Parameters to a class constructor function - php

I'm trying to adapt a class of mine that handles tags for events stored in a JSON file. You can create tags, delete them, restore them, view them, etc. In the code below for this library you can see that I retrieve the array from the file during the constructor function so I use it and manipulate it throughout my classes' functions.
class tagHandler {
private $tagsFile = "/home/thomassm/public_html/functions/php/tags.json";
private $LstTags;
private $LstReturn;
function __construct() {
$this->LstTags = array();
if(!file_exists ($this->tagsFile)){
$fHND = fopen($this->tagsFile, "w");
$tmpArray = array(array("EID","EName","EColor", "EDel"));
fwrite($fHND, json_encode($tmpArray));
$encodedInput = file ($this->tagsFile);
$this->LstTags = json_decode($encodedInput[0], true);
if(!$this->LstTags) $this->LstTags = array();
function __destruct(){
public function update(){
$this->LstTags = array_values($this->LstTags);
$fHND = fopen($this->tagsFile, "w");
fwrite($fHND, json_encode($this->LstTags));
//empty memory region
$this->LstTags = array();
$encodedInput = file ($this->tagsFile);
$this->LstTags = json_decode($encodedInput[0], true);
//More functions that use the collected array here.
I am trying to adapt the class to deal with people signed up to my events. Each event has a record in my database that will store a field for an array of males who sign up and females who sign up. I wish for the constructor class to get the arrays(s) from the record so they can be manipulated like the previous class. The issue is to get the array I have to search the DB for a record with the Event ID (EID) and that will require a variable passed to the constructor function. To make things worse, this parameter has to be able to change in a loop. For example, the page listing all the events will have to use this class in a loop going through each record, so it can retrieve the array to manipulate it and then show it in a table / fullcalendar before repeating the process to get the next event. I have put the code I have so far below. Its not complete (some variables haven't been renamed to male and female, etc) and may be completely wrong, but it will give you a base to explain from.
class signupHandler {
private $LstMaleS;
private $LstFemaleS;
private $LstReturn;
function __construct($IntEID) {
$this->LstTags = array();
$StrQuery = "SELECT MaleS, FemaleS FROM tblEvents WHERE EID = ?";
if ($statement = TF_Core::$MySQLi->DB->prepare($StrQuery)) {
$statement->execute ();
$results = $statement->get_result ();
$this->LstTags = json_decode($encodedInput[0], true);
if(!$this->LstTags) $this->LstTags = array();

function decodeNames($StrNames){
$this->LstNames = array();
$this->LstNames = json_decode($StrNames, true);
if(!$this->LstNames) $this->LstNames = array();
$this->LstNames = array_values($this->LstNames);
function update(){
$this->LstNames = array_values($this->LstNames);
return json_encode($this->LstNames);
public function addSignUp($StrNames, $StrUsername, $StrStatus){
$BlnPresent = false;
for($i = 0; $i < count($this->LstNames); $i++){
if($this->LstNames[$i][0] == $StrUsername){
$this->LstNames[$i][1] = $StrStatus;
$BlnPresent = true;
if($BlnPresent == false){
array_push($this->LstNames, array($StrUsername, $StrStatus, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
return $this->update();
I have decided to pass the encoded JSON array to the class each time I call a function from it. Before every function it is decoded and turned into an array and at the end it is then re-encoded and returned back to the file calling it. Now I no longer have any constructor or destruct functions.


