Check if specific value exists in mysql column - php

I have mysql column called categories. It can contain single or multiple values like this: 1 or 2 or 1,2,3 or 2,12...
I try to get all rows containing value 2.
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '2'";
$rows = mysql_query($query);
This returns row if column only has value 2 but not 1,2,3 or 2,12. How I can get all rows including value 2?

You can use either of the following:
% is a wildcard so it will match 2 or 1,2, etc. Anything on either side of a 2. The problem is it could match 21, 22, etc.
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '%2%'";
Instead you should consider the find_in_set mysql function which expects a comma separated list for the value.
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE find_in_set('2', `categories`)";

Like #jitendrapurohut said, you can do it using
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '%2%'";
$rows = mysql_query($query);
But is really bad to store collections like this. A better aproach is as follow:
categories(id_c, name) => A table with each category
my_table(id_m [, ...])
categories_my_table(id_c, id_m)
Then use this query:
FROM my_table m
INNER JOIN categories_my_table cm ON m.id_m = cm.id_m
INNER JOIN categories c ON cm.id_c = c.id_c
c.id_c = 2;
#e4c5 link explains why it is bad to store collections like this...

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE categories LIKE '%2%' AND categories!='1,2,3' AND categories!='2,12';


using arrays to query with SELECT with PHP

I'm querying a table that returns id's and I'd like to use these id's within an array to perform another query.
I have the two queries working independently of each other by hard coding the id's into the second query just to be sure that it functions as expected, which it does.
$query = "SELECT item_id FROM items";
$query = "SELECT * FROM results WHERE results_item_id in (1,2,3,4)";
I'd like the return of the second query to include data for all of the id's returned to me from the first query.
Instead of sub query, you can do it by JOIN matching ON item_id = results_item_id
$query = "SELECT R.* FROM results R JOIN items I ON I.item_id = R.results_item_id";
Just put the query inside the IN, and add distinct so each item_id you only get in once:
$query = "SELECT * FROM results WHERE results_item_id in (SELECT distinct item_id FROM items)";

PHP fetch data where in array using SQL statement

I have some comma-separated records that I am saving in a MySQL database.
I have the following table and records:
id | items
1 | 2,5
2 | 2,3
So I would like to fetch data where one of the comma-separated values in the column items is 5.
I have tried:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_checks WHERE items="; //unable todo at here
so that I can:
$results = $this->db->query($sql)->result() //codeigniter script
I have also tried
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_checks WHERE items=".in_array(5)//this fails
Your current approach isn't that good, if you want to query against this field. Normally, you would use normalization and split that data into multiple tables which could queried better.
If you have stuck with this approach, you could use LIKE and CONCAT.
$id = '2';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_checks WHERE CONCAT(',', items, ',') LIKE '%,$id,%'";
$value = 5;
$result = $this->db->where("FIND_IN_SET($value,items) !=", 0)
I'm agree that such database isn't good constructed. Any way this query should work:
FROM tbl_checks
WHERE ( items LIKE "5,%" )
OR (item LIKE "%,5");

Ordering by a value that is not in the database where selecting from

how would i go about ordering by a value that is not in the table where i am selecting from, in this instance the value $count1 is not in the table search.
count has the same identifying id as that of the thing it is being reffered to in the other table, this is where count1 is grabbed
$q = $db->prepare("SELECT COUNT(rating) FROM ratings WHERE id='$id' AND rating = 'd'");
$count1 = $q->fetchColumn();
$query = "SELECT * FROM search WHERE title LIKE '$each' ORDER BY '$count1'"
$query = $db->prepare($query);
that is from ratings, how would i go about ordering the entries like that, so that they are based off the number of count1 and are decided, i might have to implement something like
$query = "SELECT * FROM search WHERE title LIKE '$each' AND id = '$id' ORDER BY '$count1'"
$query = $db->prepare($query);
Possible Duplicate: Mysql order by specific ID values
Same thing here, you'll just output your $count1as a comma separated string and add it in the SQL query as ORDER BY FIELD(COUNT,___comma_sep_string___)
ratings is a table, not a database. You can join tables or use subqueries to get the desired result, without having to make multiple queries.
You haven't described how the FOREIGN_KEY is set up in the ratings table, but assuming you have something ratings.search_id, this should work:
SELECT search.*, (SELECT COUNT(rating)
FROM ratings
WHERE ratings.search_id =
AND rating = 'd'
) AS rating_count
FROM search
WHERE title LIKE '$each'
ORDER BY rating_count

MySQL two conditions for two tables

I have a mysql query:
$query5 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (`id`='$switch' AND `rand`='$randID' AND `email`!='".$_SESSION['user']."') ");
And second:
$query5 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pages_admin` WHERE (`pId`='$switch' AND `rand`='$randID' AND `admin`!='".$_SESSION['user']."') ");
I use a while loop to present data.
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query5)) {}
I need one mysql query instead two.
If these tables are related you can JOIN them using the foreign key.
If I'm not mistaken this pId in the table pages_admin is a foreign key to the id on the table pages, is that correct?
If so, you could do something like this to you query:
"SELECT * FROM pages p
LEFT JOIN admin_pages ap on = ap.pId
WHERE (`pId`=$switch AND `rand`=$randID AND `admin`!='{$_SESSION['user']}')"
Note that I've changed the syntax, instead of merging string you can use only one containing all variables you need.

MySQL query from a query result in php

How should I go if I wanted to query a query result in php?
Supose I have this..
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_x WHERE tbl_x.attribute = y");
And now I need to query that $result to filter the results I got from its query. Note that I don't want to do this...
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM tbl_x WHERE tbl_x.attribute = y ) AS tbl_x1 WHERE tbl_x1... etc");
The reason I want to avoid that is I'm getting a "Duplicate column" error when executing a query like that.
I'm looking for something like...
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_x");
$result2 = mysql_query_result($result);
You can apply more than one term in your search conditions, separated by AND:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_x
WHERE tbl_x.attribute = y
AND tbl_x.attribute2 = z");
Re your comments above. It sounds like you are using the Entity-Attribute-Value design.
In order to match multiple attributes, you have to do some tricks. Normally, a WHERE clause can only apply to one row at a time. But since each of your attributes are stored on separate rows, you need to do either one of two solutions:
Join multiple rows into one row, so you can use WHERE on all attributes in one condition.
SELECT config_id
FROM attributes AS s
JOIN attributes AS c USING (config_id)
JOIN attributes AS l USING (config_id)
WHERE (s.attr, s.value) = ('size', 'M')
AND (c.attr, c.value) = ('colour, 'green')
AND (l.attr, l.value) = ('cloth', 'cotton);
Search for any of the several attributes, and then if the number of rows that match is equal to the number of attributes you were searching for, you've found them all.
SELECT config_id
FROM attributes
WHERE (attr, value) = ('size', 'M')
OR (attr, value) = ('colour', 'green')
OR (attr, value) = ('cloth', 'cotton')
GROUP BY config_id
You can still have your query of query without getting "duplicate column" error. Just alias and name the columns
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT tbl_x1.col1, tbl_x1.col2,...etc FROM
(SELECT * FROM tbl_x WHERE tbl_x.attribute = y) AS tbl_x1
WHERE tbl_x1... etc");
