When create a query, I want to use join twice like the following:
$this->db->join('members_group', 'members_group.mgid = members.mgid');
$this->db->join('members_profiles','members_profiles.mid = members.mid');
$this->db->where('members.mid=' . $id);
The problem in the join statement number 2, If there is no data within the members_profiles table, the query return empty array. but if I remove the join statement number 2, the result will be correct data.
How can I make the query return data whether members_profiles table contains of data that related to a member or not?
Codeigniter allows variant join types to be specified in the third parameter of the join() method.
Try this:
$this->db->join('members_profiles','members_profiles.mid = members.mid', 'left');
An ordinary (inner) join suppresses records from the first (left-hand) table that don't match the second (right-hand) table. A left join preserves records on the left that don't match records on the right. It places NULL values in the columns of the resultset that should have come from the missing right-hand table. This does exactly what you want.
Use this
$this->db->join('members_group', 'members_group.mgid = members.mgid');
$this->db->join('members_profiles','members_profiles.mid = members.mid','left');
$this->db->where('members.mid=' . $id);
I want to retrieve og tags with sql in php language but I only get to see 1 result, that is the first one he reads, the other I don't get to see in page source.
this is the code with php.
$query = "SELECT metatitle FROM isacontent_content WHERE contentid = 12245
SELECT name FROM isacontent_module_anchorimage WHERE contentid = 12245";
$resimage = $conn->query($query);
foreach ($resimage as $resItem){
$metaData[] = $resItem->fetch_assoc();
$metaData[] = $resimage->fetch_assoc();
$title = $metaData[0]["metatitle"];
$image = $metaData[0]["name"];
I expect that both select statements will work and I can see both contents in the meta tags
For UNION ALL, your column name must be same or you can use ALIAS for this.
but, here in your example, you can simply use INNER JOIN to get the both values from 2 tables by using 1 single query.
SELECT ic.metatitle, im.name FROM isacontent_content ic
INNER JOIN isacontent_module_anchorimage im ON im.contentid = ic.contentid
WHERE ic.contentid = 12245
Using INNER JOIN because your both tables having relation, so you can simply use INNER JOIN
Side Note:
If you know, your query will return 1 row then why are you storing data into an array here $metaData[]? you can simply store $title and $image inside you foreach() loop.
When you use union, your columns have to be in same number as it will combine results of two queries. In your case your asking for an particular content results which are stored in multiple tables, so you can go for joins.
I want to find all data from database with this query:
$dataSearch = House::find()
->select(["number","DATE(reg_date) AS date","((value) > 100) AS result","info"])
->join("INNER JOIN", Owner::tableName(), Owner::tableName().'.number_ow= '.House::tableName().'.number_ow')
$data = $dataSearch->asArray()->all();
If I perform the query with all() return only a few part of the results, but if I perform the raw SQL query on the database, I get all the results. I don't understand where the problem is.
This is raw SQL:
SELECT `number`, DATE(reg_date) AS date, ((value) > 100) AS result, `info`
FROM `ho_house` INNER JOIN `ho_owner` ON ho_owner.number_ow = oh_ho_house.number_ow
WHERE (`ho_house`.`number_ow`=2100174106) AND (`ho_house`.`space`='m')
ORDER BY `ho_house`.`reg_date` DESC, `info`
That is because ActiveQuery tries to remove duplicated models from results of query with JOIN (for example if house have 2 owners, house data will be repeated twice in results set). In your case, if you want to raw data from database, you should use Query:
$dataSearch = (new Query())
->select(["number","DATE(reg_date) AS date","((value) > 100) AS result","info"])
->join("INNER JOIN", Owner::tableName(), Owner::tableName().'.number_ow= '.House::tableName().'.number_ow')
$data = $dataSearch->all();
But if you really need ActiveQuery, you should configure $indexBy to return unique ID for every row.
Replace andWhere with Where Check this code
$dataSearch = House::find()
->select(["number","DATE(reg_date) AS date","((value) > 100) AS result","info"])
->join("INNER JOIN", Owner::tableName(), Owner::tableName().'.number_ow= '.House::tableName().'.number_ow')
$data = $dataSearch->asArray()->all();
I have two tables 'accounts_transactions' and 'accounts_bills_transactions'.
I have to left join these two using active record of codeigniter.But the names of key columns used to join are different.So I am not getting the key column from the left table in the output .What query should I write to get the key column from the left table included in the result.
My code is
$this->db->join('accounts_bills_transactions', 'accounts_transactions.id = accounts_bills_transactions.transaction_id','left');
$query = $this->db->get();
So, as you see the key columns used to join here are , id from left table and transaction_id from second table.The problem is that I am not getting the id from left table in the result.But I am getting all other columns.I assume the problem is because of difference in column names used to join.ie both the column names are not named 'id' .So how can I get the id from left table included in the result.