Efficient way to reuse the same call to the same sql table

So I search for this title hoping someone would have already answered it however, I came across similar topics on other languages but not PHP so maybe this will help others.
I am constantly using this following script to call on the database but how can I create it so that I can make it just once at the top of the class for example and use it in every method on the class page that needs it. Example: An single page may not have all of the data it needs from the same table but if the table contains 50% of the data or more for that page, how can I modify this so that I can just say it once and let the rest of the following scripts display the data it extracted in the first place by calling it all just once?
Here's what I have now.
if($res = $dbConn->query("SELECT Column FROM Table")){
while($d = $res->fetch_assoc()){
printf("Enter HTML here with proper %s", $d['Column']);
I want to call on this without the printf(" "); collect and store the data so that I can then call the results while printing or echoing the results with the HTML in other methods. What os the most efficient way? I don't want to make the same call over and over and over... well, you get the point.
Should I use fetch_array or can I still do it with fetch_assoc?
not very sure if it's the answer you want.
you can use include/include_once/require/require_once at the top of the page you want to use the function
for example:
function generate_form( $dbConn, $sql ) {
if($res = $dbConn->query("SELECT Column FROM Table")) {
while($d = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
printf("Enter HTML here with proper %s", $d['Column']);
and for those pages you want to use the function, just put
include "$PATH/general_function.php";
and call generate_form
Try this:
class QueryStorage {
public static $dbConn = null;
public static $results = [];
public static function setConnection($dbConn) {
self::$dbConn = $dbConn;
public static function query($query, $cache = true) {
$result = (array_key_exists($query, self::$results))?
self::$results[$query] : self::$dbConn->query($query);
if($cache) {
self::$results[$query] = $result;
return $result;
public static function delete($query) {
public function clean() {
self::$results = [];
at top somewhere pass connection to class:
query and store it:
$result = QueryStorage::query("SELECT Column FROM Table", true);
while($d = $result->fetch_assoc()){
printf("Enter HTML here with proper %s", $d['Column']);
reuse it everywhere:
$result = QueryStorage::query("SELECT Column FROM Table", true); // it will return same result without querying db second time
Remember: it's runtime cache and will not store result for second script run. for this purposes You can modify current class to make it
work with memcache, redis, apc and etc.
If I understood you correctly, then the trick is to make an associative array and access with its 'key' down the code.
$dataArray = array();
// Add extra column in select query for maintaining uniqness. 'id' or it can be any unique value like username.
if($res = $dbConn->query("SELECT Column,id FROM Table")){
while($d = $res->fetch_assoc()){
$dataArray[$d['id']] = $d['Column'];
//you have value in the array use like this:
echo $dataArray['requireValueId'];
//or , use 'for-loop' if you want to echo all the values
You need a function which takes in the query as a parameter and returns the result.
Like this:
public function generate_query($sql) {
if($res = $dbConn->query($sql)){
while($d = $res->fetch_assoc()){
printf("Enter HTML here with proper %s", $d['Column']);

Catching the returned value

this may be a stupid question, but every source on the web seems not able to fully explain the logic to my complex brain
There's an edit page getting a $_GET['id'] from a link.
I got a function on my class elaborating this one to create an array of values from the database which must fill the form fields to edit datas. The short part of this code:
public function prel() {
$this->id= $_GET['id'];
public function EditDb () {
$connetti = new connessionedb();
$dbc = $connetti->Connessione();
$query = "SELECT * from anammi.anagrafica WHERE id = '$this->id'";
$mysqli = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
if ($mysqli) {
$fetch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($mysqli);
return $fetch;
This array (which i tried to print) is perfectly ready to do what i'd like.
My pain starts when i need to pass it to the following function in the same class, which perhaps calls a parent method to print the form:
public function Associa() {
$a = $this->EditDb();
$this->old_id = $a['old_id'];
$this->cognome = $a['cognome'];
$this->nome = $a['nome'];
$this->sesso = $a['sesso'];
$this->tipo_socio_id = $a['tipo_socio_id'];
$this->titolo = $a['titolo']; }
public function Body() {
How do i have to pass this $fetch?
My implementation:
require_once '/classes/class.ConnessioneDb.php';
require_once '/classes/class.editForm';
$edit = new EditForm();
if ($edit->EditDb()) {
if (if ($edit->EditDb()) {
$edit->Body();) {
your Editdb method is returning a string and you are checking for a boolean condition in if statement. this is one problem.
using fetch-
Posting the full code of it:
public function prel() {
$this->id= $_GET['id'];
public function EditDb () {
$connetti = new connessionedb();
$dbc = $connetti->Connessione();
$query = "SELECT * from table WHERE id = '$this->id'";
$mysqli = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
if ($mysqli) {
$fetch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($mysqli);
return $fetch;
public function Associa($fetch) {
$this->old_id = $fetch['old_id'];
$this->cognome = $fetch['cognome'];
$this->nome = $fetch['nome'];
$this->sesso = $fetch['sesso']; //it goes on from there with many similar lines
public function Body() {
$body = form::Body();
return $body;
$edit = new EditForm();
$print = $edit->Body();
echo $print;
Being an edit form base on a parent insert form, i added an if in the parent form that sees if is set an $_GET['id] and prints the right form header with the right form action. This was tricky but really satisfying.

How to store the class object array value into database and retrieve theses value from the database

