Call to undefined function str_getcsv() - php

I get this error
Call to undefined function str_getcsv()
It seems to be a php version. it didn't come out until version 5.3
Anyone know a way replace this function instead upgrade the PHP version?

I don't know if this actually works, but on the manual page there is some example implementation which you can use as a fallback like this:
if(!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
function str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"') {
if( ! preg_match("/[$enclosure]/", $input) ) {
return (array)preg_replace(array("/^\\s*/", "/\\s*$/"), '', explode($delimiter, $input));
$token = "##"; $token2 = "::";
//alternate tokens "\034\034", "\035\035", "%%";
$t1 = preg_replace(array("/\\\[$enclosure]/", "/$enclosure{2}/",
"/[$enclosure]\\s*[$delimiter]\\s*[$enclosure]\\s*/", "/\\s*[$enclosure]\\s*/"),
array($token2, $token2, $token, $token), trim(trim(trim($input), $enclosure)));
$a = explode($token, $t1);
foreach($a as $k=>$v) {
if ( preg_match("/^{$delimiter}/", $v) || preg_match("/{$delimiter}$/", $v) ) {
$a[$k] = trim($v, $delimiter); $a[$k] = preg_replace("/$delimiter/", "$token", $a[$k]); }
$a = explode($token, implode($token, $a));
return (array)preg_replace(array("/^\\s/", "/\\s$/", "/$token2/"), array('', '', $enclosure), $a);

Aha, I found this code snippet in php manual
if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
function str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = '\\', $eol = '\n') {
if (is_string($input) && !empty($input)) {
$output = array();
$tmp = preg_split("/".$eol."/",$input);
if (is_array($tmp) && !empty($tmp)) {
while (list($line_num, $line) = each($tmp)) {
if (preg_match("/".$escape.$enclosure."/",$line)) {
while ($strlen = strlen($line)) {
$pos_delimiter = strpos($line,$delimiter);
$pos_enclosure_start = strpos($line,$enclosure);
if (
is_int($pos_delimiter) && is_int($pos_enclosure_start)
&& ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter)
) {
$enclosed_str = substr($line,1);
$pos_enclosure_end = strpos($enclosed_str,$enclosure);
$enclosed_str = substr($enclosed_str,0,$pos_enclosure_end);
$output[$line_num][] = $enclosed_str;
$offset = $pos_enclosure_end+3;
} else {
if (empty($pos_delimiter) && empty($pos_enclosure_start)) {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line,0);
$offset = strlen($line);
} else {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line,0,$pos_delimiter);
$offset = (
&& ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter)
$line = substr($line,$offset);
} else {
$line = preg_split("/".$delimiter."/",$line);
* Validating against pesky extra line breaks creating false rows.
if (is_array($line) && !empty($line[0])) {
$output[$line_num] = $line;
return $output;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;

You could try doing it with fgetcsv() although you'd have to open the file into stream to be able to read it.
$fh = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
fwrite($fh, $string);
$row = fgetcsv($fh);

I found that the above code snippets do not properly parse csv files where the entries are contained in quotes and contain commas themselves.
But you can combine the other responses here into something that worked for me.
Basically, if the str_getcsv function isn't defined, define it yourself, and its implementation should create an in-memory file handle that is then passed to fgetcsv. For some reason PHP on GoDaddy (where I'm hosting a site) doesn't have str_getcsv but DOES have fgetcsv. Go figure.
if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
function str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = '\\', $eol = '\n') {
$fh = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
fwrite($fh, $input);
$row = fgetcsv($fh);
return $row;


