Complex Query with repeated parameter not working in PHP PDO - php

I have a somewhat complex query (using a subquery) for an election database where I'm trying to get the number of votes per particular candidate for a position.
The headers for the votes table are: id (PRIMARY KEY), timestamp, pos1, pos2, ..., pos6 where pos1-pos6 are the position names. A cast ballot becomes a new row in this table, with the member id number of the selected candidate (candidates are linked to profiles in a "membership" table in the database) stored as the value for each position. So for instance, one row in the database might look like the following (except with the actual 6 position names):
id timestamp pos1 pos2 pos3 (and so on)
6 1386009129 345 162 207
I want to get the results for each position using PHP PDO, listing for each position the candidate's name and the number of votes they have received for this position. So the raw database results should appear as (for "pos1", as an example):
name votecount
Joe Smith 27
Jane Doe 45
I have a raw SQL query which I can successfully use to get these results, the query is (making pos1 the actual column/position name President):
SELECT (SELECT fullname FROM membership memb WHERE member_id=`President`) name, count(`President`) votecount FROM `election_votes` votes GROUP BY `President`
So as you can see, the position name (President, here) is repeated 3 times in the query. This seems to cause a problem in the PHP PDO code. My code is as follows:
$position = "President"; // set in earlier code as part of a loop
$query = "SELECT (SELECT fullname FROM membership memb WHERE member_id=:pos1) name, count(:pos2) votecount FROM `election_votes` votes GROUP BY :pos3";
$query2 = "SELECT (SELECT fullname FROM membership memb WHERE member_id=$position) name, count($position) votecount FROM `election_votes` votes GROUP BY $position"; // NOT SAFE!
$STH = $DBH->prepare($query);
$STH->bindParam(':pos1', $position);
$STH->bindParam(':pos2', $position);
$STH->bindParam(':pos3', $position);
while($row = $STH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
// I'd like to do other things with these results
When I run this, using the query $query, I don't get results per-person as desired. My output is:
[name] =>
[votecount] => 47
where 47 is the total number of ballots cast instead of an array for each candidate contianing their name and number of votes (out of the total). However if I use the obviously insecure $query2, which just inserts the value of $position into the query string three times, I get the results I want.
Is there something wrong with my PHP code above? Am I doing something that's impossible in PDO (I hope not!)? My underlying database is MySQL 5.5.32. I've even tried replacing the three named parameters with the ? unnamed ones and passing an array array($position, $position, $position) into the $STH->execute() method with no greater success.

Your query isn't complex. I think part of the confusion is that you aren't constructing the basic SQL properly. You are attempting to treat "President" as both a value and column. The final SQL should look something like this:
`fullname` AS `name`,
COUNT(`id`) AS `votecount`
`election_votes` AS `votes`
`membership` AS `memb` ON `member_id` = `president`
You join the election_votes table to the membership table where the value in column pos1 equals the value in column member_id.
NOTE: you cannot use parameters with table and column names in PDO (Can PHP PDO Statements accept the table or column name as parameter?), so you have to escape those manually.
* Map positions/columns manually. Never use user-submitted data for table/column names
$positions = array('President' => 'pos1', 'Vice-president' => 'pos2');
$column = $positions['President'];
You should be able to re-write your query in PDO as:
* Get election results for all candidates
$sql = "SELECT
`fullname` AS `name`,
COUNT(`id`) AS `votecount`
`election_votes` AS `votes`
`membership` AS `memb` ON `member_id` = `".$column."`
As you can see there's nothing to bind in PDO with this particular query. You use BindParam to filter values that appear in the WHERE clause (again: not table/column names). For example:
* Get election results for person named 'Homer Simpson'
$sql = "SELECT
`fullname` AS `name`,
COUNT(`id`) AS `votecount`
`election_votes` AS `votes`
`membership` AS `memb` ON `member_id` = `".$column."`
`fullname` = :fullname:
$STH = $DBH->prepare($sql);
$STH->bindParam(':fullname', 'Homer Simpson');