I am working in a class which has dynamic arrays. I need to store the results of these dynamic arrays of the class in the database.
class H
var $Voltage;
var $Number;
var $Duration;
function H($Voltage=0,$Number=0,$Duration=0)
$this->Voltage = $Voltage;
$this->Number = $Number;
$this->Duration = $Duration;
//This will be the crossover function. Is just the average of all properties.
function avg($a,$b) {
return round(($a*2+$b*2)/2);
//This will be the mutation function. Just increments the property.
function inc($x)
return $x+1*2;
//This will be the fitness function. Is just the sum of all properties.
function debug($x)
echo "<pre style='border: 1px solid black'>";
echo '</pre>';
//This will be the fitness function. Is just the sum of all properties.
function total($obj)
return $obj->Voltage*(-2) + $obj->Number*2 + $obj->Duration*1;
$adam = new H($fa1[$i],$fb1[$i],$fcc1[$i]);
$eve = new H($fe1[$i],$ff1[$i],$fg1[$i]);
$eve1 = new H($fi1[$i],$fj1[$i],$fk1[$i]);
$ga = new GA();
echo "Input";
$ga->population = array($adam,$eve,$eve1);
$ga->fitness_function = 'total'; //Uses the 'total' function as fitness function
$ga->num_couples = 5; //4 couples per generation (when possible)
$ga->death_rate = 0; //No kills per generation
$ga->generations = 10; //Executes 100 generations
$ga->crossover_functions = 'avg'; //Uses the 'avg' function as crossover function
$ga->mutation_function = 'inc'; //Uses the 'inc' function as mutation function
$ga->mutation_rate = 20; //10% mutation rate
$ga->evolve(); //Run
debug(GA::select($ga->population,'total',3)); //The best
$as=array((GA::select($ga->population,'total',3))); //The best
$as is an array which contains the value I need to store in the database. Kindly help me in that. This $as array contains the values of $adam,$eve,$eve1 after computation.
To store an array in a database you can use the PHP serialize function
$serialized_array = serialize($as); // This can now be stored in the database
Then when you retrieve it from the database use unserialize
$back_to_array = unserialize($result_from_database); //You now have the array again
Also consider using PHP5 notation for class declarations such as declaring function and member variables as public/protected/private and using function __construct() instead of function your_class_name
//serialize and store the value into the database
//however to storing the object into the db is not good practice
$val = serialize($$as);
$sql = "insert into table_name field_name values('$val')";
//execute the query
$query = mysqli_query($connection_variable, $sql) or die('error in query');
//while retrieving use unserialize($str) function

How to correctly return an array for further use?

I have the following code on my site:
$statusMessageSQL = "SElECT * FROM statusmessages";
$statusMessagePrepare = $db->prepare($statusMessageSQL);
$statusMessageResult = $statusMessagePrepare->fetchAll();
foreach($statusMessageResult as $row){
$results[] = $row;
$smarty->assign('results', $results);
It works without any problems, but now I wanted to put most of this in my database class to work more object oriented. But I have some problems returning the array. I have done this
$statusMessage = $db->getStatusMessages();
The function:
function getStatusMessage(){
$statusMessageSQL = "SElECT * FROM statusmessages";
$statusMessagePrepare = $db->prepare($statusMessageSQL);
$statusMessageResult = $statusMessagePrepare->fetchAll();
foreach($statusMessageResult as $row){
$results[] = $row;
return $results;
But this just tells me, that my array is null. so there have to be an problem with my returning. How do I do it correctly?
My database entries are statusID, posterID, statusMessage, dateTime, sumRating and sumVotes.
And what do I do if I want to also return an entry of another table? Like, I have the givenName and familyName of the poster (posterID) on another table. How do I also return this data?
Okay I got it. First of all, I made the mistake, that I - as #slugonamission said - that I made a spelling mistake in the function name. Then, I changed my forloop in the home.php from
$statusMessage = $db->getStatusMessage();
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($statusMessage); $i++){
$smarty->assign('results', $statusMessage[$i]);
to this, because the [$i] at the end made the forloop only use the last entry of the database and from that only the first letter.
$statusMessage = $db->getStatusMessage();
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($statusMessage); $i++){
$smarty->assign('results', $statusMessage);
Now what I'm working on is how to get data from other tables, too.
function getStatusMessage(){
global $db; // this is what you actually need to make function work
$sql = "SElECT s.*, username FROM statusmessages s JOIN users u ON";
$stm = $db->prepare($sql);
return $stm->fetchAll();
note that you have to use JOIN to get associated info
You have to parse your $db variable to your function:
function my_function() {
global $db;
// some code
or to use it like this:
class myClass {
private $db;
public function __construct() {
$this->db = new MySQLi("host","user","pass","db");
public function my_function() {
$my_db_query = $this->db->query('query');

php passing object of an object: reference or value?