Removing an entire PHP function based on its suffix

I want to remove all functions ending with _example from my code. I am processing the code using token_get_all. The code I currently have is below to change the opening tags and strip the comments out.
foreach ($files as $file) {
$content = file_get_contents($file);
$tokens = token_get_all($content);
$output = '';
foreach($tokens as $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
list($index, $code, $line) = $token;
switch($index) {
$output .= '<?php echo';
$output .= '';
// ???
$output .= $code;
} else {
$output .= $token;
file_put_contents($file, $output);
I just can't figure out how I can modify it to strip entire functions based on their names.
Ok, I wrote the new code for your problem:
First, he finds every functions and them declarations in your source code.
Second, he checks if function name finished by "_example" and remove his code.
$source = file_get_contents($filename); // Obtain source from filename $filename
$tokens = token_get_all($source); // Get php tokens
// Init variables
$in_fnc = false;
$fnc_name = null;
$functions = array();
// Loop $tokens to locate functions
foreach ($tokens as $token){
$t_array = is_array($token);
if ($t_array){
list($t, $c) = $token;
if (!$in_fnc && $t == T_FUNCTION){ // "function": we register one function start
$in_fnc = true;
$fnc_name = null;
$nb_opened = $nb_closed = 0;
else if ($in_fnc && null === $fnc_name && $t == T_STRING){ // we check and store the name of function if exists
if (preg_match('`function\s+'.preg_quote($c).'\s*\(`sU', $source)){ // "function function_name ("
$fnc_name = $c;
else {
$c = $token; // single char: content is $token
if ($in_fnc && null !== $fnc_name){ // we are in declaration of function
$nb_closed += substr_count($c, '}'); // we count number of } to extract later complete code of this function
if (!$t_array){
$nb_opened += substr_count($c, '{') - substr_count($c, '}'); // we count number of { not closed (num "{" - num "}")
if ($nb_closed > 0 && $nb_opened == 0){ // once "}" parsed and all "{" are closed by "}"
if (preg_match('`function\s+'.preg_quote($fnc_name).'\s*\((.*\}){'.$nb_closed.'}`sU', $source, $m)){
$functions[$fnc_name] = $m[0]; // we store entire code of this function in $functions
$in_fnc = false; // we declare that function is finished
// Ok, now $functions contains all functions found in $filename
$source_changed = false; // Prevents re-write $filename with the original content
foreach ($functions as $f_name => $f_code){
if (preg_match('`_example$`', $f_name)){
$source = str_replace($f_code, '', $source); // remove function if her name finished by "_example"
$source_changed = true;
if ($source_changed){
file_put_contents($filename, $source); // replace $filename file contents

Random Article from directory displayed on my HTML or PHP pages. I already know how to do this on an HTML Static page but not randomly

I'm trying to extract articles from a directory at random and then spin and display. This is for Spintax articles Example:
{Cat|Dog|Monkey|Fish|Lizard} {went to the lake|ate a mouse|jumped in the water}
The directory will have multiple text files. I'm sure that I almost have it!
function spin($s){
preg_match('#\{(.+?)\}#is', $s, $m);
if (empty($m))
return $s;
$t = $m[1];
if (strpos($t, '{') !== false)
$t = substr($t, strrpos($t,'{') + 1);
$parts = explode("|", $t);
$s = preg_replace("+\{".preg_quote($t)."\}+is",
$parts[array_rand($parts)], $s, 1);
return spin($s);
$articles = glob("test/*.txt");
$file = array_rand($articles);
$string = file_get_contents($articles[$file]);
$f = file_get_contents($string, "r");
while ($line = fgets($f, 1000)) {
echo spin($line);
I fixed this 20 mins after. I posted a none working Script above.
$f = file_get_contents($string, "r"); $string did not belong, I was a bit tired.
function spin($s){
if(empty($m)) return $s;
$t = $m[1];
$t = substr($t, strrpos($t,'{') + 1);
$parts = explode("|", $t);
$s = preg_replace("+\{".preg_quote($t)."\}+is",
$parts[array_rand($parts)], $s, 1);
return spin($s);
$articles = glob("test/*.txt");
$files = array_rand($articles);
$f = fopen($articles[$files], "r");
while ( $line = fgets($f, 1000) ) {
echo spin($line);

