How to reach the exception block - php

So I am messing around with symfony router component and I created a small wrapper.
One thing that came up was how do I get a request to throw a 500 in unit tests? The method in question is:
public function processRoutes(Request $request) {
try {
return call_user_func_array($request->attributes->get('callback'), array($request));
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException $e) {
return new RedirectResponse('/404', 302);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return new RedirectResponse('/500', 302);
And the test in question is:
public function testFiveHundred() {
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/foo/{bar}', 'foo', function($request){
return 'hello ' . $request->attributes->get('bar');
$response = $router->processRoutes(Request::create('/foo/bar', 'GET'));
$this->assertEquals(500, $response->getStatusCode());
Right now the test will fail because we are defined and the status code will be 200. Is there something special I can do to the Request object I create, to make it throw a 500?

I think you got several options here you can play with:
Decide that a specific path will always throw an exception.
This will force you to make some changes in your code.
public function processRoutes(Request $request) {
if ($request->getRequestUri() == '/path/that/throws/exception') {
throw Exception('Forced to throw exception by URL');
public function testFiveHundred() {
$response = $router->processRoutes(Request::create('/path/that/throws/exception', 'GET'));
Make a DummyRequest object that will extends your original Request class and make sure this object will raise an Exception (for example - you know for sure that you use the getPathInfo(), so you can use this).
class DummyRequest extends Request {
public function getPathInfo() {
throw new Exception('This dummy request object should only throw an exception so we can test our routes for problems');
public function testFiveHundred() {
$dummyRequest = new DummyRequest();
$response = $router->processRoutes($dummyRequest);
Since the function getRequestUri of our $dummyRequest throws an exception, your call to $router->processRoutes will have our dummy to throw that exception.
This is a general idea, you would probably need to play a bit with the namespaces and the functions there (I didn't test it, however this should work).


Fatal Error on using $exception variable in render() Method in App\Exceptions\Handler.php

I am new to Laravel and have an Issue regarding the Handler.php File.
I am trying to create a class that takes an exceptions and transforms it into a JSON Response.
Sadly though, upon calling the constructor a series of Errors are thrown:
My code:
render() in Handler.php:
public function render($request, Throwable $exception)
$errorResource = new ErrorResource($exception);
return $errorResource->getJsonResponse();
class ErrorResource in ErrorResource.php:
namespace Transformers;
use Throwable;
class ErrorResource
private $exception;
private $defaultCodes = [TypeError::class => 400];
private $defaultMessages = [TypeError::class => 'Untgültige URL Parameter'];
function __construct(Throwable $exception)
$this->exception = $exception;
public function getJsonResponse($exception)
$codeToThrow = 500;
$messageToThrow = "Internal Server Error";
$type = get_class($this->exception);
if (empty($exception->getCode())) {
$codeToThrow = $this->defaultCodes[$type];
} else {
$codeToThrow = $exception->getCode();
if (empty($exception->getMessage())) {
$messageToThrow = $this->defaultMessages[$type];
} else {
$messageToThrow = $exception->getMessage();
return response()->json(array(
'Type' => $type,
'Message' => $messageToThrow
), $codeToThrow);
I have also tried to move the method getJsonResponse() to the Handler.php file and call it from there, but without any luck.
I am really confused as to why I am not allowed to do certain things with the $exception variable (I have also tried to create a clone of this object - but the same error occures)
I hope you can help me resolving this issue,
The issue is, that PHP is call by value. That is why it is implicitely trying to clone an unclonable object -> Error. To resolve this issue one can use wrapper objects, but I decided to simply use call by reference (

PHP throws an exception in subroutine stops working

I have a custom class with function, which calls a function of the Yii2 core BasisAuthentication. In the core module is defined, if the credentials are not valid,
throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('Your request was made with invalid credentials.');
With this, the whole request is ended. But I need to go further (because it is a REST request).
I've tried to prevent from that with
try {
$identity = $basic_Auth->authenticate($user, $request, null );
} catch (Exception $e) {
return null;
But this is not working. I don't want to adapt the core files of Yii. What can I do?
try {
$identity = $basic_Auth->authenticate($user, $request, null );
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return null;

