joomla 2.5 pagination always set start limit to 20 - php

I developed my own joomla 2.5 custom component for displaying data table in front-end.It contain filtering,paging and sorting.When navigate via paging it always shows only first 20.
Is there any way to override limit of a query which generate on function getListQuery().
My populateState method is
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null) {
// Initialise variables.
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$search = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '', 'filter_search');
$filter_order = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter_order', 'filter_order');
//$filter_order = JRequest::getCmd('filter_order');
$filter_order_Dir = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir');
//$filter_order_Dir = JRequest::getCmd('filter_order_Dir');
'filter_region', '');
$this->setState('filter_order', $filter_order);
$this->setState('filter_order_Dir', $filter_order_Dir);
// List state information
$limit = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'));
$this->setState('list.limit', $limit);
$limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int');
$this->setState('list.start', $limitstart);
Constructor method is
function __construct() {
//Get configuration
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
// Get the pagination request variables
$this->setState('limit', $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_jointcm.limit', 'limit', $config->getValue('config.list_limit'), 'int'));
$this->setState('limitstart', JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int'));
List query method is
protected function getListQuery() {
// Create a new query object.
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
//code goes here...
return $query;

After some digging around and taking a look at the source code of the JModelList class, I realized that problem is with
\libraries\joomla\application\component\modellist.php file ,method name public function getItems(),line number 115.
I changed it to
public function getItems()
// Get a storage key.
$store = $this->getStoreId();
// Try to load the data from internal storage.
if (isset($this->cache[$store]))
return $this->cache[$store];
// Load the list items.
$query = $this->_getListQuery();
//$items = $this->_getList($query, $this->getStart(), $this->getState('list.limit'));
$items = $this->_getList($query, $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('list.limit'));
// Check for a database error.
if ($this->_db->getErrorNum())
return false;
// Add the items to the internal cache.
$this->cache[$store] = $items;
return $this->cache[$store];
Change was
$items = $this->_getList($query, $this->getStart(), $this->getState('list.limit'));
$items = $this->_getList($query, $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('list.limit'));
It works fine.

In JModelList's getItems() the default method uses getStart() which in turn uses your models getQuery() to get a count of the number of items returned by your query, via _getListCount($query) which in turn calls the particular database adaptors version of getNumRows()). That value is used in the calculation in getStart(), if you have a large complicated query and don't really need to use the fancy getStart() implementation you can just override it in your model (i.e. your version of the JModelList class)
e.g. for our components model's for the front end which have rather complicated $query's returned by getListQuery, in their most basic implementation they do something similar to this:
public function getStart()
return $this->getState('list.start');
If you don't override it the default JModelList getStart() is invoked which looks like this:
* Method to get the starting number of items for the data set.
* #return integer The starting number of items available in the data set.
* #since 11.1
public function getStart()
$store = $this->getStoreId('getstart');
// Try to load the data from internal storage.
if (isset($this->cache[$store]))
return $this->cache[$store];
$start = $this->getState('list.start');
$limit = $this->getState('list.limit');
$total = $this->getTotal();
if ($start > $total - $limit)
$start = max(0, (int) (ceil($total / $limit) - 1) * $limit);
// Add the total to the internal cache.
$this->cache[$store] = $start;
return $this->cache[$store];
But, this probably isn't the problem area, it's more likely in your populateState(). At the end of populateState() you call parent::populateState() (if was called at the beginning it wouldn't be overwriting results of your method).
You seem to be duplicating the work done by the parent::populateState() which is probably redundant, looking at JModelList's implementation you will see this:
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null)
// If the context is set, assume that stateful lists are used.
if ($this->context)
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'uint');
$limit = $value;
$this->setState('list.limit', $limit);
$value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0);
$limitstart = ($limit != 0 ? (floor($value / $limit) * $limit) : 0);
$this->setState('list.start', $limitstart);
// Check if the ordering field is in the white list, otherwise use the incoming value.
$value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.ordercol', 'filter_order', $ordering);
if (!in_array($value, $this->filter_fields))
$value = $ordering;
$app->setUserState($this->context . '.ordercol', $value);
$this->setState('list.ordering', $value);
// Check if the ordering direction is valid, otherwise use the incoming value.
$value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.orderdirn', 'filter_order_Dir', $direction);
if (!in_array(strtoupper($value), array('ASC', 'DESC', '')))
$value = $direction;
$app->setUserState($this->context . '.orderdirn', $value);
$this->setState('list.direction', $value);
$this->setState('list.start', 0);
$this->state->set('list.limit', 0);
The most obvious condition in the parent::populateState() that causes list.start to be set to 0 is the very first line, which checks your object context value, it may be that something is going wrong there and your objects context value is equating to false. (I can't see context defined anywhere... so, it will try an guess/build a context value for you in __construct()).
However, it may also be in the way in which getUserSateFromRequest() is processing the values returned from your request, it's hard to tell with the code available.

