php users passwords protection - php

i'm testing several combinations of sha1 and md5:
$test = 'fail test';
echo nl2br ("Text: $test\n");
echo nl2br ("md5: ".md5($test)."\nsha1: ".sha1($test)."\nsha1(md5): ".sha1(md5($test))."\nmd5(sha1): ".md5(sha1($test)));
Text: fail test
md5: 748410d0085967c496d54dd8fcbecc96
sha1: d730125e8cb8576459173655148fb6896ef44c09
sha1(md5): faa3ebeecfec45e509e93e6b245a69e2a78785ea
md5(sha1): b48e89b85c350c91eb302c1de96d4249
Which one better, or maybe user something else ? If yes, what then ?

Both of them are cryptographic hash functions that operate 1-way only, the main difference being that MD5 output size is 128 bits whereas SHA-1 is 160 bits. In brief, I don't see they are much different to use despite MD5 is more common these days.
Curiously, I can't really see how md5($text) is different from md5(sha($text)) when they all encrypted to a 32 character-long string, what about md5($text."token") for example?
And, what do you mean by better? Is it more good looking or more security? See bcrypt if you prefer security :) Wikipedia:

Hashing a hash adds no extra security. (In fact, it might make it worse if the person has a hash-of-hash lookup table.)
The best hash will be the one that is computationally the most expensive to perform without any vulnerabilities. I would hash passwords with at least sha-256.
Always hash your passwords with a salted key. This key should be unique per password. It doesn't need to be stored privately. The purpose of a salted password is that the hacker who gained access to your database cannot simply compare the hash with a known list of hashes that correspond to common passwords. Instead, he must try to brute force the password by trying every possible password.
By using a unique salt per password, you guarantee that each hash in the database is different, even if they use the same password.
To salt a password, simply create a random string of characters and append it to the password. Here's a sample hash with a 48-bit salt and sha-256:
function make_password($password)
# random 48-bit salt (8 chars when base64 encoded)
$salt = base64_encode(pack('S3', mt_rand(0,0xffff), mt_rand(0,0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff)));
return $salt.hash('sha256', $salt.$password);
function check_password($password, $hash)
$salt = substr($hash, 0, 8);
return hash('sha256', $salt.$password) == substr($hash, 8);
$password = 'password';
$hash = make_password('password');
echo $hash."\n";
var_dump(check_password('password', $hash));
var_dump(check_password('wrong', $hash));
Every time you run it, the hash will be different. To validate a password, you select the row where the username matches, and then call check_password($password_from_user, $hash_from_db).
Here's a sample output:
You can use a larger salt or a stronger hashing algorithm if you prefer. But at minimum, I would use something like the above.

You should salt your passwords, ALWAYS. This doesn't stop brute force through a login form but if someone managed to get the details, it would be much harder to crack (rainbow tables would be useless unless they manage to get your salt too)
Essentially, if you adding onto the original data or mangling in a controlled way, it will make security a little better. No-one can ever reverse a hash but they can find other inputs thats match the hash. Mangling the user input will make it harder to login for the hackers.
for example, if a user's pass is 123456, if you add a salt of "salt" to it so it becomes 123456salt, the MD5 of this would be 207acd61a3c1bd506d7e9a4535359f8a. A hacker could crack this to become 123456salt but when it comes to using that on your login form, your code will add salt again and the login will fail.


