I've been inserting my password in my database with this POST
$txtPass = md5($_POST['txtPass']);
How could I then reverse this hash and turn the stored value in to a normal string?
You can't. Hashing algorithms are one way. That means you cannot "undo" them. What you can do is compare a hashed value to them to see if they match.
if ($hashed_value === md5('some string')) {
//they match
As others have mentioned, a hash is (or should be) a one-way encryption method. However, with the evolution of lookup tables, storing hashes isn't as secure as it once was.
However, one way to make it a little better is to use a salt when you encrypt the password. For example:
$salt = "!##$%^&";
// registration
$password = "letmein";
$dbPassword = md5($salt . $password); // f5eb04f754cff9cd2a4acae54f84dd90
// When they go to login:
$password = $_POST['password'];
$usrPassword = md5($salt . $password);
Then, even if they get the hash through a security hole it'll always have a salted prefix making it (almost never) match the actual hash in the database. So, using the example:
$password = $_POST['password']; // "!##$%^&letmein"
$pwWithSalt = $salt . $password; // "!##$%^&!##$%^&letmein"
Granted, this is a simple example (and you wouldn't make the salt that obvious) however you can at least add another level of complexity which makes the look-up table a little less effective.
I should also mention that crypt has this built-in and may be a better solution than md5
There is no PHP function to "decode" a MD5 hash. If you are really trying to find out the hash's original string then you could use rainbow tables.
These enable you to lookup a known hash's original value. But there is no guarantee that you will be able to find the one you are looking for in any reasonable amount of time, or at all.
How to decrypt password in plain text which are in ms-SQL database?
$salt = "611233880";
So I need to decrypt password so that I insert into other database with md5 encryption.
I used this code, but not get success
$iv2 = '';
$iv2 .= "\0";
$plain_text_CBC = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $salt, $encrypted_password, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv2);
$plaintext = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_password, 'AES-256-CBC', $salt, 0, $iv2);
Need Help
The idea behind encrypted (or hashed) passwords is that it is a one way operation. Not quite like shredding, but that's the idea. If you take exactly the same input and shred it you should get exactly the same output. You may not be able to reconstruct the input from it, but you can confirm someone gave you the right input by looking at the output.
Some weak algorithms have been know to be hacked buy in principle what you are asking for is impossible.
The ought to be no reason reason to decrypt. You can always do the hashing operation twice - first with the old algorithm, then with the new one - and then compare with the entry in the database.
NEVER EVER store plaintext (or weakly encrypted) passwords. Just ask LinkedIn...
You don't simply decrypt a password. It should be hashed which means it is a one way encryption.
If you want to change your password hashing implementation, here is a way to do it.
You have the clear text password available when a user is in the process of logging in. So that's where you will have to place code to rehash the password with the new algorithm.
If you are using the new native password hashing functions (PHP Version >= 5.5) then you can use password_needs_rehash. If you are on a lower PHP Version but still >= 5.3.7 then you can use the userland implementation to get the same API to the password hashing functions.
So when a user is attempting to log in and the password needs rehashing, check if the hashes match with the old hashing function and then create and save the new one to the database. Over time you will be able to migrate most users and then you can think about a solution to migrate the rest of your userbase with a forced password reset if they never logged in during your migration timeframe.
Firstly, you encrypting your data by 2 different algorithms. Why? One algorithm is enough.
Answer: You can't decrypt old password.
Solution: You should encrypt data you wrote into password field and compare result with data in database. If they are equal, you will pass password check.
For example:
$login = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['login']);
$password = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['password']);
$password_hash = md5($input); // you can use there any other algorithm, just example
// make next query and control result
$sql = 'select count(id) from users where login = \'$login\' and password = \'$password_hash\'';
// now if there are 1 row with this login and same password hash let user log in to your site
If you write your code in the MVC structure, you can use the function n_decrypt() to decrypt passwords.
I modified my old post. I tried the crypt() function and now trying to work with password_hash() and password_verify() to verify the encrypted password coming from database but on each call, password_hash() function retuns a different encrypted string and password_verify() cannot match it.
This is how I am doing this.
//please ignore the syntax error if any
$data = '11';
$dbpass = password_hash($data, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
echo $dbpass; // displays the random strings on each page refresh.
Once password is saved into database does not get match during the login process. Below is my actual function.
private function process_data($password){
$password = __STR.$password.__STR;
return password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
private function processed($login_password, $dbpassword){
$login_password = __STR.$login_password.__STR;
return password_verify($login_password, $dbpassword);
On each function call for creating a hashed string for password, the function returns the different string next time.
Ok, Let's go through this one by one.
First, it's hashing, not encryption. Encryption is two-way, hashing is one way. We want to hash. We never want to encrypt. Yes, terminology matters. Please use the correct terminology.
Next, each call to password_hash is supposed to return a different hash. That's because it's generating a strong random salt. This is how it was designed, and how you really should be using it.
Further, DO NOT do the "pepper" thing of adding __STR before and after the password. You're doing nothing but potentially weakening the users password (which is not good). If you want more information around why that's a bad idea: Read This Answer.