You can add limit like this $query->limit('0,40'); in getListQuery() function

Do you have list_limit defined in your component options? If not, then add a new parameter to your component options and call it list_limit. This will allow you to set your pagination limit to what ever you want in the component options.


Parameters to a class constructor function

I'm trying to adapt a class of mine that handles tags for events stored in a JSON file. You can create tags, delete them, restore them, view them, etc. In the code below for this library you can see that I retrieve the array from the file during the constructor function so I use it and manipulate it throughout my classes' functions.
class tagHandler {
private $tagsFile = "/home/thomassm/public_html/functions/php/tags.json";
private $LstTags;
private $LstReturn;
function __construct() {
$this->LstTags = array();
if(!file_exists ($this->tagsFile)){
$fHND = fopen($this->tagsFile, "w");
$tmpArray = array(array("EID","EName","EColor", "EDel"));
fwrite($fHND, json_encode($tmpArray));
$encodedInput = file ($this->tagsFile);
$this->LstTags = json_decode($encodedInput[0], true);
if(!$this->LstTags) $this->LstTags = array();
function __destruct(){
public function update(){
$this->LstTags = array_values($this->LstTags);
$fHND = fopen($this->tagsFile, "w");
fwrite($fHND, json_encode($this->LstTags));
//empty memory region
$this->LstTags = array();
$encodedInput = file ($this->tagsFile);
$this->LstTags = json_decode($encodedInput[0], true);
//More functions that use the collected array here.
I am trying to adapt the class to deal with people signed up to my events. Each event has a record in my database that will store a field for an array of males who sign up and females who sign up. I wish for the constructor class to get the arrays(s) from the record so they can be manipulated like the previous class. The issue is to get the array I have to search the DB for a record with the Event ID (EID) and that will require a variable passed to the constructor function. To make things worse, this parameter has to be able to change in a loop. For example, the page listing all the events will have to use this class in a loop going through each record, so it can retrieve the array to manipulate it and then show it in a table / fullcalendar before repeating the process to get the next event. I have put the code I have so far below. Its not complete (some variables haven't been renamed to male and female, etc) and may be completely wrong, but it will give you a base to explain from.
class signupHandler {
private $LstMaleS;
private $LstFemaleS;
private $LstReturn;
function __construct($IntEID) {
$this->LstTags = array();
$StrQuery = "SELECT MaleS, FemaleS FROM tblEvents WHERE EID = ?";
if ($statement = TF_Core::$MySQLi->DB->prepare($StrQuery)) {
$statement->execute ();
$results = $statement->get_result ();
$this->LstTags = json_decode($encodedInput[0], true);
if(!$this->LstTags) $this->LstTags = array();
function decodeNames($StrNames){
$this->LstNames = array();
$this->LstNames = json_decode($StrNames, true);
if(!$this->LstNames) $this->LstNames = array();
$this->LstNames = array_values($this->LstNames);
function update(){
$this->LstNames = array_values($this->LstNames);
return json_encode($this->LstNames);
public function addSignUp($StrNames, $StrUsername, $StrStatus){
$BlnPresent = false;
for($i = 0; $i < count($this->LstNames); $i++){
if($this->LstNames[$i][0] == $StrUsername){
$this->LstNames[$i][1] = $StrStatus;
$BlnPresent = true;
if($BlnPresent == false){
array_push($this->LstNames, array($StrUsername, $StrStatus, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
return $this->update();
I have decided to pass the encoded JSON array to the class each time I call a function from it. Before every function it is decoded and turned into an array and at the end it is then re-encoded and returned back to the file calling it. Now I no longer have any constructor or destruct functions.

