I have two tables 'accounts_transactions' and 'accounts_bills_transactions'.
I have to left join these two using active record of codeigniter.But the names of key columns used to join are different.So I am not getting the key column from the left table in the output .What query should I write to get the key column from the left table included in the result.
My code is
$this->db->join('accounts_bills_transactions', 'accounts_transactions.id = accounts_bills_transactions.transaction_id','left');
$query = $this->db->get();
So, as you see the key columns used to join here are , id from left table and transaction_id from second table.The problem is that I am not getting the id from left table in the result.But I am getting all other columns.I assume the problem is because of difference in column names used to join.ie both the column names are not named 'id' .So how can I get the id from left table included in the result.
You could alias them:
$this->db->select('accounts_transatctions.*, account_transactions.id AS a_id,
account_bills_transactions.id AS ab_id');
$this->db->join('accounts_bills_transactions', 'accounts_transactions.id = accounts_transactions.transaction_id','left');
$query = $this->db->get();
The two IDs will now be available as a_id and ab_id (or whatever alias you choose)
Note: I'm not sure if you can alias in AR without avoiding escaping (haven't been using CI for a while). Should you get any error for that reason, just pass false as second parameter of $this->db->select():
$this->db->select('...', false);
you can try this if you confuse of using $this->where or $this->join
$query = $this->db->query("select ......");
return $query;
You problem is so simple. You can use this query
$query = $this->db
->select('abt.id as abt_id');
->from('accounts_transactions at');
->join('accounts_bills_transactions abt', 'at.id = abt.transaction_id','left');
When same column are used in join it selects only one. You need to give alise to the other column in second table. The best practice is to use a structure like this
I want to join 2 table to get all information. With SQL query like this:
SELECT Table1.id,
FROM `Table1`
ON Table1.id = Table2.tid
It gives me all information as I expect (I mean 2 rows with name 'Ulrich').
But when I do with Yii2 query:
$query = self::find();
$query -> alias('t1')
-> innerJoin(['t2'=>'Table2'], 't1.id=t2.tid')
$result = NULL;
if($total = $query->count()) {
$result = $query
-> select([t1.*, t2.school])
$result[0]['count'] = $total;
it only gives me 1 row with name 'Ulirch'.
Can anyone help me with this problem. Thank you very much.
If you use ActiveRecord::find() method to create query you will get instance of yii\db\ActiveQuery. This is query designed to load ActiveRecord models. Because of that if you do any type of join and your result set contains primary key of your main model (The model which find() method was called to create query) the ActiveQuery will remove any rows it considers duplicate.
The duplicates are recognised based on main model primary key so the rows in resultset will be considered duplicate even if the data from joined table are different. That's exactly what happened in your case.
To avoid that you have to use query builder instead of ActiveQuery.
Your query can look for example like this:
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())
->from(['t1' => self::tableName()])
->innerJoin(['t2'=>'Table2'], 't1.id=t2.tid');
I need some help with a query as I don't seem to get my head around it.
First table vacancies:
Second table vacancies_labels:
Now I would like to get an output containing all vacancies within a certain location but they also cannot contain the label_id '10' nonetheless of the location.
SELECT `v`.*
FROM `vacancies` AS `v`
LEFT JOIN `vacancies_labels` as `vl` ON `v`.`vacancy_id` = `bl`.`vacancy_id`
WHERE `v`.`vac_location` = 'russia'
AND `v`.`is_deleted` != 1
AND `v`.`status` = 1
AND `vl`.`label_id` NOT IN ('10')
GROUP BY `v`.`vacancy_id`
This results only in the vacancies that have a record in the vacancies_labels table that are not 10. It leaves out however all vacancies that have no records at all in the vacancies_labels table but fit within the location range.
What am I missing here?
Using a LEFT JOIN, if the record is not found, then the values will return null. But in your WHERE clause, you have
AND `vl`.`label_id` NOT IN ('10')
as NOT IN doesn't consider nulls you have to do something like...
AND ( `vl`.`label_id` NOT IN ('10') OR `vl`.`label_id` IS NULL)
So I'm trying to implement a JOIN in my PHP but I don't know how to include the WHERE clause with JOIN in my query.
