I just need a logic on how to Reset Autoincremented ID to the previous ID which I deleted recently from database for example I just delete ID=3 from database next time I add data into database ID will be incremented to 4 and it will be showed as 1 2 4 but I dont want 4 I want it to be 3 Im building a small inventory management system using php and sql.
The following query will set your AUTO_INCREMENT value to 1 less than what it currently is, however I would recommend you don't bother doing so - recycling key values is not recommended practice and can be risky as it's not the way AUTO_INCREMENT is intended to be used (see answers to this question).
AND TABLE_NAME = 'TableName') - 1;
Is it possible to get the ID of what the entry in the MySQL DB is going to be ?
Or even better replicate the value of ID into another field ?
For example I have:
ID and User_ID and I want them always to be the same value
| ID User_ID |
| 1 1 |
| 2 2 |
| 3 3 |
| 4 4 |
| 5 5 |
And so on
I find your need quite questionable, and a design smell. Nevertheless, you have the chance to achieve what you're looking for. The key is a trigger.
here you can find TRIGGER SYNTAX
Basically you need to define a proper AFTER INSERT trigger.
Insert the row without the user_id field set, read the autoincrement id inside the trigger and set the user_id value as needed.
I'm not going to post an example because the manual is quite exaustive and it's a good read anyway.
Why I think that your idea is bad? well, you're duplicating data (by your very definition, "you want them always to be the same") without gaining value. The duplicate column is completely useless by all rights, and can be removed. If you're using them as a key or foreign key reference, the two column are completely interchangeable. Therefore, simply drop one of them and be done with it.
Use mysql_insert_id() after calling your mysql_query
Or mysqli_insert_id() is using mysqli_ instead of just mysql_
More information here http://uk1.php.net/mysql_insert_id note that all the mysql_ functions are now depreciated, so I would suggest mysqli_ or PDO instead.
if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (`name`) VALUES ('name')")){
$id = (int)mysql_insert_id();
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `User_ID` = {$id}");
But this is not good idea from the beginning :)
If you are using auto increment, then what you want is inside:
SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name = 'myTable' AND table_schema = DATABASE( )
so in that case use for example:
INSERT INTO myTable (ID, User_ID) values ( NULL ,
SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name = 'myTable' AND table_schema = DATABASE( )
The Null indicates an auto increment ID. And the subquery will yield the auto increment ID to be used.
If you are not using auto increment, then you can simply do:
INSERT INTO myTable (ID, User_ID) values ( 5 , ID );
... and thus referencing ID to User_ID
In my current application I am making a menu structure that can recursively create sub menu's with itself. However due to this I am finding it difficult to also allow some sort of reordering method. Most applications might just order by an "ordering" column, however in this case although doing that does not seem impossible, just a little harder.
What I want to do is use the ID column. So if I update id 10 to be id 1 then id 1 that was there previously becomes 2.
What I was thinking at a suggestion from a friend was to use cascades. However doing a little more research that does not seem to work as I was thinking it might.
So my question is, is there an ability to do this naively in MySQL? If so what way might I do that? And if not what would you suggest to come to the end result?
id title alias icon parent
parents have a lower id then their children, to make sure the script creates the array to put the children inside. That part works, however If I want to use an ordering column I will have to make a numbering system that would ensure a child element is never higher then its parent in the results. Possible, but if I update a parent then I must uniquely update all its children as well, resulting in more MySQL queries that I would want.
I am no MySQL expert so this is why I brought up this question, I feel there might be a perfect solution to this that can allow the least overhead when it comes to the speed of the application.
Doing it on the ID column would be tough because you can't ever have 2 rows with the same ID so you can't set row 10 to row 1 until after you've set row 1 to row 2 but you can't set row 1 to row 2 until you set row 2 to row 3, etc. You'd have to delete row 10 and then do an update ID += 1 WHERE ID < 10... but you'd also have to tell MySQL to start from the highest number and go down....
You'd have to do it in separate queries like this:
Move ID 10 to ID 2
DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 10;
UPDATE table SET id = id + 1 WHERE id >= 2 AND id < 10 ORDER BY id DESC
INSERT INTO table (id, ...) VALUES (2, ...);
Another option, if you don't want to delete and reinsert would be to set the id for row 10 to be MAX(id) + 1 and then set it to 1 after
Also if you want to move row 2 to row 10 you'd have to subtract the id:
Move ID 2 to ID 10
DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 2;
UPDATE table SET id = id - 1 WHERE id > 2 AND id <= 10 ORDER BY id DESC
INSERT INTO table (id, ...) VALUES (10, ...);
If you don't have your ID column set as UNSIGNED you could make all the IDs you want to switch to negative ids since AUTO_INCREMENT doesn't do negative numbers. Still this is pretty hacky and I wouldn't recommend it. You also probably need to lock the table so no other writes happen while this is running.:
Move ID 2 to ID 10
UPDATE table SET id = id * -1 WHERE id > 2 AND id <= 10;
UPDATE table SET id = 10 WHERE id = 2;
UPDATE table SET id = id * -1 - 1 WHERE id < -2 AND id >= -10;
I need to Select a column with name song_number where id = 2 and then update the second row from the selected rows with 7 for example
what i think that the query i need is something like this but i can't get it work
UPDATE `song` SET `song_number`= 7 WHERE (SELECT `song_number` FROM `song` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1,1)
any help will be appreciated
edit: i think the problem is mainly in the database structure i made however i found a solution to what i need by making stored procedure http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/create-procedure.html
so that i can save the selected items in a procedure and then update it
You have to identify which row you want to update. Identification means using a UNIQUE key or the PRIMARY key of the table.