Joomla Pagination

I have successfully implemented the pagination box in a component front end listing template. however, when i try to set the limit of listing items, it won't work, i wonder what is missed out.
in the model
var $_total = null;
* Pagination object
* #var object
var $_pagination = null;
function __construct(){
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
// Get pagination request variables
$limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
$limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int');
// In case limit has been changed, adjust it
$limitstart = ($limit != 0 ? (floor($limitstart / $limit) * $limit) : 0);
$this->setState('limit', $limit);
$this->setState('limitstart', $limitstart);
function _buildQuery(){
$query = ' SELECT * '
. ' FROM #__event '
.'Where published = 1'
return $query;
function getData() {
// if data hasn't already been obtained, load it
if (empty($this->_data)) {
$query = $this->_buildQuery();
$this->_data = $this->_getList($query, $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('limit'));
return $this->_data;
function getTotal(){
// Load the content if it doesn't already exist
if (empty($this->_total)) {
$query = $this->_buildQuery();
$this->_total = $this->_getListCount($query);
return $this->_total;
function getPagination(){
// Load the content if it doesn't already exist
if (empty($this->_pagination)) {
$this->_pagination = new JPagination($this->getTotal(), $this->getState('limitstart'), $this->getState('limit') );
return $this->_pagination;
in the views/view.html.php (full version of this document)
class EventViewListing extends JViewLegacy
// Overwriting JView display method
function display($tpl = null)
$model= & JModelLegacy::getInstance('Event','EventModel');
$pagination = $model->getPagination();
$this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination);
$JDoc =& JFactory::getDocument();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM #__event WHERE published = 1 ORDER BY id DESC";
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM #__user_usergroup_map WHERE group_id = 5 or group_id = 8";
$rows2 = $db->loadObjectList();
// $JDoc->setTitle(' ');
// Display the view
in the default.php
<form action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_event'); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm">
<?php echo $this->pagination->getListFooter(); ?>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="GO!" />
hope someone could help
thank you!
The limits need to also be used in the queries to limit the number of records that are displayed to the page that you are on. Typically this can be done in the setQuery function, which allows a second and third parameter to set the limit size and start position.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM #__event WHERE published = 1 ORDER BY id DESC";
$db->setQuery($sql, $model->getState('limitstart'), $model->getState('limit'));
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
// I'm not sure what this query is for, but since it probably isn't supposed to be limited to a set number of items, don't update it's setQuery call.
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM #__user_usergroup_map WHERE group_id = 5 or group_id = 8";
$rows2 = $db->loadObjectList();
I think that fixes the problem that you are having.
That being said, you have a host of minor issues that are making this a lot harder for you or just using outdated practices:
$limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int');
Using JRequest::getVar() is deprecated and likely to be removed in future versions of Joomla. Instead use this:
$limitstart = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('limitstart', 0, 'INT');
Note that the parameters have changed slightly. This uses a different class to parse input to the application.
The above is unnecessary anymore (was only needed back in PHP4 from what I understand). Instead just do $this->rows = $rows;
Finally, the big overall issue is that you aren't really using Joomla's help.
Your model should just be extending from the class JModelList since you are trying to create a list of events. If you extend from that class and name your functions properly, Joomla will do most of the work:
Rename _buildQuery to getListQuery.
Pretty much delete every other function in your model, since Joomla has all of them in JModelList doing basically the same things.
Update your view to this:
class EventViewListing extends JViewLegacy
// Overwriting JView display method
function display($tpl = null)
$JDoc = JFactory::getDocument();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$this->pagination = $this->get('Pagination');
$this->rows = $this->get('Items');
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM #__user_usergroup_map WHERE group_id = 5 or group_id = 8";
$this->rows2 = $db->loadObjectList();
// $JDoc->setTitle(' ');
// Display the view
$this->get() in the JViewLegacy class will call the model (with the same name as the view) and run the method of that model that starts with get followed by whatever word is in the function, so $this->get('Pagination') calls the models getPagination function.
And again, all of the functions that you are adding in the model exist already in libraries/legacy/model/list.php, so just use them!

How to control scoring and ordering in Zend_Search_Lucene, so one field is more important than the other?

