Is it possible to get the ID of what the entry in the MySQL DB is going to be ?
Or even better replicate the value of ID into another field ?
For example I have:
ID and User_ID and I want them always to be the same value
| ID User_ID |
| 1 1 |
| 2 2 |
| 3 3 |
| 4 4 |
| 5 5 |
And so on
I find your need quite questionable, and a design smell. Nevertheless, you have the chance to achieve what you're looking for. The key is a trigger.
here you can find TRIGGER SYNTAX
Basically you need to define a proper AFTER INSERT trigger.
Insert the row without the user_id field set, read the autoincrement id inside the trigger and set the user_id value as needed.
I'm not going to post an example because the manual is quite exaustive and it's a good read anyway.
Why I think that your idea is bad? well, you're duplicating data (by your very definition, "you want them always to be the same") without gaining value. The duplicate column is completely useless by all rights, and can be removed. If you're using them as a key or foreign key reference, the two column are completely interchangeable. Therefore, simply drop one of them and be done with it.
Use mysql_insert_id() after calling your mysql_query
Or mysqli_insert_id() is using mysqli_ instead of just mysql_
More information here note that all the mysql_ functions are now depreciated, so I would suggest mysqli_ or PDO instead.
if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (`name`) VALUES ('name')")){
$id = (int)mysql_insert_id();
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `User_ID` = {$id}");
But this is not good idea from the beginning :)
If you are using auto increment, then what you want is inside:
SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name = 'myTable' AND table_schema = DATABASE( )
so in that case use for example:
INSERT INTO myTable (ID, User_ID) values ( NULL ,
SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name = 'myTable' AND table_schema = DATABASE( )
The Null indicates an auto increment ID. And the subquery will yield the auto increment ID to be used.
If you are not using auto increment, then you can simply do:
INSERT INTO myTable (ID, User_ID) values ( 5 , ID );
... and thus referencing ID to User_ID
I just need a logic on how to Reset Autoincremented ID to the previous ID which I deleted recently from database for example I just delete ID=3 from database next time I add data into database ID will be incremented to 4 and it will be showed as 1 2 4 but I dont want 4 I want it to be 3 Im building a small inventory management system using php and sql.
The following query will set your AUTO_INCREMENT value to 1 less than what it currently is, however I would recommend you don't bother doing so - recycling key values is not recommended practice and can be risky as it's not the way AUTO_INCREMENT is intended to be used (see answers to this question).
AND TABLE_NAME = 'TableName') - 1;
I've table with following structure :
id | storeid | code
Where id is primary key
I want to insert data in this table with incremental order like this :
id | storeid | code
1 | 2 | 1
2 | 2 | 2
3 | 2 | 3
4 | 2 | 4
I've two solution to do this task.
1) Fire a query to get last record (code) from table and increment value of code with 1 using PHP and after that second query to insert that incremented value in database.
2) This single query : "INSERT INTO qrcodesforstore (storeid,code) VALUES (2,IFNULL((SELECT t.code+1 FROM (select code from qrcodesforstore order by id desc limit 1) t),1))"
I just want suggestion which approach is best and why for performance.
I'm currently using second method but confuse about performance as I'm using three level sub query.
You simply can use INSERT with SELECT and MAX():
INSERT INTO qrcodesforstore
(storeid, code)
(SELECT 2, IFNULL((MAX(code)+1),1) FROM qrcodesforstore)
Wrapping it up in a trigger:-
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS bi_qrcodesforstore$$
CREATE TRIGGER bi_qrcodesforstore BEFORE INSERT ON qrcodesforstore
DECLARE max_code INT;
SELECT MAX(code) INTO max_code FROM qrcodesforstore;
IF max_code IS NULL THEN
SET max_code := 1;
SET max_code := max_code + 1;
SET NEW.code := max_code;
you declare the field as primary key and unique and auto increment key they automatically increment the values
You can set the code column as AUTO_INCREMENT, you don't need to set it as primary key, see this.
Anyway, the second solution would be better, only one query is better than two.
I have a script to find duplicate rows in my MySql table, the table contains 40,000,000 rows. but it is very slow going, is there an easier way to find the duplicate records without going in and out of php?