Continuing, I would highly recommend that you do not use crypt directly. It is actually surprisingly easy to screw up and generate extremely weak hashes. This is why the password_* api was designed. crypt is a low level library, you want to use a high level library in your code. For more information on ways to screw up bcrypt, check out my blog: Seven Ways To Screw Up Bcrypt.
The Password API was designed to be a simple, one-stop shop. If it's not working for you check the following things:
Are you using PHP >= 5.5.0? Or are you using PHP >= 5.3.7 with password_compat?
Is your database column wide enough?
It needs to be at least 60 characters long.
Are you checking that the result of the function is a string, and not bool(false)?
If there is an internal error, it will return a non-string from password_hash.
Are you getting any errors?
Have you turned on error_reporting to its maximum setting (I recommend -1 to catch everything) and checked that the code isn't throwing any errors?
Are you sure you are using it correctly?
function saveUser($username, $password) {
$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
// save $username and $hash to db
function login($username, $password) {
// fetch $hash from db
return password_verify($password, $hash);
Note that each one should be called only once.
Are you using PHP < 5.3.7 with password_compat? If so, this is your problem. You are using the compatability library on an unsupported version of PHP. You may get it to work (certain RedHat distributions have backported the necessary fixes), but you are using an unsupported version. Please upgrade to a reasonable release.
If all else fails, please try running this code and reporting back the output:
$hash = '$2y$04$usesomesillystringfore7hnbRJHxXVLeakoG8K30oukPsA.ztMG';
$test = crypt("password", $hash);
$pass = $test == $hash;
echo "Test for functionality of compat library: " . ($pass ? "Pass" : "Fail");
echo "\n";
If that returns Fail, you are running an unsupported version of PHP and should upgrade. If it returns pass, than the error is somewhere in your logic (the library is functioning fine).
The best way to store passwords is to use PHP's function password_hash(). It automatically generates a cryptographically safe salt for each password and includes it in the resulting 60-character string. You won't have to worry about the salt at all!
// Hash a new password for storing in the database.
// The function automatically generates a cryptographically safe salt.
$hashToStoreInDb = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
// Check if the hash of the entered login password, matches the stored hash.
// The salt and the cost factor will be extracted from $existingHashFromDb.
$isPasswordCorrect = password_verify($password, $existingHashFromDb);
Your own scheme is very weak, first you are using MD5 which is ways too fast for generating password hashes, then you use a static salt, which defeats the purpose of a salt. Maybe you want to have a look at my tutorial about safely storing passwords.
Edit to answer updated question:
It is not necessary to add the __STR to the password (if you want to add a pepper there are better ways), but your example functions should actually work. The returned value of password_hash() will be different each time because of the random salt. This is correct, the function password_verify() is able to extract this salt for the verification. In your case the database field is probably the problem. Make sure it can hold a 60 character string.
i'm testing several combinations of sha1 and md5:
$test = 'fail test';
echo nl2br ("Text: $test\n");
echo nl2br ("md5: ".md5($test)."\nsha1: ".sha1($test)."\nsha1(md5): ".sha1(md5($test))."\nmd5(sha1): ".md5(sha1($test)));
Text: fail test
md5: 748410d0085967c496d54dd8fcbecc96
sha1: d730125e8cb8576459173655148fb6896ef44c09
sha1(md5): faa3ebeecfec45e509e93e6b245a69e2a78785ea
md5(sha1): b48e89b85c350c91eb302c1de96d4249
Which one better, or maybe user something else ? If yes, what then ?
Both of them are cryptographic hash functions that operate 1-way only, the main difference being that MD5 output size is 128 bits whereas SHA-1 is 160 bits. In brief, I don't see they are much different to use despite MD5 is more common these days.
Curiously, I can't really see how md5($text) is different from md5(sha($text)) when they all encrypted to a 32 character-long string, what about md5($text."token") for example?
And, what do you mean by better? Is it more good looking or more security? See bcrypt if you prefer security :) Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcrypt
Hashing a hash adds no extra security. (In fact, it might make it worse if the person has a hash-of-hash lookup table.)
The best hash will be the one that is computationally the most expensive to perform without any vulnerabilities. I would hash passwords with at least sha-256.
Always hash your passwords with a salted key. This key should be unique per password. It doesn't need to be stored privately. The purpose of a salted password is that the hacker who gained access to your database cannot simply compare the hash with a known list of hashes that correspond to common passwords. Instead, he must try to brute force the password by trying every possible password.
By using a unique salt per password, you guarantee that each hash in the database is different, even if they use the same password.
To salt a password, simply create a random string of characters and append it to the password. Here's a sample hash with a 48-bit salt and sha-256:
function make_password($password)
# random 48-bit salt (8 chars when base64 encoded)
$salt = base64_encode(pack('S3', mt_rand(0,0xffff), mt_rand(0,0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff)));
return $salt.hash('sha256', $salt.$password);
function check_password($password, $hash)
$salt = substr($hash, 0, 8);
return hash('sha256', $salt.$password) == substr($hash, 8);
$password = 'password';
$hash = make_password('password');
echo $hash."\n";
var_dump(check_password('password', $hash));
var_dump(check_password('wrong', $hash));
Every time you run it, the hash will be different. To validate a password, you select the row where the username matches, and then call check_password($password_from_user, $hash_from_db).