You could alias them:
$this->db->select('accounts_transatctions.*, account_transactions.id AS a_id,
account_bills_transactions.id AS ab_id');
$this->db->join('accounts_bills_transactions', 'accounts_transactions.id = accounts_transactions.transaction_id','left');
$query = $this->db->get();
The two IDs will now be available as a_id and ab_id (or whatever alias you choose)
Note: I'm not sure if you can alias in AR without avoiding escaping (haven't been using CI for a while). Should you get any error for that reason, just pass false as second parameter of $this->db->select():
$this->db->select('...', false);
you can try this if you confuse of using $this->where or $this->join
$query = $this->db->query("select ......");
return $query;
You problem is so simple. You can use this query
$query = $this->db
->select('abt.id as abt_id');
->from('accounts_transactions at');
->join('accounts_bills_transactions abt', 'at.id = abt.transaction_id','left');
When same column are used in join it selects only one. You need to give alise to the other column in second table. The best practice is to use a structure like this
Hi i have following query where it's use joininner statement to get all possible businesses. But when a business is created for first time only 1 category will be updated the rest 2 will remain null
public function searchBusinessByCategoryString($str = null, $city=null,$start,$perpage)
$select = $this->getDbTable()->getAdapter()->select();
$select->from('business as b', array('b.business_name','b.business_url','b.reviews_num','b.cat_id','b.business_id','b.rating','b.business_phone','b.business_add1','b.business_add2','b.x','b.y','b.photo_url'))
->joinInner('business_category as bc','b.cat_id = bc.cat_id',array('bc.cat_name'))
->joinInner('business_sub_category as bsc','b.sub_cat_id = bsc.b_sub_cat_id',array('bsc.b_subcat_name','bsc.b_sub_cat_id'))
->joinInner('business_sub_category as bsc2','b.sub_cat2_id = bsc2.b_sub_cat_id',array('bsc2.b_subcat_name','bsc2.b_sub_cat_id'))
->joinInner('business_sub_category as bsc3','b.sub_cat3_id = bsc3.b_sub_cat_id',array('bsc3.b_subcat_name','bsc3.b_sub_cat_id'))
->where("bsc.b_subcat_name like '".$str."%'")
->orWhere("bsc.b_subcat_name like '%".$str."'")
->orWhere("bsc.b_subcat_name= '".$str."'")
->orWhere("bsc2.b_subcat_name like '%".$str."'")
->orWhere("bsc2.b_subcat_name = '".$str."'")
->orWhere("bsc2.b_subcat_name like '".$str."%'")
->orWhere("bsc3.b_subcat_name like '%".$str."'")
->orWhere("bsc3.b_subcat_name = '".$str."'")
->orWhere("bsc3.b_subcat_name like '".$str."%'");
$result = $this->getDbTable()->getAdapter()->fetchAll($select);
return $result;
Now the issues is how can i not doing joininner query if the rest 2 categories are null? My above statement return empty result event though there is businesses with one category.
use leftJoin instead of innerJoin where the joined table can contain NULL value. INNER JOIN will join table, using the condition and will not keep lines when a null value is found on the joined table. LEFT JOIN will allow you to keep this line
I'm getting a product listing. Each product may have 1 or more image, I only want to return the first image.
$this->db->select('p.product_id, p.product_name i.img_name, i.img_ext');
$this->db->join('products_images i', 'i.product_id = p.product_id', 'left');
$query = $this->db->get('products p');
Is there anyway to limit the db->join to 1 record using the CI active record class?
Add $this->db->limit(1); before calling $this->db->get('products p');. See the docs at ellislab.com: search the page for limit.
EDIT: I misread the fact that you were trying to apply the LIMIT to the internal JOIN statement.
No. Since you can not do a LIMIT on an internal JOIN statement in regular SQL you can not do it with Code Igniter's ActiveRecord class.
You can achieve what you want using $this->db->group_by with a left join:
$this->db->select('products.id, products.product_name, products_images.img_name, products_images.img_ext');
$this->db->join('products_images', 'products_images.product_id = products.id', 'left');
$query = $this->db->get();
This should give you results by products.id (without repetition of products), with the first matching record from products_images joined to each result row. If there's no matching row from the joined table (i.e. if an image is missing) you'll get null values for the products_images fields but will still see a result from the products table.
To expand on #Femi's answer:
There's no good way to limit the JOIN, and, in fact, you don't really want to. Assuming both products_image.product_id and products.id have indexes (and they absolutely should if you're going to join against them repeatedly) when the database engine does a join, it uses the indexes to determine what rows it needs to fetch. Then the engine uses the results to determine where on the disk to find the records it needs. If you
You should be able to see the difference by running these SQL statements:
SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name, i.img_name, i.img_ext
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN products_images i
ON i.product_id = p.product_id
as opposed to:
SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name, i.img_name, i.img_ext
FROM (SELECT product_id, product_name FROM products) p
LEFT JOIN (SELECT img_name, img_ext FROM products_images) i
ON i.product_id = p.product_id
The first query should have an index, the second one will not. There should be a performance difference if there's a significant number of rows the the DB.
Had this issue too the way I solved it was iterating over the results and removing the current object if the product_id had existed in a previous one. Create a array, push the product_id's to it while checking if they are repeats.
$product_array = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($result as $r){
$result = array_values($result); //re-index result array
Now $result is what we want