How can password_verify and doveadm pw -t verify a password without salt

im currently trying to understand hashes and salts. As i understand it, it should not be possible to verify a password, if i only have the password and the generated hash(that was generated with a random salt ofc).
So how can the password_verify function in PHP verify my password, if i dont give it the salt? Is there a hidden variable in the background, that stores it for the php hashing functions?
And if that is the case, how can
doveadm pw -t '{SHA512-CRYPT}$6$myhash...' -p "qwertz"
verify it too, even if i run it on a complety different computer? Thats a tool, that comes with Dovecot(a MDA).
Here is my PHP code, that creates a random salt with 64 chars, combines it with a password, creates a hash and verifies the hash via password_verify().
I just started working on the whole hash/salt/pepper thing today, so there could be a huge flaw in my whole train of thought.
$password = "qwertz";
$salt = createSalt(64);
$hash = crypt($password, "$6$$salt");
if (password_verify($password, $hash)) {
echo 'Password is valid!';
} else {
echo 'Invalid password.';
function createSalt($length){
$chars = "IrhsYyLofUKj4caz0FDBCe2W9NRunTgQvp7qOXmS5GM3EJV6i8tAHdkPbxwl1Z";
for($i=0; $i < $length; $i++){
$newchar = substr($chars, rand(0,strlen($chars)-1),1);
$salt .= $newchar;
return $salt;
The hash contains several pieces of information. This article explains the format used by Unix but I believe PHP password functions use a similar format (if not the same):
The hash field itself is comprised of three different fields. They are
separated by '$' and represent:
Some characters which represents the cryptographic hashing mechanism used to generate the actual hash
A randomly generated salt to safeguard against rainbow table attacks
The hash which results from joining the users password with the stored salt and running it through the hashing mechanism specified in
the first field
It can also include the exact per-algorithm options used to generate the hash, such us the algorithmic cost:
var_dump(password_hash('foo', PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [
'cost' => 8,
string(60) "$2y$08$7Z5bTz7xXnom8QsrbZ7uQetMLxOZ7WjuDkUYRIh73Ffa17GV1Tb7q"
Here $2y$08$ means that Bcrypt with cost 8 was used.
If we use the newer Argon2 available in PHP/7.2 there're even more params:
Some backgrounds to the answer from #Álvaro González :
PHP manual suggests using "password_hash" instead of "crypt" function through "password_hash" is a "crypt()" wrapper ( Because, it uses a strong hash, generates a strong salt, and applies proper rounds automatically. )
"password_hash()" returns the algorithm, cost, and salt as part of the returned hash. Therefore, all information that's needed to verify the hash is included in it. This allows the "password_verify" function to verify the hash without needing separate storage for the salt or algorithm information. :
Since, "password_hash" is a wrapper for "crypt", "crypt" also does the same, ie., returns the algorithm, cost, and salt as part of the returned hash. and thus "password_verify" can verify the hash.
Now, please check the answer given by #Álvaro González

