Page not found 404 [closed] - php

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am beginner in PHP, and I am trying to run my first application, but it does not run and the browser opens "Not Found Page 404".
Any help for problem please?

Check out are you in true directory?
You can check also apache error log to see path.

You need to add more details... I don't think anyone can provide an answer to a question like this. What is the Url you tried to access? Are you sure you started the server?
Anyways try going to "localhost/"


I don't really understand PHP [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I'm really new to PHP so I was searching for answers to my question, but none of the source codes worked for me, however they seem right and they are approved codes.
I finally got to the point to build my program again from the absolute basics, but instead answers I got just more questions.
My PHP code is here: <?php echo "<p>WTF</p>"; ?>
And the result: image of the page
Please someone help me, I think I'm running insane...
Open your terminal in the folder where your php file is located.
php -S localhost:8000
and open http://localhost:8000 in your webbrowser.

I couldn't find the homestead.yaml file [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I installed Laravel in my windows. Now I want to edit homestead.yaml file but I couldn't find that file.
Thanks in advance.
run homestead edit and it will open the file for you

Upload file using PHP to FTP and get url [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to create a PHP form that is going to run on a local machine(WAMP).
This form is going to upload a file to a web server and echo the url of the uploaded file.
My skills in php are low, I can understand a code but I have difficulties writing one.
Your help will be appreciated.
Here's a start. Have a look at these tutorials
If you want to use a local version and FTP the file to another remote location have a look here

change wordpress blog url [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
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I have to done a blog in Wordpress, and include it in to another site.
Now I got the blog in I want to change this in to
Is it possible? How? I am new to Wordpress please help.
This is called Domain Mapping.
Install the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin and follow there on-page guide.
You can simply create a sub domain called and install a fresh copy of Wordpress there.

Could not access my wordpress admin [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Yesterday I updated my blog wordpress version to the latest one and it updated successfully.
I worked on my site after updation and there was no problem.Today when I tried to access my dashboard I found a blank white page. I am little bit worried about hacking my blog.
What could be the problem? Why I could not access my blog admin? Any help will be appreciated.
It sounds like a PHP error, which is not being displayed because of the error_reporting settings. If you have access to your error logs you might be able to work out what the problem is, but given that you're a novice I would recommend asking your hosting provider to look into it for you.