Hi all I'm using zend framework (but I think this is irrelevant) and php5 and I just want to modify an object of an object
public function saveSite($post) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$form = $this->view->form;
$newSite = 0;
$sitesRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$debugString = null;
if (is_array($post)) {
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
$debugString = $subform->getContent();
echo $debugString;
//new site instertion
if (is_null($subform)) {
$subform = $form->getSubForm('NewSite');
$newSite = 1;
$values = reset($subform->getValues());
$sitesRecord = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Diff_Model_Sites')->findOneBy('idSite', $values['idSite']);
if ($sitesRecord) {
$sitesRecord->idSite = $values['idSite']; //useless but necessary to make Doctrine understand to use update?
} else { //if the record is not present instantiate a new object (otherwise save() will not work
$sitesRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$sitesRecord->content = $subform->getContent(); //$values['content'];
$sitesRecord->newHtml = $subform->getContent();
$sitesRecord->url = $values['url'];
$sitesRecord->shortName = $values['shortName'];
$sitesRecord->lastChanged = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sitesRecord->pollingHours = $values['pollingHours'];
$sitesRecord->minLengthChange = $values['minLenghtChange'];
if (Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) { //save the owner
$sitesRecord->idOwner = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->idOwner; //retrieve the owner
} else {
throw new Exception("your session have expired: \n please login again");
* return the calling subform
* #param type $post
* #return type
public function getSubformByPost($post) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$form = $this->view->form;
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$subformName = "site" . $post['idSite'];
$subform = $form->getSubForm($subformName);
return $subform;
public function refreshOneDiff($post) {
if (is_array($post)) {
$form = new Diff_Form_Download();
$form = $this->view->form;
$subform = new Diff_Form_DownloadSubform();
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
if (!$subform)
$subform = $this->view->form->getSubformByPost('NewSite');
$url = $subform->getUrl();
$idSite = $subform->getIdSite();
$crawler = new Crawler();
$newpageContent = $crawler->get_web_page($url);
$siteRecord = new Diff_Model_Sites();
$siteRecord = $subform->getSiteRecord();
if ($siteRecord) //check if the record is not null
$oldpageContent = $siteRecord->get('content');
$oldpageContent = null;
$differences = $this->getDiff($oldpageContent, $newpageContent);
if (!is_null($differences)) {
$siteRecord->content = $newpageContent;
$subform = $this->getSubformByPost($post);
$debugString = $subform->getContent();
//echo $debugString;
$sitePresence = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Diff_Model_Sites')->findOneBy('idSite', $idSite);
if ($sitePresence) {
} else {
Basically what I'm doing here is:
1) grab a the form from the view
2) grab a subform from the form (let's call it SubformX)
3) grab an object "siteRecordX" from SubformX
4) change a value of "siteRecordX"
5) call a function saveRecord()
6) In this function regrab the same SubformX and echoing the value of the object siteRecordX
Surprisingly if i change a variable of SubformX it will stay that way, if I change a variable of an object of SubformX it will remain unchanged (if I retrieve SubformX).
It looks like, even if SubformX is passed by reference it is not the same for it's subobjects, wich are passed by value and so they disappear changing the context of the function.
Can you please help me?
I still cannot solve this issue nor understand it:
This is the constructor of the subform:
public function __construct($site = null, $options = null) {
if ($site instanceof Diff_Model_Sites) {
$this->_shortName = $site->get('shortName');
$this->_url = $site->get('url');
$this->_content = $site->get('content');
$this->_idSite = $site->get('idSite');
$this->_siteRecord = $site;
$this->_lastChanged = $site->get('lastChanged');
while this is the function of SubformX i use to set the value.
public function setContent($contentText) {
$this->_siteRecord->content = $contentText;
$this->_content = $contentText;
and this is the function of the subform that I call to get the value
public function getContent() {
if (isset($this->_siteRecord)) {
//return $this->_content;
return $this->_siteRecord->content;
with the commented line I'm able to retrieve the updated value, not with the second.
This is a real mystery to me because i set and get them exactly the same way at exactly the same point and i cannot understand the difference.
Your _siteRecord property is an ORM object (Doctrine, it appears). So its data may have some behaviors that are not standard for a reference-type object. It surely has some override of __get and __set. It also employs caching. These things are necessary to keep the database-model interaction working properly, but they can confuse what should be a reference and value types. (See:
P.S.: in your constructor you use:
$this->_content = $site->get('content');
$this->_siteRecord = $site;
but in your getContent() you use:
That difference might be part of the problem.
Thank you all guys. It was Doctrine caching.
I have not investigated further the problem, but after getting rid of Doctrine everything works fine.
I have lost one entire day after this issue.
Moreover today I have lost another day for another curious problem related to Doctrine.
It seems that each time you gather data from your db Doctrine decode them for you (just like the php function utf8_decode($data).
Of course if you get the data and then put it back in the db again it will result in a total mayhem of coding and decoding.
This is enough. I still think that ORM are great programming tools but simply Doctrine is not.
I will not rest in peace since I'll have it eliminated from my program.
I will use Zend_Db library instead. Which I have mostly already done without regret and without facing the above-mentioned Doctrine's problems.
Again thanks to Seth Battin and Dave Random for the help and patience to understand my noob-coding.