Update old stored md5 passwords in PHP to increase security

At the moment I have a database with md5 passwords stored, a few years back this was considered a little more secure than it is now and it's got to the point where the passwords need to be more secure.
I've read a lot of posts on here about crypt, md5, hash, bcrypt, etc and have come to consider using something along the lines of the following to 'secure' the passwords better than they are now.
I will use a combination of hash("sha512" and two salts, the first salt will be a site wide salt stored in a file such as .htaccess and the second salt will be created for each user.
Here's an example along the lines of what I'm testing at the moment:
SetEnv SITEWIDE_SALT NeZa5Edabex?26Y#j5pr7VASpu$8UheVaREj$yA*59t*A$EdRUqer_prazepreTr
$currentpassword = //get password
$pepper = getenv('SITEWIDE_SALT');
$salt = microtime().ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$saltpepper = $salt.$pepper;
$password = hash("sha512", md5($currentpassword).$saltpepper);
The salt would obviously need to be stored in a separate table to allow checking of future inserted login passwords but it would never be possible for a user to see. Do you think this is a sufficient way to go about this?
Ok, let's go over a few points here
What you have in $salt is not a salt. It's deterministic (meaning that there is no randomness in there at all). If you want a salt, use either mcrypt_create_iv($size, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM) or some other source of actual random entropy. The point is that it should be both unique and random. Note that it doesn't need to be cryptographically secure random... At absolute worst, I'd do something like this:
function getRandomBytes($length) {
$bytes = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$bytes .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
return $bytes;
As #Anony-Mousse indicated, never feed the output of one hash function into another without re-appending the original data back to it. Instead, use a proper iterative algorithm such as PBKDF2, PHPASS or CRYPT_BLOWFISH ($2a$).
My suggestion would be to use crypt with blowfish, as it's the best available for PHP at this time:
function createBlowfishHash($password) {
$salt = to64(getRandomBytes(16));
$salt = '$2a$10$' . $salt;
$result = crypt($password, $salt);
And then verify using a method like this:
function verifyBlowfishHash($password, $hash) {
return $hash == crypt($password, $hash);
(note that to64 is a good method defined here). You could also use str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode($salt));...
I'd also suggest you read the following two:
Fundamental difference between hashing and encrypting
Many hash iterations, append salt every time?
Edit: To Answer the Migration Question
Ok, so I realize that my answer did not address the migration aspect of the original question. So here's how I would solve it.
First, build a temporary function to create a new blowfish hash from the original md5 hash, with a random salt and a prefix so that we can detect this later:
function migrateMD5Password($md5Hash) {
$salt = to64(getRandomBytes(16));
$salt = '$2a$10$' . $salt;
$hash = crypt($md5Hash, $salt);
return '$md5' . $hash;
Now, run all the existing md5 hashes through this function and save the result in the database. We put our own prefix in so that we can detect the original password and add the additional md5 step. So now we're all migrated.
Next, create another function to verify passwords, and if necessary update the database with a new hash:
function checkAndMigrateHash($password, $hash) {
if (substr($hash, 0, 4) == '$md5') {
// Migrate!
$hash = substr($hash, 4);
if (!verifyBlowfishHash(md5($password), $hash) {
return false;
// valid hash, so let's generate a new one
$newHash = createBlowfishHash($password);
return true;
} else {
return verifyBlowfishHash($password, $hash);
This is what I would suggest for a few reasons:
It gets the md5() hashes out of your database immediately.
It eventually (next login for each user) updates the hash to a better alternative (one that's well understood).
It's pretty easy to follow in code.
To answer the comments:
A salt doesn't need to be random - I direct you to RFC 2898 - Password Based Cryptography. Namely, Section 4.1. And I quote:
If there is no concern about interactions between multiple uses
of the same key (or a prefix of that key) with the password-
based encryption and authentication techniques supported for a
given password, then the salt may be generated at random and
need not be checked for a particular format by the party
receiving the salt. It should be at least eight octets (64
bits) long.
Note. If a random number generator or pseudorandom generator is not
available, a deterministic alternative for generating the salt (or
the random part of it) is to apply a password-based key derivation
function to the password and the message M to be processed.
A PseudoRandom Generator is available, so why not use it?
Is your solution the same as bcrypt? I can't find much documentation on what bcrypt actually is? - I'll assume that you already read the bcrypt Wikipedia Article, and try to explain it better.
BCrypt is based off the Blowfish block cipher. It takes the key schedule setup algorithm from the cipher, and uses that to hash the passwords. The reason that it is good, is that the setup algorithm for Blowfish is designed to be very expensive (which is part of what makes blowfish so strong of a cypher). The basic process is as follows:
A 18 element array (called P boxes, 32 bits in size) and 4 2-dimensional arrays (called S boxes, each with 256 entries of 8 bits each) are used to setup the schedule by initializing the arrays with predetermined static values. Additionally, a 64 bit state is initialized to all 0's.
The key passed in is XOred with all 18 P boxes in order (rotating the key if it's too short).
The P boxes are then used to encrypt the state that was previously initialized.
The ciphertext produced by step 3 is used to replace P1 and P2 (the first 2 elements of the P array).
Step 3 is repeated, and the result is put in P3 and P4. This continues until P17 and P18 are populated.
That's the key derivation from the Blowfish Cipher. BCrypt modifies that to this:
The 64 bit state is initialized to an encrypted version of the salt.
The P boxes are then used to encrypt the (state xor part of the salt) that was previously initialized.
The resulting setup is then used to encrypt the password 64 times. That's what's returned by BCrypt.
The point is simple: It's a very expensive algorithm that takes a lot of CPU time. That's the real reason that it should be used.
I hope that clears things up.
Implementation of your new, more secure, password storage should use bcrypt or PBKDF2, as that's really the best solution out there right now.
Don't nest things, as you don't get any real security out of this due to collisions as #Anony-Mousse describes.
What you may want to do it implement a "transition routine" where your app transitions users over from the old MD5-based system to the new more secure system as they log in. When a login request comes in, see if the user is in the new, more secure, system. If so, bcrypt/PBKDF2 the password, compare, and you're good to go. If they are not (no one will be at first), check them using the older MD5-based system. If it matches (password is correct), perform the bcrypt/PBKDF2 transformation of the password (since you now have it), store it in the new system, and delete the old MD5 record. Next time they log in, they have an entry in the new system so you're good to go. Once all of the users have logged in once you implement this, you can remove this transition functionality and just authenticate against the new system.
Do not nest md5 inside your sha512 hash. An md5 collision then implies a hash collision in the outer hash, too (because you are hashing the same values!)
The common way of storing passwords is to use a scheme such as
When validating the password, you read <method> and <salt> from this field, reapply them to the password, and then check that it produces the same <hash>.
Check the crypt functions you have available. On a modern Linux system, crypt should be able to use sha512 password hashing in a sane way: PHP crypt manual. Do not reinvent the wheel, you probably just screw up more badly than md5, unless you are an expert on cryptographic hashing. It will even take care of above scheme: the Linux standard is to use $ as separator, and $6$ is the method ID for sha512, while $2a$ indicates you want to use blowfish. So you can even have multiple hashes in use in your database. md5 hashes are prefixed with $1$<salt>$ (unless you reinvented md5 hashing, then your hashes may be incompatible).
Seriously, reuse the existing crypt function. It is well checked by experts, extensible, and compatible across many applications.
I looked into this subject a while back and found the following link of great use:
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords
I also use the following to create a random salt:
public static function getRandomString($length = 20) {
$characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
$string = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$string .= substr($characters, (mt_rand() % strlen($characters)), 1);
return $string;