I'm trying to do:
SELECT SpecialFacts.ConservationStatus, SpecialFacts.Reproduction, SpecialFacts.Length, Habitat.Type, Habitat.located
FROM SpecialFacts
INNER JOIN Habitat ON SpecialFacts.SpeciesID=Habitat.SpeciesID
WHERE SpeciesID="G. cuvier"
Basically I'm trying to make sure the join happens on the tables where the SpeciesID is G. cuvier but everything I have tried so far doesn't work and the error it is giving me now is "Column SpeciesID in where clause is ambiguous".
Here is my relevant PHP code:
include 'connect.php';
$result = mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT SpecialFacts.ConservationStatus, SpecialFacts.Reproduction, SpecialFacts.Length, Habitat.Type, Habitat.located FROM SpecialFacts INNER JOIN Habitat ON SpecialFacts.SpeciesID=Habitat.SpeciesID WHERE SpeciesID='G. cuvier'") or die("fail" . mysqli_error($connect));
$i = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo $row[$i];
$i = $i + 1;
Column SpeciesID exists in both tables, so it doesn't know which need to be compared to value given as G. cuvier. As you are writing every column name as table name with dot(.), the same should be in where condition column SpecialFacts.SpeciesID = "G. cuvier".
So query should be like:
SELECT SpecialFacts.ConservationStatus, SpecialFacts.Reproduction, SpecialFacts.Length, Habitat.Type, Habitat.located
FROM SpecialFacts
INNER JOIN Habitat ON SpecialFacts.SpeciesID=Habitat.SpeciesID
WHERE SpecialFacts.SpeciesID="G. cuvier"
It's not giving you that error because you're using WHERE incorrectly. It's giving you that error because there are multiple tables in your query that have a column with that name, hence the "ambiguous". You just need to disambiguate it by adding the table name to the identifier.
WHERE SpecialFacts.SpeciesID="G. cuvier"
WHERE Habitat.SpeciesID="G. cuvier"
Since you're inner joining the tables on that column, either table should work for the WHERE clause. I would suggest using the smaller table for performance reasons, but honestly I'm not 100% certain if it will matter or not. You can do EXPLAIN on each one to see how they compare.
Use below query instead
SELECT SpecialFacts.ConservationStatus, SpecialFacts.Reproduction, SpecialFacts.Length, Habitat.Type, Habitat.located
FROM SpecialFacts INNER JOIN Habitat
ON SpecialFacts.SpeciesID=Habitat.SpeciesID
WHERE SpecialFacts.SpeciesID='G. cuvier'
I have used single quote and used column name with table name.
I am trying to echo both the employee name and manager name
FROM `form`
INNER JOIN `emp` AS employee
ON `form`.emp_ID = employee.emp_ID
INNER JOIN `emp` AS manager
ON `form`.manager_ID = manager.emp_ID
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
echo $row['emp_name'];
Always outputs the managers name.
have tried the following:
which all don't work.
any help is appreciated
When the columns have the same name, their values will overlap when retrieving by fetch_assoc(). You can either use fetch_array() and reference the columns by numeric index (not recommended with SELECT *, since you can't easily guarantee the order of columns), or you will have to list the column names explicitly and alias them. For example:
SELECT emp.emp_name emp_emp_name, manager.emp_name manager_emp_name, ...
This would give you separate distinctly named fields in the result, that you could then access from what fetch_assoc() returns.
When create a query, I want to use join twice like the following:
$this->db->join('members_group', 'members_group.mgid = members.mgid');
$this->db->join('members_profiles','members_profiles.mid = members.mid');
$this->db->where('members.mid=' . $id);
The problem in the join statement number 2, If there is no data within the members_profiles table, the query return empty array. but if I remove the join statement number 2, the result will be correct data.
How can I make the query return data whether members_profiles table contains of data that related to a member or not?
Codeigniter allows variant join types to be specified in the third parameter of the join() method.
Try this:
$this->db->join('members_profiles','members_profiles.mid = members.mid', 'left');
An ordinary (inner) join suppresses records from the first (left-hand) table that don't match the second (right-hand) table. A left join preserves records on the left that don't match records on the right. It places NULL values in the columns of the resultset that should have come from the missing right-hand table. This does exactly what you want.
Use this
$this->db->join('members_group', 'members_group.mgid = members.mgid');
$this->db->join('members_profiles','members_profiles.mid = members.mid','left');
$this->db->where('members.mid=' . $id);