This is the script i currently use
$find = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pst_nw ID < '1000'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($find))
$find_1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pst_nw add1 = '$row[add1]' AND add2 = '$row[add2]' AND add3 = '$row[add3]' AND add4 = '$row[add4]'");
if (mysql_num_rows($find_1) > 0) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM pst_nw WHERE ID ='$row[ID]'}
You have a number of options.
Let the DB do the work
Create a copy of your table with a unique index - and then insert the data into it from your source table:
CREATE TABLE clean LIKE pst_nw;
ALTER IGNORE TABLE clean ADD UNIQUE INDEX (add1, add2, add3, add4);
DROP TABLE pst_nw;
RENAME TABLE clean pst_nw;
The advantage of doing things this way is you can verify that your new table is correct before dropping your source table. The disadvantage is it takes up twice as much space and is (relatively) slow to execute.
Let the DB do the work #2
You can also achieve the result you want by doing:
set session old_alter_table=1;
ALTER IGNORE TABLE pst_nw ADD UNIQUE INDEX (add1, add2, add3, add4);
The first command is required as a workaround for the ignore flag being .. ignored
The advantage here is there's no messing about with a temporary table - the disadvantage is you don't get to check that your update does exactly what you expect before you run it.
`one` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`two` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
insert into foo values (null, 1, 1);
insert into foo values (null, 1, 1);
insert into foo values (null, 1, 1);
select * from foo;
| id | one | two |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 |
| 3 | 1 | 1 |
3 row in set (0.00 sec)
set session old_alter_table=1;
select * from foo;
| id | one | two |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Don't do this kind of thing outside the DB
Especially with 40 million rows doing something like this outside the db is likely to take a huge amount of time, and may not complete at all. Any solution that stays in the db will be faster, and more robust.
Usually in questions like this the problem is "I have duplicate rows, want to keep only one row, any one".
But judging from the code, what you want is: "if a set of add1, add2, add3, add4 is duplicated, DELETE ALL COPIES WITH ID < 1000". In this case, copying from the table to another with INSERT IGNORE won't do what you want - might even keep rows with lower IDs and discard subsequent ones.
I believe you need to run something like this to gather all the "bad IDs" (IDs with a duplicate, the duplicate above 1000; in this code I used "AND bad.ID < good.ID", so if you have ID 777 which duplicates to ID 888, ID 777 will still get deleted. If this is not what you want, you can modify that in "AND bad.ID < 1000 AND good.ID > 1000" or something like that).
SELECT bad.ID FROM pst_nw AS bad JOIN pst_nw AS good
ON ( bad.ID < 1000 AND bad.ID < good.ID
AND bad.add1 = good.add1
AND bad.add2 = good.add2
AND bad.add3 = good.add3
AND bad.add4 = good.add4 );
Then once you have all bad IDs into a table,
DELETE pst_nw.* FROM pst_nw JOIN bad_ids ON (pst_nw.ID = bad_ids.ID);
Performances will greatly benefit from a (non_unique, possibly only temporary) index on add1, add2, add3, add4 and ID in this order.
Get the duplicate rows using "Group by" operator. Here is a sample that you can try :
select id
from table
group by matching_field1,matching_field2....
having count(id) > 1
So, you are getting all the duplicate ids. Now delete them using a delete query.
Instead of using "IN", use "OR" operator as "IN" is slow compared to "OR".
Sure there is. Note however that with 40 million records You most probably will exceed max php execution time. Try following
Create table temp_pst_nw like pst_nw;
Insert into temp_pst_nw select * from pst_nw group by add1,add2,add3,add4;
Confirm that everything is ok first!!
Drop table pat_nw;
Rename table temp_pst_nw to pst_nw;
Try creating a new table that has the same definitions. i.e. "my_table_two", then do:
SELECT DISTINCT unique_col1, col2, col3 [...] FROM my_table INTO
Maybe that'll sort it out.
Your code will be better if you don't use select *, only select columns (4 address) you want to compare. It should have limit clause in my sql. It can avoid state not response when you have too large nums rows like that.
I think most people had serious problems with inserting a value/data into a database (mysql). When I'm inserting a value into a database, I assign an unique id (INT) for that line. When I query the database, easily I can read/modify/delete that line.
With function for() (in php) I easily can read values/data from the database. The problem occurs when I delete a line (in the middle for example).