How to read multibyte characters from a CSV file using PHP

I have a CSV file which contains a mixture of English and Chinese characters (it is a list of contacts exported from the Mozilla Thunderbird email program). I am trying to create a function which can extract the information from this file. It appears that function fgetcsv() does not support multibyte characters. Since I am running PHP5.2, I do not have access to str_getcsv().
Although the situation above refers to English and Chinese, I am looking for a solution which will work with any language.
Right now I have the function namecards_import_str_getcsv() as my CSV parsing function, which tries to mimic str_getcsv().
function namecards_import_str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = '\\', $eol = '\n') {
if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
if (is_string($input) && !empty($input)) {
$output = array();
$tmp = preg_split("/".$eol."/",$input);
if (is_array($tmp) && !empty($tmp)) {
while (list($line_num, $line) = each($tmp)) {
if (preg_match("/" . $escape . $enclosure . "/", $line)) {
while ($strlen = strlen($line)) {
$pos_delimiter = strpos($line, $delimiter);
$pos_enclosure_start = strpos($line, $enclosure);
if (is_int($pos_delimiter) && is_int($pos_enclosure_start) && ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter)) {
$enclosed_str = substr($line, 1);
$pos_enclosure_end = strpos($enclosed_str, $enclosure);
$enclosed_str = substr($enclosed_str, 0, $pos_enclosure_end);
$output[$line_num][] = $enclosed_str;
$offset = $pos_enclosure_end + 3;
else {
if (empty($pos_delimiter) && empty($pos_enclosure_start)) {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line, 0);
$offset = strlen($line);
else {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line,0,$pos_delimiter);
$offset = (!empty($pos_enclosure_start) && ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter))? $pos_enclosure_start : $pos_delimiter + 1;
$line = substr($line,$offset);
else {
$line = preg_split("/" . $delimiter . "/", $line);
* Validating against pesky extra line breaks creating false rows.
if (is_array($line) && !empty($line[0])) {
$output[$line_num] = $line;
return $output;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
else {
return str_getcsv($input);
This function is called by the following line of code:
$file = $_SESSION['namecards_csv_file'];
if (file_exists($file->uri)) {
// Load raw csv content into a handler variable.
$handle = fopen($file->uri, "r");
$cardinfo = array();
while (($data = fgets($handle)) !== FALSE) {
$data = namecards_import_str_getcsv($data);
$cardinfo[] = $data[0];
else {
drupal_set_message(t('CSV file doesn\'t exist'), 'error');
In the array of results the strings of Chinese characters are in the correct place in the array by they appear as symbols e.g. "��".
Another method I had tried before this was to simply use fgetcsv() (See below example). But in this case the elements of the returned array were empty.
$file = $_SESSION['namecards_csv_file'];
if (file_exists($file->uri)) {
// Load raw csv content into a handler variable.
$handle = fopen($file->uri, "r");
$cardinfo = array();
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 5000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$cardinfo[] = $data;
else {
drupal_set_message(t('CSV file doesn\'t exist'), 'error');
In case you are interested here is the contents of the CSV file:
First Name,Last Name,Display Name,Nickname,Primary Email,Secondary Email,Screen Name,Work Phone,Home Phone,Fax Number,Pager Number,Mobile Number,Home Address,Home Address 2,Home City,Home State,Home ZipCode,Home Country,Work Address,Work Address 2,Work City,Work State,Work ZipCode,Work Country,Job Title,Department,Organization,Web Page 1,Web Page 2,Birth Year,Birth Month,Birth Day,Custom 1,Custom 2,Custom 3,Custom 4,Notes,
Ben,Gunn,Ben Gunn,Benny,,,,+94 (10) 11111111,+94 (10) 22222222,+94 (10) 33333333,,+94 44444444444,12 Benny Lane,,Beijing,Beijing,100028,China,13 asdfsdfs,,sdfsf,sdfsdf,134323,China,Manager,Sales,Benny Inc,,,,,,,,,,,
乔,康,乔 康,小康,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,北京市朝阳区,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Just writing up as an answer what was figured out in the comments:
fgetcsv is locale sensitive, so make sure to setlocale to a UTF-8 locale.