Try catch private method phpunit symfony

I have the following code:
public function addSomething($paramDto) {
try {
} catch(\Exception $e) {
return ['error' => true, 'messages' => [$e->getMessage()]];
return ['error' => false, 'messages' => 'success'];
private function privateMethod($param) {
if(!$param) {
throw new \Exception('errorMessage');
I'm trying to test the addSomething method, what the catch block returns, I don't want to test the private method.
public function testAddSomethingThrowError($paramDto) {
$param = \Mockery::mock('MyEntity');
$method = new \ReflectionMethod(
'MyService', 'privateMethod'
The thing is that if i run the test, it coverages the private method in the if statement and returns the exception, but the catch method in my addSomething method is not covered, actually it does not cover the addSomething method at all.
I am using the sebastian bergmann phpunit framework.
What am I doing wrong?
The correct answer should be Jakub Matczak's answer:
"You want to "assert if the public method is returning the message that it is indeed returning". There's no sense in doing that. Consider your tested class as a blackbox without possibility to check its source. Then make tests according to how to want it to work using its public interface. "

Php: Exceptions: whatsit? (i.e.: when to use it and when not to...)

My question is about the correct usage of Php Exceptions.
My Php app is an API server.
My code base is quite articulated, to a depth of 5-6 levels of nested calls.
Of course exceptions are a very handy way to handle an error,
since you don't have to handle all error conditions on every level of your function calls...
To better explain what I mean, I make an exaple below.
This is a simplified excerpt from my top level code (the "router"):
$this->app->get("/persons/get", function() {
try {
$persons = new PersonsController($this);
} catch (Exception $e) {
private function error($error) {
$response = $this->app->response();
"error" => [
"message" => $error->getMessage(),
And this is a simplified excerpt from my bottom level code (the "db"):
public function get($table) {
try {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM '$table'";
$statement = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$result = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $result;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
throw new Exception("Error getting persons: ", 0, $e);
I think this is a typical and effective example of useful exception handling: on a fatal error in the bottom level of the code base, the error automatically pops up to the main error handling function. The real advantage here is I don't have to mess up with handling the error condition all along the chain of functions code, from the router level through the db level...
But, what if I should use Exceptions more extensively, in the middle of my functions stack... For example:
class PersonsController {
public function sync() {
if (!mkdir($d, 0777)) {
throw new Exception("Can't create folder $d");
Instead of, for example:
class PersonsController {
public function sync() {
if (!mkdir($d, 0777)) {dir: DEBUG ONLY!
return -1; # this error code will have to be handled upper in the stack...
The question is: How extensive can be the use of Exceptions in a Php non-trivial project?

How can I get around the lack of a finally block in PHP?