The limitation of MySQL on UPDATE can be lifted by moving the condition from the WHERE to a JOIN:
song AS s
( SELECT PK --- the Primary Key of the tba;e
FROM song
WHERE id = 2
ORDER BY ---whatever
) AS u
ON u.PK = s.PK
SET s.song_number= 7
If the PRIMARY KEY is id, then the above is useless of course. You are doing something wrong.
I doubt it is possible with one query and yet I see no reason in doing it in one query.
Why can't you just select and then update?
I think should be like this:
UPDATE `song` SET `song_number`= 7 WHERE `song_number` = (SELECT `song_number` FROM `song` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1,1);
For example:
Row Name
1 John
2 May
3 Marry
4 Tom
5 Peter
Suppose I delete row 2 and row 3, is it possible to update Tom and Peter to row id 2 and 3 respectively and the next insert row to be row id 4?
yes, but you need to recreate Row:
ALTER TABLE `users` DROP `Row`;
No, because think of the problems that this could create. Imagine if you are managing a store inventory and each item has an internal barcode, based on an ID in a database table. You decide never to stock one item again and take it out of the database, and then every ID for every item with an ID greater than the removed item gets decremented by 1... all those barcodes on all those items become useless.
ID numbers in databases aren't generally meant to be used or referenced by people. They are meant to be a static index of a certain item in a database which allows the computer to pull up a given record quickly and reliably. When creating your ID field of your table, make sure you make the datatype large enough to account for these lost IDs when they do occur.
This is just a suggestion. I don't say this is the best solution. Just consider.
You execute your delete query.
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE Row IN (2,3);
Once deleted you make a select query request with PHP and get the data set to an array.
SELECT Row, Name from table_name ORDER BY Row ASC;
Then make a UPDATE execution using a loop.
$index = 1;
foreach($dataset as $item)
// Your update query
$sql = "UPDATE table_name SET Row=$index where Name='" . $item['Name'] . "'";
Before you insert next query you have to get the max value of Row and set +1 value as the Row of the insert query.
This is just an idea. Not the complete code.
Let's say that I've got a table, like that (id is auto-increment):
id | col1 | col2
1 | 'msg'| 'msg'
2 | 'lol'| 'lol2'
3 | 'xxx'| 'x'
Now, I want to delete row number 2 and I get something like this
id | col1 | col2
1 | 'msg'| 'msg'
3 | 'xxx'| 'x'
The thing is, what I want to get is that:
id | col1 | col2
1 | 'msg'| 'msg'
2 | 'xxx'| 'x'
How can I do that in the EASIEST way (my knowledge about MySQL is very poor)?
You shouldn't do that.
Do not take an auto-incremented unique identifier as an ordinal number.
The word "unique" means that the identifier should be stuck to its row forever.
There is no connection between these numbers and enumerating.
Imagine you want to select records in alphabetical order. Where would your precious numbers go?
A database is not like an ordered list, as you probably think. It is not a flat file with rows stored in a predefined order. It has totally different ideology. Rows in the database do not have any order. And will be ordered only at select time, if it was explicitly set by ORDER BY clause.
Also, a database is supposed to do a search for you. So you can tell that with filtered rows or different ordering this auto-increment number will have absolutely nothing to do with the real rows positions.
If you want to enumerate the output - it's a presentation layer's job. Just add a counter on the PHP side.
And again: these numbers supposed to identify a certain record. If you change this number, you'd never find your record again.
Take this very site for example. Stack Overflow identifies its questions with such a number:
So, imagine you saved this page address to a bookmark. Now Jeff comes along and renumbers the whole database. You press your bookmark and land on the different question. Whole site would become a terrible mess.
Remember: Renumbering unique identifiers is evil!
I think there is no way to this directly. Maybe you can do "update" operation. But you must do it for all record after your deleted record. It is very bad solution for this.
Why using an auto-increment if you want to change it manually?
It is not good practice to change the value of an auto_increment column. However, if you are sure you want to, the following should help.
If you are only deleting a single record at a time, you could use a transaction:
DELETE FROM table1 WHERE id = 2;
UPDATE table1 SET id = id - 1 WHERE id > 2;
However if you delete multiple records, you will have to drop the column and re-add it. It is probably not guaranteed to put the rows in the same order as previously.
Also, if you have data that relies on these IDs, you will need to make sure it is updated.
You can renumber the whole table like this:
SET #r := 0;
UPDATE mytable
SET id = (#r := #r + 1)