Yii2 query give different result with sql query

I want to join 2 table to get all information. With SQL query like this:
FROM `Table1`
ON = Table2.tid
It gives me all information as I expect (I mean 2 rows with name 'Ulrich').
But when I do with Yii2 query:
$query = self::find();
$query -> alias('t1')
-> innerJoin(['t2'=>'Table2'], '')
$result = NULL;
if($total = $query->count()) {
$result = $query
-> select([t1.*,])
$result[0]['count'] = $total;
it only gives me 1 row with name 'Ulirch'.
Can anyone help me with this problem. Thank you very much.
If you use ActiveRecord::find() method to create query you will get instance of yii\db\ActiveQuery. This is query designed to load ActiveRecord models. Because of that if you do any type of join and your result set contains primary key of your main model (The model which find() method was called to create query) the ActiveQuery will remove any rows it considers duplicate.
The duplicates are recognised based on main model primary key so the rows in resultset will be considered duplicate even if the data from joined table are different. That's exactly what happened in your case.
To avoid that you have to use query builder instead of ActiveQuery.
Your query can look for example like this:
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())
->from(['t1' => self::tableName()])
->innerJoin(['t2'=>'Table2'], '');

Optimize MySQL FULL TEXT search

I have a search with only one field that allows me to search in several columns of a MySQL table.
This is the SQL query:
SELECT td__user.*
FROM td__user LEFT JOIN td__user_oauth ON = td__user_oauth.user_id
WHERE ( LIKE "" OR (MATCH (email, firstname, lastname) AGAINST (+"" IN BOOLEAN MODE)) )
ORDER BY date_accountcreated DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0
The exact SQL query with PHP pre-processing of the search field to separate each word:
if($_POST['search'] == '') {
$searchId = '%';
} else {
$searchId = $_POST['search'];
$searchMatch = '';
foreach($arrayWords as $word) {
$searchMatch .= '+"'.$word.'" ';
$sqlSearch = $dataBase->prepare('SELECT td__user.*,
td__user_oauth.facebook_id, td__user_oauth.google_id
FROM td__user
LEFT JOIN td__user_oauth ON = td__user_oauth.user_id
(MATCH (email, firstname, lastname) AGAINST (:match IN BOOLEAN MODE)) )
ORDER BY date_accountcreated DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0);
$sqlSearch->execute(['id' => $searchId,
'match' => $searchMatch]);
$searchResult = $sqlSearch->fetchAll();
And these are my index:
The SQL query works well, when I put an ID in the search field or a first name or a last name, or an email even not complete I have results. I can also put a first name and a last name in my search field and I will only result in people with this name.
On the other hand, in a table containing 500,000 contacts, the query takes more than 5 seconds. Are there any possible points for improvement in the query or in the indexes to be done in order to have a faster query?
Did you try to use "UNION" 2 sets of results instead of using the "OR" operator in the "WHERE" clause? Because I'm just afraid of the index can not be used with the "OR" operator.
The query will be something like this:
SELECT td__user.*,
FROM td__user
LEFT JOIN td__user_oauth ON = td__user_oauth.user_id
SELECT td__user.*,
FROM td__user
LEFT JOIN td__user_oauth ON = td__user_oauth.user_id
WHERE MATCH (email, firstname, lastname) AGAINST (:match IN BOOLEAN MODE))
ORDER BY date_accountcreated DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0
Hope this can help!
FULLTEXT is fast; LIKE with a leading % is slow; OR is slow.
Consider this approach:
Run the MATCH part of the query.
If no results, then run the LIKE query but only allow trailing wildcards.