From what I understand, after reading documentation (especially scoring part), every field I add has the same level of importance when scoring searched results. I have following code:
protected static $_indexPath = 'tmp/search/indexes/projects';
public static function createSearchIndex()
$_index = new Zend_Search_Lucene(APPLICATION_PATH . self::$_indexPath, true);
$_projects_stmt = self::getProjectsStatement();
$_count = 0;
while ($row = $_projects_stmt->fetch()) {
$doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::text('name', $row['name']));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::text('description', $row['description']));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unIndexed('projectId', $row['id']));
The code is simple - I'm generating index, based on data fetched from db, and save it in the specified location.
I was looking in many places, as my desired behavior is that name field is more important than description (let's say 75% and 25%). So when I will search for some phrase, and it will be found in description of the first document, and in name of the second document, then second document will in fact have 3 times bigger score, and will show up higher on my list.
Is there any way to control scoring/ordering in this way?
I found it out basing on this documentation page. You need to create new Similarity algorithm class, and overwrite lengthNorm method. I copied this method from Default class, added $multiplier variable, and set it's value when needed (for a column I want):
class Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity_Projects extends Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity_Default
* #param string $fieldName
* #param integer $numTerms
* #return float
public function lengthNorm($fieldName, $numTerms)
if ($numTerms == 0) {
return 1E10;
$multiplier = 1;
if($fieldName == 'name') {
$multiplier = 3;
return 1.0/sqrt($numTerms / $multiplier);
Then the only thing you need to do (edit of code from question) is set your new Similarity algorithm class as a default method just before indexing:
protected static $_indexPath = 'tmp/search/indexes/projects';
public static function createSearchIndex()
Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity::setDefault(new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity_Projects());
$_index = new Zend_Search_Lucene(APPLICATION_PATH . self::$_indexPath, true);
$_projects_stmt = self::getProjectsStatement();
$_count = 0;
while ($row = $_projects_stmt->fetch()) {
$doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::text('name', $row['name']));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::text('description', $row['description']));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unIndexed('projectId', $row['id']));
I wanted to extra boost name field, but you can do it with anyone.

php passing object of an object: reference or value?

Hi all I'm using zend framework (but I think this is irrelevant) and php5 and I just want to modify an object of an object
public function saveSite($post) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$form = $this->view->form;
$newSite = 0;
$sitesRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$debugString = null;
if (is_array($post)) {
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
$debugString = $subform->getContent();
echo $debugString;
//new site instertion
if (is_null($subform)) {
$subform = $form->getSubForm('NewSite');
$newSite = 1;
$values = reset($subform->getValues());
$sitesRecord = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Diff_Model_Sites')->findOneBy('idSite', $values['idSite']);
if ($sitesRecord) {
$sitesRecord->idSite = $values['idSite']; //useless but necessary to make Doctrine understand to use update?
} else { //if the record is not present instantiate a new object (otherwise save() will not work
$sitesRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$sitesRecord->content = $subform->getContent(); //$values['content'];
$sitesRecord->newHtml = $subform->getContent();
$sitesRecord->url = $values['url'];
$sitesRecord->shortName = $values['shortName'];
$sitesRecord->lastChanged = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sitesRecord->pollingHours = $values['pollingHours'];
$sitesRecord->minLengthChange = $values['minLenghtChange'];
if (Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) { //save the owner
$sitesRecord->idOwner = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->idOwner; //retrieve the owner
} else {
throw new Exception("your session have expired: \n please login again");