Here's a sample output:
You can use a larger salt or a stronger hashing algorithm if you prefer. But at minimum, I would use something like the above.
You should salt your passwords, ALWAYS. This doesn't stop brute force through a login form but if someone managed to get the details, it would be much harder to crack (rainbow tables would be useless unless they manage to get your salt too)
Essentially, if you adding onto the original data or mangling in a controlled way, it will make security a little better. No-one can ever reverse a hash but they can find other inputs thats match the hash. Mangling the user input will make it harder to login for the hackers.
for example, if a user's pass is 123456, if you add a salt of "salt" to it so it becomes 123456salt, the MD5 of this would be 207acd61a3c1bd506d7e9a4535359f8a. A hacker could crack this to become 123456salt but when it comes to using that on your login form, your code will add salt again and the login will fail.
Im making a album system, and you can have the option to activate passwordsecure to it, so you can make your own password to the album.. What would be the most appropiate to use to store this, should i make it md5/sha1 crypted, or store it directly normaly in the db like "123".. ?
Always store passwords in encrypted form and also append salt before encryption....
The Secure Way to Store Passwords with PHP:
$password = 'ilovjenny84';
$salt = 'SHAKY SHARKY 333'; // some random string
$password_hash = sha1($salt.sha1($password.$salt)); // $password_hash = 4c3c8cbb4aa5de1c3ad9521501c6529506c6e5b4
Look at this article also:
PHP encryption for the common man
Don't store it plaintext, that's a no-go. Use a function of the SHA-family (like SHA1 is).
Also, use a salt with your passwords.
I have a password being passed from my iPhone app to the database via a php script, user.php.
The variable $pass is populated by the following:
$pass = str_replace("'", "", $_REQUEST['pass']);
How can I encrypt this before it's inserted into my database? I've read a little about the different techniques, but looking for the best way to manage this.
Thanks to everyone.
While the answer below is technically still correct, php has new recommendations with regards to the hashing algorithms to use. Their recommendation, as of php >= 5.5.0, is to use the password_hash and password_verify functions to hash and verify hashed passwords . As an added benefit, these functions automatically include an individualized salt as part of the returned hash, so you don't need to worry about that explicitly.
If you don't care about retrieving the actual password's value (from the database encrypted value), you can run a one-way hash algorithm on it (such as sha1). This function will return a specific length string (hash) which cannot be used to find the original string (theoretically). It is possible that two different strings could create the same hash (called a collision) but this shouldn't be a problem with passwords.
$pass = sha1($_REQUEST['pass']);
One thing, to make it a little more secure is to add a salt to the hash and run the hash function again. This makes it more difficult to generate a password hash maliciously since the salt value is handled server-side only.
$pass = sha1(sha1($_REQUEST['pass']).sha1("mySalt#$#(%"));
Use php's crypt library. Md5 is not encryption, it is hashing.
Also, salt your passwords. Why?
This answer
Another good answer
First, you should create a random user salt. Then you should store that and the password hash in the database.
$salt = md5(unique_id().mt_rand().microtime());
$pass = sha1($salt.$_REQUEST['pass']);
and save the $salt and $pass in the database. Then when they go to login you look up their row and check the hash:
$user = query('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE username = ?', array($_REQUEST['username']));
// If the password they give maches
if($user->pass === sha1($user->salt. $_REQUEST['pass']))
// login
// bad password
// user not found
Creating a user salt for each account insures rainbow tables are useless and anyone that broken into your server would have to brute-force each password.
Use crypt with some salt. Such as
$user = strip_tags(substr($_REQUEST['user'],0,32));
$plain_pw = strip_tags(substr($_REQUEST['pass'],0,32));
$password = crypt(md5($plain_pw),md5($user));
as on http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-php-encrypt/
Most basic: Hash it with MD5 or SHA1
$newpass = md5($_REQUEST['pass']);
$newpass = sha1($_REQUEST['pass']);
Recently I started storing the username hashed as well, so login attempts are secure using only hashed data for comparisons.
You can "salt" the hashes with extra data so if they are compromised, it's value cannot be found (try googling some simple hashed words).. i.e. use a site-wide string just to alter the standard hash like md5("mySiteSalt!!" . $_REQUEST['pass']); or something more advanced.
You should use SHA1 to hash your passwords for storage in the database. It's the simplest, yet most effective way to store passwords:
$password = sha1($password);
It's also exceptionally safe. Though the integrity of it is beginning to creep, it's rather easy to upgrade this function to SHA-256 (which is incredibly secure).
To find out why md5, sha1 and their speedy friends might not be a good idea, you should read the post Enough With The Rainbow Tables: What You Need To Know About Secure Password Schemes by Thomas Ptacek. The gist:
Finally, we learned that if we want to
store passwords securely we have three
reasonable options: PHK’s MD5 scheme,
Provos-Maziere’s Bcrypt scheme, and
SRP. We learned that the correct
choice is Bcrypt.
Note: it's PHK, not php.