Please tell me why i must put "\" before \SoapClient. When i delete "\", then i have a error.
public function indexAction($name)
try {
$client = new \SoapClient('some WSDL', array('trace' => 1));
$a = array('Login'=>'1', 'Password'=>'1', 'LetterNo'=>'1');
$response = $client->__soapCall('GetTracking', array($a));
} catch (\SoapFault $e) {
var_dump($e->getMessage(), $client->__getLastResponse()); die();
return array('response' => $response);
Thanks for help
...because your controller is in a namespace, so your call to instantiate SoapClient without the root slash tries to load that object from the current namespace.
App\Controller\SoapClient instead of SoapClient.
You can use a use statement at the top of your controller to bring it into scope. use SoapClient; and you'll be good to go.
I am new to Laravel and have an Issue regarding the Handler.php File.
I am trying to create a class that takes an exceptions and transforms it into a JSON Response.
Sadly though, upon calling the constructor a series of Errors are thrown:
My code:
render() in Handler.php:
public function render($request, Throwable $exception)
$errorResource = new ErrorResource($exception);
return $errorResource->getJsonResponse();
class ErrorResource in ErrorResource.php:
namespace Transformers;
use Throwable;
class ErrorResource
private $exception;
private $defaultCodes = [TypeError::class => 400];
private $defaultMessages = [TypeError::class => 'Untgültige URL Parameter'];
function __construct(Throwable $exception)
$this->exception = $exception;
public function getJsonResponse($exception)
$codeToThrow = 500;
$messageToThrow = "Internal Server Error";
$type = get_class($this->exception);
if (empty($exception->getCode())) {
$codeToThrow = $this->defaultCodes[$type];
} else {
$codeToThrow = $exception->getCode();
if (empty($exception->getMessage())) {
$messageToThrow = $this->defaultMessages[$type];
} else {
$messageToThrow = $exception->getMessage();
return response()->json(array(
'Type' => $type,
'Message' => $messageToThrow
), $codeToThrow);
I have also tried to move the method getJsonResponse() to the Handler.php file and call it from there, but without any luck.
I am really confused as to why I am not allowed to do certain things with the $exception variable (I have also tried to create a clone of this object - but the same error occures)
I hope you can help me resolving this issue,
The issue is, that PHP is call by value. That is why it is implicitely trying to clone an unclonable object -> Error. To resolve this issue one can use wrapper objects, but I decided to simply use call by reference (
Hi am trying to run a function from wsdl. How to run this function?
When i am running get functions i am getting this
array(3) { [0]=> string(797) "ClientSoap createClient(string $client_name, string $client_password, string $first_name, string $last_name)" }
I want to run the createClient function .
I already tried using this code
$client = new SoapClient('mywsdl.wsdl');
$data = $client->createClient("samplecustomer", "samplepass", "first", "last");
I am getting an error that createClient does not exist. Any ides?
Thanks in advance
I don't know if that can help you but you can add a try catch surround the declaration.
try {
$soapClient = new \SoapClient($url. '?wsdl', $options);
} catch (\SoapFault $e) {
So I am messing around with symfony router component and I created a small wrapper.
One thing that came up was how do I get a request to throw a 500 in unit tests? The method in question is:
public function processRoutes(Request $request) {
try {
return call_user_func_array($request->attributes->get('callback'), array($request));
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
return new RedirectResponse('/404', 302);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return new RedirectResponse('/500', 302);
And the test in question is:
public function testFiveHundred() {
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/foo/{bar}', 'foo', function($request){
return 'hello ' . $request->attributes->get('bar');
$response = $router->processRoutes(Request::create('/foo/bar', 'GET'));
$this->assertEquals(500, $response->getStatusCode());
Right now the test will fail because we are defined and the status code will be 200. Is there something special I can do to the Request object I create, to make it throw a 500?
I think you got several options here you can play with:
Decide that a specific path will always throw an exception.
This will force you to make some changes in your code.
public function processRoutes(Request $request) {
if ($request->getRequestUri() == '/path/that/throws/exception') {
throw Exception('Forced to throw exception by URL');
public function testFiveHundred() {
$response = $router->processRoutes(Request::create('/path/that/throws/exception', 'GET'));
Make a DummyRequest object that will extends your original Request class and make sure this object will raise an Exception (for example - you know for sure that you use the getPathInfo(), so you can use this).
class DummyRequest extends Request {
public function getPathInfo() {
throw new Exception('This dummy request object should only throw an exception so we can test our routes for problems');
public function testFiveHundred() {
$dummyRequest = new DummyRequest();
$response = $router->processRoutes($dummyRequest);
Since the function getRequestUri of our $dummyRequest throws an exception, your call to $router->processRoutes will have our dummy to throw that exception.
This is a general idea, you would probably need to play a bit with the namespaces and the functions there (I didn't test it, however this should work).
I searched and there are a lot of answers but I cannot find one I need because I do not know even how to create correct question. here is the example.
$app->map('/v1/:module/:group/:action(/:id)', function ($module, $group, $action, $id = NULL) use ($app) {
$method = ucfirst($app->request->getMethod());
$file = "modules/{$module}/{$group}/{$method}{$action}.php";
if(!file_exists($file)) {
$app->halt(404, Error::_('API Processor was not found!', 404));
include_once $file;
This is my API method by slim restful framework. Now for this Error::_('API Processor was not found!', 404) I have
class Error {
public static function _($msg, $code = 500) {
global $module, $group, $action;
return json_encode(array(
'error' => true,
'code' => $code,
'message' => $msg,
'module' => $module
What I want os to get access to $module, $group, $action variables without passing them into that function. But in my case $module is NULL.
"message":"API Processor was not found!",
You should be able to meet those requirements, if I understood your question correctly, by using the Slim Error Handling functionality. If it were my project, I'd create a custom exception to throw wherever you're planning on using your custom error function.
NOTE: All of the code below is untested and written off the top of my head. Caveat emptor and all that.
class CustomErrorException extends \Exception
Then I would throw that exception wherever I'd otherwise use my custom error function.
if(!file_exists($file)) {
throw new CustomErrorException('API Processor was not found!', 404);
Finally, I'd write an error function that looks something like this:
$app->error(function (\Exception $e) use ($app) {
if ($e instanceof CustomErrorException) {
// Parse $path to get $module, $group, and $action
// (Seems like that would work based on the route in your example: '/v1/:module/:group/:action(/:id)')
$path = $app->request->getPath();
// Possible new method signature for Error::_
Error::_($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $module, $group, $action);
// Render an error page, $app->halt(), whatever.
That should help DRY your code up a bit and allow you to dump those global variables.
I am trying to set up a restful api using yii. Trying to add a wrapper that takes the results from the code being ran in the controller and returning it in json format. I am also trying to have it catch any errors[try-catch] and returning them in json format.
Right now all I can think of doing is something similar to the code below...I'd like the ability to not have to add a try/catch everytime.
class UserController extends Controller{
public function actionIndex($user_id = null){
$response = new API_Response();
$response->success = true;
$response->data = array("data"=>"data goes here...");
}catch(Exception $e){
$response->success = false;
$response->message = $e->getMessage();
With more research, found I could override the api handler per each controller so now I don't have to write a whole bunch of try-catches.
function init(){
$this->api_resp = new API_Response();
Yii::app()->attachEventHandler('onException',array($this, 'handleApiError'));
public function handleApiError(CEvent $e){
if($e instanceof CExceptionEvent){
$this->api_resp->error = $e->exception->getMessage();
$this->api_resp->error = Yii::t('app', 'error.unknown');