Relational table query gives me a null value in the field 'id' in table

I am creating a query and I used the LEFT JOIN to join two tables. But I'm having trouble in getting the fb_id value from the table, it gives me an empty result. Here is my code:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tblfeedback a LEFT JOIN tblreply b ON a.fb_id = b.fb_id WHERE a.fb_status = 1 ORDER BY a.fb_id DESC";
$res = $con->query($sql);
The query above would give me a result like this :
I think that's why I don't get the fb_id value is because the last column is null. How do I get the value of fb_id from the first column? Thanks. I am really having trouble with this. I hope someone can enlightened my mind.
You should give an alias to the column in the parent table, because the column names are the same in both tables. When fetch_assoc() fills in $row['fb_id'], it gets the last one in the result row, which can be NULL because it comes from the second table.
SELECT a.fb_id AS a_id, a.*, b.*
FROM tblfeedback a
LEFT JOIN tblreply b ON a.fb_id = b.fb_id
WHERE a.fb_status = 1
Then you can access $row['a_id'] to get this column.
More generally, I recommend against using SELECT *. Just select the columns you actually need. So you can select a.fb_id without selecting b.fb_id, and it will always be filled in.
Because you are using a left join, the 2 rows in your result set image are the rows from tblfeedback whose fb_id were not found in tblreply. We know this is true because all the tblreply columns in the result set are null.
With that said, its not real clear what you are asking for. If you are asking how you access the tblfeedback.fd_id column from your query via php, you can use the fetch_array method and use the 0 index.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tblfeedback a LEFT JOIN tblreply b ON a.fb_id = b.fb_id WHERE a.fb_status = 1 ORDER BY a.fb_id DESC";
$res = $con->query($sql);
while($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
echo "fb_id: " . $row[0] . "<br>";

Check if specific value exists in mysql column

I have mysql column called categories. It can contain single or multiple values like this: 1 or 2 or 1,2,3 or 2,12...
I try to get all rows containing value 2.
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '2'";
$rows = mysql_query($query);
This returns row if column only has value 2 but not 1,2,3 or 2,12. How I can get all rows including value 2?
You can use either of the following:
% is a wildcard so it will match 2 or 1,2, etc. Anything on either side of a 2. The problem is it could match 21, 22, etc.
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '%2%'";
Instead you should consider the find_in_set mysql function which expects a comma separated list for the value.
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE find_in_set('2', `categories`)";
Like #jitendrapurohut said, you can do it using
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '%2%'";
$rows = mysql_query($query);
But is really bad to store collections like this. A better aproach is as follow:
categories(id_c, name) => A table with each category
my_table(id_m [, ...])
categories_my_table(id_c, id_m)
Then use this query:
FROM my_table m
INNER JOIN categories_my_table cm ON m.id_m = cm.id_m
INNER JOIN categories c ON cm.id_c = c.id_c
c.id_c = 2;
#e4c5 link explains why it is bad to store collections like this...
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '%2%' AND categories!='1,2,3' AND categories!='2,12';

Can't insert query result into table using PHP

I am trying to insert some information to a new table in my database. For this I query information from two tables and a xref table, then I try to do the insert as I usually do. This is not working.
Here is the code,
$query = "select listaA.product_s_desc, category_name, listaA.product_desc, listaA.product_sku
from listaA, jos_vm_category, jos_vm_product_category_xref
where listaA.product_id = jos_vm_product_category_xref.product_id
and jos_vm_category.category_id = jos_vm_product_category_xref.category_id limit 10";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die;
$imagen = ''.$row['listaA.product_sku'].".png";
mysql_query("insert into lista_importat (id, activo, sku, nombre, categoria, descripcion_corta, descripcion_larga, pedidos, mostrar_precio, imagen)
values ('$row['listaA.product_id']', '1', '$row['listaA.product_sku']', '$row['listaA.product_s_desc']', '', '$row['listaA.product_s_desc']', '$row['listaA.product_desc']', '0', '0', '$imagen')");
}while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));
With the code above I get a blank screen, and nothing is inserted into the new table. Any ideas?
If the query starting...
select listaA.product_s_desc, ...
returns a resultset, the first column in the resultset will have a column name of product_s_desc, not listaA.product_s_desc.
(Running the query in the mysql command line client will demonstrate this behavior.)
To reference to the value of that column in $row:
Note that the query does not return a column with a name of listaA.product_id.
A few notes, beyond answering the question you asked:
For the benefit of readers, I recommend you ditch the old school comma syntax for the join operation and use the JOIN keyword in it's place, and relocate the join predicates from the WHERE clause to an ON clause. I also recommend the use of short table aliases, and also qualifying ALL column references. For example:
SELECT a.product_s_desc
, c.category_name
, a.product_desc
, a.product_sku
FROM listaA a
JOIN jos_vm_product_category_xref r
ON r.product_id = a.product_id
JOIN jos_vm_category c
ON c.category_id = r.category_id