* return the calling subform
* #param type $post
* #return type
public function getSubformByPost($post) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$form = $this->view->form;
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$subformName = "site" . $post['idSite'];
$subform = $form->getSubForm($subformName);
return $subform;
public function refreshOneDiff($post) {
if (is_array($post)) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$form = $this->view->form;
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
if (!$subform)
$subform = $this->view->form->getSubformByPost('NewSite');
$url = $subform->getUrl();
$idSite = $subform->getIdSite();
$crawler = new Crawler();
$newpageContent = $crawler->get_web_page($url);
$siteRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$siteRecord = $subform->getSiteRecord();
if ($siteRecord) //check if the record is not null
$oldpageContent = $siteRecord->get('content');
$oldpageContent = null;
$differences = $this->getDiff($oldpageContent, $newpageContent);
if (!is_null($differences)) {
$siteRecord->content = $newpageContent;
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
$debugString = $subform->getContent();
//echo $debugString;
$sitePresence = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Diff_Model_Sites')->findOneBy('idSite', $idSite);
if ($sitePresence) {
} else {
Basically what I'm doing here is:
1) grab a the form from the view
2) grab a subform from the form (let's call it SubformX)
3) grab an object "siteRecordX" from SubformX
4) change a value of "siteRecordX"
5) call a function saveRecord()
6) In this function regrab the same SubformX and echoing the value of the object siteRecordX
Surprisingly if i change a variable of SubformX it will stay that way, if I change a variable of an object of SubformX it will remain unchanged (if I retrieve SubformX).
It looks like, even if SubformX is passed by reference it is not the same for it's subobjects, wich are passed by value and so they disappear changing the context of the function.
Can you please help me?
I still cannot solve this issue nor understand it:
This is the constructor of the subform:
public function __construct($site = null, $options = null) {
if ($site instanceof Diff_Model_Sites) {
$this->_shortName = $site->get('shortName');
$this->_url = $site->get('url');
$this->_content = $site->get('content');
$this->_idSite = $site->get('idSite');
$this->_siteRecord = $site;
$this->_lastChanged = $site->get('lastChanged');
while this is the function of SubformX i use to set the value.
public function setContent($contentText) {
$this->_siteRecord->content = $contentText;
$this->_content = $contentText;
and this is the function of the subform that I call to get the value
public function getContent() {
if (isset($this->_siteRecord)) {
//return $this->_content;
return $this->_siteRecord->content;
with the commented line I'm able to retrieve the updated value, not with the second.
This is a real mystery to me because i set and get them exactly the same way at exactly the same point and i cannot understand the difference.
Your _siteRecord property is an ORM object (Doctrine, it appears). So its data may have some behaviors that are not standard for a reference-type object. It surely has some override of __get and __set. It also employs caching. These things are necessary to keep the database-model interaction working properly, but they can confuse what should be a reference and value types. (See:
P.S.: in your constructor you use:
$this->_content = $site->get('content');
$this->_siteRecord = $site;
but in your getContent() you use:
That difference might be part of the problem.
Thank you all guys. It was Doctrine caching.
I have not investigated further the problem, but after getting rid of Doctrine everything works fine.
I have lost one entire day after this issue.
Moreover today I have lost another day for another curious problem related to Doctrine.
It seems that each time you gather data from your db Doctrine decode them for you (just like the php function utf8_decode($data).
Of course if you get the data and then put it back in the db again it will result in a total mayhem of coding and decoding.
This is enough. I still think that ORM are great programming tools but simply Doctrine is not.
I will not rest in peace since I'll have it eliminated from my program.
I will use Zend_Db library instead. Which I have mostly already done without regret and without facing the above-mentioned Doctrine's problems.
Again thanks to Seth Battin and Dave Random for the help and patience to understand my noob-coding.