How to create and store password hashes with Blowfish in PHP

1) How do you create secure Blowfish hashes of passwords with crypt()?
$hash = crypt('somePassword', '$2a$07$nGYCCmhrzjrgdcxjH$');
1a) What is the significance of "$2a"? Does it just indicate that the Blowfish algorithm should be used?
1b) What is the significance of "$07"? Does a higher value imply a more secure hash?
1c) What is the significance of "$nGYCCmhrzjrgdcxjH$"? Is this the salt that will be used? Should this be randomly generated? Hard-coded?
2) How do you store Blowfish hashes?
echo $hash;
//Output: $2a$07$nGYCCmhrzjrgdcxjH$$$$.xLJMTJxaRa12DnhpAJmKQw.NXXZHgyq
2a) What part of this should be stored in the database?
2b) What data type should be used for the column (MySQL)?
3) How should one verify a login attempt?
You should store the entire output of crypt, there's not a lot of point in splitting it up, because you need to generate a new salt for each password you're hashing in any case. Using a fixed hidden salt as mentioned by Matt is wrong - the salt should be different for every hash.
For more information see - I recommend using the phpass library because it handles generating a random salt for you, unlike crypt().
1a) Strength of encryption - requirement in the range of 4..31. See
1b) See 1a
1c) See 1a. 'salt' should not be random, or you would not be able to regenerate the same hash for a given input - see 3.
2a) Strictly speaking, everything except the hash (in case database is compromised). Also, store your salt in a file not accessible beneath the web server's document root and include it. Set it with the strictest permissions possible; ideally read only to web host service (e.g. apache), no write or execute privileges. Less strictly speaking, depends how defensive you wish to be against hackers. Not storing the salt just makes life more difficult; they still have to get the data being input to the algorithm right - but why make it easier?
2b) VARCHAR(32) should be fine for blowfish, if not storing the hash
3) Assuming you've already run the proper injection prevention code, etc.. so please don't just copy the below blindly (and ideally use PDO instead of mysql extension). The below is specific to blowfish, SHA-256 and SHA-512 which all return the salt within the hash. Would need modification for other algorithms...
//store this in another file outside web directory and include it
$salt = '$2a$07$somevalidbutrandomchars$'
//combine username + password to give algorithm more chars to work with
$password_hash = crypt($valid_username . $valid_password, $salt)
//Anything less than 13 chars is a failure (see manual)
if (strlen($password_hash) < 13 || $password_hash == $salt)
then die('Invalid blowfish result');
//Drop the salt from beginning of the hash result.
//Note, irrespective of number of chars provided, algorithm will always
//use the number defined in constant CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH
$trimmed_password_hash = substring($password_hash, CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (username,p assword_hash) VALUES '$valid_username', '$trimmed_password_hash'");
$dbRes = mysql_query("SELECT password_hash FROM `users` WHERE username = '$user_input_username' LIMIT 1");
//re-apply salt to output of database and re-run algorithm testing for match
if (substring($salt, CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH) . mysql_result($dbRes, 0, 'password_hash') ) ===
crypt($user_input_username . $user_input_password, $salt) ) {
//... do stuff for validated user