PHP prior to version 5.5 has no finally block - i.e., whereas in most sensible languages, you can do:
try {
//do something
} catch(Exception ex) {
//handle an error
} finally {
//clean up after yourself
PHP has no notion of a finally block.
Anyone have experience of solutions to this rather irritating hole in the language?
Solution, no. Irritating cumbersome workaround, yes:
$stored_exc = null;
try {
// Do stuff
} catch (Exception $exc) {
$stored_exc = $exc;
// Handle an error
// "Finally" here, clean up after yourself
if ($stored_exc) {
Yucky, but should work.
Please note: PHP 5.5 finally (ahem, sorry) added a finally block: (and it only took a few years... available in the 5.5 RC almost four years to the date since I posted this answer...)
The RAII idiom offers a code-level stand-in for a finally block. Create a class that holds callable(s). In the destuctor, call the callable(s).
class Finally {
# could instead hold a single block
public $blocks = array();
function __construct($block) {
if (is_callable($block)) {
$this->blocks = func_get_args();
} elseif (is_array($block)) {
$this->blocks = $block;
} else {
# TODO: handle type error
function __destruct() {
foreach ($this->blocks as $block) {
if (is_callable($block)) {
} else {
# TODO: handle type error.
Note that PHP doesn't have block scope for variables, so Finally won't kick in until the function exits or (in global scope) the shutdown sequence. For example, the following:
try {
echo "Creating global Finally.\n";
$finally = new Finally(function () {
echo "Global Finally finally run.\n";
throw new Exception;
} catch (Exception $exc) {}
class Foo {
function useTry() {
try {
$finally = new Finally(function () {
echo "Finally for method run.\n";
throw new Exception;
} catch (Exception $exc) {}
echo __METHOD__, " done.\n";
$foo = new Foo;
echo "A whole bunch more work done by the script.\n";
will result in the output:
Creating global Finally.
Foo::useTry done.
Finally for method run.
A whole bunch more work done by the script.
Global Finally finally run.
PHP 5.3 closures can't access $this (fixed in 5.4), so you'll need an extra variable to access instance members within some finally-blocks.
class Foo {
function useThis() {
$self = $this;
$finally = new Finally(
# if $self is used by reference, it can be set after creating the closure
function () use ($self) {
# $this not used in a closure, so no need for $self
array($this, 'wibble')
function frob() {/*...*/}
function wibble() {/*...*/}
Private and Protected Fields
Arguably the biggest problem with this approach in PHP 5.3 is the finally-closure can't access private and protected fields of an object. Like accessing $this, this issue is resolved in PHP 5.4. For now, private and protected properties can be accessed using references, as Artefacto shows in his answer to a question on this very topic elsewhere on this site.
class Foo {
private $_property='valid';
public function method() {
$this->_property = 'invalid';
$_property =& $this->_property;
$finally = new Finally(function () use (&$_property) {
$_property = 'valid';
/* ... */
public function reportState() {
return $this->_property;
$f = new Foo;
echo $f->reportState(), "\n";
Private and protected methods can be accessed using reflection. You can actually use the same technique to access non-public properties, but references are simpler and more lightweight. In a comment on the PHP manual page for anonymous functions, Martin Partel gives an example of a FullAccessWrapper class that opens up non-public fields to public access. I won't reproduce it here (see the two previous links for that), but here is how you'd use it:
class Foo {
private $_property='valid';
public function method() {
$this->_property = 'invalid';
$self = new FullAccessWrapper($this);
$finally = new Finally(function () use (&$self) {
/* ... */
public function reportState() {
return $this->_property;
protected function _fixState() {
$this->_property = 'valid';
$f = new Foo;
echo $f->reportState(), "\n";
try blocks require at least one catch. If you only want try/finally, add a catch block that catches a non-Exception (PHP code can't throw anything not derived from Exception) or re-throw the caught exception. In the former case, I suggest catching StdClass as an idiom meaning "don't catch anything". In methods, catching the current class could also be used to mean "don't catch anything", but using StdClass is simpler and easier to find when searching files.
try {
$finally = new Finally(/*...*/);
/* ... */
} catch (StdClass $exc) {}
try {
$finally = new Finally(/*...*/);
/* ... */
} catch (RuntimeError $exc) {
throw $exc
Here is my solution to the lack of finally block. It not only provides a work around for the finally block, it also extends the try/catch to catch PHP errors (and fatal errors too). My solution looks like this (PHP 5.3):
//some piece of code that will be our try block
function() {
//this code is expected to throw exception or produce php error
//some (optional) piece of code that will be our catch block
function($exception) {
//the exception will be caught here
//php errors too will come here as ErrorException
//some (optional) piece of code that will be our finally block
function() {
//this code will execute after the catch block and even after fatal errors
You can download the solution with documentation and examples from git hub -
As this is a language construct, you won't find an easy solution for this.
You can write a function and call it as the last line of your try block and last line before rethrowing the excepion in the try block.
Good books argues against using finally blocks for any other than freeing resource as you can not be sure it will execute if something nasty happens. Calling it an irritating hole is quite an overstatement.
Believe me, a hell lot of exceptionally good code is written in languages without finally block. :)
The point of finally is to execute no matter if the try block was successfull or not.
function _try(callable $try, callable $catch, callable $finally = null)
if (is_null($finally))
$finally = $catch;
$catch = null;
$return = $try();
catch (Exception $rethrow)
if (isset($catch))
$rethrow = null;
catch (Exception $rethrow) { }
if (isset($rethrow))
throw $rethrow;
return $return;
Call using closures. Second parameter, $catch, is optional. Examples:
_try(function ()
// try
}, function ($ex)
// catch ($ex)
}, function ()
// finally
_try(function ()
// try
}, function ()
// finally
Properly handles exceptions everywhere:
$try: Exception will be passed to $catch. $catch will run first, then $finally. If there is no $catch, exception will be rethrown after running $finally.
$catch: $finally will execute immediately. Exception will be rethrown after $finally completes.
$finally: Exception will break down the call stack unimpeded. Any other exceptions scheduled for rethrow will be discarded.
None: Return value from $try will be returned.
If anyone is still keeping track of this question, you might be interested in checking out the (brand new) RFC for a finally language feature in the PHP wiki. The author already seems to have working patches, and I'm sure the proposal would benefit from other developers' feedback.
I just finished writing a more elegant Try Catch Finally class which may be of use to you. There are some drawbacks but they can be worked around.