PHP Turn recursive array function into a class

I have a simple recursive array function that looks like this:
function recursive_array($results) {
global $DBH;
if (count($results)) {
echo $res - > Fname;
foreach($results as $res) {
$STH = $DBH - > query("SELECT FID,FParentID,Fname FROM list WHERE FParentID = ".$res - > FID."");
$fquerycount = $STH - > rowCount();
$STH - > setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$FID = isset($_GET['FID']) ? $_GET[' FID'] : 0;
$STH = $DBH - > query("SELECT FID,FParentID,Fname FROM list WHERE FParentID ='0' ");
$STH - > setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
I also have created a simple query class that looks like this:
class queryloop {
function __construct($args) {
global $DBH;
$table = $args['tbl'];
if (array_key_exists('orderby', $args)): $orderby = 'ORDER BY '.$args['orderby'];
else: $orderby = '';endif;
if (array_key_exists('groupby', $args)): $groupby = 'GROUP BY '.$args['groupby'];
else: $groupby = '';endif;
if (array_key_exists('start', $args)): unset($orderby);$start = $args['start'].' , ';
else: $start = '';endif;
if (array_key_exists('limit', $args)): $limit = 'LIMIT '.$start.' '.$args['limit'];
else: $limit = '';endif;
// UNSET the previously used array keys so they are not use again to create the query string
// Checks if args still an array after UNSET above. If not empty create the query string
if (!empty($args)): foreach($args as $k = > $v): $querystr. = 'AND '.$k.' = \''.$v.'\'';endforeach;
// If args array empty return empty query string
else: $querystr = '';endif;$STH = $DBH - > query("SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE key = '".KEY."' ".$querystr." ".$groupby." ".$orderby." ".$limit." ");
if ($STH): $STH - > setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
while ($row = $STH - > fetch()): foreach($row as $key = > $val):
// check if value is numeric //
if (is_numeric($row - > $key)): $data[$row - > ID][$key] = $row - > $key;
// check if value is array //
elseif(is_array($row - > $key)): $data[$row - > ID][$key] = $row - > $key;
// check if value is not numeric or array convert to html entities //
else: $data[$row - > ID][$key] = htmlentities($row - > $key);endif;endforeach;endwhile;$this - > data = json_encode($data); // return json array if data
else: $this - > data = ''; // return 'null' if no data
$args = array('tbl' = > 'atable', 'limit' = > '5', 'start' = > '200', 'orderby' = > 'ID DESC');
$loop = new queryloop($args) // run the loop etc.
How do I turn my recursive array into something like the class queryloop so that I can "pull out" json endoded data I know that this (below) is totally wrong but what ever I do I cannot get a correctly formed json array or even anything to return form my attempted class below. Help would be much appreciate. Thanks in advance.
class recloop {
function __construct() {}
function recursive_array($results) {
global $DBH;
if (count($results)) {
foreach($results as $res) {
echo $res - > Name;
$STH = $DBH - > query("SELECT * FROM atable WHERE ParentID = ".$res - > ID."");
$fquerycount = $STH - > rowCount();
$STH - > setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
function recursive_start() {
global $DBH;
$ID = isset($_GET['ID']) ? $_GET['ID'] : 0;
$STH = $DBH - > query("SELECT * FROM atable WHERE ParentID = '".$ID."' ");
$STH - > setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
How do I turn my recursive array into something like the class queryloop so that I can "pull out" json endoded data I know that this (below) is totally wrong but what ever I do I cannot get a correctly formed json array or even anything to return form my attempted class below. Help would be much appreciate. Thanks in advance.
To answer your question, I would say it's not specific if you encapsulate your routines into objects or not that much, but that you take care that each object is there for a sole purpose. For example:
One object is fetching the data from the database.
One object/composite/array is the data-structure, representing the data.
One object or function is taking over the job to convert/encode the data into json.
Within your code I see that you right now are only running SQL-queries. The data fetched from the database server is not stored into a return variable at all, it get's directly consumed while being recursively processed. I assume you do this for debugging reasons.
So the actual question is, what do you want to do? You write that you want to encode an object into json output, which is perfectly possible with json_encodeDocs, however I think you refer to some specific data, like the entity (data) of the most parentId or something.
Following is some mock-up code based on your code for reading purposes (not tested, must not match your needs) that can provide all parent objects of that one specified by ID by using recursion. The recursion has been criticised because this can result in running a lot of queries - and additionally there is risk to create an endless loop which will result in a recursion stack overflow - your program crashes then.
To handle that alternatively, this is bound to the database design (which should be done before the design of the code, and I don't know your database design nor what you actually want to do, so I can't add assumptions for that). So the following code takes care of already queried objects only while still using recursion as the strategy to query your database.
For the actual data-structure I opted for an array of plain old PHP objects, keyed by the ID field from the database (which I assume that it exists per record):
* HTTP Get Parameter (Input)
class HTTPGetParameter {
private $name;
private $default;
public function __construct($name, $default = '') {
$this->name = (string) $name;
$this->default = (string) $default;
* #return string
public function getValue()
return isset($_GET[$name]) ? $_GET[$name] : $this->default;
* #return int
public function getValueInt()
return (int) $this->getValue();
* #link
public function __toString()
return $this->getValue();
* Data Provider
class PDODataProvider
private $pdo;
public function __construct(PDO $pdo)
$this->pdo = $pdo;
* #return array
public function findAllATableParents($id)
return $this->findAllOn('atable', 'ParentID', $id);
public function findAllBTableParents($id)
return $this->findAllOn('btable', 'ParentID', $id);
private function findAllOn($table, $field, $id)
$id = (int) $id;
$objects = array();
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = '%d'", $table, $field, $id);
$pdoStatement = $this->pdo->query($sql);
foreach($pdoStatement as $parent)
$parentId = $parent->ID;
# parents that had been queried are skipped
if (isset($objects[$parentId]))
$objects[$parentId] = $parent;
# add parent objects by recursion
$objects += $this->findAllParents($parentId);
return $objects;
* main
$data = new PDODataProvider($DBH);
$id = new HTTPGetParameter('ID', 0);
$objects = $data->findAllParents($id->getValueInt());
echo json_encode($objects);
I hope this example is helpful for you to answer your question.