ID | column1 | column2 | ... | columnN
1 | abcdefgh | asdasda | ... | asdasdN
2 | asdasddd | asdasda | ... | asdasdN
N | asdewfew | asddsad | ... | asddsaN
for($i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++){
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE ID = '$i' ");
*$n = last column value from ID
Am I need to reorganize the entire database to have a correct "flow" (1, 2, 3, .. n)? Or am I need to UPDATE the each cell?
What you're doing here is unnecessary thanks to AUTO_INCREMENT in mysql. Run this command from PhpMyAdmin (or another DB management system):
Now when insert a row into db mysql will assign the ID for you:
INSERT INTO db (id, column1, column2) VALUES(NULL, 'abc', 'def');
|1 |old |oldrow |
|2 |abc |def | <--- Your newly inserted row, with unique ID
If you delete a row, it is true that there will be an inconsistency in the order of the ID's, but this is ok. IDs are not intended to denote the numeric position of a row in a table. They are intended to uniquely identify each row so that you can perform actions on it and reference it from other tables with foreign keys.
Also if you need to grab a group of ID's (stored in an array, for example), it is much more efficient to perform one query with an IN statement.
$ids = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
$in = implode(',', $ids);
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM db WHERE id IN ('.$in.')');
However, if you want all rows just use:
But be weary of bobby tables.
You can select all the rows with query
and do whatever you want after
You can never ensure, that the ids are continous. As you noticed yourself there are gaps after you delete a row, but even for example when you insert rows within a transaction and don't commit it, because something failed and you need to revert the transaction. An ID is an identifier and not row number.
For example if you want to select X items from somewhere (or such) have a look at LIMIT and OFFSET
This selects the rows 21 to 30 ordered by their creation time. Note, that I don't use id for ordering, but you cannot rely on it (as mentioned).
If you really want to fetch rows by their ID you definitely need to fetch the IDs first. You may also fetch a range of IDs like
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4);
But don't assume, that you will ever receive 4 rows.
Ids are surrogate keys–they are in no way derived from the data in the rest of the columns and their only significance is each row has a unique one. There's no need to change them.
If you need a specific range of rows from the table, use BETWEEN to specify them in the query:
SELECT id, col1, col2, ..., coln
FROM `table`
If you need all the rows and all columns for that table use:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name");
and then loop through each row with a while statement:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query ))
echo $row['column_name'];
You do not have to reorganize the entire database in order to keep the index. But if you feel like it, you'd have to update each cell.
BTW, look at mysql_fetch_array(), it will ease the load on the SQL server.
I have a MySQL query that looks like this:
UPDATE `Table` SET `Column` =
WHEN `Option Id` = '1' THEN 'Apple'
WHEN `Option Id` = '2' THEN 'Banana'
WHEN `Option Id` = '3' THEN 'Q-Tip'
An my table currently looks like this:
Option Id | Column
1 | x
2 | x
I'd like it to result in:
Option Id | Column
1 | Apple
2 | Banana
3 | Q-Tip
But it doesn't insert the Q-Tip row. I've looked up and read a bit about INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE and REPLACE, but I can't find a way to get those to work with this multiple row update using CASE. Do I have to write a separate query for each row to get this to work, or is there a nice way to do this in MySQL?
Option Id is not a Key itself, but it is part of the Primary Key.
EDIT Some more info:
I'm programming in PHP, and essentially I'm storing an array for the user. Option Id is the key, and Column is the value. So for simplicities sake, my table could look like:
User Id | Option Id | Value
10 | 1 | Apple
10 | 2 | Shoe
11 | 1 | Czar
That user can easily update the elements in the array and add new ones, then POST the array to the server, in which case I'd like to store it in the table. My query above updates any array elements that they've edited, but it doesn't insert the new ones. I'm wondering if there is a query that can take my array from POST and insert it into the table without me having to write a loop and have a query for every array element.
This should work, if Option_Id is a primary key:
REPLACE INTO `Table` (`Option_Id`, `Column`) VALUES
(1, 'Apple'),
(2, 'Banana'),
(3, 'Q-Tip');
The statement means: Insert the given rows or replace the values, if the PK is already existing.
Of course it does not insert. As there is no such value, it cannot get updated.
I suppose you are normalizing a database by putting in the values already present and now want to add the required mapping for every valid value.
So it would be better to start from scratch and just do INSERTs.
You could always query the database for entries and then choose update or insert based on yor results
I see no point in such updating.
Why don't you have a separate table with option ids and corresponding values, leaving only option ids linked to user ids in this one?