Replacing file content in PHP

I need a function just like preg_replace but instead of strings I need it to work with files / file content.
You can do:
$file = 'filename';
#codaddict's answer is quite sufficent for small files (and would be how I would implement it if the size of the file was under a MiB). However it will eat up a ton of memory, and as such you should be careful when reading large files.
If you want a much more memory friendly version, you could use stream filters...
class ReplaceText_filter extends php_user_filter {
protected $search = '';
protected $replace = '';
public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing) {
while ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writable($in)) {
$bucket->data = str_replace(
$consumed += $bucket->datalen;
stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket);
return PSFS_PASS_ON;
public function onCreate() {
if (strpos($this->filtername, '.') === false) return false;
list ($name, $arguments) = explode('.', $this->filtername, 2);
$replace = '';
$search = $arguments;
if (strpos($arguments, '|') !== false) {
list ($search, $replace) = explode('|', $arguments, 2);
if (strpos($search, ',') !== false) {
$search = explode(',', $search);
if (strpos($replace, ',') !== false) {
$search = explode(',', $replace);
$this->search = $search;
$this->replace = $replace;
stream_filter_register('replacetext.*', 'ReplaceText_Filter');
So, then you can append an arbitrary stream filter. The filter's name determines the arguments:
$search = 'foo';
$replace = 'bar';
$name = 'replacetext.'.$search.'|'.$replace;
stream_filter_append($stream, $name);
or for arrays,
$search = array('foo', 'bar');
$replace = array('bar', 'baz');
$name = 'replacetext.'.implode(',', $search).'|'.implode(',', $replace);
stream_filter_append($stream, $name);
Obviously this is a really simple example (and doesn't do a lot of error checking), but it allows you to do something like this:
$f1 = fopen('mysourcefile', 'r');
$f2 = fopen('mytmpfile', 'w');
$search = array('foo', 'bar');
$replace = array('bar', 'baz');
$name = 'replacetext.'.implode(',', $search).'|'.implode(',', $replace);
stream_filter_append($f1, $name);
stream_copy_to_stream($f1, $f2);
rename('mytmpfile', 'mysourcefile');
And that will keep memory usage very low while processing potentially huge (GiB or TiB) files...
Oh, and the other cool thing, is it can inline edit differing stream types. What I mean by that is that you can read from a HTTP stream, edit inline, and write to a file stream. It's quite powerful (as you can chain these filters)...
$pattern = "/created/";
$replacement = "XXXXX";
$file_name = "regex.txt";
$getting_file_contents = file_get_contents($file_name);
echo("Original file contents : " . "<br><br>");
if ($getting_file_contents == true) {
echo($file_name . " had been read succesfully" . "<br><br><br>");
$replace_data_in_file = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $getting_file_contents);
$writing_replaced_data = file_put_contents($file_name, $replace_data_in_file);
echo("New file contents : " . "<br><br>");
if ($writing_replaced_data == true) {
echo("Data in the file changed");
else {
exit("Cannot change data in the file");
else {
exit("Unable to get file contents!");

Regex Unclosed Quote

I am trying to figure out a way to read a CSV with returns in it in PHP. The problem is when you read the file like this:
if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
row data...
If you have a retun in the CSV it does not work, it just sees the returns as a new row.
My idea was to have a regex to check for unclosed quotes, but I dont know of anything like that. Any ideas?
Since it seems the built-in fgetcsv does not correctly handle the CSV standard, there are suggestions for alternatives on the PHP man page for fgetcsv - here's one of them:
The PHP's CSV handling stuff is
non-standard and contradicts with
RFC4180, thus fgetcsv() cannot
properly deal with files like this
example ...
There is a quick and dirty
RFC-compliant realization of CSV
creation and parsing:
function array_to_csvstring($items, $CSV_SEPARATOR = ';', $CSV_ENCLOSURE = '"', $CSV_LINEBREAK = "\n") {
$string = '';
$o = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (stripos($item, $CSV_ENCLOSURE) !== false) {
$item = str_replace($CSV_ENCLOSURE, $CSV_ENCLOSURE . $CSV_ENCLOSURE, $item);
if ((stripos($item, $CSV_SEPARATOR) !== false)
|| (stripos($item, $CSV_ENCLOSURE) !== false)
|| (stripos($item, $CSV_LINEBREAK !== false))) {
$item = $CSV_ENCLOSURE . $item . $CSV_ENCLOSURE;
$o[] = $item;
$string = implode($CSV_SEPARATOR, $o) . $CSV_LINEBREAK;
return $string;
function csvstring_to_array(&$string, $CSV_SEPARATOR = ';', $CSV_ENCLOSURE = '"', $CSV_LINEBREAK = "\n") {
$o = array();
$cnt = strlen($string);
$esc = false;
$escesc = false;
$num = 0;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $cnt) {
$s = $string[$i];
if ($s == $CSV_LINEBREAK) {
if ($esc) {
$o[$num] .= $s;
} else {
} elseif ($s == $CSV_SEPARATOR) {
if ($esc) {
$o[$num] .= $s;
} else {
$esc = false;
$escesc = false;
} elseif ($s == $CSV_ENCLOSURE) {
if ($escesc) {
$o[$num] .= $CSV_ENCLOSURE;
$escesc = false;
if ($esc) {
$esc = false;
$escesc = true;
} else {
$esc = true;
$escesc = false;
} else {
if ($escesc) {
$o[$num] .= $CSV_ENCLOSURE;
$escesc = false;
$o[$num] .= $s;
// $string = substr($string, $i);
return $o;
