '1';
echo ($OKItems % 5 == 0 || $i+1 == $totalItems) ? '<br />div close<br />' : '';
This is what I might get:
div open
div close
div open
div close
div open
div close
div open
div close
div open
div close
And this is what I would have wanted in this case:
div open
div close
div open
div close
const N = 5;
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
$items = array() ;
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) {
$items[] = 1 ;
if( N == sizeof($items) || (($i == $totalItems - 1) && 0 < sizeof($items)) ) {
echo "<div>" . join(",", $items) . "</div>";
$items = array() ;
I think you need a bit more structure to your code.
My approach would be to break it up into several stages, as opposed to trying to do all the logic in the loop that outputs data.
What I'd suggest:
Decide how many items to be tested
Test each item and only copy the ones that pass into a new array
Partition this new array into sets of 5
Output each partition as a div
Code (untested):
// Decide how many items to test
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
// Test these items and add them to an accepted array
$items = Array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) { $items[] = "1" }
//Partition them into sections
$partitions = array_chunk($items,5);
//Output as divs
foreach($partitions as $partition):
echo 'div open <br />';
foreach($partition as $item):
echo $item . "<br />";
echo 'div close <br />';
When you split up the code into logical steps, it becomes much easier to maintain and debug.
$OKItems = 0;
$totalItems = rand(2,30);
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalItems; $i++) {
echo ($OKItems == 0 || $OKItems % 5 == 0) ? 'div open<br>' : '';
$testValue = rand(0, 1);
if ($testValue != 0) {
echo '1';
if($OKItems % 5 == 0 || $i+1 == $totalItems) {
echo '<br>div close<br>';
$OKItems = 0;
That should be working ;)
I changed your check line for an if function that also resets your $OKItems. The problem you had (i think) was that you got a 0 as the random value and that would keep $OKitems on 5.