Creating salt with Portable PHP password hashing framework

I'd like to use Portable PHP password hashing framework to hash passwords. But I find that its demos don't use salt for hashing a password. But it use a dummy salt for checking password which I find it strange and I don't understand this idea at all,
$dummy_salt = '$2a$08$1234567890123456789012';
if (isset($dummy_salt) && strlen($hash) < 20)
$hash = $dummy_salt;
I wonder, if I want to use convention method which I can generate the unique salt and store it for each user in my database, how can I use Portable PHP password hashing framework to generate salts?
This is the function I use to hash passwords but I have been told that sha512 has the same issue as sha1, wise to trust the expert like Portable PHP password hashing framework,
function hash_sha512($phrase,&$salt = null)
//$pepper = '!##$%^&*()_+=-{}][;";/?<>.,';
if ($salt == '')
$salt = substr(hash('sha512',uniqid(rand(), true).PEPPER_KEY.microtime()), 0, SALT_LENGTH);
$salt = substr($salt, 0, SALT_LENGTH);
return hash('sha512',$salt.PEPPER_KEY.$phrase);
Let me know if you have any idea. Thanks.
From the phpass article linked to from that page:
Besides the actual hashing, phpass
transparently generates random salts
when a new password or passphrase is
hashed, and it encodes the hash type,
the salt, and the password stretching
iteration count into the "hash
encoding string" that it returns. When
phpass authenticates a password or
passphrase against a stored hash, it
similarly transparently extracts and
uses the hash type identifier, the
salt, and the iteration count out of
the "hash encoding string". Thus, you
do not need to bother with salting and
stretching on your own - phpass takes
care of these for you. it's not surprising that the examples don't use salting! You may be over-seasoning your code.
The code sample with the dummy salt is an example of how to prevent a timing attack by making sure that whether a user exists or not, the validation of the user takes the same amount of time, effectively by doing a dummy authentication for non-existent users. It needs a dummy salt because if the user doesn't exist, it won't have a stored salt to use.

Encrypt password before storing in database?

I have a password being passed from my iPhone app to the database via a php script, user.php.
The variable $pass is populated by the following:
$pass = str_replace("'", "", $_REQUEST['pass']);
How can I encrypt this before it's inserted into my database? I've read a little about the different techniques, but looking for the best way to manage this.
Thanks to everyone.
While the answer below is technically still correct, php has new recommendations with regards to the hashing algorithms to use. Their recommendation, as of php >= 5.5.0, is to use the password_hash and password_verify functions to hash and verify hashed passwords . As an added benefit, these functions automatically include an individualized salt as part of the returned hash, so you don't need to worry about that explicitly.
If you don't care about retrieving the actual password's value (from the database encrypted value), you can run a one-way hash algorithm on it (such as sha1). This function will return a specific length string (hash) which cannot be used to find the original string (theoretically). It is possible that two different strings could create the same hash (called a collision) but this shouldn't be a problem with passwords.
$pass = sha1($_REQUEST['pass']);
One thing, to make it a little more secure is to add a salt to the hash and run the hash function again. This makes it more difficult to generate a password hash maliciously since the salt value is handled server-side only.
$pass = sha1(sha1($_REQUEST['pass']).sha1("mySalt#$#(%"));
Use php's crypt library. Md5 is not encryption, it is hashing.
Also, salt your passwords. Why?
This answer
Another good answer
First, you should create a random user salt. Then you should store that and the password hash in the database.
$salt = md5(unique_id().mt_rand().microtime());
$pass = sha1($salt.$_REQUEST['pass']);
and save the $salt and $pass in the database. Then when they go to login you look up their row and check the hash:
$user = query('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE username = ?', array($_REQUEST['username']));
// If the password they give maches
if($user->pass === sha1($user->salt. $_REQUEST['pass']))
// login
// bad password
// user not found
Creating a user salt for each account insures rainbow tables are useless and anyone that broken into your server would have to brute-force each password.
Use crypt with some salt. Such as
$user = strip_tags(substr($_REQUEST['user'],0,32));
$plain_pw = strip_tags(substr($_REQUEST['pass'],0,32));
$password = crypt(md5($plain_pw),md5($user));
as on
Most basic: Hash it with MD5 or SHA1
$newpass = md5($_REQUEST['pass']);
$newpass = sha1($_REQUEST['pass']);
Recently I started storing the username hashed as well, so login attempts are secure using only hashed data for comparisons.
You can "salt" the hashes with extra data so if they are compromised, it's value cannot be found (try googling some simple hashed words).. i.e. use a site-wide string just to alter the standard hash like md5("mySiteSalt!!" . $_REQUEST['pass']); or something more advanced.
You should use SHA1 to hash your passwords for storage in the database. It's the simplest, yet most effective way to store passwords:
$password = sha1($password);
It's also exceptionally safe. Though the integrity of it is beginning to creep, it's rather easy to upgrade this function to SHA-256 (which is incredibly secure).
To find out why md5, sha1 and their speedy friends might not be a good idea, you should read the post Enough With The Rainbow Tables: What You Need To Know About Secure Password Schemes by Thomas Ptacek. The gist:
Finally, we learned that if we want to
store passwords securely we have three
reasonable options: PHK’s MD5 scheme,
Provos-Maziere’s Bcrypt scheme, and
SRP. We learned that the correct
choice is Bcrypt.
Note: it's PHK, not php.
